Booting From LAN / Network Boot?

Nov 6, 2011

How to make bootable from Network or USB

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Network Preventing Windows From Booting?

Apr 9, 2012

I get the black screen with only the cursor after typing in my password.It seems to be related to my network though. When i disconnect my LAN cable or boot into safe mode (without networking) it boots fine, then i plug in my LAN cable once windows has finished booting.I noticed this because over the past few days (when i could sometimes boot with the LAN cable connected) it wouldnt connect to the network without the cable being disconnected and reconnected.Im also having issues connecting to in my browser (yes this is my router address and i can connect using another computer).I have had a quick browser through the event viewer but cant find anything obvious that it could be. I will save todays events and upload if anyone needs to see them.I have ran a scan with malwarebytes and MSE and both come up clean.I am running a custom build which has been fine since building it in January. Im running windows 7 Professional x64 with 8GB RAM and a Crucial M4 SSD with the OS on.

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Network Slow To Connect After Booting Up?

Jun 15, 2012

I find my machine Windows 7 guest os is slow in connecting to the network after booting up.It has not always been like that though I cannot remember when it started.It boots fine and then the exclamation mark comes on and it takes maybe 30 seconds till it connects.

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Windows 7 Network Booting Off Other Computers

Mar 21, 2011

I am having some issues with my computer booting off the other computers here. I have a computer with windows 7 and it is booting the other two computers from our wireless connection, both of the other computers run Windows XP, and belong to others here, and when I use my computer it keeps booting the others offline and they have to reconnect and my computer ends up slowing their connection. Does anyone know why my computer keeps booting the other two computers off our connection.

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Virtual Machine Booting From A Network Location

Oct 8, 2009

I am looking at a solution to tap into the portability of virtualization across hardware. i.e. if I have my development environment as a VM, I can access it and bring it up from any machine on the network. This will enable me to be not attached to any physical machine and allow me to access my development machine seamlessly from anywhere if it is stored in a network location. I have mainly two questions around such a setup.

1) Is there anyway of hosting the VM without incurring the expense of both the host operating system and the guest operating system? The only functionality of the host operating system to host the VM.

2) Is it viable from a performance stand point to have a VM booted up on a machine from a vhd placed at a network location?

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Windows 7 Usb Booting / Can't Boot

Aug 26, 2012

I have recently copied Windows 7 to a usb flash drive.The problem is that i can't boot it when i try to install the OS.And because of that i install it from the setup,without restarting the pc and booting it.This excludes "the driver" options when i reach the choosing and formating partition part.All of the partition options(New,Format,Delete..etc.) are grey and can't be clicked.I know that this is caused due the booting problem.Can someone explain how to boot from the usb?When i restart the OS and try to start the instalation by booting the Windows just loads and that's it.I have to install it from the setup.exe

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Laptop Booting Windows 7 To Login Screen - C Drive Accessible From Network

Nov 21, 2011

Dell M6500 laptop boots W7 to login screen. Display (and external display) goes dark, computer is unresponsive. From network, C drive is accessible. If I remote desktop into the machine, it runs fine. End the remote session and login local, crash within 2 minutes.

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Booting After Removing One OS In Dual Boot?

Aug 29, 2011

I originally had Vista on this PC and then dual booted it with win7pro. I'm upgrading my 2x 250GB to a single 2TG drive and will use the 2x250G for something else. To prepare for the transition to the 2TB I deleted the repartitioned and reformatted the HD vista was on. It will boot into win7pro if I have the win7pro DVD in the DVD drive. If it isn't I get no system disc error during boot. I had boot problems before but those times it was missing such and such file like BOOTMGR or NT something. Anyways the last time it was recommended to use EasyBDC. I'm sure EasyBDC can be used to solve this boot problem too I just don't know exactly what to do. The automatic boot recovery feature of the win7pro DVD doesn't solve it but then that feature has never solved the boot problems I had in the past either.

When EasyBDC first opens it sees win7pro on drive C: and lists no other entries.Under edit boot menu it shows only win7pro as I expected the check box to the right of it is checked and default is indicated "yes". I selected skip boot menu since it is the only OS choice now and clicked save. I went to BCD backup/restore section and selected change boot drive, clicked preform action, and chose C: and proceeded. Eventually a message came up and said it completed and to reboot. I still have the message no system disc unless the win7pro DVD is in the DVD drive.

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BSOD When Booting Windows / Almost Every Cold Boot

Jan 24, 2012

i got a 3 years old machine and all was working great,but now ( this month) i have multiple BSOD . i have recently replace my power supply for a 650 w it worked until i had those BSOD but now only on cold boot*recently reinstall win 7 64 bit home premium to see if it will worked, but no luck. [code]

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Not Booting After Resizing Partition, No Boot Error?

Nov 18, 2011

I had an empty 70 GB partition on the left of my computer and a 230 GB on the right side but I wanted to combine them. Windows was on the 230 GB partition. I booted GParted and combined them, it copied everything from the 230 GB partition over and resized it, it took a few hours.I assumed after it wouldn't boot and all I would have to do is pop in my Windows 7 install disc and go through the repair setup. At first I ran startup repair and it would say it found a problem, and I rebooted and still nothing.. After the bios loads and it lists my DVD drives I just get a cursor _ blinking, nothing else.. No BOOTMGR missing.Odd I thought, so I ran repair again, and again it found another problem. I did this several times before it said it could not detect a problem but it still would do the same thing.I opened the cmd prompt and issued the following commands

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /rebuildocd

I tried installing a second copy of Windows 7 on a 10 GB partition on the end, it went successfully but still blinking cursor. Theres a 54 MB partition at the beginning of type Primary, the main windows one is System and the test windows 7 partition is Primary as well. I thought the first one was usually 100 MB but maybe I am wrong.Still I am stuck with a blinking cursor?

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Windows 7 Booting From G: Partition In Dual Boot Mode?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a laptop with twin HDDs and I have Vista on the C: partition on Drive 1. I created a new partition G: on Drive 2 and, while Vista was running, inserted the Win 7 disc and started installation to G:. All went perfectly and I have retained my original partitions with drive letters and labels, plus a new G: partition labeled Win 7. All seems to be working fine.Now I heard from a geeky friend that BOTH OS should be running on C: and that windows has some clever way of making that work. Is this true - and are there any disadvantages continuing installing MANY apps on G:?

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Booting Windows 7 Automatically, Dual Boot Ubuntu?

Nov 7, 2011

I have Ubuntu dual booting on Windows 7. After the bios load, is there anyway that I can make Windows 7 boot right away without selecting anything on the OS selection? The same way it would boot without dual boot...if that makes any sense.If the above exists: Let's say I use Windows 7 all the time, but one day I decide to boot into Ubuntu. Is there a way that I can press a button, before Windows 7 loads, to make the OS selection come up?I tried to make myself as clear as possible and I hope that you understand what I'm trying to say.

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Failed To Boot After Booting In Fail Safe Mode?

Feb 11, 2012

i had an issue with a PC after trying to change the memory on an Windows Vista PC..however the PC was not booting up so i put back the original RAM and when i booted i got the Blue screen of death error. after booting into safe mode and running diagnostics on the PC i rebooted again but still same error. i then when into the BIOS and rebooted in failsafe mode. this then caused the PC to not boot up at all, and the HDD light is not blinking

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Windows 7 Booting Not Show Xp At Booting Time

Jun 19, 2012

Earlier xp but after win7 the booting not show xp at booting time

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"Edit Boot Options" Message On Booting Laptop?

Feb 21, 2012

This is shakil. i am using Acer aspire 5745 laptop.But recently i have a problem with it. When i start my laptop the following message appears-[CODE]

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[64-bit] No Access To Network On Boot?

Feb 26, 2011

My wife is running Win7 home and about 4 or 5 times a week when she boots up windows won't recognize the built in network adapter.

Device driver shows it's functioning properly, troubleshooter only comes up with update driver, but the driver is working. After several reboots it finally connects. Or, if I disable the network adapter and then re-enable it, it works.

Asus machine, wired connection less than a year old. Big hard drive 4gb ram, AMD cpu. We DON"T get the Unidentified Network problem.

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Install On And Boot From Network?

Jan 19, 2011

Is it possible to install Windows 7 on network and boot from there? This will make the computer runs under a diskless situation.

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Should Network Boot Always Be Enabled ?

Aug 14, 2009

If I disable Network Boot in my BIOS I get Boot Failure when I try to boot. My Boot Options are CD/DVD/Hard Disk/Removable Drive. Do I have a problem? or should Network Boot always be enabled?

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Install Windows Using Network Boot?

Mar 24, 2012

how do i install windows using network boot? because my computer's USB is broken, CD is also broken and the hard drive is corrupted. so i want to use my other computer to install windows on my broken computer using network boot. but i dont know the basics but i heard something about PXE and servers. could anyone please tell me step by step guide?

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Constantly Troubleshooting Network After Boot

Jan 24, 2009

hardware concerning: ethernet, specifically nforce4 network controller (drivers

situation: Assigning pc to static ip of router (wrt54g) ie; default gateway, and primary dns as

problem: upon bootup the network can not find the proper route and has to diagnose/troubleshoot to fix the problem, which was a nag every time and gadgets like weather and such would not be updated until this was resolved. If leaving network to dhcp the problem would not occur or nag. Yes dhcp set on router.

solution: simple really, going to nvidia's site and installing the latest nforce4 platform drivers fixed the problem (which i think is just a reinstall of the drivers as i think they are the same that are packaged with Windows 7 7000. Have not checked this yet to confirm

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Network Connection Query On Boot-up?

Jan 8, 2013

My desktop connects to my router via a netgear N300 wiress USB adaptor. Also connected to my router is my media server PC which has a shared network drive.On bootup My desktop looks for the mapped network drive before it loads the USB. So it always shows the network drive as being unavailable. This is soon sorted by double clicking on the network drive icon. Is there a workround so that the PC looks for the network drive after loading the USB network has been established?

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PXE Boot And Running Ghost From A Network Location

Mar 29, 2012

I used this weblog post (GHOST PXE Boot Via TFTP - Tygarbyte) to boot computer from network and run ghost on a network location. now when I try to boot several computers from the network and run ghost at the same time it gives me this error: error 52: A duplicate workgroup or computer name exists on the network.

I want to boot several computers and run ghost from a network location

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Mapped Network Drives, Slower Boot Time

Jun 25, 2012

Long story short, I have shares on three PCs that are not always on. If I make a shortcut to the share and put it on my desktop, sometimes for some reason, the shortcut vanishes. I believe this is because I haven't connected the PC to the network in a while.

So, I went about and mapped those shares to drive letters. All is well, however, it adds another 45 seconds to my boot time.

Pretty sure this is because windows is trying to reconnect to them on boot, but they are disconnected. Is there any way to keep my drive mappings, but not have windows attempt to reconnect on boot?

I know that you will lose your mappings if you do not check "reconnect on login".. so, is there a way to keep the mappings without attempting to reconnect at login?

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Dual Boot Setup - Unable To Identify Network Error

Mar 3, 2012

Just today I decided to download the Windows 8 consumer preview and setup my PC to dual boot with it.I am running Windows 7 home premium 64bit and the 64 bit windows 8 on my other partition. After setting up a separate partition on my hard drive and loading windows8 to this partition, I was all up and running. I had no problems setting up or running windows 8, the problem came when I booted back to windows 7 for the first time. When I booted into windows 7, I was getting the "unable to identify network" error, and no network connectivity.

First thing I tried was simply disable/enabling my network adapter thinking it was just some hiccup. No luck there. Next I pulled the power from my router, and let it completely reboot. Still no luck. I then shut down my pc and booted back into windows 8 and sure enough I am able to get internet connectivity when I am running windows 8. This got me to thinking that when I loaded windows 8 there may be some new drivers installed for my network card that are somehow causing issues when I load into windows 7 again. Not sure how this is possible.

I was under the understanding that when I loaded Win8 to the separate partition that it would keep all it's drivers and settings there and not effect anything when I was loaded back on windows 7 (This logic could be completely wrong, I don't know). So I rebooted and loaded back into windows 7, went into device manager and uninstalled both network adapters and drivers, and rebooted into windows 7 again so it could re-discover and setup the network cards with default windows 7 drivers. This did not work either and I am still getting the same error.

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Dual Boot - Windows 7 Starter Not Detecting Wireless Network

Jun 7, 2010

I just installed Windows 7 Starter side by side with Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (it doesn't matter why) and on 7 Starter it is not detecting any wireless networks. The 7 Ultimate detects networks (and is connected to one) but the 7 Starter does not. The computer is a Gateway LT2104u Netbook.

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Devic

Jan 4, 2012

[code] Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot devic &press any key

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Booting From SSD?

Jan 6, 2013

I have four physical drives in this system. Until last month, I was booting from a drive with three partitions, C:, D:, X:, where C:contains Windows 7 Pro; the others are data. The other physical drives are also data (not bootable). I added an SSD and cloned C: onto that drive with Acronis Trueimage. In order to get it to boot, I had to add an entry to the BCD on what should now be the old c: and keep that as the boot drive in my BIOS. I'd really like to NOT be reliant on that spinning drive to boot, so I found EasyBCD. Booted from the SSD, I told EasyBCD to designate c: as the boot drive.When I tell the BIOS to boot from the SSD, I get a Disk Read Error. So I go back to booting from the spinning drive.

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Booting From USB Instead Of DVD?

Jan 15, 2013

Booting from USB instead of DVD, I wanted to boot from the USB instead of doing this from the DVD knowing that the DVD contains the Windows 7 Operating system. All what I did is copying the DVD to the USB.

I managed to give the USB the first option for booting, nevertheless, the machine doesnt respond to boot from the USB

What might be the issue? What should the USB contain to be bootable?

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W7 Only Booting With DVD

Oct 27, 2009

I guess the problem is related to the setup and installation process I'll leave it here, feel free to move the thread though.

I downloaded Windows 7 from DigitalRiver, made a bootable .iso, burned it and started the setup. I then formatted C: where Vista was located and had Windows 7 installed onto C:.

It works perfectly with the DVD inserted, but whenever I try to boot without the DVD the Bios says something like:


status: 0xc0000428

Info: windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file

What I did now was to go to the setup and open up a command line and then I did chdsk /R which said the partition was NTFS, could not be locked and that it was read only.

Then I did ScanOs which gave me 0 installations found. Afterwards FixMbr and FixBoot which were "completed successfully" and last but not least RebuildBCD which said 0 was fixed but it was again completed successfully.

Long story short, nothing has changed. Still the same error.

Plus: After that message in the bios I can press either esc or enter. Enter will then get me another screen where I can choose the OS I'd like to boot and it only says Windows Vista there but that selection takes me back to the initial "digital signature blabla" screen.

So, is there still a little part of Vista left somewhere that messes up the boot process or what's up?

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Booting From Usb How To Do It

Jan 7, 2010

I have an acer laptop that i upgraded from vista to 32bit windows 7 which was installed a few months ago through my USB because my cd drive doesnt work. Now I am getting the unmountable boot volume blue screen error so I am trying to boot the installation from my USB. It gets past "windows is loading files", then it goes to starting Windows with the logo... but after that I get a black screen with just the mouse arrow.

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Booting Xp VHD On XPM

Oct 15, 2009

Ok so i have created a VHD of my system (dual boot of xp and Windows 7) using Disk2vhd. It's now sitting on my USB HDD which i am able to create a new VM in XPM using that as a HDD. Turned on the VM and everything looks fantastic. Selected windows 7 boot and it booted fine. But when i go to boot Xp it just load and then goes black.

I think this is a restrictions on XPM not allowing to boot to a Xp VHD, Y/N?

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