Aero And Other Mouse-overs Not Staying Up?

Feb 3, 2012

Im having an issue in Win7 Home where my Aero previews arent staying active. I mouse over a program and the preview disappears after about a second. Also, in Outlook, the previews of appointments are doing the same thing. Not sure whats happening.

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Aero Peek Thumbnails Not Stay Up - Flickering When Mouse Over

Aug 28, 2010

So here is my issue: my aero peek thumbnails don't stay up, as I move my mouse over the active icon, it shows and then disappears. It flickers as my mouse moves across the icon. But when I click the explorer bar itself and then mouse over my active icon, it *will* show. I've tried to research it myself, updating my 9800gtx+ driver, running aero peek repair, and even windows Repair Install. It must be a registry thing, because I've done everything else.

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SiS671 Mirage3 - NO AERO But W/o Drivers = AERO

Oct 18, 2009

I am currently looking a way to enable Aero in my machine. (as note, currently I am missing the Aero Glass, Aero Peek, and Aero Flip.

I did a clean install of Windows 7 on the machine. Because my screen is WideScreen, at first the graphics are all large and mushy. But at this point I HAVE AERO!

Then, I installed the driver for the gfx card, which was SIS UniVGA3 v.3.85. After installing and restarting, I get the normal resolution (1280x800) but NO AERO.

I thought this was driver problem, so I downloaded UniVGA5 v5.07, UniVGA5 v5.20 (which is the driver for Windows7, according to the site), and the SiS driver update from Windows Update, all of which didn't enable Aero for me.

I am completely stumped on this. I just don't get why the heck I get Aero WITHOUT driver, but no Aero with drivers.

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2tb Usb Hdd Not Staying Connected?

Nov 4, 2011

2tb usb hdd not staying connected ok ill hook it up to my pc it will load and in about every 30 min. it resets and i was wanting to know if there was a way to get it to just stay connected after connecting it

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Desktop Icons Not Staying Put?

Jun 10, 2010

I am not spamming I do not think, but in PCWorld this past month, they highlighted a great app for keeping things on the desktop organized. I have been having problems myself with my icons moving around when my computer boots up, etc. Yes, I did try all the fixes out there to no avail. That is until I found Fences. Fences� Download - By Stardock - Clean up your desktop clutterThe free version works for me, and for one of the partners in my firm who was also having the same problems and driving me mad, it's working for him too. Just passing this along as i see on there from time to time topics from newbees and vets alike who deal with the frustration of rebellious desktop icons.

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Any Icon On Taskbar Not Staying

Nov 14, 2012

any icon on taskbar not stay

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Multiple Explorer.exe's Staying Open?

Jul 30, 2010

First, running Windows 7 64bit on full & clean install to a new HD. Recently I have been noticing on a few trips to task manager that some times I will have a whole bunch of explorer.exe's running even if I have nothing but my desktop. In doing some checking I found that this is happening from each time I open a new explorer window but the issue is, when I close the window, the process still is running.It even happens if say from my desktop, I open only one explorer window and close that one and then at open another single one and close it and on an on like this. Simple put it seems like for any condition I open an explorer window, despite the fact that I have closed it, it doesn't really seem to close. Note, in doing some Googling I have found that I am not alone with this an some have recommend to uncheck, "Launch folder in separate process" in folder options and I have tried this but it doesn't work. So how do I get Windows 7 to stop running a process of explorer.exe once I have closed it as sometimes I have even seen up to 10 of these running and its really eating up my memory.

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Desktop Icons Not Staying In Position?

Aug 31, 2011

Every time I load up windows the icons are in the default position and not where I left them, any ides how to fix this?

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Not Staying Aasleep In Sleep Mode

Mar 14, 2012

Something odd is happening with the new rig ive built.It is working flawlessly on a clean install of Windows 7 HP 64bit aside from one rather annoying issue: when i put it into sleep mode, after a few minutes it wakes back up again.things ive tried to rule out so far:Its not the mouse. If i put into sleep mode i can wiggle the mouse (its corded and into usb) to my hearts content but it wont wake it up.

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Changes On Drop Down List Not Staying Permanent

Oct 9, 2011

I'm having a problem when I try to make changes, computer will not let me save or apply the changes.Ex-I try to change the volume and bounces back to the same position it was in as soon as I move the mouse.I try to use any drop down list and and whatever I click on it does not stay

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Staying Connected With Remote Desktop While Rebooting?

Nov 29, 2011

Is there a way to stay connected to a computer via remote desktop while it reboots, or at least automatically reconnect? I ask because I need to take some screen captures of the BIOS settings which I can only get into on bootup. I can't use my screen capture application while in the BIOS, or at any point during bootup, but I can from another computer that's remotely connected to it - that is, if it could BE connected while at this stage in the bootup.

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Staying Connected With Remote Desktop While Rebooting?

Nov 29, 2011

Is there a way to stay connected to a computer via remote desktop while it reboots, or at least automatically reconnect? I ask because I need to take some screen captures of the BIOS settings which I can only get into on bootup. I can't use my screen capture application while in the BIOS, or at any point during bootup, but I can from another computer that's remotely connected to it - that is, if it could BE connected while at this stage in the bootup.

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Staying Logged In For Site Future Visits?

Feb 7, 2012

The LogIn page for Google, and many other sites, have a checkbox for staying "Logged In" for future visits (without having to enter the UserName and Password again and again).I have these boxes checked, but None of them ever work; not a single one.Is there something on my system that I have to configure differently, perhaps ?

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Notification Area Settings Not Staying After Reboot?

Jan 26, 2012

I have 2 issues with the notification area and trying to get settings to stay after restarting the computer. My office is deploying its first year of Windows 7 Pro systems and we make an excessive use of the Group Policy feature "Run only allowed Windows Applications." My first issue with the notification area comes to quick access to the management utility. If I click the arrow to view all of the hidden icons and click the Customize option, I get the message that the "Administrator has prohibited the use..." of that feature. I can go to the control panel and access the notification area through there though. I have also elevated my user rights to administrative for unrestricted access to get to the menu from either the Customize option or control panel.Now no matter which method I use to get to the notification area options, I can make the necessary changes and updated, I see the icons that I want to see and hide the ones that I don't want to see. After I restart the computer and sign back in, all of the notification area icons are right back to how they were before I made my customizations, and I can't figure out how to prevent this from happening.

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Screen Staying Off Until Windows 7 Starts Loading

Feb 25, 2012

Very strange problem happened after I reinstalled Windows 7. My computer boots and runs fine, no issues. Whenever I turn it on from cold or restart, the screen is off up until Windows starts loading. If I keep pressing DEL during boot, the BIOS comes up on the screen. Exit the BIOS and same, nothing on the screen until windows is loading. I have one PCI-E graphics card going to one monitor, and I tried changing in the BIOS PEG and PCI for the graphics card but with no luck

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Taskbar Staying Stuck After Computer Wakes Up From Sleep

Oct 2, 2010

I use win 7 home premiun and everytime my computer wakes up from sleep my the taskbar stays stuck for 1-2 minutes. I have downloaded a a program called process explorer to see what is running in windows explorer. I used a option in process explorer called kill the process on the programs that are running but it doesn't do anything.

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Trouble Staying Connected With Windows 7 Realtek 8188CE

Nov 8, 2012

I figure I'll give this posting a shot tonight and try to stay connected long enough to do so! For the past month or so, I've been experiencing some issues where my internet browsing will either not work at all, work intermittently, work fine then slow down and stop, or stop working after "waking my computer up from a short nap" - say when I go grab a snack or something.I've tried to take as many screen shots as possible figuring they may come in handy when I eventually got around to trouble shooting the issue. It came up rather suddenly which makes me wonder what happened. The laptop still seems to work so well at other locations but not this one.

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Flash Not Staying Installed - Need To Reinstall Multiple Times Daily?

Apr 12, 2012

System: Dell Inspiron laptop,
Studio 16 XPS
Windows 7 Home Premium w/Service Pack 1 (64 bit)
Intel Core Duo 2.8 Ghz, 4 GB RAM.

The problem is that Flash will not stay installed. Another problem (related?) is that I *cannot* install Itunes on this computer, it will error out each time, and Apple is notorious for telling me it is a Windows problem, nothing they can do, so I found a way around the "long pole in the tent" requirement of Itunes to Sync iPad/iPod, and this really isn't even a "problem" anymore as much as an annoyance. Other utilities, Avast virus protection, Malware Bytes, Spybot Search/Destroy with immunization, and always running Iolo System Mechanic.

All software and operating system is up to date with current patches and updates. A program I use regularly that may be suspect but also seems so innocuous as to have no bearing on it is a keyboard macro program, Keyboard Express v4. For example with this program, I can define some hot keys like ALT-CTRL-T which will insert some text I define to the program into wherever the cursor is at on the current web page or Word document. Always text, no graphics or funkiness here.

I usually use Firefox (v11.0) as my browser but interestingly enough, I discover that Flash has also disappeared when I go to IE (v9), and it appears there is a different Flash for IE than there is for Firefox, depending on which browser is used to download (multiple times daily) the Flash installer. An interesting aspect is that after I re-install Flash, IE and/or Firefox, then later on go to Outlook and click a link in an email, Outlook gives me an error message about not being able to open the link. But if I reboot, Outlook is now fine to click on and open that same link, although Flash has again gone away.

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Desktop Background Staying Black - Selected Wallpaper Won't Display

Sep 14, 2012

I recently sent my laptop in for minor repairs. Since having it back, my desktop background is staying black. I can "change" it in my settings, but the slideshow is not displayed (all icons, etc. are still visible). The selected background will flash on the screen briefly if I am closing a window or minimizing to the desktop. I've looked through settings to try to deactivate this black screen, but I haven't found anything useful.

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Computer Doesn't Find Microphone - Headset Not Staying Connected

Jan 30, 2012

We have this headset. In the sound menu, it says not connected, while I did put it in the computer? (And I didn't put them the wrong way around, and have checked all my drivers.)

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No Sleep Mode Screen Turned Off But All Activity Lights Staying On

Sep 5, 2012

I've got a problem with my laptop - it won't sleep. Specifically, when I try and make it sleep, the screen turns off and I cannot interact with it at all - but the computer just keeps going. All the activity lights stay on, and while I can't see or do anything, the computer stays on and will not sleep, leaving me with no choice but to manually force shutdown. Sometimes if I leave it like this for a while, it will simply crash and shut down incorrectly. I have gone into the power-plan settings and checked my advanced settings, but that hasn't worked. It's just come on in the last few days, but I haven't installed anything new in that time. I'm going to try a system restore now, but I don't hold much hope for it.

(I'm using a Samsung R530, 32-bit Windows 7, Intel Pentium.)

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Mouse Freezes, Followed By System Lag And Mouse Icon Turns Fuzzy Pics?

Jun 24, 2012

My computer qwill freeze for a few seconds followed by system lag which seems to get worse (freezing every few seconds/taking 2 seconds to recognise a click etc.). If i reset my computer it resolves the issue but i was hoping you guys may be able to give me more insight as to what the issue may be.It nearly always happens when i am browsing in firefox. Have never had it happen to me during gaming etc. which is why i'm hesitant to believe it is to do with my GPU or it's drivers which are always kept up to date.i have included pics of the cursor and what processes were running at the time of the freeze/lag

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Annoying Mouse Lag - Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 3500

Sep 19, 2012

Lately I have been having an annoying problem with my wireless mouse. For some reason the pointer will lag, and be very sluggish and jumpy. I've had this mouse on this computer for about a year and I've had no problem. Out of nowhere this problem is happening. I've tried re installing drivers with no luck. I tried uninstalling intellipoint and re-installing it, but when I tried I got the BSOD, and then it completely disabled my mouse and keyboard so I had to use wired peripherals to go in to safe mode and do a system restore. Now everything is working again, except my mouse is still jumpy.

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Mouse On Laptop Or Wireless Mouse Neither On Want Open Certains Things

Nov 7, 2012

i'm trying to order something from a website and the cursor want open my cart for me to look at it and finish my order. this is happening in several sites not just one.

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Plugging Working USB Mouse Off And Back In: Mouse Does Not Work Any More

May 5, 2011

I have a USB mouse which works fine when it is plugged in at boot time.

When I then (when Win7 is already up) plug the USB mouse out and 10 seconds later back in again then it is not working any more.

Another USB mouse on another Win7 computer does not have such problems.

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Mouse Acceleration Turned Off Only For The Mouse, Not The Touch Pad?

Jun 24, 2011

Is it possible to turn the mouse acceleration on only when using the touchpad on my laptop and off when I'm using the mouse? I usually don't use the touchpad when the mouse is plugged in if that's an

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Built In Mouse Conflicts With External Mouse

Sep 18, 2011

I probably spilled some coffee on the keyboard and now I can not inactivate the mouse pad in favor of the external mouse. The only way I can eliminate the conflict is to uninstall the mouse pad. That works fine but every time I reboot for something I have to uninstall it again. As you know rebooting is common and therefore I have to reboot twice for every time I have to reboot. Anyone with a solution to this problem? This is a HP laptop. The mouse automatically installs everytime I have to reboot. I do not shut down normaly.

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Get Transparency With Aero?

Apr 12, 2011

Is there any hack or download that can get me transparency?

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How To Eliminate Aero

Jun 19, 2011

I'm new to Windows 7 and currently am running 7 Pro on my PC although there are a lot of things that I do like about 7 there are a lot I don't. I tried to customize my PC with a paid version of WindowBlinds. It is a 7 theme and compatible but it still has some of the Aero items still attached (light blue shading on bars, highlights and the like).

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Get Aero With Old Hardware

Jul 21, 2009

Any way to tweek windows 7 RC1 to have aero support for older hardware?

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How Much Resources Does Aero Take ?

Nov 2, 2009

How much resources does aero take? will my dual set up be enough?. i am planning to get a AMD Athlon II X2 240 CPU with a MB that has a 780G chipset which has ATI HD 3200 integrated graphics, will it be able to handle aero?

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