Virus Messed Up: System "not Responding"

Feb 18, 2010

i got hit with the "antivirus soft" virus a few days ago. i was able to run mcafee in safe mode and it didnt find it. on the next boot up, windows suggested i boot to an earlier save state. i did and how when i boot up on a normal vista boot up, i can't run anything. i can't even look through any of my files or folders. when i try to, i get the "not responding" message and i can't do anything. my question is this: is this something a defrag in safe mode can solve or do i have to reformat my laptop?

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Cannot Start Because I Messed Around With System Files

Mar 22, 2009

I did something stupid with my system, and I really want to get it fixed basically I followed this instruction to install the new theme files.

'VistaOSX '09 Uninstall by =patrickgs on deviantART'

I restarted my system after the 3rd step
now my system is missing

the files still exist in my system32 folder, just under a backup filename now whenever i start my system (i tried safe mood and command prompt),it will always end up in a black screen with my white mouse pointer.I can go into the system recovery options fine, but there no system restore points exists.

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System Freeze Up And Screen Messed Up

Jul 4, 2009

My problem has been going on for a while but has recently gone over the edge and caused me some big problems. I play Second Life and from time to time, it would freeze up my computer but yesterday, the screen of the laptop just went black and I had to hard reboot my computer, only for it to come up with the Vaio screen looking horrible graphically. Then it would commence to the normal boot up and then to a black screen and it stayed there all night. I've tried removing everything with Second Life off of my computer and it still won't boot up completely.

I tried leaving it on overnight to see if would bypass the black screen but it wouldn't. How should I go about fixing this? I can try getting my hands on the Vista DVD and or the recovery disks from my girlfriend. I would honestly just like to know what caused the problem and how to fix it because you can easily learn from your mistakes by fixing it. Oh, another interesting tidbit is that my brother used the computer beforehand to do some research then left it on and when he came back, the screen was black and when he rebooted it, the screen was messed up and he did a system restore to bring it back to normal but if I tried that now, it would still only boot up in safe mode and not regularly.

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Anti Virus System Pro And Can't Get System Restore To Work

Jul 29, 2009

My wife was on the internet and suddenly System Pro popped up and started scanning warning my wife of a virus attack on her computer and wanted her to buy the AV Pgm for $49.95. She just clicked all the exits and got off of the internet and now she is locked out of her computer. We can't get system restore to work, Can't get safe mode to work, She has AVG 8 installed but cannot start it. Tried SFC /scannow but was denied access. Tried putting the Windows XP disk in to do a repair and was unable to get it to start. I think the only thing to do is reformat the HD and start over but her PC ignores the A drive and the dvd drives. I cannot get into it in order to re format it.

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System Not Responding After Shut Down

Dec 23, 2008

I just bought a new Toshiba laptop with Vista Home Premium loaded from Best Buy. When I shut down the computer and then turn it on I can't get it to do anything. It won't open a desk-top icon or launch the internet. That little ball just keeps spinning forever. The only way I can get the laptop to work is to do a system restore which is irritating because it deletes anything I have been working on.

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Virus Infect System Through CD?

Mar 23, 2008

where to put a CD with a virus on it in my computer, could my computer be infected if I only explore the top level of the files, and don't execute any exe files? I also have Kaspersky AV installed as well.

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Hard Drive Stop Responding And System Restore Does Not Work

Mar 19, 2010

This is a tough one for me to explain but I will try very hard. I guess this started around late summer 09. I turned on my computer and it would run chkdsk over and over again. I let it go over night once and it was still scanning the hard drive over and over. Around Christmas time I reinstalled vista and still it would run chkdsk on every boot. Only this time, it ran once and then vista loaded fine. It would stop responding often and run slow but it was better. I manually turned off chkdsk but it made the computer run worse over time.

It would just not do anything so i would have to hold on the power button and turn it back on. The hard drive light will just stay on and the drive will sound a little different than usual. No clicking or metal on metal noise, just a different type of busy noise until you open something. Also you could use the disk clean up but not the defrag. It will say you should defrag volume so i would click defrag now. It would just show you the spinning blue circle and say analyzing but then say you should degrag volume again. So it won't defrag either. System restore also does not work.........

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System Restore + Blue Screen = Virus?

Jan 20, 2009

I've got Win Vista Home Premium SP1. Up until recently, when i chose System Restore it came up with a calander-like window and then i was able to choose the day i wanted my sistem restored to. Then a few days ago I experienced a crash, and it took my pc a while to check my disk (the only one, since it's a laptop).

That's the checking:

Then i manged to enter Vista again, and i thought i'd just restore again, hoping nothing was wrong. And when i clicked System Restore it took absolutely AGES to open (the rest of the stuff worked/s well...) and when it eventually opened i got that:

And now, if i choose "Choose a different restore point", i get this:

Where has the calender gone? Where are my previous restore points??? What's wrong?

Then, yesterday i was checking bbc's webpage and i came across this article: Click

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Vista Security Virus And System Restore?

Apr 28, 2010

My grandson allowed the vista security virus on their PC I am trying to fix it. It blocked everything I did between using my Daughters laptop and gathering info from the internet I did get the PC Doctor downloaded (took forever) and installed on the infected PC then ran a scan only to find out that I had to purchase the tool to remove it. I did and the Pc worked fine or so I thought.

DD looked up lowes last night and now today it is again posessed it will not let me run system restore everytime I look up something on the internet it redirects me to stupid pages that have nothing to do with what i key in. so I am trying system restore and it wont open it tells me it is already running. This is a vista home basics I have no idea if it is 32 or 64.

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Spy Found Virus Remove But System Slow

Nov 13, 2008

A Trojan that Counter Spy has found, I have done 3 full scans and each time this miserable little blighter keeps coming back, and I don't know how else to get shot of it. here is a screenshot of what Counter Spy found, please ignore the Cookies one as I have told it to remove and it was successful, its just the Trojan that keeps coming back on each scan I do. As a sidenote, how do I post a screen of something that shows straight away instead of an attachment that you must click on?

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Anti Virus Constantly Turning Off System

Jan 2, 2010

I am COMPLETELY new to Vista Forums! I have a big problem... I recently got my computer cleaned thru eRecover in Acer. When all that was done, I installed McAfee 2009 ( thru a website for free... ) and i noticed my computer got REALLY slow...I uninstalled it, and i got McAfee Security ( I got it for free since I have ComCast Internet ) Ever since, my Anti-Virus has constantly been turning off. One time, it even said that McAfee Virus Scan was never installed... and I also downloaded a torrent. ( Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0 ) anti-virus STILL keeps on turning off...

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After Virus, System Restore Causes Corrupt User Profile

May 15, 2010

I believe my computer got infected with a virus. Windows Defender detected "TrojanDwonlaoder:Win32/Bredolab.AA" and "Trojan:Win32/Hiloti.gen!D". It claims to have successfully removed these. I restart my computer. When I log on, I get Data Execution Protection notifications about Rundl32 and the like. I also notice that "flvencoder.exe" is running and consuming 30% CPU. I did install this program (Gmax FLV encoder) and perhaps it contained a virus (though the program worked). I also don't recall that it should have started upon logging on. None of this really matters, I don't think. I did a System Restore to a point before I installed Gmax FLV encoder (3 days prior). The restore completes successfully. Upon logging into my account, I get see the "Preparing Desktop" message and know that this is not good news. My user profile was not loaded. All of the data is there though. What I first tried to do was logging into Safe Mode, and setting the reg. keys such that my old profile is loaded instead of a temporary one...................................

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Sleep Atutomatically Restarting The System Detect Virus

Sep 30, 2009

From last 2 days my pc is going sleep automatically, in the Event Viewer this are the things which i found before going to sleep state.

Event Id Source

4001 WLAN-AutoConfig
10029 DistributedCOM

Is this a virus? or is there any solution to get rid of this.

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Checked Anti Virus Disabled System Block

May 27, 2008

on 5/25/08, suddenly got lots of threat alerts, checked anti virus etc think it may have been disabled, don't know why. But system logs etc, now warnings, e.g. rule "default block Bla Trojan horse" blocked (my address). "your address has disappeared no longer protected" "port block allow Netbios changed" Tried Netstat showing 7-8 no waiting. Looking at logs first strange entries around 5/15/08

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Full System Virus Scan Takes Many Minutes

Aug 21, 2008

To do a complete full system virus scan (not Quick Scan) takes many minutes. I have mine on a schedule in Windows Defender. When I look at the History log it indicates the time to complete the task is about one minute. explain the log’s entry?

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Microsoft Virus Free Scan And Remove Any Known Virus Such As Trojan Win32.murlo.?

Mar 23, 2008

"If your system is a Microsoft product and you have your 20 digit registration number, you can go to the Microsoft web site, and they will do a free scan and most likely remove any known virus such as Trojan win32.murlo." Is this true, and where would I find my 20 digit registration and what is the web site?

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General System Slow Down, Applications Displaying "not Responding"

Oct 27, 2009

I am experiencing a general slow down of my Vista system, e.g., 5-30 seconds for applications to load, 5-10 seconds for a new tab to appear in IE8, applications displaying "not responding" while an operation is working such as saving an image or file, etc.

This is isolated to Vista only. I have Windows 7 and XP installed (tri-boot) as well and they do not exhibit this problem. So, I have to conclude it is not hardware related. The system is squeaky clean; full scans with KAV and Malwarebyte's Anti-malware. I've run both Chkdsk and SFC /scannow resulting in no change. Task Manager shows no unusual CPU usage nor Memory usage.

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Anti Virus: Filter Mail For Virus

Jun 14, 2008

I have uninstalled MacAfee and Windows Mail now works fine. Do I need to install something else instead? My internet provider, British Telecom, claim to filter my mail for virus and I have the Mailwasher spam

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Anti Virus Can Not Removing: Virus SysWOW64

Apr 14, 2009

Ive been searching everywhere for answers i have vista home premium with windows live care anti virus in perfect condition and it detected something trying to connect to the internet. This monster devil thing icon beside it told me right away...trouble and also the random numbers...By looking in the settings of my anti virus i found that i blocked 4 of them so far ive scanned with my anti virus 2 times and 3 times with spybot search and destroy AND ran a ccleaner.It's still there...I just want to get rid of this once and for all but what in God's name is it!

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.ink Shortcuts Are Messed Up

Jul 23, 2008

i left my son on the pc when i came back on half my desk top icons had changed to adobe icons

when i clicked on say outlook it tried to open with adobe

the only short fix was to uninstall adobe then all my icons went back to normal

then i tried reinstalling adobe reader and most of the desktop icons changed back to adobe icons.

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SpeedFan Messed Up Fan

May 9, 2009

I had SpeedFan on my laptop but I didnt understand how to use it so i uninstalled it and now my laptop doesnt use its fan like it used and it overheats too much now. It also did not create a restore point before it installed. Is there a way to fix it?

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IE8 Favorites Messed Up

Apr 17, 2010

i am running on Vista basic 32bit. the problem is that when i go to add a favorite on IE8, this message shows up. C:/Users/Name/Favorites/New Folder/Favorites/New Folder/Favorites refers to a location that is unavailable. is there any way to change it back to just favorites as it is driving me up the wall!

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Shortcuts Messed Up

Apr 25, 2009

For some reason my shortcuts have program icons on them. I used a Windows teaking program awhile ago to remove the shortcut arrows and I dont think thats the problem cause' its been fine until now.

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Visual Master Messed Everything Up!

Aug 27, 2009

I've been "using" this forum for a long time, as a guest. I finally decided to register My problem is, I downloaded and tried to use Vista Visual Master (v1.0.2) to change my boot logo as mentioned in this forum. I also had to change the input languge to en-US. It didn't workout anyway. After closing the program i realised that my explorer settings have been changed (While browsing locally, every single folder opens another window.)

As well as my OEM info beeing deleted. So I opened the Folder Options to change the settings to the default position. I clicked Apply then OK. I logged off and on again and opened Computer. I double-clicked Local Disk and it opened another window. So I decided to download the theme program again. I downloaded it but i encountered an error saying that windows has blocked the destination (which is the Temp. folder) and now i can't even save a file I downloaded from the internet. I think this is a self-protection behavior becouse of the changed settings. P.S. I also tried to reset folder and desktop options from regedit.

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Messed Up The Sent Items Folder

May 15, 2009

I got my Vista computer 12 days ago and am trying to transfer stuff from my old XP. I created several "users" for different purposes and imported all my old messages from OE6 with no trouble. After a week I decided I didn't need all those users and now want to consolidate and move the old as well as the newest messages from to one users account to another.

I was doing fine as long as I drug the .eml files into an open Mail folder. But since the old Sent Items folder was very large I tried dragging it (after copying it to the Public area and changing the ownership) directly into the Windows Mail Local Folders area. When I opened up Windows Mail it did in fact show all of my old messages. But it wouldn't open any of them, and worse yet, it won't let me delete the phantom messages. If I drag any the .eml versions of those messages into the folder they show up as duplicates, and those are both readable and deletable. I need to know either how to find and delete the phantom files, or else how to recreate the Sent Items folder.

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Graphic Setting Have Messed Up

Dec 11, 2009

My friend is having a computer issue and I am her computer techie friend trying to help her fix it. I'm in a different city than she is, so sadly I can't see what the problem is, but I am computer savvy enough to know how to gain information from her. The problem: She said that the other day she clicked on a pop up (sounds like a vista-related pop up) that said something about a Hard Drive or Hardware…she wasn't 100% sure. She clicked 'continue' on the pop up and ever since those settings (for whatever it was) went into place, her visual graphic settings have been messed up.

It seems like her wallpaper is streched and larger than before (dosen't all fit on the screen) and her text and such when she surfs the net is larger than normal. She defined it as being "big and strechy". She is using an HP laptop on Vista. We tried messing with Display and Wallpaper settings -- tried all the different options (resolution, etc) and had no luck. Furthermore, we tried a restore….but the restore was unsuccessful. On what is likley an unrelated note (but I'll throw it in anyways), her HP Recovery drive is getting pretty full. She thinks it has something to do with it since it hasn't been like that, but I don't think it relates to the graphics problem. why her desktop background wallpaper is big and strechy and why her text when surfing the internet is so large?

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Latest 64 Updates Messed Up

Apr 25, 2008

Vista told me on Monday that my computer had new updates available. So, being the normal computer guy I am, I looked to see what they were. Mostly Security stuff for the system. So, I said sure lets update. Well, in the process, Vista turned off my system restore, and now takes about 10 min to come up after a reboot or shutdown. When I try to run or load programs, the system hangs up, and task manager has it at 100pct CPU use. Now I am going to do a total format and reinstall. My printer does not even work correctly now and it is only 3 months old. It ran great when I first got it. I think I am going to load up vista again and totally turn off the updates so it does not even temp me. OMGosh I don't want to but only thing I can do. TY Microsoft for wasting yet another weekend on redoing my computer.

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Repair Program Messed Up

Jan 16, 2010

I turned on my computer and it went into this menu where i could run a startup repair program or start windows normally. I started the repair program to try and fix whatever was wrong but it found nothing wrong. I told me to remove any new camera devices or media devices. I had not recently installed anything new, but i disconnected all my devices anyways. It still will not start correctly. I hit F8 in startup, and tried to boot in safe mode, but it keeps freezing on this file named windows/system32/drivers/crcdisk.sys. What is this crcdisk.sys file. im not bothered about keeping any existing files, i just want to be able to use and access the dekstop and internet again!

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Video Messed Up After Reinstall

Dec 16, 2008

Video is REALLY funky. Using Vista Ultimate x64. Winodws that are opened all have terrible application windows. They come up but are very distorted and have lines and weird graphics jotting off in all directions. Whenever an application window is moved below the start bar, there is a weird triangle that is generated from left to right corners and extending upwards into the screen about 300 pixels or a 3or4 inches. Opening the start menu also has this affect, which makes the lower right side of the menu to become unreadable. This all started with pixels popping up all over the screen that i assumed were dead pixels until they started moving and flashing in conjunction with cursors, movies, or any other moving content onscreen. Although I have not tried another monitor, I am fairly certain that the result would be the same. The "broken" pixels started getting bigger, until, like now, they are 5 to 12 pixels per blotch. This morning I got the first bluescreen. 0x50. I will update with parameters when I get home. I have tried: Installing old, and new video drivers. When I do this vista stops the installation and says the file is failing. I have contacted NVidia and they have ensured me that I have the right one. I have also tried booting to my old OS on the 80 IDE.

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Vista Fonts Have Changed/messed Up

Sep 6, 2009

Hi there, earlier i realised that my vista default font is different, i.e. the font for icons, on dialog boxes and even in firefox etc have got bolder in places and also not as fine.

How can i restore the default fonts? Ive checked the appearance options and it still says they are Segoe UI (thats the default font right?)

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Registry Cleaning, Messed Up/cluttered?

Nov 27, 2009

I am reading in this NG and all over the internet that cleaning the registry is a no, no. I am also informed that the registry can/does get all messed up/cluttered with all sorts of stuff, from removed programs, old pointers, etc, over time. So what/how do you fix this if you shouldn't use a registry cleaner???

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