Turned Off Vista Disabled Firewall Service

Jun 23, 2008

We are running an old CA program for our antivirus here at school. It is called inoculateIT. It has performed well for us, so we've never upgraded to their newer offerings. To install it, you use a remote install program located on the domain controller. I just bought the first Vista computer to try out here and upon trying to install this program, it cannot find the path. When this happened with XP, it was because the Windows firewall was turned on. I have turned it off in Vista and disabled the firewall service, but still get the same message. It shows up in the list of computers in the remote install program's browser just like it does in the active directory list. I just believe it has something to do with the security in Vista that is blocking it.

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Privatefirewall 7.0, No Firewall And Not Turned On

Feb 22, 2010

I downloaded and used it. The firewall for Vista was turned off because of it, but it also warned that there is no firewall, even though I have Privatefirewall installed. It should state PrivateFirewall is installed or there is another firewall installed rather than stating there is no firewall or it is not turned on. Should it be ignored or fixed?

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Firewall Disabled On Startup

Apr 30, 2008

I am running Windows Live OneCare and the firewall is enabled. The Vista Firewall services are set to automatic, however on bootup the Vista Firewall is turned off. Shouldn't be a problem but whenever the Vista Firewall is disabled I am getting unwanted traiffic on my laptop which the Live OneCare isn't blocking.

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Message Could Not Be Sent '554 Disabled By HIPS Firewall'

Jul 29, 2009

I have been using my e-mail for 11 years, sending bulk-mail without any problem. Too many recipients!? The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address was 'jmzl@bellsouth.net'. Subject 'Re1: ', Account: 'abcsys@ix.netcom.com', Server: 'smtpauth.earthlink.net', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '554 Disabled by HIPS Firewall', Port: 587, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 554, Error Number: 0x800CCC79 I already spoke with my provider, and nothing have changed with my account to limit the recipients to 50.

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Turned Off : Tablet Input Service

Mar 8, 2009

Some time ago I turned off "Tablet Input Service" from services, now I need snippping tool, so I turned it back on, unfortunately it doesn't work, I can't find it in start/all programs/accessories :-( I also tried "turn windows features on or off"(Control PanelPrograms and Features)to activate "tablet pc optional components" but after some minutes it answers me with a generic "An error has occurred. Not all of the features were successfully changed"

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Disabled The Wrong Service!

Feb 3, 2010

After using perfmon to determine what applications were hogging my internet connection at 2am every morning I found that AeLookupSvc and Appinfo were the culprits. After looking up what they did and deciding that it would be ok to disable them (!!) I did so, and now any activity that requires administrative privileges either does not respond, or returns the error "C:Windowssystem32services.msc The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it. Perfmon, services.msc, windows firewall, system restore, accessing my registry, none of it works. I can still run programs and serf the net, but anything that needs admin priv will not work. I guess what I need is some kind of workaround, I need to enable Appinfo without administrator privileges so I can get my administrator privileges back. Thanks for any help you can provide, Tim **SKIP the FOLLOWING if you just want to help for said issue** Now time for the RANT: Jesus I have never been so frustrated! I have never had a prolonged experience with something so clunky, so ridiculous, and coming highly touted from one of the largest corporations on the planet! This is only one (and the worst) of the many problems I've had. While playing warcraft I'll suffer from framerate issues with a powerful dual core until the cpu's decide "hey, he's got 6 fps, lets stop whatever we were doing and help him out" and my framerates will jump to 60. I spent an hour in the registry working on my latency issues, I spent 30 minutes in the registry fixing a fallout 3 console problem, svchost will decide to go surf the net in the middle of me doing something myself and lag the crap out of me. My computer has a mind of its own and rarely is it doing something I want to do too! If windows vista wiped my a$$ it would be a 47 step process and have to stop and ask my permission to ask my permission. I went to microsoft support for help, entered in my product i.d. in order to determine if I could get support help WITHOUT having to PAY $49, and it told me the number was for vista home premium 64 bit instead of the 32 bit I selected, well, ok, I went back and changed the option to 64 bit, re-entered the SAME exact i.d., it gave me a product i.d. format error......the same, copy/pasted i.d..... I went and did it two more times both ways including opening a new browser window laughing my ass off!!! Way to go microsoft! Your $230 billion dollar organization wants $49 from me to help me with your problems! I'm so glad I was so frustrated I laughed, otherwise my laptop would have traveled through the wall. ( I know, anger issues, but can you blame me?!?!) There's some more I could write if you're still reading, but my finger's are getting cold, I haven't typed this much since my senior design project.

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Turned Security Center To Automatic And Restarted The Service?

May 16, 2008

I just installed a fresh installation of Enterprisex64 a couple days ago. As I've been building up the system I mapped a drive to another computer on my network and continued to setup the new PC. Last night after installing a couple different DVD Burning programs (Roxio10 & Nero 8) I rebooted a couple times and noticed that my Security Center was turned off. I went into the services, turned it to Automatic and restarted the service.

Then I continued my work on building my system and realized I couldn't connect to my mapped drive, only to realize I could no longer see other computers on my network via Network Neighborhood or by \computername. My other computers on the network can see each other, just not this new box...........

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Volume Shadow Service Disabled?

Feb 23, 2009

i just noticed that my Volume Shadow Service is disabled and stopped. I know its used to create shadow copies of files and folders, but why is it turned off? Do i need to enable and start this service or its ok if its off? i never use shadow copies but still do i need it?

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Firewall Service Cannot Start

Nov 21, 2009

We have a Vista Ultimate installation with all service packs installed. Both the local security policy and the domain policy after joining a domain have the reserved accounts NETWORK SERVICE and LOCAL SERVICE configured to start as a service. If we disconnect the notebook from the domain and restart it, the Windows Firewall service refuses to start. All attempts to manage the firewall fail because the service reports it has not started. If you manually attempt to start the firewall service it fails. As soon as we put the notebook back on the domain network and reboot it works. Does anyone have any insight on why this happens and how we can get the firewall to start? Any sequence that effectively prevents the firewall from starting strikes me as a pretty serious misfeature. The notebook is
often used to configure devices by cross connecting straight to the device, so we cannot count on being on the domain network, but clearly we want a working firewall at all times.

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Firewall Control Service Is Not Running

May 19, 2009

I installed Sphinx Software's Vista Firewall Control about an hour ago and it worked perfectly until i rebooted my computer couple minutes ago to refresh my memory preparing to play a game.I got the message that Vista Firewall Control Service is not running at startup.Oh,i tried turning off windows firewall and rebooting incase of a conflict,but same problem.I'm running Windows Firewall Control 64-bit version on Vista Home Premium 64-bit SP1.

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Firewall Error "Windows Cannot Start The Windows Firewall Service"

Apr 16, 2008

My firewall gives me this error message when i try to set it on. "Windows cannot start the Windows Firewall service." I have just installed SP1 but the problem started before that.

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DNS Client Service Disabled? HP Network Devices Support?

Mar 19, 2009

Reviewing Services on my Vista Ultimate 64-bit machine I noticed that the DNS Client is disabled? I have a wireless router configured to the laptop and to the printer and have for some times been experiencing disconnection problems to the laptop and loosing the printer connectivity completely until I unplug the router, wait, and plug it back in--which will restore connectivity until the next time.

Shouldn't the DNS Client be enabled? Also noticed in Services I found HP Network Devices Support is set to Automatic (Delayed Start). Could this be what is causing the printer (C7280 All-in-One) to write so many (hundreds in days) .log entries in

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MpsSvc Service, "Windows Firewall"?

Jul 29, 2009

I have Vista and in my Task Manager (Services tab) there is an item called MpsSvc and the Description says "Windows Firewall." And in msconfig under Services tab, there is also an item called "Windows Firewall" I have my Firewall turned OFF through the Control Panel/Security Center. I found some articles saying MpsSvc service has to do with MS LiveOneCare which I don't have. Do those "Windows Firewall" services also have to do with LiveOneCare?

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Vista Will Not Boot Usb Disabled In Bios

May 2, 2008

Vista will not load up Normal, once I get to account selection screen, mouse and keyboard are unresponsive. REpair mode did not resolve issue. Attempted various restore points from 4/23/08 going 30 days back. I can then select an account and Vista begins to load up but keyboard unresponsive when initial programs load up, even using PS/2 device connection. Mouse still fuctions until....System seems to "hang" after a "New Device Found" window pop up. Windows will search for drivers for you. Then nothing.. I then lose mouse control...

Attempted Fixes: I have tried a windows repair disk and no luck. I have tried numerous restore points, same result.. I have EVEN tried to access hard drive via UBUNTU Linux and Knoppix..with both systems not being able to mount device.. Current Status: I have disabled USB support in the BIOS.. and now I can get Vista to load up USING PS/2 devices...but what do I do now? 1. I can't back up the data since no USB support hence no attaching external devices such as usb hard drive... How do I resolve issue, I should not have disable USB to have Vista "function" should I

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Windows Firewall/printing: If Turn Off The Firewall It Prints Stright Away

May 19, 2008

I am using Vista ultimate with a new Canon LBP2900I laser printer. If I print with the windows firewall turned on it takes an age ti get a print out, if I turn off the firewall it prints stright away. All the drivers are up to date. In the firewall exceptions the printer is listed and ticked

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Better Windows Firewall On Vista Or Norton

Jun 4, 2008

which is better windows firewall on vista or norton and can i run both if i want to ??? and if not why not many thanks

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Vista 64 Av Firewall Using Not Working Properly

Mar 16, 2009

well i just bought a new laptop today. was an xp user. was using avg on xp. anyways what would you guys recommend i use for vista64? should i get an AV and another one for firewall? or should i go with something 2 in 1 like ESET Smart Security 4?

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Sysprep Windows Vista, Disabled Administrator Account

Jun 16, 2009

now i tried to run sysprep for Windows Vista i just install on the PCs, but i was not success to do it. When run sysprep with this command "sysprep /oobe /generalize /unattend:unattend.xml" it will auto delete all drivers installed on vista. The things there are i want to make 1 image Vista Bussiness installed drivers, default enabled administrator account (normally when run sysprep it will disabled administrator account).

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Turn Off The Annoying User Account Control Feature Without Vista Telling That You Have Turned It Off

Mar 23, 2008

How can you turn off the annoying User Account Control feature without Vista telling that you have turned it off, and having an icon in the system tray telling you that it is turned off?

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Vista SP3 Or SP2 Is The Final Service Pack For Vista?

Jul 29, 2009

Will there be Vista SP3 or SP2 is the final service pack for Vista?

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Vista Can't Be Fixed Vista Service Packs

Jul 29, 2009

I don't want to be perceived as Vista basher. There're severe issues in it comparing to old WinXP - but my and many others reason to blast them publicly is NOT to harm something that's already dead, lyino on the floor & everyone kicking it like a dead horse - "dead horse" here means Vista. It's the past. The future is Windows7 and we're just making sure problems don't get inherited! What's wrong with Vista can't be fixed by Vista ServicePacks, nobody cares anymore, Win7 is the only thing I personally care for. Now here's another feature in Vista I actaully like, it was either missing or I didn't notice in WinXP. I listed several other great features, but here's one more:

I know DOS command prompt by heart, and since I am no longer young it's something that new generation often is unclear about. I can achieve many tasks faster by issuing commands and don't need any help files, I've been doing it since late 80's. Now with Power Shell it's a new level. This is a great continuation of command-driven interface. Also when renaming files in WinExplorer Vista doesn't select .Extension by default - more convenient than WinXP where I was annoyed by constant extesnion retyping. But a few great features still don't offset the fact Vista was a fiasco.

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Windows Firewall And 3rd Party Firewall

Apr 21, 2009

Windows Vista Basic sp1. Im using a 3rd party firewall program. In Administrative Tools---Services it shows Windows Firewall status as Started. But, in Security Center it shows my 3rd party firewall being On but Windows Firewall being off. Also, in Administrative Tools---Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is showing Windows Firewall being on in Domain Profile. Is this normal? Why would one show Windows Firewall as On and another show it as Off?

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CD Drive Is Turned Off And Needs To Be Turned On

Jun 11, 2008

I think i turned off my CD drive on my laptop a while ago but forget how to turn it back on. how to turn my CD drive back on.

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Vista Service Pack 2 Won't Install

Aug 9, 2009

Vista Service pack 2 won't install on hubbies laptop. (Vista Home Premium 32-bit) I have tried 3 times, rebooting after each attempt. An error pops up saying: "C:Windowssystem32sqmapi.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system Administrator or Software Vendor for support." The error code is C0000020 and on the heading bar is says "SPCLITE.EXE - Bad Image. We have no idea what program or what .dll it is talking about. I am running Malwarebytes on his computer at the moment to see if anything comes up regarding that.

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Installed Vista Service Pack

Oct 2, 2008

I recently installed vista, do the service packs download through live update? Or do I have to go online to download it? Or does it come with the vista installation? I don't know what service pack, if any, is installed on this computer.

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Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Installation.

Apr 22, 2008

When I tried to install Vista Service Pack 1, it gave me an internal =
error. I went to the web link provided there, and done all the necessary =
steps except Windows Update. The computer I want to install service pack =
1 onto, is not connected to the internet. So I downloaded the full =
service pack,and tried to install it there, but now it seems that it =
needs additional updates from Windows Update. Can anyone please provide =
me with a list of updates needed on that computer to allow Service Pack =
1 to be installed, and then I could download them manually.

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Notable Changes In Windows Vista Service Pack 1

Jul 4, 2008


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Service Pack 2 For Vista, Which Brought Me To Build6002

Apr 13, 2009

I have downloaded and installed portions of Service Pack 2 for Vista, which brought me to Build6002. Does anyone have info as to when one can expect the final of this one.

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Install Vista Service Pack But It Froze At 18%

Apr 15, 2008

I tried to install vista service pack it froze at 18% for 4 hours so i used my recovery disc to no avail anyways here s the real problem i bought my pc from PC world i am in the uk by the way it came with xp media centre but when i bought it i got a free up grade to vista home premium after a long wait the discs for vista arrived and i installed the program with no problems but since i tried the service pack it has all gone wrong i ended up having to reinstall xp with my recovery disc then put vista back in when i done this it asked for an activation key but i never ever got one as the first time i installed it.

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Getting The Impression That Vista Service Pack 2 Is Out And Ready

Apr 26, 2009

I'm getting the impression that Vista Service Pack 2 is out and ready. Or am I wrong? Windows Update hasn't notified me yet that it is available update.

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Manually Install Vista Service Pack 2 32 Bit

Jan 27, 2010

I want to manually install Vista Service Pack 2 32 bit. My installation disk is Vista Basic with SP1. Is the only prerequisite to install SP2 is to have Vista Service Pack 1 installed?

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