Vista Running 2 Partitions Same Drive

Aug 12, 2009

Well, I had 2 versions of Vista running from 2 partitions of the same physical drive:

C: x86 (the original install) (active/primary)
K: x64 (installed later to test it as I wanted more than 3GB ram) (primary)

I then decided to get rid of the C:x86 version and just use the K:x64 one so whilst in K: and using partition software I deleted the C: and merged the K; into the free space. Seemed like a good idea at the time! Well now it won't boot at all. I'm getting the message "NTLDR is missing" at startup. So, using the Vista install disc, I got into DOS or CMD or whatever they call it nowadays and I can see that K: is now called C: My original x86 C: file structure is gone but my old K: X64 file structure is now under C:

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Created Another Partition On My Drive For Vista X64. (two Other Partitions Running Vista X86)

Mar 14, 2008

I'm new to Vista x64 (the op sys as well as this site). I have just endeavored to try out Vista 64 bit on one of my workstations. I run VMWare Workstation at work and can use the additional memory addressing of Vista 64 (I have 4 gigs of RAM). nyway, my problem is this.

1) I created another partition on my drive for Vista x64. (two other partitions running Vista x86).
2) I have been running dual boot with Vista for quite a while and it runs fine.
3) After creating the new partition and installing Vista x64 with SP1 (integrated service pack on install DVD), I get drive corruption problems all over the place.

I have 3 500 gigabyte Western Digital drives in this machine. The first is for operating system partitions and the second strictly for backup (using Acronis True Image) and the third for data. The data drive seems to have problems reading when I attempt to install additional drivers for the x64 bit environment (just downloaded from the web). Also, I soon will get errors afterwards on the C drive also.

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Hard Drive Partitions

May 31, 2009

After many years of faithful service the CD bootable version of Partition Magic 8.0 has become obsolete when it comes to drives that have been touched Vista 64-bit and Windows 7?! I get the Partition Magic "Error 105" and it quits. In fact, Windows 7 will not install correctly on a Primary partition setup by Partition Magic. Anyway, the partitioning and formatting capability in Vista and Windows 7 gets the job done. I have just one question - how do I set up an extended partition or is that a thing of the
past too?

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Did Not Make Any Partitions System Drive

May 14, 2009

I just got my new build up and running late last night and during Vista installation, I did not make any partitions to my main system drive. I would like to make a couple, maybe one for Windows and programs and one for dedicated swap space. My main question is do you think it would be best just to reinstall windows and do it from there? Or just as good to use Disk Management to do it?

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How To Move Hard Drive With Partitions To Other Computer?

Feb 7, 2009

If I have a hard drive in my PC, and have partitioned it and then I want to move this hard drive on to a new computer, will the partitions stay or will I need to re-partition the hard drive in the new PC?

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Remove Partitions On External Hard Drive

Dec 20, 2009

I have an external hard drive that's divided into 2 partitions. I want to reformat the drive and eliminate the partitions. (Or do I say I want to have only 1 partition?) How do I get rid of the two partitions?

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Managing Hard Drive Space / Partitions

Mar 7, 2009

I recently purchased a laptop with Vista x64 on it. When I went to manage my hard drive there was a ~150gb C drive and a ~140gb D drive. There was also a 10gb partition in front of the C drive with absolutely nothing on it, so I turned it into unallocated space. Is there any way to merge this with the C drive to gain the 10gb? I can format this 10gb but It is only contiguous with the C drive. I was thinking possibly using other software to do this but i'm not sure what would work.

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Partitions: Files Be Deleted After I Format My Hard Drive?

Jun 13, 2008

I have a problem with my Hard Drive and all i want to ask is: If i make a new partition, and store all my media there, will the files be deleted after I format my Hard Drive? Because i get some 0 unallocated hard drive spaces which i cant delete.

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Creating More Than 4 Partitions, Unallocated, Format And Assign A Drive Letter

Jul 4, 2008

Two of us have been searching for hours (forums, newsgroups, google) on how to create more then 4 partitions in on the same drive in Vista. We understand you can't have any more then 4 primary partitions. Here is how the Dell M1530 XPS came preconfigured as:

Partition 1 = OEM (Dell Utilities)
Partition 2 = Primiary (Dell Recovery)
Partition 3 = Primary (C Drive with Vista)
Partition 0 = Extended
Partition 4 = Logical

NOTE: Partition 0 or 4 is for Dell Media Direct. The volumes are:

Volume 0 E DVD-ROM
Volume 1 D Recovery
Volume C OS

Partition 3 is 220GB in size. I want to shrink it to 60GB's. This would leave about 160GB as Unallocated that I want to format and assign a drive letter to (a Volume I guess). We've also played around with DiskPart a lot, so we're pretty familiar with it, although not experts. All of the instructions on the web are the same, as none of them work with more then 4 partitions of any type.

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Manage Vista Partitions - REALLY ?

Nov 12, 2007

OK, I've been on this quest for two days now, searching all over the internet. I wonder if ANY body has the answer.

The other day my new computer (Dell Inspiron) came with a 320 gig HDD. Yes, it has the annoying EISA configured partition of 55 MB (EDIT 11/15 just caught mistake, edited from GB to MB) but that's not the big issue.

Another partition is Drive C and allocated with 288 GB and has the OS on it. Only 22.9 GB being used.

The last partition with 10 GB is drive D (recovery).

I want to take a BIG piece out of the C partition and create new partitions.

Using EITHER the Disk Managment tool OR diskpart.exe I am ONLY allowed to shrink C by 128 GB. So after using either, C is 159 GB and the new partition is 128 GB. And many reports around the internet say gparted don't work neither.

I want C to be around 30 GB - 50 GB

Sure I could BUY Partition Magic 8.0 for $70, but this is ONE TIME reallocation. That's a little pricey for a one time shot and I do not support Symantec.

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Format HD With Vista Or Remove Partitions

Mar 31, 2010

If I want to format my HD on vista or remove partitions, what is the procedure? All I have is the back up DVD's that I made. My original HD gave me intermittent problems so I abandoned it. Is there any way to get the recovery program from the original disk onto my new hard drive?

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Resize Partitions With Vista Disk Management

Jun 28, 2006

In Windows Vista it is now possible to resize partitions without any data loss in the new Disk Management console.

Resizing Partitions with Windows Vista:

Click on the Start Button and right click on Computer and select Manage.

Expand the Storage section and select Disk Management.

Then just right click on any partition and select either Expand or Shrink to change the size of the partition....

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Installed Vista Twice In Separate Disk Partitions On The Same PC?

Mar 26, 2008

Has anybody installed Vista twice in separate disk partitions on the same PC? I've been successfully running multi-boot with 2 XPs and a Vista on 1 PC. There's plenty info about on how to do that. Now I'm going to separate all XP installs onto 1 PC, and all Vista installs onto another PC. Will this make life easier? So I'll be running Vista Home Premium twice on 1 PC. One install will be for production use, and the other for testing.

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Creating HDD Partitions After Windows Vista Installation

Dec 19, 2008

As the Threadtitle says, my new PC just arrived with Vista Ultimate x64, and I want to know if it's possible to create Partitions on my HDD's after the Installation of Windows Vista? Or do I have to reinstall Vista to do it?

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File Autounattend.xml Of Vista 64bit Not Partitions The Disk

Feb 6, 2009

Using WAIK, I created the autounattend.xml file by putting it on a DVD of Vista Ultimate SP1 64 bit.




When, however, I do the boot from the DVD, Vista does not erase the disk and does not create the two partitions indicated by my file.

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Make The Partitions Of Window Vista Home Premium Os

Mar 26, 2008

How can i make the partitions of Window vista home premium os? Kindly suggest tested and free software.

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Having Two Copies Of Vista On One Computer: Install Vista On The Smaller Drive, Boot With That, And Access Files On The Other Drive

Dec 25, 2008

Right now I have a single 640 gig HDD that everything's on. I've got a laptop too that I'm gonna be taking out on rotations eventually. I wanted to get a new smaller (250GB) HDD and put my Vista on that, so my 640 will be data only (then I could take it with me in an external enclosure and leave the desktop for my mom to use til I come back and collect it). I was gonna DBAN the 640, but I wanted to get the data off of it first- about 170 GB of stuff that I'd rather not lose.

My question is-

Can I install Vista on the smaller drive, boot with that, and access files on the other drive? Would it work if there's another Vista running on the other drive? (both SATA).

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Constantly Running Hard Drive

Feb 20, 2009

Even when my Vista 64 is idle, my HDD never is. I'm constantly hearing the crunch of working hard disks. I halt the indexing, but that never helps. Please advice where to look and what more to disable.

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Rapidly Running Out Room On C Drive

May 19, 2008

I've recently purchased a Toshiba P200D-139, which came with Vista pre-installed. The HDD has come partitioned in C (Vista) and E (Data). TBH, I want just 1 drive. I???ve used the disk management function in Vista, and I???ve even done it manually in the cmd prompt, however I cannot extend the C drive at all. I can erase E, I can split it, I can create new drives, extend them, shrink them or whatever, either through the disk management function, or through diskpart.exe in the cmd prompt. I can do anything and everything to the E drive.

However the extend options for the C drive are greyed out. In the cmd prompt if you try to extend the C drive it says there???s insufficient space, yet if you try with the E drive it works fine. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm rapidly running out of room on the C drive, and don't see the point of splitting the same type of data across 2 partitions, espeically when a lot of it is shared/public.

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Hard Drive Running Like Crazy For No Reason

Feb 28, 2008

Can anyone tell me how to determine what I have running that makes my hard drive run like mad

I hit ctrl alt del and clicked the processes tab, theres a ton of crap in there but I can't figure out what the culprit is

Tried shutting the pc down and rebooting, same thing

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Running Windows Vista 32 Bit And 64 Bit Version Of Vista

Mar 29, 2009

My computer is coming close to need reinstalling. At the moment I am running windows vista 32 bit. I have a retail boxed version of vista, which includes the 64 bit version of vista. I have a HP computer, which has a quad core processor and has 4 gigs of ram. I wondered what the pros and cons are when having the 64 bit version of windows vista?

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Re-partition Disk: Disk Is Split Into 2 Partitions, Vista (C:)

Mar 29, 2008

My Disk is split into 2 partitions, Vista (C: ) and Data (E, each is about 70 Gb. I do not use the Data partition. I want to delete it and allow Vista(C to use all 140 Gb. The Help pages suggest that if I delete (or reduce the size of) "Data", the free space becomes unallocated? Can I repartition the disk to allow Vista C: to acces all 140 Gb?

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Running Vista Dla Was Not Supported By Vista

May 20, 2009

I know after running the Vista advisor that the old Sonic Software DLA was not supported by Vista, so uninstalled all "Known" versions of it before upgrading from XP SPF3 to Vista Ultimate SPF1, but somehow and Sonic/Roxio support has been of no help, I still have a component of DLA that is being Blocked every Logon. This is an anoyance and a nuisance , not like the BSOD issues, but have tried 2 different MS Fixit routines so far and each one has cripled my system, requiring a Reboot / Repair, so No more Auto Fixes. If anybody has an answer "Other than Delete the DRVMCDB.Sys file", and reboot. I have googled it and other forums have tried to sell "Driver Doctor", etc. but nothing I see as usefull. All other systems are fine and the drive works

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Running Vista On A 36 GB Hdd.

Mar 23, 2008

Curently im using Win XP Pro, and i have a Western Digital Raptor HDD 36 GB just for Windows and other applications. I want to switch to Win Vista Home Premium soon, but i read somewhere about the requierments and it said right there that Vista needs a 40 GB HDD with 10-15 GB free. So my questions is : Can i install Vista on that 36 gb or not ? ~ im not quite sure, thats why i'm asking.

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Running XP In Vista

Jun 20, 2008

Is it possible for me to install XP on Vista using the VMWare, or other such software?

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Running Vista 32 Bit Or 64 Bit?

May 10, 2008

I am currentlu running Vista Ultimate SP1 with 4GB of RAM with Intel Q6600 quad CPU. I have read that the 32 bit version (which I'm running) can only see about 3GB although it reports 4GB. Is there any reason why I should not consider moving to the 64 bit version? If not does your MB make a difference as I use a Gigabyte GA-EP35C-DS3R mobo.

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Running Vista 32 Bit With Sp1

Sep 10, 2008

I've searched for it but nothing. I'm running Vista 32bit home premium with SP1 on if that helps.

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32-bit 64-bit Running Vista

May 18, 2008

How do I find which virsion of vista I am running? 32-bit or 64-bit? Vista.

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Running DOS Games Under Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have tried to no avail t install and run any of my older DOS based (and full screen) games that usd to run under XP and earlier. s there a workaround for this or am I stuck having to run these on an older machine?

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Workstation Running Vista

Mar 29, 2008

I would like to list all the updates that were installed on my system in a text file. If somebody knows how to do it on a workstation running Vista.

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Running 64bit Vista Don't

Feb 22, 2009

I am running 64bit Vista, don't have many problems with it..... Wood touched etc. Recently I have been getting desktop ini files popping up everywhere, in file folders on desktop I don't know where they are coming from, and the world seems to continue to rotate if I delete them. Does anyone have any idea where they are coming from and more importantly

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