Ping Gary, Mac, Brink, Robertmiles, Frank, Dave

Mar 23, 2008

Since 90% + of the questions posted to this newsgroup have been asked and answered umpteen times, get together and write a FAQ.

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Will Not Resolve DNS: Ping IP Addresses, But Cannot Ping Any Name

Feb 23, 2010

I've been pulling my hair out over this one. I suspect it may have had malware infection, ran combofix, TrendMicro Sysclean, reset IPv4, disabled IPv6, reset the Winsock, uninstalled Expired Norton 360, installed Microsoft Security Essentials, tried it with the Firewall on and off, checked the registry for as many Winsock Redirectors and firewalls I could think of. I don't know of anything I've missed, I'm hoping someone here can think of something.

I can ping IP Addresses, but cannot ping any name, not even localhost. The DNSCache is caching names but it won't answer for application that resolves names, Including IE, Google Chrome, Firefox, tracert, nothing! It can browse the Internet with all installed browsers, if it uses my proxy server, since the proxy resolves names for the browser, but if it depends on the DNS Resolver Service it won't work. It is Vista basic that belongs to a customer and is not a member of a domain. I've posted pings, ipconfig /all, and net start below.


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 timetracert
Unable to resolve target system name

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : dana-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid......................

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For Brink: Ref The Network Idle Session Time Tutorial

Mar 16, 2009

PROBLEM: I have an XP laptop that I'm using as a file/print server, with two Maxtor external USB drives, and an HP color laser printer. I have a home network to which I've connected several computers (a wireless XP laptop and two Vista desktops, one Ethernet and one wireless). When I first booted up all the computers in the morning, my Ethernet-connected Vista desktop could access the HP printer and the Maxtor external drives. Thereafter, at some time later, I couldn't get to the XP laptop, nor the printer, nor the Maxtor drives. When I would click on the mapped network drive, I would get the "The specified network name is no longer available". If I rebooted, all was well -- for a time. I could never figure out a sequence of events that was causing the problem.

UNTIL... I came across this thread and your tutorial Network Idle Session Time to Automatically Disconnect ... OMG!!! THE SOLUTION. Life has been SO good since I set the autodisconnect to 'never'. Disconnect. Geez. I had no idea there was such a thing as Network Idle Session Time.

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Brink Is An Immersive Shooter That Blends Single-player

Apr 9, 2010

Quote: Brink is an immersive shooter that blends single-player, co-op, and multiplayer gameplay into one seamless experience, allowing you to develop your character across all modes of play. You decide the role you want to assume in the world of Brink as you fight to save yourself and mankind's last refuge for humanity. Brink offers a compelling mix of dynamic battlefields, extensive customisation options, and an innovative control system that will keep you coming back for more.

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Typical Day Of Frank

Apr 27, 2008

8:00 Frank wakes up to the vista start sound alarm he has ordered especially made for him. 8:05 He shuffles towards the mirror and smiles. The cracked Mirror cracks some more from the sight of his ugly maw. 8:06 He takes a good close look at his reflection and with a singing voice declares " Ohhhh .. what a handsome guy you are todayyyyyy!!!" The cockroaches under his bead squirm from the agony of this horrid voice. 8:10 He washes his face and notices a bottle of pills in front of him. Gee my doctor said something about those pills..Prozac? I cant remember what that is.. no need, Im FINE!!!! Anyway I know much more than any doctor! HMMMFFFF!

8:12 I don't have much time for breakfast! Frank grabs a can of luncheon meat from a drawer... he takes a look at the label: SPAM! Now Im an expert at THAT! He things to himself and gobbles the whole can down in a few gulps.. Wow..that was a heck of a tasty pig!!! I wonder if it was wearing lipstick when they killed it.. nah.. it wasn't made in Redmond! Ha!

8:15 TIME TO GO TO WORK!!! He shuffles towards his desk, tugs his long tail so it wont be in the way, and sits his fat ars down on the chair.. the chair shivers from agony from the smell and weight of his rear end (the desk in the same room as his bed by the way) and turns on the computer....the screen reads REDHAT LINUX 6.0, but after several minutes his trusty 486 boots up to a vista themed GUI. "Heck as long as it looks like vista, I don't care what it really is", he thinks to himself and shrugs'

8:30 Let me check in to my company to see if the boys are there and working hard. I don't pay them to be lazy anyway! 8:32 Frank calls the number.

Frank: Good morning.......................

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Instructions For Frank

Jul 5, 2008

If you can find Puerta del Sol, be sure and wear a shirt with a sign on it that says "Frank the Wank" so I know who to put in the hospital and who to put something in the pants pocket to make sure you do some time in a Spanish prison.

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Why I Stopped Replying To Frank

Apr 6, 2009

One cannot reason with a mentally ill person like Frank.

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Frank And Alias & All Their Juvenile BS?

Mar 18, 2009

Is anyone monitoring this group? If so, Y haven't U barred Frank and Alias & all their juvenile BS??

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Vista Newsgroup When Frank Retires

Apr 21, 2008

My goal is to take over this vista newsgroup when Frank retires. That's why I have been very busy studying under Master Frank the art of Trolling. I have been painstakingly reading through the millions of posts of frank in this newsgroup so I can learn as much as possible. Frank indeed is the master of posting day and night, and yet saying nothing.This is a skill I have learned now! Also I have learned by heart all the fast insults Frank has used against his dreaded enemies, that involve sheep, medications, cardboard spaceships, and variety of colorful bad words.

I also do the same daily vista prayer frank does every day.. even though like him I never owned vista! The art of scaring off a newsgroup opponent by magnifying my riches, abilities, intelligence, number of owned computers, and even good looks, is something that Frank has taught me well. It doesn't matter if Im a creep, fat and stupid as a retard, as long as my newsgroup opponent doesn't know, I will always be able to win! I also have learned the same great computer skills Frank has, that includes not being able to import the data from one news client to another, the fear of clicking on links in newsgroups messages, and the inability to view flash video...............

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Congratulations To Spanky, Bill, And Frank

Jun 19, 2008

It takes teamwork to bring down the biggest clown on the
Internet, Adam Albright. I know it was a tough few weeks but working
together to achieve this goal is great for all visitors to the Vista.General

I don't know how the Administration here at Vista.General Can thank you
guys, but you get a big thumbs up! Keep up the good work!

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Spankey DeMonkey And Frank Should Get Married, Just FYI.

May 19, 2008

Spankey DeMonkey And Frank Should Get Married, Just FYI.

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Ubuntu, Printers, Scanners And Frank The Wank

Apr 22, 2008

Frank the Wank, has deserted that thread when I proved that installing a printer and/or scanner on Ubuntu is MUCH easier than Windows of any flavor. Interesting how when Frank the Wank is refuted, he goes and hides in a corner

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Request To Frank And Discovery Of Atomic Energy

Apr 13, 2008

If you just happen to be abducted by the crab people of the Andromeda nebula or another alien race, and they so happen to ask you what are some of the greatest accomplishments of mankind are... you can say the pyramids, our landing to the moon, our discovery of atomic energy..

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As Big As A Whale A Slow As A Turtle As Dumb As Frank

Jun 14, 2008

"as big as a whale, as slow as a turtle, as dumb as frank" That's Vista of course! Perfect description!

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Cannot Ping Through Vpn

Mar 23, 2008

I have a netgear box to box vpn which is working perfectly. I have tested the connection using xp computers at either end and they can ping each other, and the routers at each end no problem. Vista machines can ping other xp machines on the local network and also can ping google for instance, but cannot ping through the vpn to either the remote router or remote computers. The request simply times out. I have tried turning the firewall off and removing AV software.

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Ping Went Below 100

Jan 20, 2009

I have problem with my MS/PING playing WoW and im very sure that is something about Vista. Why? becouse i just bought a new pc and i was playing with a btter ping and i had Win XP. At first i was playing with high latency. But then a friend of mine told me about some kind of trick with some .Net framework stuff he gave me, and my ping went below 100 after i installed it. Like magic. Now i have Vista 64 in my new pc, and i just cant believe that im playing at 360+ ping Again. I have been very carefull downloading only what is necessary, I mean, im not installing every crap i see on the inet. Im running task manager and i cant see anything strange or unusual.

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Ping From XP To OK, But Not From To XP

Mar 23, 2008

I can ping my Vista Home Premium machine from my XP machine, but I can not ping from the Vista machine to the XP machine. What is wrong? The network setup:

ip =
arp -a shows the ethernet mac-adresse for the Vista machine
Connection to internet: Yes
No security is setup regarding IPSec.............

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Can Not Ping Ip

Aug 5, 2008

I have a Vista Home Primium computer on my home network. I noticed that i cannot connect to it from my other Windows xp computers yet from my vista computer i can connect to the WinXP computers. In looking into this further i realized that i cannot even ping my own ip address from the vista machine or any other machine on the network. However i can ping the loopback address

I have so far tried disabling the windows firewall reinstalled network card drivers disabling IPV6 support within the dapter checked all ip configuration settings and ensured all computers are on the same workgroup and all seems to be ok..........

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Where Do Frank And Yanaire Fit On The Scale: Turkeys Die Of Heart Attacks If They Get Scared By Too Many Other Turkeys Gobbling At Once?

Jun 25, 2008

A turkey, which many consider the dumest of all animals can literally drown if it is left out in the middle of a thunderstorm because it often will look up at the sky with it's mouth open and can end up trying to swallow so much rain in time it falls over dead. It has also been reported that turkeys die of heart attacks if they get scared by too many other turkeys gobbling at once. Some turkeys are so stupid they forgot how to eat and need to be hand fed. Turkeys because they are breed to have extra large breasts can no longer mate naturally. Still many try to hump large rocks fall off, ending up gasping for air and again die of a heart attacks. A possum will sit still and let another possum chew off it's tail or ears and make no effort to get away. Dogs routinely eat their own vomit. Turtles in an emergency can breath through their butts. A cow can be led up a flight of stairs, but will refuse to go down the same stairs no matter what. What does this have to do with Frank and Yanaire? All the listed animals are way smarter than these two buffoons.

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Ping But No Internet

Sep 23, 2009

I was using my computer fine at first but decided to restart since I've had it on for 100 hours without a real shutdown (I was using hibernate). When I rebooted I was unable to access the internet using any programs such as IE, ff, msn, etc.. but I was still able to ping Google and get a <100ms response.

What happens when I open IE for example is that it simply says that it cannot connect to the internet. When I close it I get "Internet Explorer is not responding" twice in succession. I then get a warning telling me that it was blocked by DEP. So I disabled DEP and restarted but I still had the same problem just without the DEP warning.

This is very annoying because this is on my uni laptop and I need to use these programs almost daily in and out of class, so reinstalling is a last resort option. I'm currently running a previously installed version of Ubuntu on the same machine with no problems with the internet so I can eliminate any possibilities of it being a hardware problem.

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Box Is Isolated: Cannot Ping T1 From The Other PCs

Aug 23, 2008

T1 is a Vista machine that the is isolated on my home network in that no other PCs (2 XP, 1 Vista) on my network can reach him except T1 can reach the Windows shares on *all* of the other PCs. T1 has no problems browsing the Internet. I cannot ping T1 from the other PCs. Windows firewall is disabled on T1. I have disabled IP6 and the link layer discoveries butthat did no good.

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Why Unable To Ping

Jun 16, 2008

I have Vista basic edition. At the CMD command line, I cannot ping anything successfully (e.g.,,, with my broswer, my Internet connection is working fine.

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Cannot Ping With IPv6

May 27, 2008

I'm running Windows Vista Ultimate with IPv6 and Teredo installed and enabled, but it seems I am unable to ping any hosts on the local network (which consists of one other XP SP3 machine) or internet. Both computers are connected to a standard router (Dell TrueMobile 2300, which is

IPv4 only I believe). Still, an IPv4 router should not matter considering Teredo should be enabled on both computers. Running ipconfig returns the following:...........

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Cannot Ping Machine

Mar 23, 2008

I have an XP laptop (Wireless) and a Vista desktop (Wired) connected through a liksys wireless router. I can't get the xp machine to ping the vista machine. All firewalls are disabled and neither machine has any anti-virus or software. They both have connections to the internet and can even share files.

On the vista machine I have the network discovery turned on, the network is set to private and I have all the sharing options turned on. I even unchecked the "local area connection" to unprotect it from the firewall. (Even though the firewall is off). What would keep vista from responding to pings?

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No Internet But CAN Ping

Jan 16, 2009

I owned a Asus N50Vn-C1S with Vista Home Premium 32-bit since a month now and a week ago I've been having some weird wireless problem. Sometimes my wireless works properly when i turn on the laptop for an hour or so, after 45 minutes it start getting slower and so on till it stop working. The weird part is that i can make ping to any website so it's not a DNS issue. I have the latest Intel 5100 AGN wireless drivers and the Device Manager said that it works properly.

When this happens I've tryied to flush the DNS via Command Prompt, tryied to change ip address (i use static IP, DHCP disable), tryied to turn off and on the wireless card via switch and Fn+F2, tryied to disable and enable the wireless network connection, tryied to let Vista repair it via Diagnose and Repair connection, tryied to turn off and on my wireless router and modem and nothing works! The only thing that works is if i restart Vista (logging off doesn't fix it either, only restarting OS). Firewall Off and AVG antivirus disabled. Already tryied to change the auto tuning tcp/ip level of Vista.

I think is some Vista issues because i tryied to see if it was my wireless router by using my other laptop (with XP) and it worked just fine. When this happens i am unable to use the browser or any other internet activity like MSN, Skype or even a Weather gadget with the exception that i CAN make a ping to any websites flawlessly! I was wondering if anyone had this problem or could give me any ideas, maybe a misconfiguration (Not very good using Vista, I've only tryied what i know that works on XP). it isnt range problem because I've tryied to be as closed to the wireless router as posible. I have a DI-624 D-Link Wireless Router and it works flawlessly with every other pc's and laptops of my house.

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Cannot Ping Own Machine

Mar 23, 2008

I have VISTA Home Premium. I recently uninstalled Symantec Security. After that, I could not access my home network. Now, I cannot even ping my own machine.

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Can't Ping The Home Pc

Jun 11, 2008

I've got a Vista laptop that normally resides within my company domain. I take it home periodically and I'm trying to print to my home computer. The laptop is Vista Ultimate and the home PC is Vista Home Premium. For some reason I can't see the home computer from the laptop. I also can't ping the home PC, but I can connect to the Internet. The laptop is on a WAN connection. If I click on the full map view in Network and Sharing center the laptop can see the home computer there. I assume this has to do with the laptop not being in the same workgroup as the home computer, but I'm unsure on how to work around that.

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Ping Rick Rogers

Mar 29, 2008

I'm still using Windows 98SE and I'm very happy with it. I had the
hard drive replaced 2 years ago, but that's been the only major

I've been reading this forum for a couple of months now and have
noticed the quantity of problems have increased quite a bit.

I back up important files regularly to Iomega, but fear one of these
days this system will come crashing down.

I'd like to replace my computer with a really good one (no concern for
cost), but fear a never ending battle with a VISTA OS. I also do not
like the prospect of deleting all the junk pre installed programs that
usually comes with a new computer.

Should I wait 6 months or a year until they clean up VISTA or should I
take the plunge now.

Once again, I'm happy with 98 but fear an irretrievable collapse.

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Ping General Failure

Mar 23, 2008

I'm having some issues with acquiring an IP address via DHCP. When I statically set the address and try to ping anything I get General Failure as a result each time. This is the case when I ping as well. I tried using a USB wireless card instead with the same results which is why I do not believe it is a hardware problem.

I have restarted in safe mode with networking which provides the same result. I've checked for any software firewalls that the user may have installed but found nothing. It is a Sony VAIO, so I can't rule out the Sony hid one somewhere and I just can't find it.

The machine is running Windows Vista Home Premium. When in the network and sharing center, there is a link between 'This computer' and (when the address is not static - unidentified network or when static - Network 2) but the next link has a red x through it. When I tell it to diagnose the problem it responds with "There might be a problem with one or more network adapters on this computer" and reccommends that I try to use wireless instead.wireless has the same problem,

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Ping : Colin Barnhorst

Mar 23, 2008

Approximately a month ago or so I noticed that my box does not always go to sleep on its own....I can manually put it to sleep and it will stay asleep no matter how long I leave it...As soon as I hit any key on the keyboard it will of course wake instantly....There are also times that it will go to sleep on its own and once again it will stay asleep.....If I do a restart and walk away and then come back 5 to 10 minutes later it is asleep as it should be per the settings....I have researched the crap out of this issue and all settings seem to be correct and indeed must be if it does go to sleep on its own...I am running Vista business 32bit, Intel core2 6600, 4gigs DDR800 Intel Bad Axe D975XBX2 motherboard...

I have been running this machine since Vista was rc1 and of course when the official release was made I then purchased and installed Vista business.....I have had this minor glitch before and it always seemed to cure itself after a week or sometimes 2 weeks...that is probably why I have not worried about it too much....Am I missing something ?? I have of course looked in event viewer but I am not always sure what I am looking for....Who knows maybe SP1 may fix it once and for all but since this machine is constantly kept up to date with every fix needed or posted on win update then I do not really know how much of a difference I will see...This machine has always been smoking fast and rock solid but if it became even faster I do not think I will argue...

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NO NETWORK: Can Not Ping Router, Dns, Other IP's

Dec 23, 2008

No networking. Nothing. Can not ping router, dns, other IP's, etc. The whole reason I upgraded to Vista Home Premium 64 was so that I can use the now 4+ gigs of ram I have (for some virtualization stuff I do) and mess with DirectX 10.

Anyway, vista installed flawlessly. The only only device that didn't install in the device manager was the ACPI (or whatever it's called) from the motherboard. For 2 whole days I have tried to get online using either of those network card. I have tried the following:..........

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