Running Slow, Making Odd Noise.

Mar 23, 2008

I'm working with a Windows Vista HP Pavillion PC. No hardware has been modified. I'm not sure which version I have, I think I have all but the most recent update. ~I'm not sure if this is a hardware problem or not, but here goes. Anyway, about 4 months ago, my computer started acting odd. It would make an odd ticking, or clicking noise and start running slow. It sounds like an odd tick-tock noise. It seems to originate in the front of the computer, lower left side. Theres about a .5 second delay between the tick and tock noise. It keeps making that noise about every 3 seconds. It will seemingly stop and start doing this at random.

The slow downs are always associated with the tick-tock noise. I found out that when it's doing that, the computer starts functioning worse in general. Instead of running at normal CPU capacity, it limits itself to about 15% of it's power. Nothing huge is running in the background to suck up it's power. It just goes into "dumb mode". When this happened 4 months ago, I did a full system restore and that fixed it. Now it's happening again. I've already done a system restore. However, it doesn't want to boot up now. It's stuck on a please wait screen. So, has anyone suffered through this problem

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Computer Running Slow

Jan 9, 2010

I am running Windows Vista 32 bit edition and the last weeks my computer has slowed down to a snail’s pace, i have checked for viruses and it is clean. I have run CCleaner and to remove all the rubbish but it is still very slow.

I even have trouble booting from a Vista boot DVD, it take approx 5 minutes just to get the welcome screen up that’s before any OS has booted.

I have a CPU monitor on the sidebar and the CPU and the Memory usage is up and down from nothing to 100 % all the time.

And when i do get the computer to work it is very slow and i can only open one window at a time

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Computer Running Too SLOW

May 11, 2008

i've been running my computer pretty much without problems. Recently I have noticed a real slow down in performance. I currently have Spybot S&D, and the purchased version of AVG installed. Thinking that perhaps one of these programs may be causing some kind of problem, I disabled both of them, but to no avail.

I run spyware searches and virus searches daily, which never really show up any thing of concern. I delete cookies etc on a daily basis too. My computer doesnt need defragged.
Could anyone give me any ideas as to what could be slowing it down so much.I tried to access my company site to process some work stuff and it took forever and a day to load what would normally be a couple of seconds.My computer is only about 8 months old, Intel Core Duo CPU, Memory 2047MB, 32 Bit O.S, with a Windows experience Index rating of 5.5.

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Computer Running So Slow

May 11, 2008

i've been running my computer pretty much without problems. Recently I have noticed a real slow down in performance. I currently have Spybot S&D, and the purchased version of AVG installed. Thinking that perhaps one of these programs may be causing some kind of problem, I disabled both of them, butto no avail. I run spyware searches and virus searches daily, which never really show up any thing of concern. I delete cookies etc on a daily basis too. My computer doesnt need defragged.Could anyone give me any ideas as to what could be slowing it down so much.

I tried to access my company site to process some work stuff and it took forever and a day to load what would normally be a couple of seconds. My computer is only about 8 months old, Intel Core Duo CPU, Memory 2047MB, 32 Bit O.S, with a Windows experience Index rating of 5.5. running Vista Professional.

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FW Shut Off, Basic Running Really Slow

May 8, 2010

I've got a 6 year Compaq old laptop running Vista Basic, 1.5 GB of RAM, most WU's are current, MBAM, SAS, CA Security Suite with the FW shut off. Windows Firewall, Windows Defender. The system is very slow for file/program commands (Open, close, shutdowns, etc.). For instance, if I right click on Start and select `Explore' it takes 4-6 seconds for Explore to open up, and when it does open up a green status indication running across the path window just creeps along to the right very slowly. Is this some sort of an indexing problem?

Same thing with Task Manager. Internet browsing is ok speedwise, although when I run Brighthouse network's Road Runner Speed test, the results are poor (3500 kbps downloading). If I do this test on my Acer Desktop or laptop, the speed is over 9000 kbps). Running Firefox (but it's chewing up about 150 MB of process space)...........

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Computer Locking Up And Or Running VERY Slow..

Jul 16, 2009

the computer was always the last mointh it has been jamming up. locking up where I have to got to task manager and end task to get out. sometimes it look like it is locking up , but is only going SUPER slow, because I can still use the mouse as in sliding the page up or down. when it locks I cant use anything.

sometimes It happens with in a few clicks of the web pages I enter. I have Kasperky installed and I get pop ups about intrusions............

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Running Real Slow, Paint Shop Pro X1

Mar 25, 2008

When I starts the program it is running real slow and after a while it is shuting down and I have to restart it. I have changed so I am running it as adminstrator.

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Vista Software Pretty Slow Running

Mar 23, 2008

Vista is good looking software, but pretty slow. Altough my computer has no problems running it, because there's WAY enough power to do that. BUT, some serious issues have come up. And the most worst and annoying thing is the lag in games, internet etc. There's this lagspike that comes every 10 to 60 seconds. When youre playing a game that needs connection to internet example Guild Wars, it's annoying. There's no way you can play the game properly. First this lag wasn't so bad, but it has come to a point where the whole game disconnects from the server because lag is too long. This problem is experienced by many people and they are as annoyid as I am. More specificly the problem is experienced with wlan connections. I hope Microsoft quickly fixes this major problem.

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Slow Boot Time Computer Running Ultimate X64

Mar 28, 2009

I've recently put together a new computer using these parts: I've updated to Vista Ultimate SP1, run multiple disk clean ups, defrags, use CCleaner, clean the registry, defrag the registry, disabled services and have made tweaks according to the guide provided on this website and have minimal startup programs running but my boot times average around 2 minutes. For a new computer with new hardware, this seems unreasonable as many users report boot times between 30-60 seconds. What could be wrong with my computer? On the vista loading screen with the green bar, it goes through about 22 cycles.

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Vista 64 Home Premium Running Slow, Volmgrx.sys Corrupt

Mar 10, 2009

Vista 64 home premium is suddenly very slow, too slow to the point of programs not even launching. When trying to start in safe mode with networking, got a "repair" notice and then it tried to do a repair, saying that the volmgrx.sys was corrupt. However, the repair reported that it failed. I tried a system restore, and after seeing the "system restore is initializing" for over 12 minutes, I hit the power switch. It will start up in normal mode, but the disk activity light almost never goes out and is on almost solidly. I tried to copy the volmgrx.sys from a sister machine (two were ordered at the same time from HP), and then found that even in safe mode with command prompt, the file was protected. Is there a another way to copy over that file, or is that a "custom-made" file during the first turn-on of Vista?

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Windows 32: Windows Mail Running Slow And Hangs

Mar 23, 2008

why is windows mail running slow and hangs

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Disk Noise

Aug 12, 2009

I am on Windows Vista and office 2003 and 2007 and I cannot stop my computer hard disk from tinkling away, blue light flashing, when I first put it on, its as if it has a mind of its own. I have stopped it installing automatic updates, uninstalled a lot of the start up things in msconfig and it is still active for about 5 or 10 minutes and is nearly driving me mad. It makes booting up so slow and all the programs are bionic
to start. I wondered if its to do with Word making its thumnails (file searching) does anyone know how to stop this, or any other suggestions that it may be.

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Raptors - Just How Much Noise?

Nov 9, 2007

It looks like my main HDD is almost dead, its been making some rather dodgy noises all week and locking up.

Idealy my replacement would be a pair of Raptors raided, but i'm concerned about the noise levels, so a few questions for those who have them.

1) Do realy they make much more noise than a 7200?
2) Is there a noticable proformance increase?

I'm 95% sure I want these, but 5% is telling me I should just get a standard sata drive for 1/4 of the price.

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Bleeping Noise In PC

May 5, 2008

My PC gives of a bleeping noise on occasions this gets quite annoying and I have to shut down to get rid of it, It is a four month old PC Quad core Intel 372 gig HD only 75 gigs used on drive. Vista Premium, Windows One Care. I have heard that a faulty Drive could be responsible. I can take it to be checked as it is on Warranty but can they see if it is the drive when it has only happened on five occasions in four months?

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Laptop CPU Noise

Jun 24, 2008

I am not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask this, but here we go I just bought a new Laptop, All is great, It is a HP Pavillion DV9000. I have noticed the CPU Noise is alot louder than those of Toshiba ie. Is there a way to lower this sound?

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Computer Fan Noise

Jun 10, 2009

I had a problem with my old computer in the last days of its life !!!! ... ... before it was gone .... it had become so that everything I wanted to with it, from opening an IE or Firefox window to using a virtual machine using VMWare Workstation, its fan (and I think the CPU fan)'s voice increased. Now I have a laptop and it is ON most of the time. Sometimes when I come and sit by it, its fan is also working in an increased revolution and hence increased voice (of course its voice is much lower than my old desktop but it is still not the normal voice) and when I open the Task Manager to see if any process is using the CPU very much causing this noise, I don't find any process.

Can somebody guide me to know what is the cause of this? Because most of the time when I sit by it and start using it (and of course simple use not something like starting a game or ....) after some time, its fan's revolution decreases and so is its noise. Is it possible that this is because my laptop gets warm? If so, how can I do something to prevent this?

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Dvd-drive Grinding Noise

May 22, 2009

One of my HP laptops, HP Pavilion dv9650us, went off warranty about two months ago. I was using the machine to help fix another computer's problem when I noticed that its dvd-drive is making loud grinding noises and is slowing down the computer whenever I would access the drive. I suspect that the drive is about to die.

I am not sure how long the drive has been doing this since the laptop is being used primarily by another family member. I purchased an extended warranty through Office Depot, but that family member cannot afford for that computer to be sent off for an unknown amount of time so I am actively considering replacing the drive myself.

I am looking at drives on and unsure if a 'universal laptop slimline drive' will fit. Are the drives fairly universal between manufactorers? The current drive is an HD-DVD drive so I was hoping to upgrade to a blu-ray drive. Is it possible? FYI: These kind of internal laptop dvd drives are not available from newegg or even frys. I'd rather not buy directly through hp.

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Pop Noise On Startup/shutdown

Sep 4, 2008

i've just taken a headfirst dive into vista and as far as i can tell, besides the UAC, im becoming quite fond of it. heres the backstory for my issue. Purchased a HP tx2510us tablet, it came with vista home premium, I had a copy of Vista ultimate off of the computer my parents bought(they "down"graded to xp pro). downloaded all the drivers off the HP website, wiped the HD and installed vista Ultimate x64. Then i reinstalled all the drivers(the x64versions, i made sure of that. Now the issue. Whenever I turn on or off my computer. the speakers pop. This also happens if the speakers are muted. I'm not sure if this is a driver issue, or somthing else. EDIT* The popping noise also happens when the windows bootup sound plays.

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Strange Noise From Computer

Oct 11, 2008

my friend has an alienware comp and it keeps crashing he is running the asus p5 and unfortunatly his warranty has expired it's also running xp it will crash from boot or some times after 10min other times it's after a few hours. he is running a 7800gtx 256mb gpu also, if anyone knows of any fauts this has after 2 years of use would be appreciated i am recommending a new card for him too 9800gt or there abouts something usefull but not overly pricey as he doesn't require it for things like crysis and stuff

i'm looking for things to look for to help him resolve it as the alienware call out charge for him is 600quid i told him to just get a new comp but he would like to keep it for a while i'm going to fit new ram that i have lying around as i think it may be a hardware fault as there is a strange noise coming from his computer possibly making it an overheating issue but when i googled his comp i got a ton of hits on the same fault with the same comp so it's not a one off case and nowhere was there a solution so i figured i'd put to the people.

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Downloading Makes Beep Noise

Aug 20, 2008

Whenever i try to download anything it just make a little beeping noise when the downloading is done and then when i go to check where my program is it's gone,

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Computer Makes Loud Noise And Lags.

Dec 3, 2009

Sorry if this is the wrong section but, sometimes when im just on the computer my computer will make a noise. I really dont know how to describe the noise but its like when the fan in your room is turned to like extra fast. Whenever the noise comes my computer just starts to lag.

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Sound Turned Off: Sporadic Noise Comes From The Speakers

Jun 9, 2008

I have sound turned off and there is an odd intermittent and sporadic noise that comes from the speakers. It happens when there are no applications open and is not in response to any action. It sounds like a single drop falling into a bucket of water. My computer is only 2 months old and this noise has happened the entire time, even after reinstalling OS (due to crash).

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A Scam Making Use Of The Microsoft Name?

Jan 20, 2009

I just received this from < link removed by Dwarf > Someone using a hotmail account to announce a Microsoft Promotion does raise an eyebrow:

Microsoft Promotion Award Team
40 Ryecroft Way Stopsley
United Kingdom.
FILE REF: HL/5564/12/08/MICS
BATCH: MC11/834/5PDH /EU


We wish to congratulate you for being part of our winners selected this month. This promotion was set-up to encourage the active users of the Internet Microsoft Windows. Hence we do believe with your winning prize, you will continue to be active and patronage to the Microsoft Windows. We wish to formally announce to you that you have successfully passed the requirements, statutory obligations, verifications, validations and satisfactory report Test conducted for all on line winners.........

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Startup: Hard Drive Makes Alot Of Noise

Sep 18, 2008

After the rolling green bars of starting up vista, the hard drive makes alot of noise (lots of disk activity?), vista takes 5-10 seconds longer. The noise is very annoying! And I'm concerned that it will ruin the hard drive. Plus my 20 second bootup is also longer. This started happening after two months living with vista - didnt happened at day one.

I noticed the problem after installing new drivers for my VGA and manually installing some vista/office 2007 security updates. Coincidence? I've tried uninstalling the drivers and installing new ones - but no luck. I've also tried chkdsk /r in an elevated privledge command prompt and a defrag, anti-virus scan and spyware scan. Furthermore, the only thing I have changed in the boot up sequence is: adding 4 core cpu support when booting up, and stopping a few startup items. I have also disabled the readyboost service.

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Computer Making Beeping Sounds

Apr 15, 2009

3 days ago my computer started making very quiet beeping sounds, it happens mostly when I use Mozilla Firefox and Windows Explorer. My impression is that the sound is coming from the motherboard. When I restarted in safe mode the sound disappeared,

so after a very long elimination process I discovered that when I change control panel-power options-processor power management settings the frequency of beeping changes as well. Until now I was using balanced settings (min processor state 5% and max processor state 100%), if I choose high performance (min and max processor state are both 100%) the beeping becomes very frequent almost continuous, and if I choose power saver settings (min processor state 5% and max processor state 50%) I don't notice the beeping anymore but of course I don't want to keep using only 50% of my processor. I am using a desktop computer, not a laptop. Except for the annoying sound the computer works normally. I have Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit SP1.

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Vista Can't Format Making The Cd Useless

Mar 25, 2010

vista sp2. tsst corp cddvdw t6-l632h ata device. neither live nor mastered format nothing works, vista can't format at all, thus making the cd useless. i tried to update my driver which is of 2006 but windows says it is updated. i uninstalled it and let it reinstall itself -nothing happeen- i did the same thing and added a winaspi32.dll in system 32- nothing, checked for interference from other programs by disabling them - nothing, tried other programs like img burn,infrarecorder still -nothing. by the way is it needed to format dvd-r before burning and does that formatting needs to be done by windows,

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Work Making Signature With Logo?

Oct 16, 2009

I followed VistaRookie's 10 step procedure for making a signature with a logo. It worked. Then I added more information and now it doesn't work. My email shows the code stuff instead of just the info and logo. I don't know what I did wrong. I deleted the first try and made the new HTM file using the same steps.

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Making PC Member Of Domain-Profile?

Jun 18, 2008

I need to go to a branch office and make several Vista machines members of our corporate domain (they were set up as stand alone machines because we did not a a VPN at the branch office, but now we do). When I make the machines members of the domain, what issues will I run into copying profile settings (documents, printers, etc) into their domain account from their non-domain account.

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Making Attached Pictures Smaller

Nov 2, 2009

I am trying to attach pictures to an outgoing email and they are inserting into the email way too large. Is there a solution to this? I have tried using Microsoft Picture Gallery and creating an email that way, but it won't let me. Outlook had a "wizard" for pictures so it was really easy.

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Making A Password Recovery Disk

Jan 30, 2008

Have a Vista 32 Premium Home Edition and on the advice of "Goddess", I need to make a password recovery disk, as I just changed the Administrators Password. I see some sites online, but they say something about a USB Flashdrive, and I don't think I have this?!? Also, I trust more the people on this site who give advice, info and instructions.I do have a DVD/CD burner.

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Making Backup Clone Of Drive?

May 8, 2010

I'd like to back up a couple machines with full drive copies for use in case of a drive crash & replacement. I need a program to do the backup and that will allow me to do the restore without building a new system first (i.e. boot from a CD and restore to a bare drive).

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