System Not Responding After Shut Down

Dec 23, 2008

I just bought a new Toshiba laptop with Vista Home Premium loaded from Best Buy. When I shut down the computer and then turn it on I can't get it to do anything. It won't open a desk-top icon or launch the internet. That little ball just keeps spinning forever. The only way I can get the laptop to work is to do a system restore which is irritating because it deletes anything I have been working on.

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System Shut Down.

Dec 19, 2007

When I hit the power up button on the front of the case the system will start to power up, the fan's kick in but after a second or two the whole lot shuts down. The MoBo (ASUS) still has its green power light but when I go to hit the power up button again nothing happens. I have to wait a while, maybe turn the power off and drain the residual power before it will kick-in and the repeat the above proccess. I'm running Vista 64, ASUS MoBo, XFX 7900gt. 4800AM2 Dual Core and 2 gig of generic RAM.

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System Freeze, Hard-shut It Down

Jan 12, 2009

If I leave my computer sit overnight, it will completely freeze, and I have to hard-shut it down. The only program that was running was Firefox (with a few pages open). What would cause this?


Memory issues?

GPU issues?

I have had freezing before while browsing on the internet, but it has happened only once, and I had tons of Firefox windows open. It will, however, freeze almost every time I play Company of Heroes Gold, and sometimes freezes when I play FarCry2. In addition, I can benchmark it over and over, but if I let it sit for an hour AFTER I benchmark it, the system will freeze. I have all updates...64 bit drivers, BIOS, etc... These issues aside, why would it freeze when sitting idle overnight? My system specs are pretty good...if I was overheating I would be shocked

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64 Freezes And System Not Shut Down Properly

Mar 21, 2009

It keeps freezing and has to be re-started using restart switch. There does not seem to be a pattern to the freezing that I can spot. It happens at least once a day, sometimes 4-5 times and the longest without was nearly 2 days (when I thought the problem had gone!). It can happen when browsing using firefox or IE. It can happen when using documents or playing PC games (A Vampyre Story and The Path) Initially after re-boot the system had to be repaired using the Vista CD but now it simply boots to option for safe mode or start windows normally. The perfromance monitor simply shows system not shut down properly,Have removed u-torrent, and peripherals except broadband connection (BTHomeHub 2) and wireless keyboard and mouse but to no avail.

I use McAfee for security and since most recent upgrade have to manually start windows defender using command prompt. BTW by freezing I mean that everything suddenly stops responding and nothing works including any key combos or mouse. Therefore can't access task manager.

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Playing Games Shut Down System

Apr 12, 2008

When playing a variety of games, they will shut down on their own at no specific point of the game. Games this has happened to include: Zoo Tycoon 2, NHL08, Railroad Tycoon Platinum & Sim City 3000 Unlimited. Of course all newly created data from the last save is lost.

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System Shut Off & Won't Turn Back On

May 23, 2009

I have an HP Pavilion dv6700 or DV6810 as HP refers it to and it won't turn on anymore! My system has 3 gigs of RAM and is an AMD Turion 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-60 2.00 GHz. I was originally using Windows Vista 32-bit Home Premium System Pack 1 (what it came with the system) and I had upgraded to Vista 64-bit. I am not sure if my problem was caused by my upgrade of Vista or my system being too warm (as I have been using it a lot and it has been getting hot and making loud noises); but after I upgraded to the 64-bit Windows Vista Home Premium System Pack 2, I was then going to the upgrade directly from the Windows to the Vista Ultimate which I had purchased earlier (and not got around to update any of it with my schedule)....and after I did this, it asked for me to restart my computer and as soon as I did....poof! It shut off and won't turn back on.

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Hard Drive Stop Responding And System Restore Does Not Work

Mar 19, 2010

This is a tough one for me to explain but I will try very hard. I guess this started around late summer 09. I turned on my computer and it would run chkdsk over and over again. I let it go over night once and it was still scanning the hard drive over and over. Around Christmas time I reinstalled vista and still it would run chkdsk on every boot. Only this time, it ran once and then vista loaded fine. It would stop responding often and run slow but it was better. I manually turned off chkdsk but it made the computer run worse over time.

It would just not do anything so i would have to hold on the power button and turn it back on. The hard drive light will just stay on and the drive will sound a little different than usual. No clicking or metal on metal noise, just a different type of busy noise until you open something. Also you could use the disk clean up but not the defrag. It will say you should defrag volume so i would click defrag now. It would just show you the spinning blue circle and say analyzing but then say you should degrag volume again. So it won't defrag either. System restore also does not work.........

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Running Vista Operating System Didn't Automatically Shut Down

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased a dell laptop last year and have had numerous issues form the start. It is running the Vista Business operating system. I realize I should have sent the thing back to the factory right away, but I didn't. I would like to reinstall the operating system and start fresh to see if the same issues occur: automatically shuting down, blue / black screen, clock consistantly loosing time, printers not working, yadda, yadda, yadda. I have all the restore disks that came with the computer. What do I need to consider before attempting to take it back to square one?

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General System Slow Down, Applications Displaying "not Responding"

Oct 27, 2009

I am experiencing a general slow down of my Vista system, e.g., 5-30 seconds for applications to load, 5-10 seconds for a new tab to appear in IE8, applications displaying "not responding" while an operation is working such as saving an image or file, etc.

This is isolated to Vista only. I have Windows 7 and XP installed (tri-boot) as well and they do not exhibit this problem. So, I have to conclude it is not hardware related. The system is squeaky clean; full scans with KAV and Malwarebyte's Anti-malware. I've run both Chkdsk and SFC /scannow resulting in no change. Task Manager shows no unusual CPU usage nor Memory usage.

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Virus Messed Up: System "not Responding"

Feb 18, 2010

i got hit with the "antivirus soft" virus a few days ago. i was able to run mcafee in safe mode and it didnt find it. on the next boot up, windows suggested i boot to an earlier save state. i did and how when i boot up on a normal vista boot up, i can't run anything. i can't even look through any of my files or folders. when i try to, i get the "not responding" message and i can't do anything. my question is this: is this something a defrag in safe mode can solve or do i have to reformat my laptop?

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Shut Window, "WINDOW Is Not Properly Shut Down"

Apr 3, 2008

About 40% of the time when I either choose HIBERNATE or the standard SHUT DOWN, the computer just keeps on running. Although it seems WINDOW has shut down, the "ON" light is still on and I can hear the fan running. When this happens I am left with no other option but to use the "emergency shut down" method - pressing the ON button for more than 4 seconds (ASUS laptop, using Vista Home Premium). Presumably this method would damage the computer in some ways in the long run?

I assume WINDOW is shut down because the next time when I turn on the computer it doesn't say the "WINDOW is not properly shut down". So can any kind souls please help me with this annoying problem of turning off the computer completely?

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Not Responding

Jan 13, 2010

Windows explorer many of the games i have steam (which is a program where you buy games from)control panel my computer and even my computers screen saver i have had this problem for about a week now, and only had my computer for about 3 weeks here is the spec......

Manufacturer: Acer
Model: Aspire M7300
Rating: 5.7
Processor: ADM Phenom(tm) II X3 710 Processor 2.60GHz
Memory (RAM): 6.00 GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System

now i dont have many programs that start up when windows starts.

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DVD/RW Not Responding

Sep 7, 2008

Built a new pc last week. Installed vista 64, all was great! Installed Crysis (what a game!!!) Connected to the net...downloaded microsoft updates...dvd stops responding. Thats where i've been ever since. I've spent hours trawling the net trying different things ie upper/lowerfilters (which don't appear in my registry), remove drive, re-install, checking drivers/firmware, apply registry patch, but still can't get it to work. I've tried to start a fresh install of vista but without a dvd drive thats difficult! (not sure how much begging required :-) Device manager shows no errors - dvd working fine! DVD is TSST Sh S223Q samsung dvd/rw P5Q PRO m/b q6600 HD 4850 4gb corsair ram....

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HP SP2: Not Responding

Oct 7, 2008

Works, Office 2007, Lotus 123 and others, constantly freeze and (Not Responding). My first reinstall was because UAC locked me out of Drive C:, yet the OS seemed to run ok. I took ownership and all priveledges and still could not access. Finally reinstall! I backed up drive C: before reinstalling (choose Drive C: only) yet when I reinstalled the backup it overwrote Drive D: Partition) Corrupting it. Second reinstall was similar only affected Drive M: again same problems forcing This time reload from CD. Also have a lot of trouble dropping the network connection. This time I cannot (chkdsk M: /f), when I use F9 On boot it only checks CPU, Memory (4mb) and drive C: Then it aborts. All my diag programs uncover no problems. Drives all check healthy and have been defraged regularly. All programs load extremely slow (2.4G Intel core 2 Quad Q6600) I think it should be fairly quick to respond.

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Shut Down

Apr 20, 2008

Recently after I go through the Shut Down procedures, I have been noting
that after the disappearance of the windows interface, the computer would
still be on and I would have to shut down by pressing the power switch for a
few seconds.

When I do not prerss this switch, windows restarts after about ten minutes;
after I receive a brief report (which I never manage to read in full)
informing me that a software may not have been properly installed or that I
need a windows update.

This problem appeared long after I installed all the software that I use,
and I have checked whether I'm fully updated (I am).

Is there a way in which I can ensure this problem does not occur when I go
through the normal shut down procedures?

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PC Shut Down Itself

Mar 23, 2008

Not sure if this is a hardware problem or a Vista problem. I am however leaning toward ahrdware because this can happen sometimes during post.

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Won't Shut Down

Sep 4, 2008

I mean, I've seen Windows take a long time to shut down, but mine just won't shut down. I'll go to start, click "Shut Down" and Windows will close everything running like usual and go to that screen where it says "Windows is shutting down." Well, last night, instead of just forcing a power-down, I decided to see if it would shut down or not if left alone for a while, so I left it at that screen, and went to bed. I woke up in the morning and Windows was still at that point, and the circle was still spinning, which means the system hadn't frozen. Also, the num lock button still worked. I'm guessing something has Windows going for a loop when closing down processes.

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Often Shut Down

May 6, 2008

I have a Vista edition. I use my laptop in a public room where there is WiFi connection, but my computer OFTEN SHUT DOWN...after it's written that I can restart with a normal way or in another for a problem with Data.....ect. I don't know if my problem is for the configuration of "AVG free edition"(anti virus), a software problem or for my laptop (Dell M1330)...By the way this problem started with the connection on internet.

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Will Not Shut Down

Mar 23, 2008

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium. When I ask the comuter to shut down, the shut down screen with the spinning circle stays on maybe 20 minutes, then automatically restarts. My message seems lengthy, but I have tried to include as much info as I can right from the beginning. Once the computer restarts, then after logging in, a window appears with the message that "windows has recovered from an unexpected shut down. Search for solutions by clicking here..." An option is also on this same window for details. Here is a copy of the details givenroblem Event Name:BlueScreen , OS Version:6.0.6000., Locale ID:1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode:9f,BCP1:00000003,BCP2:85644B98,BCP3:B3DF81E8,BCP4:882535B8,S ,Version:6_0_6000, Service Pack:0_0, Product:768_1Files that help describe the problem:WindowsMinidumpMini021308-01.dmp, C:UsersJacobsAppDataLocalTempWER-77797-0.sysdata.xml, C:UsersJacobsAppDataLocalTempWER7953.tmp.version.txt

When I click on "find the solution", this is the message I get: Download and install the driver for Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Adapter This problem was caused by Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Adapter, which was created by Intel Corporation. A solution is available that will solve this problem. Technical Information Intel PRO/1000 Network Connectivity Network Adapter Driver for Microsoft Windows Vista* (32-bit) I have installed this driver successfully, but the computer still will not shut down and I continue to get the same message that I need to install this driver. I have the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool running once a month. I use TrendMicro Internet Security 2008. Under "network connections", I have both LAN local area connection Intel 82562V 10/100 network connection and Wireless network connection using compact wireless - G USB network adapter with speed booster.

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Excel Not Responding

Apr 21, 2009

I am having this problem with excel, I can open excel but if I try to save it goes in to not responding mode, any help out there.

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Fades & Not Responding,

Aug 4, 2009

Also not too good with technical things (typical woman I know)
I'm using Vista home premium and when using my computer if regularly stops responding and the screen fades can't do anything until it 'wakes' would anyone be able to tell me what the problem could be

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Keeps Freezing/Not Responding

May 10, 2009

I just recieved my new Dell with Vista 64-Bit Home Premium on Friday (the 8th) and since the initial start-up, I can be doing anything (web surfing, viewing task manager, any program) and without any warning the program just stops responding. In most cases I can't minimize or close the program and clicking Start - Restart even does not respond. The 'only' way to end this and restart the computer is by actually unplugging the power cable.

Viweing the Event Viewer I see that within 2 days, I have 83 Error messages listed under Windows Logs - Applications (These are the red buttons under the LEVEL column). All updates are installed. I have to write this quickly before the bugger freezes up again.

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Page Plus 'not Responding'

Nov 25, 2009

I've been trying to run Serif Page Plus SE free but continually get the 'not responding' message. I've given up on their support line as they l=keep telling me the same thing over and over. I'm running Vista - is there a c0mpatibility problem?

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IE Pages Not Responding

Mar 15, 2009

I have been having to use the Task Manager to shut down Internet Explorer due to the pages freezing up. When I open task manger it indicates that the page is not responding. This happened approximately 30 times today alone. I have no idea what is causing this problem so I don't have a clue as to what to do to fix it. I finely got so frustrated I just gave up and shut my system down.I'm running the VISTA operating system and, as stated above.

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Explorer Not Responding

Dec 21, 2009

Ever since a few days ago whenever i go to open my Briefcase on my desktop it takes an enormous amount of time to open and all that appears when i click the icon on the desktop is a blank window in which it says at the top " EXPLORER(NOT RESPONDING)". It takes the briefcase a few minutes to finally open and display all my files and folders inside.

It is also a pain when i am attempting to save something. For example: if i was to attempt to download a file i would click save, and normally it would direct itself into my briefcase. It still directs itself to my briefcase accept now the save procedure is "Not Responding and it takes plenty time to start responding and working again.

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Explorer.exe Not Responding

Mar 23, 2008

whenever i log in, it sometimes says that explorer.exe is not responding. I then restart it, but whenever i try to open something that needs explorer.exe, like my computer, explorer.exe goes away again and i lose my desktop and task bar. This has been happening for the past few days, and i don't want to use a restore because that would take me back around 2 months ago.

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AutoLaunchVWLASU Not Responding.

Jan 10, 2010

Running Vista Ultimate 64-bit. Trying to upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate (using upgrade Cd). Anything I try to do that uses the : AutoLaunchVWLASU (install, delete, try to defrag, etc...) - - when in Task Manager it lists this ALWAYS as, "Not Responding". I always have to end Task using Task Manager. Do I have a PC Problem (Sony VGC-LV150J) or a Windows Installation Issue. Cannot even invoke System Config or even RegEdit from the Start menu.

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Hanging Up/not Responding

Jun 27, 2008

I keep having the problem of MS Outlook not responding, or clicking on a link in an email and nothing happening, or clicking on any way to get into explorer either from a desktop or task bar icon, etc. If I shut down or restart it clears up for a while, but comes back soon, eventually. I have IE version 7, Vista Home Premium with Service Pack 1. (32 bit) How can I keep this from happening?

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Program Not Responding

Feb 6, 2009

I have a Lenovo 3000 N100 laptop running Vista Business with 2 GB of memory. Most of the time when I start almost any program I get a not responding message. If I wait 10 to 30 seconds the program usually responds but most programs don't run very fast.

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Ulitmate X64 Not Responding

Nov 14, 2007

Currently running AM2 5200+ 2 gigs of ram and a 8600 GT Nvidia card.. All suppose to be vista certified Even the motherboard and power supply. Everything Keeps freezing up then unfreezing. Installs from games to other programs are taking multi hours. Any idea of a patch hot fix or something I am missing?

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Internal Mic Not Responding

Apr 10, 2008

I have a friend who has an HP laptop, Windows Vista (obviously lol) and, at first his internal mic would pic up sound-music, background noise, &c., but not voice. On Skype it said that it was muted. There were no "mute/un-mute" buttons to be found, anywhere. And it wasn't just on Skype either. Yahoo too. It just wouldn't register it at all. He was trying to mess with the mic settings/ recording device settings and I guess he clicked on disable. He was going to try and enable it again but, it deleted the entire device!!! So now he can't mess with it or see it or anything. It says "No Audio Devices Are Installed."

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