Boot Into Safe Mode When Have 2 Partitions (Windows XP & Windows 7)

Dec 4, 2012

I have 3 partitions on my hard drive. First partition is for Windows XP and the second is Windows 7 and the third is for data.My question is how does having 2 partitions impact booting into safe mode? I assume that both XP and Windows 7 have their own safe mode? I am asking because I need to get into windows 7 safe mode in order to install a piece of software.

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Cannot Access Safe Mode But Can Boot In Safe Mode With Networking?

Jun 3, 2012

After attempting to start my Laptop in Safe Mode, it loaded drivers normally only to crash a few seconds later. A prompt message appears but is impossible to read because Windows immediately reboots upon showing the prompt.

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Windows 7 Will Only Boot In Safe Mode?

Apr 11, 2012

When I turn on my Acer laptop normally it loads but then completely freezes, not letting me do anything. The only way I can use it is through safe mode. It was working fine before it suddenly broke and it is only a few months old. I thought it might be a virus? I do have up to date anti virus thoug

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Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode Windows 7

Mar 15, 2010

I have just reformatted my pc and know i cannot boot into safemode,whenever i try to load up safe mode the pc just resets once i actually getthe windows welcome logo come up just as im about to enter safemode desktop,i have scanned for malware using malwarebytes,bitdefender and superantispyware,but have found nothing

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Can Only Boot Windows 7 In Safe Mode

Aug 11, 2011

The other night I hit the reset button at the wrong time and ever since then I'm only able to boot W7 in safe mode. I've tried all of the restore points and repair options but nothing works.

I ran chkdsk from safe mode command prompt and corrupt files were found but I can't run chkdsk /F because the partition is in use. When asked if I'd like to schedule one on next start up I say yes but the restart doesn't get far enough to initialize one. It just hands at "Loading Windows" just after the keyboard lights blink.

I've tried to do an upgrade install but you can't do that while booting from the cd or while in safe mode either.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot In Safe Mode

Jul 11, 2012

sometimes it will reboot in Start-up repair but later i will lose internet connection, then (try to) reboot, then it will not. It's a mindless loop

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Even In Safe Mode

Jan 2, 2013

cant start my computer. wont load windows. in safe mode it just sits there doing nothing. in regular mode the windows logo comes up and just sits there. cant reboot it. don't know what to do next.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Windows Splash Screen - Will Boot To Safe Mode

Dec 29, 2011

WIndows 7 premium home version on a lenovo laptop freezing at splash screen. I can boot into safe mode just fine. Whereby I have to run a system restore back to an older date but the issue still comes back up and this seems to be especially true when trying to wake it from sleep mode.

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Windows 7 When Trying To Boot Into Safe Mode, Starts Normally

Jan 12, 2012

I access the safe mode boot menu by pressing f8 during start up. Once there I choose boot in safe mode, hit enter and then windows lists the drivers it is booting with. The boot continues, however once done, the computer is not in safe mode, but is in normal operating mode (i.e. there are no "safe mode" indications at the perimeter of the screen, and all apps are up and running as usual).

I am not trying to fix any problem, I just wanted to be sure safe mode was there in case I needed it. A couple of days ago I actually had a piece of malware that disabled my Avast anti-virus and was preventing me from accessing the internet, and at that time I tried to boot into safe mode and had the same problem. I restored the computer with an image I had taken when the machine was new, which resolved the malware problem, but not the safe boot problem.

Incidentally, I have looked at the registry and the safe boot entries are intact:
(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSafeBoot is there along with it's subkeys Mininal and Network).

I am using Avast anti virus (paid version), Libre Office, Skype, Firefox and have a HP office jet 4500 printer. The machine is an ASUS U43F with an I5 processor.

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Windows 7 Boots To Safe-mode, Cannot Boot Normal

Dec 18, 2011

I am working with an emachine with windows 7 home premium installed. Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 250u Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 6 Stepping 2 Processor Count: 2 RAM: 3839 Mb Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430, 256 Mb Hard Drives: C: Total - 703013 MB, Free - 637698 MB; Motherboard: eMachines, MCP61PM-GM Antivirus: None Was given machine with infections, tried to fix viruses with HDD installed but could not boot normal, only safe mode.Removed HDD and slaved to working system and ran virus scan. cleared 18 viruses, ran a second scan on drive and it came back clean (used norton antivirus)Loaded the HDD back into the machine and still can only boot into safe mode. Searched forums and saw similar issue and followed instructions listed below:Open Regedit.exe Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSafeBoot Delete the subkey folder called OPTION Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerEnvironment Delete the value called SAFEBOOT_OPTION Reboot and done The problem is, there is no option subkey under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSafeBoot I did delete the SAFEBOOT_OPTION under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerEnvironment and restarted. It booted in safemode and when I checked regedit again. the SAFEBOOT_OPTION under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerEnvironment was back and shows Minimal under it. I changed it to normal and restarted and it changes back to minimal after booting to safemode again.

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Windows 7 Unable To Boot In Normal Or Safe Mode

Apr 11, 2012

When I turn it on, it loads the compaq screen, then says "windows is loading files". It then attempts to take me to the startup repair screen, but cannot load the startup repair options and just stays at a blue screen (NOT the blue screen of death).

I am unable to start the computer in safe mode as it gets to the same screen and does the same thing.

I have accessed the boot options screen and loaded windows from the disk in an attempt the repair it that way but I can not restore the computer from an earlier point in time and startup repair does nothing but search for problems for hours with no progress.

Im running windows 7 home edition 32bit The computer is a compaq presario CQ42

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Dell Laptop Won't Boot Normally Or In To Safe Mode Windows 7?

Jan 1, 2012

I'm working on my brother's girlfriend's Dell Inspiron 1764 that will begin to start windows and then immediately goes back to the post screen. I have tried to do a system restore, and recover from a system image... but of course she has made neither of these backups. The laptop will not load windows in safe mode and i have also tried to disable driver signature enforcement. I'm not exactly sure what happened before the failure, but i know my brother installed a Honda data logging program called HONDATA right before it crashed so I am suspecting some sort of driver issues. Is there anything else i can do besides the full Dell system restore that would wipe all of her data?

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BSOD - Cannot Start Windows 7 In Safe Mode Nor Can Boot From CD

Sep 27, 2012

I had a BSOD problem launching Borderlands 2, and some other games too. My Video Card drivers are up to date and i still have BSOD. I got blue screen once more, and my pc restarted. Now I can't even start my windows, I get some black screen before windows 7 logo appears and I can't even start my windows in safe mode nor can I boot from a CD/DVD.

My system specs:
Processor: AMD FX-8120
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6850
RAM: 8GB 1866mhz
HDD: 500GB

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Can't Seem To Boot Windows 7 DVD - Choose Safe Mode Or Start Normally

Jan 10, 2013

I recently somehow got a nasty virus into my lappy. It was extremely weird since I just bought a new anti-virus (Norton, to be exact) and my PC became super slow. I recognized signs of viruses and I decided to wipe the PC clean. My friend gave two Windows 7 DVDs. However, even after making DVD the first boot order at BIOS it just doesn't work. My DVD rom makes really nasty sounds and it waits on a black screen for a bit and then it shows me to choose safe mode or start normally.

Basically, my PC has always read DVDs (logo on it confirms it). Also, Rom itself isn't broken, other discs like the Norton one work fine. Since the DVDs my friend gave me were DVD R- and DVD RW. Later, I got yet another disc which was DVD R+ but it STILL didn't work. My PC doesn't recognize the DVDs even normally, through My Computer. Did the viruses ruin my drivers or something? My rom always read DVDs but why make weird noises now?

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Windows 7 - Unable To Boot, Safe Mode Options Looping?

Dec 3, 2012

I have a Dell inspiron 4010 laptop with Windows 7. I am unable to log on. The safe mode options screen keeps looping, and i am unable to boot. none of the safe mode options work, though the screen shows the loading windows files before restarting the safe mode options screen again. when i press f8 to get the advanced boot options, the system repair option is no longer there (it was there yesterday, but the system restore or system repairs didn't work), nor do any of the advanced boot options work.when i choose to disable automatic restart on system failure it appears that windows is startingbut then goes to a blue screen that says STOP: C0000135 The program can't start because %hs is missing.I believe this is happening as a result of an automatic Windows update.

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Windows 7 Boot To Safe Mode - Now Stuck In Reboot Loop

Oct 13, 2011

I have windows 7 home premium 32 bit dell laptop. Lately, it takes more than 10 minutes before it boots before the windows logo appears). From there the computer works normally. I got a suggestion to check for malwares or viruses so that is what I did. I started by going to msconfig and edited the boot options to start automatically to safe mode with networking, then rebooted my system. After booting, it loaded up the initial screen of safe mode, but then it restarted by itself.

I am now stuck on this reboot loop going into safe mode, it won't even let me go back to normal mode. I went to startup repair, but it didn't find anything, so had to reboot again onto the same situation. I have searched for possible answers, and the best that I could get was to remove the safe boot options and go back to normal mode. The syntax to type was bcdedit /deletevalue {default} safe boot but it didn't work, same with bcdedit /deletevalue safe boot.

I am getting this : "An error occurred while attempting to delete the specified data element. Element not found."

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Computer Reboots After 'starting Windows', Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode

Nov 21, 2011

Computer rebooted after 'starting windows' When starting in safe mode, it rebooted after loading classpnp.sys

This happened after I installed MSE and it detected a Trojan located in c:/windows. On hindsight deleting it was a bad idea.

I've tried using startup repair as well as sfc/scannow. I've also ttried unplugging the hard drives as well as changing the hard drive mode in the BIOS from ide to ADHCI and back.

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Stuck Halfway Through Loading Windows / Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode

Feb 26, 2012

my Dell Studio 1555 laptop will not boot either into regular windows or safe mode.When booting into safe mode, the very last file that will load is "CLASSPNP.SYS".When that happens it will stay stuck loading the next file for a few minutes, then restart itself into the Windows Error Recovery screen.When I try start-up repair, it goes to a blank black screen and repeats the procedure above (ie. it gets stuck and restarts a few minutes later) When I hard-shut down by pressing the power button, a BSoD appears for a fraction of a second right before it dies.What could the problem be, and what can I do to fix it? I have the windows 7 install disk, if needed. Should I go ahead and try an installation repair using the disk?

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Dell Optiplex 755 Running Windows 7 - How To Boot Into Safe Mode

Mar 12, 2012

My dell optiplex 755 runs on windows 7. How do I boot into safe mode?

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Windows 7 Safe Mode Boot Redirecting To Startup Repair

Dec 7, 2012

Earlier today I tripped over a headphone cord and it flung my computer off my desk. I have an HP omni PC. It's the kind that had the computer and the monitor built together. I picked it back up off the floor. The power cord came out on impact. I set everything back up and was relived to hear it turn on. I selected start windows normally (win 7 64 bit) and it sat at starting windows forever. I eventually manually shutdown the computer. I powered back on and I got an option to start windows normally or use startup repair.

I thought it would be a good idea to go into startup repair. It just sat at the light blue screen with the large white mouse sitting there. Nothing happened. Nothing appeared on screen. I turned off the computer again and am just leaving it there for now. I am worried that the hard drive may have been disconnected from the fall and that's why windows won't start. Or maybe the hard drive was damaged. I tried doing a safe mode boot but it redirected me to startup repair.

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Can't Boot Computer In Normal Mode Or Safe Mode

Oct 5, 2012

I can't boot my computer in normal mode or safe mode. When I try to do so, after the "starting windows" page the only things that come up are my mouse, a black screen/background, and a "logonui.exe-bad image- Authui.dll isn't designed to run on windows" error/message (not the exact message). I can't use a system restore (it can't find a restore point), the image recovery tool finds no image to restore from, system repair either doesn't find a problem or can't fix the problem, and basically nothing else works (none of the advanced boot options or other various buttons and tools do anything noticeable). I've even tried to use sfc in command prompt, but whenever I do any sfc things at all (/scannow, verifyonly, verifyfile, etc.) it says there is a system repair pending that requires a reboot. I've restarted 7-8 times and the exact same message keeps coming up. I'm looking for any general help I can get right now, [I can post my computer specifics in an hour when I have time](posted a few). I have an HP pavilion dv6-6135dx wiht Windows 7 x64.Processor: AMD a8-3500m APU, raedon graphics bios vender/version: insyde, f. 20.I'm having trouble getting more info because my computer is still crashing occasionally and I don't really know what else is relevant; if you need more, I might need directions on how to get it. Especially if it involves command prompt.I should also add that it has been crashing more often than I think is normal ever since I got it, but recently it BSODed 3-4 times a day. I have antivirus and also ran a full malwarebytes scan yesterday, and it only found one little issue which was resolved.

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Computer Can't Boot Through Safe Mode Or Normal Mode

May 24, 2012

I seem to be having quite the problem on a computer of mine. After recently installing the directx sdk I am unable to logon through normal or safe mode. When I try to boot up normally, I log in but then the monitors go black but everything else seems to run. Pressing ctrl alt delete works and brings up the screen again but if I try to select task manager for example the screen goes black again. When I boot up through safe mode the computer restarts seconds after loading the windows logon screen.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot / System Repair / Restore / Safe Mode Won't Work

Jan 1, 2013

I have recently installed windows ultimate x64 on my computer.i have an asus p6t deluxe v2 mobo, i7-960 cpu and a wd velociraptor hdd. The install went ok, I even managed to restart my computer a few times after but after windows updates installed it won't boot. I tried to boot into safe mode, restore from the installer, and repair, none worked. After startup repair it says: "a patch is preventing the system from starting" and I get a 0x1f error code.(Preventing windows from downloading any updates didn't work either)

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Internet Explorer 9 Installed Now Computer Will Not Boot Into Windows 7 Except Safe Mode

Jul 1, 2011

I tried to install Internet Explorer 9 for testing a website. It prompted me to restart after the install, so I did. It never started back up. Now my computer will not boot into windows except in safe mode and system restore doesn't facilitate at all.

This is my ntbtlog.txt:
[code]Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Version 6.1 (Build 7600)
5 29 2011 02:49:09.125
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32hal.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32kdcom.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32mcupdate_AuthenticAMD.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32PSHED.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32CLFS.SYS
[Log] .....

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Windows 7 - Cannot Boot Windows/Safe Mode/Recovery/Disk

May 15, 2011

This morning I woke up and the first thing I always do is switch on my PC to check email and to have a quick chat with my friend who lives In Australia before it get's late over there. My PC was on, running S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat via steam at the time, whilst still talking to my friend in Australia. Whilst typing to him, my system locked up mid sentence. I left it for 15 minutes, got Coffee to wake up, still froze.. I had no choice to manually switch it off via the Power Button on the Tower. When I switch the tower back on, I had no Display on the screen. Now, this isn't actually the problem, I've fixed this kind of issue on a friends PC before and knew straight away my Memory Modules had just died. I removed the RAM, switched on, waited for the long Beep to confirm my Mobo was still breathing.. Placed one Module back in, black screen, tried the other etc etc.. Simple fix, get my spare RAM that I saved from an older build, stuck them in, powered up.

At this point I had to fix a corrupt winload.exe (Or similar) likely due to me having to turn the power off manually.. I hit the Recovery Console, let Window's do it stuff, corrupt file repaired, hello desktop..Just to confirm it wasn't a one-off, I Shutdown the system and powered it back on, still successfully reaching Desktop with no issues.Now this is where it gets weird.. I have a room I keep PC spares as well as my Anti-Static mats and junk. I took my PC to this room in order to change my RAM. After I got the PC working.. All I did was put the side panel back on, take my PC back to my desk in my Lounge where it always is and somehow, some way, in the time it took me to move the PC, despite having no power, Windows managed to Corrupt itself... Eh?

To clarify, I fixed my original issue by swapping out the dead RAM, Fixed a Corrupt File and then successfully booted to desktop. I had fixed the problem, but when I moved my PC back to where it lives, it no longer works. I get to "Windows is Starting" and it freezes.(On a side note: The PC was not knocked on the journey from one room to the next and yes I did double check to see if a cable had came loose. I have not added any additional peripherals, the PC is set up in the exact same way it was when I performed the original RAM Swap)

In an attempt to fix this I have so far, from the (F8) Advanced Options. Repair your Computer All I get is the usual black screen with "Windows is loading files..." with the white progress bar. The Progress Bar reaches full, but then nothing happens. It stays on the same screen and never progresses. I gave the process 15 minutes and still nothing..

Launch Startup Repair (Recommended)
Exactly the same as above.
Safe Mode
Gets stuck at ../disk.sys
Safe Mode with Networking


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Is It Normal For Windows 7 Home Premium To Have Multiple Boot Options At The F8 Safe Mode Menu?

Jul 5, 2012

Is it normal for Windows 7 Home Premium to have multiple boot options at the F8 safe mode menu? (I.e. "Enable boot Logging" "Dosable unsigned drivers" etc etc). I thought there were only three boot options: Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, and Safe Mode with command line..... It seems my safe mode prompt has those three plus all the others.

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Can't Boot In Safe Mode - F8 Brings The Advanced Boot Options

Oct 10, 2011

I bought the bleeping Dell Inspiron 560, was to rapidly tap F8 during startup to bring up the "Advanced Boot Options." I saw the guy at Best Buy do it but it did not work on my machine when I got home. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium. The computer came without a manual or any disks.

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Way To Boot Into Safe Mode By Accessing Boot Options In Msconfig

Dec 24, 2012

I have a laptop with broken lcd. So im using it now as desktop, connecting it to an external lcd monitor.Last night I suspected a worm and tried to boot up in safe mode by pressing F8 but couldn't make it work because windows only activate the external monitor by the time it has finished loading drivers. The result was it keeps booting into normal mode.So, I remembered there's another way to boot into safe mode by accessing boot options in msconfig...Now I'm stuck with safemode and cannot do anything because safemode doesnt enable external monitor. I know for sure that I could enter password and get into safemode but I can't tell what should I press or click to access to that msconfig windows again to return boot options to normal state.

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Boot In Safe Mode In XP Mode

Nov 22, 2009

How to boot in Safe Mode in XP Mode?

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Boot To Safe Mode?

Mar 9, 2012

I have Windows 7 Home Premium in a laptop. How do start it in Safe Mode? I have malfunctioning antivirus program that won't uninstall nor shutdown, and I'd like to try fixing it with Safe Mode.

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Trying To Boot Into Safe Mode?

Aug 8, 2011

So the other day I boot up my computer and try to login under my user account. I get a "The user profile failed the logon. The user profile cannot be loaded" error message. After looking inline i find out how to fix this. The problem is I can't seem to boot into safe mode. It's an Asus motherboard P8H67-M series. I've tried hitting F8 and F5 (as was suggested with Asus boards), but neither of them work. I login under another use and type msconfig form the start menu to try and manually set the computer to boot into safe mode. I get asked for the admin password (my user account is the admin account), so I type is the password and I get a "windows cannot find C:windowssystem32msconfig.exe" error message.

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