Vista Newsgroup When Frank Retires

Apr 21, 2008

My goal is to take over this vista newsgroup when Frank retires. That's why I have been very busy studying under Master Frank the art of Trolling. I have been painstakingly reading through the millions of posts of frank in this newsgroup so I can learn as much as possible. Frank indeed is the master of posting day and night, and yet saying nothing.This is a skill I have learned now! Also I have learned by heart all the fast insults Frank has used against his dreaded enemies, that involve sheep, medications, cardboard spaceships, and variety of colorful bad words.

I also do the same daily vista prayer frank does every day.. even though like him I never owned vista! The art of scaring off a newsgroup opponent by magnifying my riches, abilities, intelligence, number of owned computers, and even good looks, is something that Frank has taught me well. It doesn't matter if Im a creep, fat and stupid as a retard, as long as my newsgroup opponent doesn't know, I will always be able to win! I also have learned the same great computer skills Frank has, that includes not being able to import the data from one news client to another, the fear of clicking on links in newsgroups messages, and the inability to view flash video...............

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How Move Email And Newsgroup To Vista?

Mar 26, 2008

I am now dual booted Vista and XP. I want to move my email and Newsgroup to Vista. I now use Outlook Express in XP.

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Prevent Vista Mail From Deleting Old Newsgroup?

Jun 18, 2008

Today I had a need to find some questions and responses that I'd sent to and received from, some of the MS newsgroups (including this one). It seems that Vista Mail has auto-magically deleted a large number of old newsgroup messages that I had previously downloaded to my machine, so I've lost that history. I've been through all the dialog boxes I could find and I cannot find any "delete downloaded news messages after ...." option. Odder still, if I use the Mail search tool to find messages, it finds some.
If I then go back to the message viewer, that gets refreshed and the search "hits" disappear from the found items dialog. Are old messages actually being deleted from the MS servers somewhere and my local cache is then being kept up to date by deleting the old messages? So the question is, "How do I prevent Vista Mail from deleting old newsgroup messages?".

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Typical Day Of Frank

Apr 27, 2008

8:00 Frank wakes up to the vista start sound alarm he has ordered especially made for him. 8:05 He shuffles towards the mirror and smiles. The cracked Mirror cracks some more from the sight of his ugly maw. 8:06 He takes a good close look at his reflection and with a singing voice declares " Ohhhh .. what a handsome guy you are todayyyyyy!!!" The cockroaches under his bead squirm from the agony of this horrid voice. 8:10 He washes his face and notices a bottle of pills in front of him. Gee my doctor said something about those pills..Prozac? I cant remember what that is.. no need, Im FINE!!!! Anyway I know much more than any doctor! HMMMFFFF!

8:12 I don't have much time for breakfast! Frank grabs a can of luncheon meat from a drawer... he takes a look at the label: SPAM! Now Im an expert at THAT! He things to himself and gobbles the whole can down in a few gulps.. Wow..that was a heck of a tasty pig!!! I wonder if it was wearing lipstick when they killed it.. nah.. it wasn't made in Redmond! Ha!

8:15 TIME TO GO TO WORK!!! He shuffles towards his desk, tugs his long tail so it wont be in the way, and sits his fat ars down on the chair.. the chair shivers from agony from the smell and weight of his rear end (the desk in the same room as his bed by the way) and turns on the computer....the screen reads REDHAT LINUX 6.0, but after several minutes his trusty 486 boots up to a vista themed GUI. "Heck as long as it looks like vista, I don't care what it really is", he thinks to himself and shrugs'

8:30 Let me check in to my company to see if the boys are there and working hard. I don't pay them to be lazy anyway! 8:32 Frank calls the number.

Frank: Good morning.......................

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Instructions For Frank

Jul 5, 2008

If you can find Puerta del Sol, be sure and wear a shirt with a sign on it that says "Frank the Wank" so I know who to put in the hospital and who to put something in the pants pocket to make sure you do some time in a Spanish prison.

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Why I Stopped Replying To Frank

Apr 6, 2009

One cannot reason with a mentally ill person like Frank.

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Frank And Alias & All Their Juvenile BS?

Mar 18, 2009

Is anyone monitoring this group? If so, Y haven't U barred Frank and Alias & all their juvenile BS??

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Congratulations To Spanky, Bill, And Frank

Jun 19, 2008

It takes teamwork to bring down the biggest clown on the
Internet, Adam Albright. I know it was a tough few weeks but working
together to achieve this goal is great for all visitors to the Vista.General

I don't know how the Administration here at Vista.General Can thank you
guys, but you get a big thumbs up! Keep up the good work!

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Spankey DeMonkey And Frank Should Get Married, Just FYI.

May 19, 2008

Spankey DeMonkey And Frank Should Get Married, Just FYI.

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Ubuntu, Printers, Scanners And Frank The Wank

Apr 22, 2008

Frank the Wank, has deserted that thread when I proved that installing a printer and/or scanner on Ubuntu is MUCH easier than Windows of any flavor. Interesting how when Frank the Wank is refuted, he goes and hides in a corner

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Request To Frank And Discovery Of Atomic Energy

Apr 13, 2008

If you just happen to be abducted by the crab people of the Andromeda nebula or another alien race, and they so happen to ask you what are some of the greatest accomplishments of mankind are... you can say the pyramids, our landing to the moon, our discovery of atomic energy..

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As Big As A Whale A Slow As A Turtle As Dumb As Frank

Jun 14, 2008

"as big as a whale, as slow as a turtle, as dumb as frank" That's Vista of course! Perfect description!

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Ping Gary, Mac, Brink, Robertmiles, Frank, Dave

Mar 23, 2008

Since 90% + of the questions posted to this newsgroup have been asked and answered umpteen times, get together and write a FAQ.

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Where Do Frank And Yanaire Fit On The Scale: Turkeys Die Of Heart Attacks If They Get Scared By Too Many Other Turkeys Gobbling At Once?

Jun 25, 2008

A turkey, which many consider the dumest of all animals can literally drown if it is left out in the middle of a thunderstorm because it often will look up at the sky with it's mouth open and can end up trying to swallow so much rain in time it falls over dead. It has also been reported that turkeys die of heart attacks if they get scared by too many other turkeys gobbling at once. Some turkeys are so stupid they forgot how to eat and need to be hand fed. Turkeys because they are breed to have extra large breasts can no longer mate naturally. Still many try to hump large rocks fall off, ending up gasping for air and again die of a heart attacks. A possum will sit still and let another possum chew off it's tail or ears and make no effort to get away. Dogs routinely eat their own vomit. Turtles in an emergency can breath through their butts. A cow can be led up a flight of stairs, but will refuse to go down the same stairs no matter what. What does this have to do with Frank and Yanaire? All the listed animals are way smarter than these two buffoons.

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Appears This Newsgroup

Dec 14, 2009

It appears this newsgroup is no longer the place to seek useful answers to Vista questions. Could someone suggest another group that actually conducts itself in a professional manner?

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Where Is The Windows 7 Newsgroup

Mar 12, 2010

Where are the Windows 7 newsgroups? We have reviewed all the newsgroups only to find one for about any version of Windows except Windows 7. Are there no Windows 7 newsgroups?

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Newsgroup Not Accessing

Aug 25, 2009

From my Vista Windows Mail client, I suddenly cant access the server anylonger. I get an 480 authentication required message. Code 800ccca2. My email and internet access works fine.

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Why This Should Be The Win7 Newsgroup

Nov 15, 2009

Having steadily used Win 7 since the first public I entirely sympathize with those who label it Vista SP3.It is not significantly faster than Vista 64 SP2 on the same hardware and uses the same drivers.It hiccoughs over many of the same obstacles.When a device manufacturer, for example Canon, markets a "new printer" but it uses the same inks as prior generation printers, Canon is doing nothing more than selling the the old print engine in a new box.The reason Win 7 came out so "fast" by Microsoft standards is that mostly they just grafted a tweaked UI onto Vista SP2.Vista SP2 is the engine that runs Win 7: new or old/new?

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No Windows 7 Newsgroup

Oct 21, 2009

I think it safe to say at this point as people are getting Windows 7 today and its full rollout will be tomorrow, and still no windows 7 newsgroup, that there will not be one.

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Windows 7 Newsgroup - Available?

Dec 10, 2009

I have tried to find the windows 7 Newsgroup in this list of Newsgroup where this one on Vista is, but I do not get a hit. Is there one in this group that I can add to my list and use to ask some questions?

Windows Vista has a lot of pretty and nice graphics, and pretty colors, etc, but it is very difficult to find some thing there when you are lost and the folder systems is extremely complicated sometimes. I use Vista now, have had it for about two years now, and I still have difficulty finding the logic of the folder system sometimes. I don't think that my former Windows XP was so complicated (do people agree?) Is the new Windows 7 as complicated as Vista? (I do not have Windows 7 yet).

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Unsubscription From This Newsgroup

Jul 29, 2009

Why does Vista keep automatically unsubscribing me from this newsgroup? I am fully convinced that Vista is too unstable for use in any serious and/or critical applications. Having said that I still believe it is not far short of miraculous when compared to computing operations of thirty years ago.

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Version 7 Newsgroup

Jun 14, 2009

I am looking for the version 7 newsgroup. i am unable to look @ my c drive. i get the msg 'assess denied'. so what did i do wrong? how do i get access?

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Unable To Send To Newsgroup

Jan 31, 2010

When I try to reply to a group, I got a message 'The Message could not be sent. No sender was specified. Please check your News Account information.'

The server settings are: and The Name and
E-mail address are all filled.

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Rules Of Conduct For This Newsgroup

Apr 12, 2008

Microsoft's Role: Microsoft does not offer formal support for the communities you'll find here. Instead, our role is to provide a platform for people who want to take advantage of the global community of Microsoft customers and product experts. Microsoft may monitor content to ensure the accuracy of the information you'll find, but any information provided by Microsoft staff is offered "AS IS" with no warranties, and no rights are conferred. You assume all risk for your use.

Microsoft MVPs: Microsoft MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals) volunteer technical answers and expertise in many Microsoft Community Web sites. Microsoft MVPs come from a wide range of backgrounds and professions. All share a willingness to give their time, expertise, and advice to enhance the technical skills of others. MVPs are not Microsoft employees and Microsoft has no expectations of MVPs beyond the expectations of courtesy, professionalism, and adherence to the Community rules that we ask of all Microsoft community members. For more information on the MVP program and how you can become an MVP, see

Rules of conduct:

Appropriate Language: The purpose of our communities is to exchange technical information and expertise about Microsoft products. Please avoid personal attacks, slurs, and profanity in your interactions. Relevance to Topics: Please make sure that your postings in discussion groups and chats are relevant to the subject at hand. It is normal for some topics to drift from the stated subject. However, to ensure maximum benefit for everyone, we encourage you to keep your postings as close to the subject as possible.............

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Why Posts Being Deleted From This Newsgroup

Oct 15, 2009

Why is my posts being deleted from this server.? Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

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Can't Find Newsgroup For Windows 7

Oct 11, 2009

I can't find any newsgroup dealing with Windows 7, are there any? I need to ask a couple of questions in regards XP Mode, if there aren't any newsgroups for Windows 7 what would be the next best place

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Find The Windows 7 Newsgroup

Jan 10, 2010

I am trying to find the windows 7 news groups as they suit my questions can someone please point to them?

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Is There An Equivalent Newsgroup For Windows7

Jul 29, 2009

Is there an equivalent newsgroup for Windows7

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Newsgroup Info About Windows 7

Oct 28, 2009

Newsgroup info about windows 7. There is a problem with the alt.windows7.general newgroups. I don't think it is named correctly. That is why some news severs are not caring this. I think. Here is my new server response. the idea is that there's discussion in alt.config, a proper newsgroup charter is written, there's agreement on the actual name (alt.config discussed last week), and someone sends a control message. This is necessary to ensure adequate interest and agreement.

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Why No Windows 7 Newsgroup From Microsoft?

Mar 25, 2010

Where can I post Windows 7 queries? Why is Microsoft refusing to include a W7 newsgroup? Do they have an alternative means of answering user questions? Not an inconvenient forum

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Looking For A NewsGroup Server In The AT&T Network

Mar 25, 2008

Anyone knows the name of a NewsGroup Server (NNTP) in the AT&T network?

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