Running XP In Vista

Jun 20, 2008

Is it possible for me to install XP on Vista using the VMWare, or other such software?

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Created Another Partition On My Drive For Vista X64. (two Other Partitions Running Vista X86)

Mar 14, 2008

I'm new to Vista x64 (the op sys as well as this site). I have just endeavored to try out Vista 64 bit on one of my workstations. I run VMWare Workstation at work and can use the additional memory addressing of Vista 64 (I have 4 gigs of RAM). nyway, my problem is this.

1) I created another partition on my drive for Vista x64. (two other partitions running Vista x86).
2) I have been running dual boot with Vista for quite a while and it runs fine.
3) After creating the new partition and installing Vista x64 with SP1 (integrated service pack on install DVD), I get drive corruption problems all over the place.

I have 3 500 gigabyte Western Digital drives in this machine. The first is for operating system partitions and the second strictly for backup (using Acronis True Image) and the third for data. The data drive seems to have problems reading when I attempt to install additional drivers for the x64 bit environment (just downloaded from the web). Also, I soon will get errors afterwards on the C drive also.

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Running Windows Vista 32 Bit And 64 Bit Version Of Vista

Mar 29, 2009

My computer is coming close to need reinstalling. At the moment I am running windows vista 32 bit. I have a retail boxed version of vista, which includes the 64 bit version of vista. I have a HP computer, which has a quad core processor and has 4 gigs of ram. I wondered what the pros and cons are when having the 64 bit version of windows vista?

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Running Vista Dla Was Not Supported By Vista

May 20, 2009

I know after running the Vista advisor that the old Sonic Software DLA was not supported by Vista, so uninstalled all "Known" versions of it before upgrading from XP SPF3 to Vista Ultimate SPF1, but somehow and Sonic/Roxio support has been of no help, I still have a component of DLA that is being Blocked every Logon. This is an anoyance and a nuisance , not like the BSOD issues, but have tried 2 different MS Fixit routines so far and each one has cripled my system, requiring a Reboot / Repair, so No more Auto Fixes. If anybody has an answer "Other than Delete the DRVMCDB.Sys file", and reboot. I have googled it and other forums have tried to sell "Driver Doctor", etc. but nothing I see as usefull. All other systems are fine and the drive works

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Running Vista On A 36 GB Hdd.

Mar 23, 2008

Curently im using Win XP Pro, and i have a Western Digital Raptor HDD 36 GB just for Windows and other applications. I want to switch to Win Vista Home Premium soon, but i read somewhere about the requierments and it said right there that Vista needs a 40 GB HDD with 10-15 GB free. So my questions is : Can i install Vista on that 36 gb or not ? ~ im not quite sure, thats why i'm asking.

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Running Vista 32 Bit Or 64 Bit?

May 10, 2008

I am currentlu running Vista Ultimate SP1 with 4GB of RAM with Intel Q6600 quad CPU. I have read that the 32 bit version (which I'm running) can only see about 3GB although it reports 4GB. Is there any reason why I should not consider moving to the 64 bit version? If not does your MB make a difference as I use a Gigabyte GA-EP35C-DS3R mobo.

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Running Vista 32 Bit With Sp1

Sep 10, 2008

I've searched for it but nothing. I'm running Vista 32bit home premium with SP1 on if that helps.

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32-bit 64-bit Running Vista

May 18, 2008

How do I find which virsion of vista I am running? 32-bit or 64-bit? Vista.

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Running DOS Games Under Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have tried to no avail t install and run any of my older DOS based (and full screen) games that usd to run under XP and earlier. s there a workaround for this or am I stuck having to run these on an older machine?

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Workstation Running Vista

Mar 29, 2008

I would like to list all the updates that were installed on my system in a text file. If somebody knows how to do it on a workstation running Vista.

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Running 64bit Vista Don't

Feb 22, 2009

I am running 64bit Vista, don't have many problems with it..... Wood touched etc. Recently I have been getting desktop ini files popping up everywhere, in file folders on desktop I don't know where they are coming from, and the world seems to continue to rotate if I delete them. Does anyone have any idea where they are coming from and more importantly

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Running Vista Cannot Get Connection

Jul 29, 2009

My internet connection just stopped working after my battery died and ire-booted my laptop. It is a compaq presario running windows vista basic. I am plugged directly into the wall but I cannot get aconnection. It says i am connected to my network but with local access only.

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Can't Working Running Vista X 64

Mar 29, 2008

i've been working on this for awhile now and i'm at a dead end. Here is my issue, my machine is running vista x64 ultimate and for the last few weeks, I have not been able to get my 360 to connect to my pc. When i actually turn the 360 on, I get a notification in the taskbar and when i go through the steps to set up my extender, it always fails at connecting to extender. At the same time, the 360 just sits at the contacting screen with the white dots and eventually fails. I'm only using the windows firewall, which i've disabled and still have had no luck. I've also connected the 360 directly to my pc to no avail with 3 different ethernet cables and i'm pretty sure its not the network or my 360 itself because my xp media center works just fine. At this point, I've narrowed it down to my vista machine, but i'm at a loss.

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Running Multi Boot With Vista

Mar 23, 2008

Has anybody installed Vista twice in separate disk partitions on the same PC? I've been successfully running multi-boot with 2 XPs and a Vista on 1 PC. There's plenty info about on how to do that. Now I'm going to separate all XP installs onto 1 PC, and all Vista installs onto another PC. Will this make life easier? So I'll be running Vista Home Premium twice on 1 PC. One install will be for production use, and the other for testing. I've not seen any info on doing this.

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Vista Running Ram Is Missing Show

Aug 22, 2009

ive just reinstalled vista 64bit home premium i downloaded it from a torrent and then validated with my key im coming from 64bit windows 7 where i had 6 gbs of ram all showing up and in use but since ive reinstalled vista half of my RAM is missing i have it running dual channel one set with 4 gbs and the other set 2 gbs the 4 gbs is corsair 800 mhz and the 2 is stock memory whats also 800mhz i was gonna ditch the 2 when i bought the corsair ram recently but decided to keep both sets because my WEI score was 6.4 with just the corsair ram 4gbs but went uptoo 7.2 when i added the other stock ram and both sets were running flawlessly together ive tried both sets on there own and both are working in either slot on motherboard when i just used the 2 gbs it showed up something like 1980 ram in or something and when i just used the 4 set it was showing the same amount as the picture above i was thinking ive got some fake 64bit vista but 64bit programs work.

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Running Vista Can Print Shared

Jun 11, 2009

Two shared printers off 2 computers running XP. One notebook running Vista that can print fine to one shared printer but not the other. The one it *can* print to is hardwired to the network, the one in *cannot* isn't. But, that's not the problem. The notebook "sees" the printer share just fine. Just trying to connect or run the setup wizard ultimately leads to an "access denied" error. 1) I tried googling the answer and it wasn't "add a local printer" (even though it's not) 2) I tried installing the printer driver both before and after adding the printer (didn't work) I mean it's *right* there, the machine sees it. Why can't it connect to it? Do I need to change something in the machine's permission settings? It's an effing printer. Who cares if the whole world sees it.

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Vista Running 2 Partitions Same Drive

Aug 12, 2009

Well, I had 2 versions of Vista running from 2 partitions of the same physical drive:

C: x86 (the original install) (active/primary)
K: x64 (installed later to test it as I wanted more than 3GB ram) (primary)

I then decided to get rid of the C:x86 version and just use the K:x64 one so whilst in K: and using partition software I deleted the C: and merged the K; into the free space. Seemed like a good idea at the time! Well now it won't boot at all. I'm getting the message "NTLDR is missing" at startup. So, using the Vista install disc, I got into DOS or CMD or whatever they call it nowadays and I can see that K: is now called C: My original x86 C: file structure is gone but my old K: X64 file structure is now under C:

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Running Vista 64 Printer Is Not Working

Oct 17, 2007

something was wrong to where i thought i got banned..i couldnt post messages or do anything.. well i had a question i got 2 computers one running vista 64 and the other vista 32 and got one hp psc 2355 printer with the latest vista drivers...the wired router i have is a BEFSR41 v. 4.2 and the internet and all works perfectly..i have disarmed my firewall and enabled printer sharing and all...but the printer isnt working..its showing up on the network but... no luck

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How Can Network With 4 Running Win 98,98se,xp And Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have a small home network with 4 machines running Windows 98, Windows 98SE, Windows XP HE and Vista. There is no problem between XP and the other three machines, nor is there any problem with Vista accessing all machines (including the two 98 machines).

Both 98 machines see the Vista machine but when I try to access the Vista machine from these machines the following happens: On 98 the icon shows the Vista machine name, and when I click on this icon (expecting to get the "public" folder) I am asked for a network password to access the Vista machine - (of course) I have no such password.On 98SE the icon shows the "public" folder, and when I click on this icon the 98SE machine locks up completely. ++ reveals that the Vista machine "is not responding", and I have to terminate the process to continue operations on the 98SE.Is there any solution to these problems or must I simply give up all attempts to access the public area on the Vista machine from my Pre-XP

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Running Vista 64 Bit Firefox Browser

Aug 16, 2009

am running vista 64 bit and using firefiox as my browser. Firefox asked me to upgrade to its most reent version 3.5.2 and now firefox will not open. I know others that are running it with 32 bit vista-is it possible tha my 64 bit version is the probem?

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Running Vista Active Window

Aug 5, 2009

Running Vista Home Prem 32bit Normally when working with Windows when you do something that opens a new Window, that new Window opens in the forefront. However that is not so in my case, the new Window opens behind and at times I don't even know the new Window has opened because it is behind and hidden from view. Is there a setting that you set to make the new Window open in front of all others?

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Running Vista: Installing Update 1 Of 4

Sep 11, 2008

I am running Vista Ultimate 32bit, I started getting this message yesterday and it says " Installing update 1 of 4 " and I havn't seen anything happening at all, what do I do or what is going on?

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Upgrade Processor Running Vista 64

Jul 31, 2009

Can I change my processor from a dual core to a quad core on a motherboard that supports quad core running vista 64 ultimate without having to re-install the my OS? Also, will replacing the CPU trigger a call to Microsoft to revalidate. I'm thinking of replacing my Intel E6600 dual core with an Intel Q9550 quad core.

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What Tells Files Os Running Is Vista

Jun 7, 2008

I know this seems totally absurd but really, what tells files that the OS you are running is Vista Home Prem. or Ultimate? I know there entries in the HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion in the registry and from what Carey Frisch [MVP] told me that sysinfo32 gets its info from some weird file in the %SystemRoot%System32WbemRepository folder that I can only open in a text format.

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How Can Find Running Vista Version

Jun 26, 2008

Find what version of vista is running.

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Vista Running System To Vitural Pc

Mar 29, 2008

I have Vista Home as OS running on my system. I want to install Microsoft Virtual PC on it. Will it be supported? I have Basic & Premium Versions of Windows Vista Home.

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Running Vista Can't Install Call Other Os

Jul 31, 2009

I have just purchased a new desktop for my son running vista premium home and he cannot install call of duty 2. Is it a problem with the 32 bit, any ideas?

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Running Vista 32bit Setting

Oct 3, 2008

Just a quick question about the paging file.. I recently added more ram to my comp (im running vista home edition 32bit) my total ram is 2.5gb - what should i set my min and max paging file to now? After checking the web out, i now know how to access the settings for this procedure but am unsure of the min and max settings for the amount of ram i now currently have...

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Running Windows Vista On E Machine

Apr 7, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Home basic on an E Machine. I am new to computers and don't know very much. I need an instruction book. For instance: I am trying to learn about screen shots. One web site said click on PrtScrn and it would put the imange on the clip board. I go to msprint and there are two files listed (I clicked twice) I want to delete them and start over. I need a book that gives me smiple directions about things like that.

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Uninstalled Change Running Vista 32 Bit

Feb 27, 2010

Use to know how to do this but forgot the trick When I right click on Recycle bin I see Browse with Paint Shop Pro7. Weeks ago I completely uninstalled this program so I need to change this to whatever you recommend. What's the fix for this? TIA Running Vista Home Premium, 32bit and IE8

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Installing AOL Software On A Computer Running 64-bit Vista

Feb 2, 2009

Has anyone ever tried installing AOL software on a computer running 64-bit Vista?

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