Black Screen At Boot With My Mouse Cursor

Oct 20, 2009

I have a problem when booting up Windows 7.

When I boot, I see the 4 particles, but after that, i get a black screen with my mouse cursor, but that's all.

If i wait for about 7 minutes, i get the login screen and everything works fine.

I haven't installed anything or done anything that could cause this.

Is this normal? I hope not because i hate waiting :P

I have read some other topics that seemed to be almost the same problem as mine. Some say you have to get a new videodriver. have done that, didn't

work. Restoring to a restore point didn't work either.

Any suggestions?

EDIT: Forgot to say, it is a dual boot (win xp/win 7) (maybe usefull information)

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Black Screen With Mouse Cursor

Jan 18, 2010

Any one experienced a problem with Acronis 2010.

Didn't had time to look in to it, hope you guys can save me some time.

I used the Acronis 2010 System Cleanup for the first time. My windows 7 stopped responding, and I had to do hard reset.

After reset windows boots as far as black screen with mouse cursor.

I can move the mouse and Caps Lock respond, but that about it.

Same in safe mode.

Had no luck with Sys Restore, Boot recovery, Chkdsk didn't find any problems.

Ram Fine, swapped dims, memtest pass.

Didn't had time to do more.

System Info:-

Windows 7 x64 Enterprise.
UD5, I7 920, 12GB RAM, 260gtx
x2 750 in Raid 0
x4 1TB blacks in Raid 5

I have 4 days old system image, but I like to know what went wrong.

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Black Screen With Mouse Cursor In Windows 7?

Jul 12, 2011

A few nights ago I came home to my Win 7 64 bit desktop frozen in a busy state. Windows was running, but the cursor was indicating busy and the computer was locked up. After 10 minutes of waiting for it to respond (hitting Ctrl+Alt+Del or Ctrl+Shift+Del had no response), I did a hard reboot (held down power button until the computer restarted). When the computer booted back up - I saw a "Resuming Windows" screen rather than "Starting Windows." Windows did load, and while everything appeared to run fine (Start menu would open and cursor was okay), no programs would open after clicking on them, and task manager would not appear. Fed up, I did another hard reboot. This time, Windows did not boot. The Windows 7 logo appears, gets very dim, and after a while a 0xed (Unmountable boot volume) BSOD appears and the computer restarts.

The fun really begins when trying to launch Windows Setup, any of the three safe modes, or last known good configuration. In the safe mode scenarios, safe mode never loads (gets hung up while loading drivers). For last known good configuration, I get the same BSOD. The really interesting part is Windows Setup. Windows setup loads (you see the loading bar), and then goes to a black screen. After a while (15-60 minutes), a cursor appears on the screen. You can move the cursor around - but that's it. Ctrl+Alt+Del has no effect. I've left the computer on for 24+ hours at this point - nothing else happens. I have a separate Windows 7 64 bit repair CD as well as a Windows 7 64 bit ERD CD. When forcing the computer to boot off the CDs, the same exact scenario occurs. Windows Setup loads...then black screen. Booted off an Ubuntu live CD - the harddrives (I have three) are all fine. Data is okay, SMART tests all pass. If I could just get to a place where I could run something like chkdsk or some fixboot commands - I'd probably be okay. But anytime I try to boot/run some Windows based software - everything goes to crap.

My next step (which I will probably work on tonight/tomorrow) is to remove the harddrive that has Windows installed on it (a ~70 GB hdd), hook it up to another computer through a USB cable system that will make it look like an external harddrive, and hopefully run chkdsk on it that way. I'm posting here to see if anyone has any suggestions or ideas though. It blows my mind that whatever is wrong with my Windows installation is somehow blocking a windows repair disc from loading.

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Black Screen With Cursor After Boot?

Jul 29, 2011

I have been getting an alert that I have updates to windows 7, but they never seem to actually install. Tonight it didn't seem like my audio drivers were working anymore.On my other computer I realized that Custopack tools, which is a theme customization program that alters uxtheme.dll, wasn't working with the new service pack. So with this laptop I restored the default windows theme and rebooted, and got my audio back. However, I went to shut down, which would also install the update, and when I booted back up, Windows won't even start.I get past the bios, and then there's just a blinking cursor. The door on the CD-ROM works but the caps lock and num lock do not.

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Black Screen With Flashing Cursor On Boot Up?

Oct 5, 2011

First off I have a Dell Inspiron n7010 system running Windows 7 Home 64bit

OK the other night I shut down my system and all seemed fine until next day. I went to reboot and got the normal Dell splash screen with both the Set Up (F2) and Boot (F12) options. After the Dell screen finished it then went to load Windows, but instead I got a Black Screen with Flashing Cursor. Can't move cursor at all.

On the Dell screen I can access the Set Up (F2) bios pages. I can also access the Boot Options (F12) Page. What I can not gain access to is the Restore (F8) menus.

I did not know to make any sort of boot disk or boot repair disk so I do not have either of these and I do not know of anyone who is using windos 7 that could make me one to use. Also Dell puts the rstore on the hard drive so onlyhave a MS Works CD and a Drivers & Utilities CD l ran the diagnostics utility but forgot to plug in my computer so when it was almost done the battery must have died so will redo the test later as tired tonight as been up half the night with this issue. But for memory the first 6 of the 8 memories areas it was scanning tested fine. Will post an update later today when Iget chance to run the whole thing again!!

I know others have had this screen. Is there a solution as have spent the last day or so googling it and seems very mixed results depending on the user and their own case with this black screen w/cursor.Some have said bad hard drive (I HOPE NOT THE CASE FOR ME AT LEAST!!!) Some have said bad mother board. Some have said virus or malware Some have referenced a software update both Microsofts and also specific computer companies. So what can I do to get to my files at least to back them up that is providing the drive is OK! I do know from the boot menu my hard drive is showing in the boot menus. Does this mean that the drives OK but maybe a corrupted boot area or something?

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Can't Boot - Black Screen And Blinking Cursor

Mar 20, 2012

I'm having regarding my Dell with Windows 7 x64. Initially I got the message "Loading PBR for descriptor 2... Done". That's all it said, and did not continue to boot. I researched the error message and found many users with similar problems that solved it by booting the Windows 7 dvd and running bootrec.exe from the command prompt, so I attempted this. I tried bootrec with the /fixmbr, /fixboot, and /rebuildbcd options. After trying to fix my problem with bootrec, the "loading pbr" message no longer appears, all I get is a blank screen with a blinking cursor after the BIOS. I'm not sure what the problem or solution is at this point. I'm not sure if I've made things better or worse. I tried running chkdsk /r but it won't run, complaining that the disk is write protected.   Edit: I just realized that System Recovery Options is showing "Operating system: Unknown on (Unknown) Local Disk"

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Laptop Won't Boot / Black Screen With The Arrow Cursor On It?

May 12, 2012

Been having 9 RootKit issues popping up on our Laptop found by the AVG scan for about a month now. I wanted to just do a complete Restore to get things running normally again. Problem is I have a huge amount of pics on there that are not backed up. Been trying to come up with a quick & easy way to do it.Did a Google search the other day & read that I could use a Bridged USB-USB cable & transfer the pics to our PC. Went to Best Buy to get it & they told me that the Belkin Easy Transfer Cable would do it. Well, I attempted to run the thing last night (I don't think it was even doing what I wanted) and now the laptop will not boot at all.There was an error message (that I didn't write down) on it when I got up this morning & now all I get is a black screen with the arrow cursor on it.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - Black Screen With Moveable Cursor

Mar 5, 2011

Alright, so my Acer laptop has been working fine with no problems at all since i bought it about 2 years ago. This was until yesterday where i turned it on, just to see no login screen, only a black screen with a moveable cursor

I tried ctrl+alt+delete didn't work

I tried to repair windows with the repair disc through a USB, didnt work. It said that windows couldn't automaticly fix the issue, in the log it said:

Problem Signature:
Problem Event Name: StartupRepairOffline
Proglem Signature 01: 6.1.76900.16385
Proglem Signature 02: 6.1.76900.16385
Proglem Signature 03: Unknown
Proglem Signature 04: 0
Proglem Signature 05: Autofailover
Proglem Signature 06: 8
Proglem Signature 07: BadDriver

I tried to restore to previous system points, but didn't have any for some reason

When i boot from the repair disc, i'm able to get into the menu where i chose OS, and found out that when i press Load Drivers, i'm able to access my HDD, where everything seems to be intact, already copied some important work stuff to a seperate HDD if *** won't get working

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When Boot Up Windows 7 / Only Get A Black Screen With White Cursor

Jan 28, 2013

I turn on my computer to eventually get a black screen with white cursor that will move around. The Toshiba insignia comes up beforehand as well as the windows four square icon then it is to this black screen and white cursor. I cant seem to get the computer to boot up from Windows 7 installation disc. Sometimes I also get a BOOTMGR image is corrupt. The system cannot boot. message as well. I imagine there is a solution of sorts as it seems many people have had a similar problem. I have a freind who maybe able to fix it seeing he is a computer programmer but that is not until the end of the week.

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Black Screen With Blinking Cursor On Restart - Windows 7 Does Not Boot

Nov 28, 2011

I have purchased an OEM pc yesterday and I installed windows 7 x64 on it. Everything went great with installation. No errors or anything. But when I restarted my computer, after the motherboard splash screen a black screen with a blinking cursor top left appears and windows doesn't boot. But sometimes, especially when I wait a few minutes to turn it on it boots normally till I shut it down. It is so random.

My specs are:
Motherboard: gigabyte 970a d-3
CPU: AMD phenom ii x6 1100t black edition 3 .3ghz
GPU: Sapphire hd 6870 1GHZ
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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Windows 7 On Laptop Will Not Boot It Goes To The Toshiba Screen Then Black With Cursor In Top Left

Nov 2, 2012

windows 7 on my laptop will not boot it goes to the toshiba screen then black with cursor in top left. i cannot go to safe mode or startup repair because when you hold F8 or any other key it just beeps. im trying to keep from trying the factory reset.

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Windows 7 On Laptop Will Not Boot It Goes To The Toshiba Screen Then Black With Cursor In Top Left

Nov 2, 2012

windows 7 on my laptop will not boot it goes to the Toshiba screen then black with cursor in top left. i cannot go to safe mode or startup repair because when you hold F8 or any other key it just beeps. im trying to keep from trying the factory reset.

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Black Screen On Startup / Showing Cursor / Doesn't Go To Log In Screen

Dec 5, 2011

I'm using I have a DELL4500S desktop, on startup it will not go to the login screen, the screen is just black with the cursor showing. I've tried restarting the computer, unplugging everything and restarting it. Nothing is working. When it first starts a pop up shows and says "This Application has failed to start because SAMLIB.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem."I'm not sure what it's talking about and what to re install and I can't reinstall whatever it is because I can't get to the start menu.

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Black Screen W/ Cursor After Windows 7 Loading Screen?

Mar 24, 2012

Recently, my computer starts up windows and after the loading screen it just sits at a black screen forever with a cursor and it doesn't even make it to the log in screen. I have tried safe mode with the same results. What I've Done So FarTried to Repair Startup with Windows DVD Tried to use sfc /scannow at boot (Says pending changes and needs to restart) Tried logging into my Ubuntu partition and virus scanning (None found) Tried copying Reg Files from Regback into config while I was in Linux Tried to Repair Install (But I can't log into Windows ) Tried to bootrec /fixmbr /fixbot /RebuildBcd (Which destroyed my dual boot linux grub, but I was desperate. And still nothing) Interestingly though, after I do /RebuildBcd command it says something like "Found Windows Installations: 0" Tried to System Restore (Gave me an Error, wouldn't you know) At this point I'm not to confident that this can be fixed. If anyone has any ideas I'm willing to try. Or if you have any snazzy suggestions on how I could fix it using another computer, I have a different Windows Pro x64 computer that I can put the HD in if there's someway I can save my data/fix it/repair install from there. I just don't know how.

Edit: I finished the chkdsk and there were no bad sectors, though it did give me a message "Failed to transfer logged messages to the event log with status 50."I did a Windows Defender Offline scan with no viruses and I'm currently scanning with Kaspersky Rescue disk. I don't believe it is a virus, I think it's a corruptregistry at this point. I had just cleaned my registry with CCleaner before the shutdown that led to this >.<

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Black Screen With Cursor Only?

Apr 29, 2012

I'm having black screen with cursor only on my laptop! I just restarted my computer because there was a message prompt from my antivirus (AVG) to restart to finish the update. When it restarted all I got was a black screen with cursor only. Same thing happens when I boot to safe mode. Start up repair and system restore cannot fix it automatically. I even tried the crtl+alt+delete. doesn't work either. I'm using dell n4010, windows 7.

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Black Screen With Cursor?

May 8, 2011

I have Sony Vaio which is just 1 yr old. About a week before, I installed the latest updates windows 7. When I started the windows, I was able to log into the windows. But then, the system was very slow. So, I turned down the laptop. After that, a message appeared "A disk error occurred. Press Alt+Ctrl+Del". When I press it, the same message appeared. I tried to go from the safe mode and there is a blank scree with a cursor. I cannot do anything with the cursor. No right click. No task bar and even tried pressing shift 5 times. Every step leads me to the same screen. I even tried to get to the vaio recovery for setting it into the default factory settings.

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Black Screen With No Cursor

May 18, 2012

i have a hp pavilion dv6z-6c00 running windows 7 home premium 64-bit and it's messed up. a week ago i let the battery run out and when starting it up again, i noticed the windows logo page was in a version close to safe mode. right after, instead of going to the log-in page, all i got was a black screen. left it like that for a while and no change. i then proceeded to restart the laptop numerous times and i still got the same thing. sometimes with a cursor but more so without. i have looked online for solutions and have read multiple incidents where it could be a problem with the start-up with my processes. yet i have not found one closely resembling my situation. some solutions recommended doing some diagnostics and memory tests to find out more info. i would try that with the built-in windows version and it would get hung up at 99%. the bios version to test memory only allowed the short version. some mentioned to go into safe mode, yet i do not even have access to the f8 menu. it just goes through the loading and keeps beeping until i let go of the key. some say to start a system recovery but when i try that, it actually loads with the regular windows logo screen but thats about it; it stays there without doing anything else. i really need help on this because i seriously don't know what else to do. i just got the laptop a couple months ago and to run into this really sucks.

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Black Screen With Cursor Before Log In

Mar 9, 2012

I have a Sony Vaio VPCSC laptop that I have owned for about four months. In these four months, I have experienced boot issues once before that was resolved by a lucky guess on my part. I have had the blue screen of death about four times before as well. This problem occurred when I was installing a game on my laptop. I had just agreed to the EULA when I went to go turn off my bittorrent. Just then, my computer froze, giving the familiar white-transparent screen with the circular loading cursor. I waited for it to load, and when it didn't, I went off for about thirty minute to do other things to pass the time. When I came back and it was still frozen, I manually shut off the computer. When I booted up again, the Windows Error Recovery screen appeared, after which I selected Start Windows Normally. The Starting Windows animation ran and then afterwards my screen shut off for about three seconds, came back on with solely the black screen and the cursor. After a second the brightness dimmed. I am left with the black screen and the cursor, which occasionally will be the cursor accompanied by the circular loading cursor, much akin to this [URL] but with the Windows 7 cursor. The entire time, my hard drive indicator is lit. Last night I just left the black screen running, and when I woke up, it was the BSOD.

I restarted and then tried every boot option in the advanced boot options menu. The only one that brings me something besides the black screen is system recovery. In system recovery, Startup Repair runs its course and does nothing, System Restore does nothing because I have no restore points (I know, I know, my bad), System Image Recovery cannot find any system images, Windows Memory Diagnostic simply restarts the computer, and Command Prompt works, seeing as when I click it, it opens.

So, from my own assumptions, I think my hard drive is shot, which is frustrating since I have only had this laptop for four months. I've already had two prior laptops that had hard drive crashes within the first year. I have looked at the other threads about this, yet none of them have helped me, because I do not own a Windows 7 disc, or any disc of that sort.

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Black Screen With Cursor?

Dec 23, 2011

I havn't booted up my computer in about 4 months. It was working fine before. Anyways the motherboard screen will come up and after that it will go to a black screen with a blinking cursor on the screen "most of the time" sometimes it's just a black screen. I can't boot into safe mode. I have made sure in the bios that the boot order is correct. I can't boot from CDrom. Is my harddrive bad and if my hard drive is bad shouldn't it still be able to boot from CDrom? that's what doesn't make sense to me.

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Black Screen With Cursor Only?

Nov 22, 2012

i have install software yeshield from ...after i restart laptop have black screen with cursor only after 'welcome' to fix it....,.i recently do restore point and this is not solved my problem.

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Getting The Black Screen With Just The Cursor?

Jul 18, 2012

I am getting the black screen with just the cursor. I have tried to boot up in safe mode and I still get nothing. I have tried to put in my windows 7 disk and do a repair and that does not work either.

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Persistent Black Screen With Cursor

Feb 28, 2011

I installed Windows 7 Service Pack 1 a few days ago, and it's been running since then without any problems. However, just yesterday I fell victim to the "Black Screen of Death". I was about to pop out for a few hours, so I exited the game I was playing to turn my machine off. Despite the game being in Windowed mode, where I could happily see the taskbar, once the program closed my entire screen went black. The cursor was present, but I couldn't do anything - not even Ctrl Alt Del.

I reset the computer with the reset switch on the tower, and it loaded back into Windows without issue. Everything looked OK, so I shut it down normally. When I came back a few hours later and turned on the machine, the real problems began. Everything boots fine, including the "Welcome" screen you get from W7 just before hitting the desktop. But instead of the desktop, I get a black screen and a mouse cursor.

Fortunately, safe mode still worked, so I went straight online to search for a solution. One of the articles I read blamed SP1, and said that uninstalling it had fixed the problem for them. So, in safe mode, I uninstalled SP1. SP1 uninstalled successfully, and my desktop returned! But once everything started loading, my Avast alerted me to a possible rootkit. I opted to delete the file, and was asked to perform a boot-time scan, which I agreed to.

I restarted the machine, and Avast's boot-time scan kicked in. It found nothing. Once the scan had finished, Windows restarted and the problem returned. Black screen, mouse cursor. This seems to be a common symptom of a variety of problems, so I have tried:

- The Prevx tool released in 2009 when this problem cropped up. No joy.
- Checking that Windows isn't looking for multiple monitor displays. It isn't.
- Uninstalling the video drivers, disabling the card, and using a different card with different drivers.
- HKLM regedit to ensure there wasn't a Localhost where there shouldn't be, and that explorer.exe was correctly listed. Everything was fine.
- I've run a Malware Bytes, Spybot, and Avast scan (full, thorough) all of which found nothing.
- I've simply sat and waiting at the black screen, for 15 - 20 minutes with no activity.

Ctrl Alt Del doesn't work, neither does Ctrl Shift Esc. The only thing I can do is reset the machine to prompt a "Windows didn't load properly" screen and go into safe mode. I have one last suspicion to try when I get home from work, and that's disabling / uninstalling the audio drivers. But if that fails, I'm out of ideas.

Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Intel i7 920
Radeon 5850 HD

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Windows 7 Black Screen With Cursor?

Feb 19, 2012

Win7 (64 bit) will not boot into regular or safe mode, after log in I get a black screen w / cursor, and that is it. I believe the registry is corrupted. I attempted a repair with the win7 disk, that did not help.

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Black Screen With Blinking Cursor?

May 14, 2012

I have a sony vaio vpceb11fm laptop. the moment i turn it on i get the vaio sign and then a black screen with a flashing cursor on the top left hand corner i tried f10 to recover the system but come across the same problem.

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Black Screen With Cursor On Startup?

Oct 16, 2012

When I start my computer, the windows logo animation happens, and then it goes to a black screen with a cursor in the middle. I have done startup repair a few times, and the first time it did something, but now when I try it says there there are no problems. I cannot start it in safe mode either. One major problem is that there are files that I really need for a school project on this computer. So, is there anything I can do to recover the files and fix my computer?

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Black Screen With Cursor In Windows 7?

Jul 17, 2011

I get only black screen with mouse cursor. As mentioned in some blog I went the registry through ctrl+alt+Del key. went to winlogin and had not found on other key on shell excepting explorer.exe. Hence did not delete any keys.

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Windows 7 Black Screen With Cursor?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a laptop that came into my shop last week, an HP G62 with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. The user needed immediate file recovery which was done without a problem, and then I went to town on fixing the issue.The customer reported a "memory error" popping up before they shut the computer down. Upon restart, Windows would only load to a black screen with the mouse cursor. I've encountered this in the past and through various methods, such as CTRL+ALT+DEL or Startup Repair, but this one has eluded me for some time.No matter what I do, I can not get anything to launch on this computer. Windows from the hard drive, Windows from the install CD, built in Startup Repair, and Windows in every single startup mode all returns a black screen with the cursor. No shortcut keys seem to do anything.

I have also connected it to an external monitor to see if that was an issue, and it wasn't. I have tried UBCD to no avail, it just doesn't start. I have tried BartPE with a Window XP Pro install and received a blue screen.I have connected the hard drive as an external and run virus and malware scans with no issues found. I have tried to run CHKDSK, but the drive hangs about halfway through. The files, however, are all accessible and able to be moved/removed, but it does not allow me to change permissions. I have heard about this being a permission error, but I have had no luck in that department.The cd-rom drive works as I have just tried Paragon Partition Manager to use the boot corrector, however, it seems to be to no avail either.MemTest turned up no errors. Just to be sure I ran it with each memory stick going solo, same results.

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Black Screen With Cursor Insolvent?

Apr 23, 2012

So I've read through what seems like 100s of threads about the black screen with cursor. No task manager access, same problem in safe mode and even repair mode. I have not been able to fix this and I need it fixed desperately.

This is an Asus notebook running 7 Home, 64 bit. 2 days ago I reformatted and restored the pc using the discs I made. Everything went great. I took out the HD and plugged it directly into my desktop to transfer all my files back onto it. Got everything done except music. Put the HD back in the note book and used it for 2 days. Worked fine. Took the HD back out and plugged it into my desktop again. Transferred 25gb of music into the my music folder. Put the HD back in the notebook. It started up but wouldn't open iTunes. I thought maybe I should restart it. So I restarted it and it went crazy going through what seemed like every file on the machine. Invalid security id, deleting security id, replacing security id, and so on. I left it alone for a good hour or 2. Can back to the black screen with while cursor no matter what I do. I need this computer for work.

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Black Screen With Cursor - Laptop?

Oct 12, 2012

I'm trying to load a system recovery disk, however I'm getting a black screen with a cursor.

I've selected the CD/DVD to be first in the BIOS. I'm having to format my HD, because the laptop would load to a black screen with a cursor.

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Black Screen With Cursor On Startup?

Oct 16, 2012

When I start my computer, the windows logo animation happens, and then it goes to a black screen with a cursor in the middle. I have done startup repair a few times, and the first time it did something, but now when I try it says there there are no problems. I cannot start it in safe mode either. Also I was able to recover some files on the hard drive using a Ubuntu Live CD. I have an ASUS A53S laptop running Windows 7 Premium.

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Black Screen With Visible Cursor?

Oct 30, 2012

When I booted up my PC all I got was black screen with white cursor I tried pressing Alt Ctrl Delete but it didn't work I restarted the computer manually a few times and it got back to normal, this happened to me few times already, anything I should do to prevent such thing from happening?

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