Booting Always Stops At Starting Windows?

Dec 27, 2012

I am booting my computer and after it get completed it say window starting and stays like that and does not get started, it always stops at that point.

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Win 7 Go To Starting Windows Screen And Stops

Jan 18, 2010

I have installed WIN 7 64 and it has developed a problem..It wont boot to the desk top. It will post and go to the starting Windows screen and stops there..It wont go to safe mode.Is there a way to make a boot disk to get it to start or any kind of a diagnostic disk that a dummy can do?

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Windows 7 Stops Booting In UEFI Mode After Adding Another Hard Drive?

Aug 17, 2012

This week, I encountered the following strange problem for which I haven't found a final solution so far, though I have found some bandaids. But having a complete solution -or at least a reason why this problem occurs- would be great:I have a working installation of Windows 7 Professional x64 in UEFI mode. The main disk, SSD #1, contains the following partitions (using GPT): ESP, MSR, system, data. An additional disk, HD #2, with a single data partition (using MBR) is also attached to the system. With this setup, everything works fine.Now, after adding another disk, HD #3, to the system -my old system disk (bootable, using MBR, one active primary partition and an extend partition with three logical disks)- Windows will no longer boots completely: The boot process begins, the Windows logo is shown. Then, a message is shown in text mode "Windows is loading files" with a loading bar. After a while the boot process stops and I am dropped into the EFI shell. After removing the offending HD #3, Windows boots normally again.

I tried removing HD #2 and only attaching HD #3 together with SSD #1, but this yielded the same problem. Using SSD #1 by itself works fine though. Booting from a Linux live-cd works without problems. All disks and partitions are found and can be mounted. There, I erased the disk signature from the offending HD #3 and now Windows was able to boot and also found all disks and partitions correctly. But after a reboot the same problem reappeared

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Computer Hangs On Starting Windows When Booting From CD / DVD Or HDD

Jan 5, 2011

So after managing to get windows to repair itself: Boot Manager missing. I restarted the computer and now it hangs on "Starting Windows". This happens when trying to boot from CD/ DVD and the HDD. My Windows 7 install disk has no scratches and I can load it in another computer. Also I can boot off other CDs (like Linux perfectly).

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Compaq 610 Laptop Is Not Booting Past The Starting Windows 7?

Jan 2, 2012

My laptop recently hang, so I just hard started it. On switching it on, it does not get beyond the Windows 7 logo.

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HDD No Longer Booting-Hangs For Over 2 Hours-Stuck On Starting Windows 7?

Dec 31, 2010

I refuse to believe my 500g Sata Hard drive that has over 400gs of file and information, is all now magically a paper weight. No Physical damage has happened to the Drive at all. This is the Issue:Originally Half of the Drive was Encrypted with True Crypt and the other Half was the System Drive((C drive 50g)) and a "general" Drive/ ((175gigs)). The Problem started when some odd way it seems My Encrypted drive become corrupted to the point it would no longer easily mount. It would take 4~5Min's to mount as opposed to the normal 4~5 seconds.What happens when it did mount, The Drive was not working correctly. I couldn't access my files on that drive at all. Not only that, While it seemed like it did Mount the True Crypt Drive, my entire CPU became Non responsive. I couldn't do anything. I was unable to click on anything on the desktop, bring up task manager or even ctrl+alt+del to log off or anything. It was like it was frozen but I was only able to move the mouse...I waited a while((15~20Min's)) and went to restart the CPU by holding the power button.

Now When ever I try to load or boot from that Hard drive...Nothing Happens....It hangs at the "starting Windows" screen. I have windows 7-64bit ultimate. I tried to load from the Win 7 disk, and it hangs at a blank Screen. When I tried to use the repair feature of the Win Xp service pack 2((Remember windows XP *_*??))It hangs at analyzing the Hard drive "47850 asapii at 0 at 0 something something"..When I try to use the advance options of the Windows 7 boot, Safe mode of all types hangs at lading the drivers, Last Known good Configuration hangs at starting windows. Its Like part of the HDD doesn't want to load for anything in the world . And When I have mentioned Hangs I mean it sits there for 1~2 hours and nothing has changed.

I have ideas in my head But I don't even Know if they are possible. Oh when I try to Load the HDD by having a back up 40g hard drive be the main booter it STILL hangs at the starting windows screen. I know its sometimes suggested to try it HDD in another CPU but if its not the main Boot Drive is that the same thing? Really don't have any Mobos that have Sata Slots for me to try that out on.I'm praying a simple chkdsk would Solve everything But there's no way I can Issue that Command. My Question(s) are:s there a Way to force the CPU to do a chkdsk command pre boot?Is there a way to have the HDD disabled at start up and enable it during the back up drives desktop((Via check for hardware changes or the "Manage" feature by right clicking computer from the start menu

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PC Not Starting Up Normal And Freezes 15 Min After Booting Up

Jan 13, 2012

I have compaq presario sr1630nx and I have an issue that started after I opened the case and used my compressor to blow the dust out of it its not the first time ive done this like 4 times to be exact. My machines issue starts when I turn it on the fans go on but the cpu fan runs the loudest and it displays nothing other attempts it turns on normal but still nothing on the display. After idk the twentieth attempt of turning on and off it finally boots up normally, but I cant do nothing major like go on the web to long because it freezes right away. i could listen to music but it will eventually freeze after fifteen minutes or the display will turn to an orange or blue screen. The pc does have some upgrades like a graphics card for two dvi inputs and power supply which were done about a year ago.

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Download Just Stops On Opera Speed Changes To Unknown And It Stops Downloading

Oct 5, 2011

I have a problem with downloading a file above roughly 80MB it just stops I tried chrome,firefox and opera and nothing works. On Firefox and Chrome the download just stops on Opera the speed changes to unknown and it stops downloading.I don't have a wireless connection I use modem and my net connection should be okay since on my old comp with same net it worked without problem.

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Outlook 2010 Stops And Says It Needs To Reboot Or Stops Responding

Jan 29, 2013

I'm running Outlook 2010 with about 5 separate POP 3 accounts. I archive regularly and compact after archiving. After a lot of trouble cloning a new C drive to an SSD, Outlook, along with a lot of other software, began acting strangely. Everything has pretty much been resolved except for the Outlook problem.

For no reason I can isolate, Outlook will suddenly close, giving the message that it had to close and it will now try to retrieve my data. It does so, unless I was in the middle of composing an email - that will be gone! Sometimes, instead of closing, it freezes and says application not responding.

I checked the disk for errors using scan now and it's fine. I've run memtest and it's fine. I've run in safe mode and it just shut down with no comments. In working my way through suggestions on this board, I just ran Sysinternals Process Explorer until the error occurred and went back to normal. In looking at Process Explorer, I'm afraid the actual data is overwhelming to me. However, I'll attach everything I have.

Event Viewer shows Error 1000. General:
Faulting application name: OUTLOOK.EXE, version: 14.0.6126.5003, time stamp: 0x505b1685


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Windows 7 Booting Not Show Xp At Booting Time

Jun 19, 2012

Earlier xp but after win7 the booting not show xp at booting time

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Ppc Dont Shoowing Display On Starting & Start Showing Display After Starting?

Oct 29, 2011

PC don't showing bios display on starting & start showing display after starting window

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Windows Stops From Defragment Of SSD

Aug 10, 2012

I have read that one should not defragment a SSD Drive. If this is true then... My OS is windows 7 64bt. I am have 2 256GB SSDs running in raid 1 as my 'C' drive and 2-2TB hard drives are 'D' & 'E'. My system tells me that windows is handling the defragmentation of my drives. What I would like to know is if there is a way to stop the system from defragmenting my SSD 'C' drives, but let the OS defragment my D and E hard drives. Also is there a way to control which drives the system is defragmenting?

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Windows 7 Stops Running?

Dec 28, 2011

I have been running windows 7 for about a year and it has been running fine up until a few days ago when all programmes seem to jam up and my only option is to turn the power off to reset it, I can open excel and word but can't print,email or send anything to disc, I can't even open photoshop, I have bulldog for antivirus but it won't do a scan, I have tried to Restore to an earlier date about a week ago but it isn't able to complete the task, if I try to start in safe mode, it gets as far as a pnp file then jams up.

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Windows 7 Stops For No Reason

Apr 26, 2011

I am using windows 7 x86 build 7600.The problem is that windows hangs and stops working now n then...It stops for some minutes and again normal performance.Mostly occurs when playing medias( VLC n Wmp) and browser (i use firefox).

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Windows 7 DVD Burner Stops At 98%?

Sep 27, 2011

Says "finishing" but never does. If I reboot the computer and start again its ok but I dont like wasting a blank DVD every time.

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My Windows Stops Typing

Jul 2, 2012

Alright, i don't really know how to describe this well, but when I'm typing or playing a game or doing anything really, windows sort of acts as if i clicked off screen and brings me out of games when I'm playing. This happens every two minutes and me nor my friend have any idea how to fix this as we cant even describe it very well.

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Windows Stops Responding?

Jan 22, 2013

I formatted my drive and installed a fresh new windows 7 on it. Worked fine installing, no errors.Now whenever I go to start a windows program such as, computer, documents, control panel and everything else on the right hand side when you click the start menu. When I click one of them it just pops up "windows has stopped responding"

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Windows Explorer Stops Responding?

Jul 25, 2011

I havent figured out why this happens since I reinstalled Windows 7. This only happens when I am going through the control panel.Here is what happens:If I have to uninstall a program, I will go to programs and features and click programs and features and explorer will just freeze then if I keep clicking, I get "This program is unresponsive - Close, Restart, etc" I always choose restart it and it reloads fine.The same things happens if I go to System or pretty much anything in the control panel.

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CPU Fan Stops Spinning After Windows 7 Boots

Jul 4, 2012

I built a computer, and I am using a Coreā„¢ i5-3570K Processor w/ Gigabyte GA-Z77-D3H Motherboard, and I am using the stock CPU Fan (that comes with the Processor), I noticed that the CPU Fan only spins when the computer is booting, then stops spinning when it has finished booting (when windows has fully loaded). When I go into my BIOS Settings, the CPU Fan still spins. But when it boots Windows, it suddenly stops. I have tried unplugging my CPU Fan from the motherboard and plugging it in again, but that doesn't seem to fix it. It is in the correct socket.

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Battery Stops Charging In Windows 7?

Nov 6, 2009

I have had problems once or twice with my battery, but not for a long time. I installed Windows 7 a couple of days ago and twice today my battery stopped charging even though it was plugged in. The first time it said it was plugged in but not charging. The second time it said nothing. Both times, I rebooted and it resumed charging.

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Windows 7 Stops Sharing Files

Mar 15, 2010

I have a computer with windows 7 ultimate.There are some shared folders and printers on this machine. This setup looks to work fine but suddenly the sharing stops. If i reboot the pc, it works again. The pc never goes in some kind of sleep modus.

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Windows Update Stops And PC Can't Restart

Mar 14, 2012

I was installing an update when right in the middle it stops. If I try to restart windows it fails on the windows loading screen, forcing me to restore windows which I hate to do because it messes up my Flight Simulator program. I didn't get any error message it just completely goes dead and leaves me clueless.

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Windows 7 Backup Gets To 42 Percent Then Stops

Feb 23, 2011

When I try to backup my desktop, it gets to 42% and it stops, I have tried several times, it's a new computer, my 1st backup went smooth, but now I can't get it to finish.

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What File In Windows 7 Stops Xp From Loading?

Jul 2, 2011

I whant to load XP sp2 on my notebook but windows 7 ultra is stoping the load.what should I do?The windows 7 ultra is not a genuine copy.

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Windows 7 Stops Dead On Some Games

Nov 7, 2011

I recently tried to play Dr Who, which I downloaded from the BBC. Twice at the same spot it came to a dead stop. No warning no shutdown sequence, just a dead stop. I have had similar stops on other games, but do not know where to begin to sort it out. The Graphics drivers are up to date.

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Windows 7 Won't Load Stops At Bootmngr?

Nov 7, 2012

my computer wont load at all it stops at BOOTMNGR missing control alt delete to restart,i cant find the system restore disc. what are my options

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Windows Explorer Stops Responding?

Jan 2, 2013

Ive been having computer issues lately (maybe a virus) so I reinstalled the OS and put Bitdefender Internet Security 2013 on as my AV (Norton last time). But the problem is that my Windows Explorer stops responding. For example: I go into my pictures and that loads fine but when I go to open a photo it loads and for a minute and finally comes up. That never used to happen before I reinstalled my OS. Im positive I did it right. Though when I try to close the window it says the Explorer has stopped responding.

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Windows 7 Works For Only 60 Minutes Then Stops Responding?

Jul 29, 2012

I could use my Windows 7 for exactly 1 hour then it stops responding which leads me to restart.After restart, I get an error of boot manager corruption so I have to use Setup disc to fix startup issues since this option won't show up the second reboot.

1) Checked the cables inside

2) Resetted CMOS to default

3) Restored Win7 to an older (working) version using Acronis

Here's my config:

OS: Win7 Ultimate x64
MoBo: Gigabyte Ex58 Extreme
RAM: Kingmax DDR3 4x4 1333 Mhz
GPU: nVidia GTX 570
CPU: Intel Core i7 2.8 Ghz
HDD: Corsair SSD 64GB
PSU: Gigabyte 1200 watt
AntiVirus: Kaspersky Internet Security 2012

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Windows Explorer Stops And Restarts, Also Mmc Not Responding

Aug 20, 2012

I m having problem in my hp g62 361-tx notebook pc. Windows explorer stops and restarts whenever i try to open any video file like movies or video songs, also when i try to look the error in event viewer mmc stops not responding...

Diagnose report is given below:

Advanced SystemCare Diagnose Report v1.0
Date: 2012-08-20 20:42:55
01 - Operating System


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Keyboard Stops Working After Windows 7 Installation?

Oct 2, 2011

I have a Toshiba A300-18A laptop, bought in Portugal in 2008. It came pre-installed with Vista and I always left it in place because I couldn't find a proper time to backup everything properly. These holidays, I finally had the time to do that and 2 or 3 weeks ago I installed Win7. I didn't do an upgrade and did the custom install over the previous Vista version. Right after installation, during the first uses, my keyboard froze during an internet session. Simply, no key would work, but I had full control of the computer otherwise. Over the next days I found it happened quite frequently, and it didn't even need to be on internet. The most often place to freeze is in text editors (ConText, TexnicCenter), Excel (I'm using Office 2007), an online MMO and even the login screen, before I can actually access my computer. A restart usually solves the problem temporarily, sometimes I need two restarts in a row.Due to this, I did a reinstall of Win7, this time formatting the C: partition where I was making the installation. So this was a real clean install and I still had the same problems. I thought it would be drivers, so I installed some drivers I downloaded from Toshiba support center and THEN I found out about Toshiba's Win7 installation.Still the same problems. There are more curious things about the keyboard: it usually seems to think ctrl is pressed. I have opened the on-screen keyboard and noticed the ctrl-key depressed. Unpressing this key, thought, does not rehabilitate the keyboard. This ctrl-press must not always be on, thought, because sometimes I notice parallel behaviours and other times I don't. For example, I don't get 'save file' dialogs if I press 'S', but I do see the screen zooming in and out in a web browser if I roll my mouse-wheel. Also, I have some defects in Office (namely Excel) that I think may be related, and this since my first install: sometimes I'm going to Open Excel or Word and it says I have the ctrl key pressed and asks if I want to go through. More commonly I don't get this warning, but inside Excel, the usual shortcuts ctrl-c ctrl-v, ctrl-o (new book, portuguese version) offer me the insert/delete rows dialog. Sometimes ctrl-ins has this behaviour too, other times it works fine while ctrl-c does not. It's all very random.Finally, to complete the problems described in the subject. I've also noticed a behavious I NEVER had before installing Win7. Most often while playing the MMO (but not exclusively there) my screen goes white with some activity going up and down (sort of a mis-tuned TV from the analogical days) and I can only bring it to place changing windows to get my normal desktop. The MMO runs in dedicated full-screen mode and I guess it must be changing resolution. Also frequently (about 40% of the times), when I boot my computer it shows up the wrong resolution (1024x768) and, in the login screen, the little button on the bottom-right that allows one to shut down and restart shows up only these two options when ordinarily it shows 4 to 6 options. During normal use, I often get the video-going-white problem when I tilt the laptop display up and down.In 3 years I never had one single of the symptoms with Vista, now I get them everyday. Problem is that I quite enjoyed Win7 (and I don't like Vista) so I'd like to keep this OS if possible.

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Application Verifier Stops Windows 7 From Loading?

Apr 17, 2012

I was debugging my code with WinDbg (novice user) trying to figure out an issue and I ran gflags.exe and enabled the checkbox for Application Verifier. I restarted WinDbg and Windows complained it couldn't start the application. I thought it was some weirdness with WinDbg, but then I noticed I couldn't run my web browser with the same error message. My machine eventually locked up on me so I said screw it, and I rebooted my machine.

Now when I start the machine it says Windows can't start, if I don't run the repair program it just hangs with a blinking underscore. I ran the repair program which says it will try to restore it, but this was at the end of the day on my work machine so I had to head home. I can understand how enabling Application Verifier could screw up an application, but how in the world did it bring my whole system down?

Windows 7 64-bit.

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