Can't Access, Change Or Delete Anything On C:

Jul 17, 2011

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate , Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) 9500 Quad-Core Processor, x64 Family 16 Model 2 Stepping 2
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 3582 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 475936 MB, Free - 400513 MB; E: Total - 999 MB, Free - 31 MB; F: Total - 953867 MB, Free - 125658 MB; G: Total - 953867 MB, Free - 370504 MB; N: Total - 953867 MB, Free - 138115 MB;
Motherboard: ECS , Nettle3, 2.1 ,
Antivirus: None

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How To Delete Or Change Password To Be Able To Log On

Jan 31, 2012

I have an Acer laptop that is less than 4 months old. Did not come with a back up disc. It will not accept the password that was set up. How can I delete or change the password to be able to log on?

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Can't Delete Files Or Change Ownership

Oct 24, 2012

I just installed Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit on two machines, and then Firefox 16.0.1 on each. Trying to replace the password files in my new Firefox profile, I found that many of these folders and files (in UsermeAppDataRoamingMozilla) cannot be deleted, nor can their ownership be changed. They belong to me already, and I'm an administrator with Full Control.I've tried 72 tricks,includingEmco UnLockIt 3.0.3, Unlocker 1.9.1, Take Ownership registry keys, takeown (from the command line), etc. Nothing works. I can't move them, delete them or anything. Nor can Mozbackup create a backup profile (it can't write the backup).Why does Firefox create these weird locked files and folders? Why doesn't Windows 7 allow me to take control of them?

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Can't Add, Delete Or Change User Accounts

Nov 24, 2012

I have been working on a friends computer, trying to clean it up a little. I am logged onto the administrator account that he had set up, but it also shows it as a guest account and I can't do anything with the other accounts. I am trying to delete some of the standard user accounts that he doesn't want on it anymore and I can't do anything with them. When I try to create a new user account it shows "The specified account name is not valid, because account names can not contain the following characters:/[]";:|<>+=,?* Please type a different name"

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Cannot Delete Folder - Access Denied

May 7, 2011

I have just reinstalled my pc to a dual boot system which has 3 separate hdds. Window xp on one drive windows 7 ultimate on one drive and the other is a slave for backups. On the win7 install I ended up with a folder called "program files" and a folder called "program files (x86)". Since everything was being installed into the "x86" folder, Idecided to move the other one to see if it was needed. When I discovered it was needed and certain programs wouldn't work I put it back. However for some reason I didn't just put it back I copied and pasted it back. so now i have 3 "program files" folders! I now want to delete the duplicate but no matter what I do it won't go, access is denied! I have renamed it and moved it so it is now jus sitting on my win7 desktop, staring at me!

Methods I have tried are:
Reset all permissions/attributes
Boot into xp and delete from there.
Boot from a live xp disc.
Can't move folder onto another drive.
Run as administrator then get message saying "permission from trusted installer needed"
Tried the rd/s/q command in win7, xp and at boot up.
Safe mode.

And have tried various programs, killbox etc.

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Delete Printing Always Say Access Denied

Sep 7, 2011

I have a deskjet 2050 I have tryed to print the pages I have asked for but nothing prints when I go to delete it says access denied why is this when I am the administrator

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Got Some Folders I Cant Delete Access Denied

Aug 31, 2012

theres files on my storage drive my computer absolutly will not let me delete what could i do or use to delete them

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Folder Remains After Delete And Until Site Change In WE

Apr 26, 2012

When I delete a folder in WE , it continues to be displayed until I move to another folder The same holds true for a MOVE or COPY.This just happened recently as I have been working with folders for years.

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Change WEP Key For Saved Network (or Delete And Reconnect)?

Jul 8, 2012

I have a wireless LAN sharing internet through a Mac Book Pro, i have no problems connecting to this with Ubuntu, an android phone, and other Apple products. The only system that i'm having problems with is the windows partition....The network is listed in available connections, but seems to have the wrong WEP key because it fails to connect. However I cannot delete the connection and start again as the network is not listed in 'Manage Wireless Networks'.

I'm stuck!! I cannot scan for updates because even when the notebook is plugged directly into the router it will not connect to the internet. I can just about get onto my neighbours WiFi network, but it is very poor strength and cuts out, so can't really use that. I know the hardware in the computer is fine because the Ubuntu partition works.

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Does A Workgroup Name Change Delete All Shares And Permissions

Jan 5, 2013

Had a strange issue on one of my clients business PCs. These 2 PC's are setup each year at a kiosk for tax preparation. They were working perfectly last year and were boxed up and stored for most of the year. Today I had to get the kiosk and 2 PC ad hoc network all setup and working again. Should have been easy as pie...But once I had them connected I couldnt attach to any shares from the "client" to the "server" (both running Windows 7). The "server" in this ad hoc had all of the shares from last year not shared anymore. It has to have approx 20 folders shared in order for their apps to work.I am suspecting that during the off season it was plugged into a different network and might have had the workgroup changed and then changed back before I arrived. Can anyone tell me if a workgroup name change would in fact change/delete the share permissions? I have googled and searched this site, but all I get are how to change a workgroup name or how to change share permissions.I know how to do that

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Cannot Modify / Delete Or Change Permissions On Registry Key

Mar 30, 2012

The other day, I tried to edit my registry editor(regedit) because I wanted to enable something. When I do anything with my regedit, it comes up with a error messsage.

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Trying To Delete Program Files / Access Denied

Dec 22, 2011

I've been attempting to delete files from Norton Internet Security, which has been inactive for a long time (we are not going to renew our account) and has been bugging us constantly. I assumed it would be an easy task, and I couldn't have been farther from the truth.I went into the C:Program Files (x86)Norton Internet Security where the data for the program is found, and I couldn't delete the files. A dialogue saying "You need permission to perform this action You require permission from administrators to make changes to this folder".I thought it weird, since I am one of the computer's administrators. Next, I logged on to my dad's profile (at his insistence, though there shouldn't be any difference in the administrator powers of our profiles). The same result followed.Next, I looked online in a Google search and found this site, which told me to use the command prompt to first give me the ownership of the files, then give me complete permissions to the files, and then delete them. All three of these actions failed. The command prompt said "Access denied".

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Access Denied / Can't View Files / Can't Delete Them

Dec 10, 2011

Access Denied/Can't view files and can't delete them either HELP!I keep getting this message direct search frame created tbo_ie access denied.I get this popup twice and then I can go on after I delete it.This is what popup direct search frame created tbie access denied ; how do I get this to stop.

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Windows 7 Installed - Cannot Delete Files Or Change Ownership

Oct 24, 2012

I just installed Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit on two machines, and then Firefox 16.0.1 on each. Trying to replace the password files in my new profile, I found that many of these folders and files (in UsermeAppDataRoamingMozilla) cannot be deleted, nor can their ownership be changed. They belong to me already, and I'm an administrator with Full Control.

I've tried 72 tricks, including Emco UnLockIt 3.0.3, Unlocker 1.9.1, Take Ownership registry keys, takeown (from the command line), etc. Nothing works. I can't move them, delete them or anything. Nor can Mozbackup create a backup profile (it can't write the backup). Why does Firefox create these weird locked files and folders? Why doesn't Windows 7 allow me to take control of them?

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Desktop Icons Won't Delete And Not Show Any Change Until Refresh

Aug 17, 2010

I just tonight installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64 onto my system. Right away I noticed the issue. Icons on the desktop won't delete or won't show changes such as renaming right away. I have to refresh the desktop for the changes to take effect. I've tried restarting, I've installed all the current updates... nothing!

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Cannot Delete Empty Folders In Windows 7 - Access Denied

Jun 27, 2011

I am trying to delete some useless empty folders, but I am having an administrator issue that I can't seem to get around. I know already that I'm probably having this administrative problem because these folders are located on a separate hard drive than the one with my old and current installation of Windows 7. From what I've read, this leads to administrative issues, preventing me from deleting the folders. Right now, windows cannot detect who the current administrator is, and so far, every time I have tried to edit or change the administrator to my current admin account, I get some errors reporting that my access is denied. I have managed to change the parent folder's admin, but the two subfolders I can't ever seem to change or modify.

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Possible To Grant Full Access Except Delete On Folders And Files?

Dec 2, 2012

we have a computer at school that's being shared by young students, but they get a kick out of deleting files. they have a shared folder on a separate partition for all their activities. it's okay if they can open or even modify each other's files, but we just don't want them deleting anything. is there a user policy/security setting that can make this possible?

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Cannot Change Program Access And Computer Defaults

Nov 5, 2010

I am using Win 7 Ultimate 32 bit I open Set program access and computer defaults (Start/defaults program/set program access and computer defaults), chose the custom and stick to change to the program I want to use. But when I close the window and open it again => nothing change I have try to turn off the UAC but still can not change in this function?What can I do to change it?

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Windows Cannot Change Password / Access Is Denied

Jan 22, 2011

I've created a password for the guest account. Now I can neither change nor remove it. Logging on as admin I can't find a setting to change or remove guest account's password. Logging on as guest I am getting the "windows cannot change password" warning if I try to change or remove it.On guest account using ctrl+alt+del>"change password", now I get a "access is denied" warning. The whole issue has started with me seeing a warning on Bit defender's Vulnerability module telling that the guest account has no password. I clicked on it and created a password for my guest account from within BD.

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Change Windows 7 Password Access Denied?

Jul 25, 2012

I have windows 7 home premium software and I've never had a password. I went to set one and I kept getting an error message saying "access denied." I am the only user of my laptop and the administrator.

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Cannot Change Windows 7 Startup Through MSConfig - Access Denied

Jan 5, 2013

Running windows 7 and attempted to change startup through msconfig and received an access denied you are not a security admin message , but I am a security admin.

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Unable To Change Default Program Access Settings

Sep 3, 2009

I'm desperately trying to change the sidebar gadget to open websites by default with Mozilla Firefox (in particular, the "Ask LEO" gadget).

Firefox is my default browser. If I double-click on a .url file saved on my system, it correctly opens Firefox, and so does clicking a link in MS Outlook. Again, Firefox is default, but that's not my problem.

Somewhere I found the advice to change the "Set program access and computer defaults" settings. So I tried, but every time I change something there, it doesn't keep the setting. I click on Custom => Default Web Browser => Mozilla Firefox, click OK, get some flashing on desktop, but next time I get there it's set back to "Use current browser" again.

Anyone got the same problem? I'm using the 7100 (x86) build, but a friend of mine tried the same on the final build (x64) and he got the same problem. It's reverting all the time. Re-installed Firefox, restarted, changed/tried/reset everything I can imagine.

Edit: It seems the problem is a Javascript-call "" in the "Ask LEO" gadget. Someone knows why this call opens IE and every other call doesn't? And is there a workaround?

Edit2: With a dirty hack I solved the problem. Edited the gadget and replaced "" by "System.Shell.execute". Still - I'd like to know why a) I can't change the default programs setting and b) why ignores my default browser configuration.

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Can't Access Bios To Change Boot Order / TrueCrypt

Feb 27, 2012

I am currently unable to access my bios because of the TrueCrypt Boot Loader. This also means I can't change my boot order to boot into a cd. The boot order was messed up, and whenever the password is entered it just says "No available partition" and then shuts down, so I have to press [ESC] to avoid the boot loader. And this skips any chance to enter the bios.Is there any way to fixmbr/fixboot without booting into a USB or CD?The only other way would be to remove my hard drive and get a new one to install windows on.

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What Program Allows Me To Have A Main Computer That A Few Others Can Access And Change Documents At Any Time

Jul 7, 2011

Main computer is the office computer. Its a desktop that a person is constantly on and doing stuff. There are 3 others that need the same information and documents at any given time. These 3 people have their laptops that are constantly switching wifi hotspots. They need to change information sometimes, and need access to all of it any time. The way its setup now is 1 person is on the main computer, but when one of the three need to access it, they remotely log in and take control. Only one person can access the computer at a time. How do I set it up so all four of these people can access and change the files at the same time if they want? The main computer is being used constantly, but someone always needs a document or file while the main person is working on it. So it slows production when someone logs in.

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Change Permission: "Access Denied"?

Apr 5, 2011

I was setting up a network and in the confusion somehow got a deny permission on 'Everyone' group. Since deny permissions take preference I now don't have the ability to remove this setting. Even when taking ownership and full control etc. My user and administrator still falls under everyone and therefore cant change the setting. In essence getting an access denied on changing the permission

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Cannot Delete Folder - "You Require Permission To Change This Folder"

Aug 28, 2011

tried everything to delete this folder on my external HDD, yet nothing works. Every time I try to delete it says "You require permission to change this folder." Changed the permissions. Nothing. I even managed to get the lock off of the folder but it still wont delete. I restarted my computer, downladed LockHunter and a couple other programs.

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Delete Computer From Domain / Delete Users Profile

Oct 29, 2009

I need to replace a W2K computer on a domain with a Windows 7 computer(laptop), but I want to keep the same computer name.I need the ip, username, profile to stay the same. Can I delete the computer from the domain and name the new computer that name I deleted and still keep the users profile on the new machine, as if it was the old one?

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Can't Find Option To Delete Thread On Phone Will Delete

Jan 28, 2013

Moving to general can't find the option to delete thread on my phone will delete.this thread when im home.

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Can't Seem To Change Themes Or Access Themes Page At All

Nov 14, 2012

I've installed StarDock Deskscapes lately , but I've uninstalled it because of a few bugs . After the uninstall , i can't seem to change themes or access the themes page at all . Any help ? I also got Fences Pro .

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May 18, 2012

I would like to change the wording on the Windows 7 logon page from "PressCTRL+ALT+DELETE to unlock this computer" to "Press CTRL+ALT+INSERT to unlock this computer". My company uses a lot of VMware View desktops and it's tedious to continually inform users of the keystrokes. I have searched through the forums here and cannot find the file that I need to configure. I have downloaded Resource Hacker and love it but I just need the file name.

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Can't Access Any Folder By Double Clicking, Can't Access User Accounts Or Dell Backup

Mar 4, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron 545s Desktop - Intel Duo Core 2.93, 6gb RAM, 720gb HD, 64bit Windows 7

I get the message: (every time I try and open a folder on my c/drive - Can't access Windows Explorer folder on the taskbar and any other folder or file by double clicking it. I can open them by right clicking, then open)
"this file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a progra or, if one is already installed, create an assocation in the Default Programs control Panel".

I can open applications. But, I can not open the folder for them lets say in c:/program files -- the only way to open them is by rightclicking, then open. If I double click, I get the above error message. (same issue with "my documents", "My pictures", etc).

Included with the above problems: I now, can not access User Accounts. When I go into Control Panel, click User Accounts.. I can not manage existing ones, nor can I "Add or remove user accounts". I click the link and nothing happens.

I have someething built into the computer called "Dell DataSafe Backup". Its a recovery partition/part of the HDD that saves all my files for a recovery. However, I can NOT access it. I click the "Dell DataSafe" in my taskbar and nothing happens..

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