Re-formatted, Re-partitioned And Under Control Of Windows XP

Oct 4, 2008

I have decided to leave the forums because I will no longer be using Windows Vista. My MEDION laptop is going to be re-formatted, re-partitioned and under control of Windows XP. I already have an idea of how its done but would like to know everyones reccomendations. NOTE: For no reason will I keep Windows Vista, so please do not sway my determination to use Windows XP! I will however, want to keep the Windows Vista recovery drive in case Windows XP doesn't work, because I have a recovery disk for the recovery drive partition.

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Windows 7 Uninstall Can't Formatted The Drive

Jul 24, 2009

I have just recently uninstalled windows 7 on my gateway MD series laptop I was dual booting with vista usually when i started up it would get a screen that asked me which OS i wanted to startup...then i deleted windows 7 via disk manager i formatted the drive now when i start up i still get the thing asking me which OS to startup even after it is already deleted it is a very annoying problem

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Partitioned D Drive Almost Full

Feb 18, 2008

My friend has vista home basic on his laptop . It is a total of 80gb I assume it is partitioned C and D drives. The D drive only has capacity of i think 6 or 7gb approx and the remainder is on his C drive and plenty of space. The HP (resario_RP (D) Drive is showing nearly full. I am assuming that the D drive is only supposed to be for recovery info ?. Why is is showing nearly full?

If it is because normal new programs and data info is storing there ... how can it be moved to C drive. Is there a default option somewhere for data to be stored? Also if he has made backups or restore points( which i think he may have done) would they store on D Drive. and if so can restore points be removed apart from the latest one if you know it is ok? A little longwinded with the questions but please excuse a silver surfer.

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Choosing Booting In Partitioned HDD

Apr 23, 2009

I'm running Vista 32 bit on my hp notebook but i have some programs that are not compatible with it yet, so i decided to partition my hardrive and have xp on one of the partitions. so now C: is vista D: is xp and i think F: is recovery but it was D::confused: anyway the problem im having is trying to boot back into vista.....iv gone into BIOS and had a look for booting options but it just lists the name of the HDD and not the partitions.....Anyone know how to select what partition you want to boot from?? Because it auto boots from the xp partition and i can see that in disk manager but not sure how i can change it back to C:

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Activating, Cannot Partitioned The Disk To Parts?

Apr 17, 2008

I have purchased a new PC with Windows Vista Home Premium installed by manufacturer. However, I want to uninstall Windows, format disk, and install it again by myself. Because the manufacturer did not partitioned the disk to parts. I want to partition it to 3 volumes. The point I want to ask is whether I can use the same license key again after reinstallation. Will not it lose its availibility, will it?

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C:drive Partitioned Recovery Disks Can Remove The D:

Feb 20, 2009

I have a computer from HP, Hp Pavilion 3200n slimline, running vista 32, 4 gb Ram, Athlon 64X2, I have my C: drive partitioned to accomidate for the making of the recovery disks. Can I remove the D: to make my C: drive bigger?

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Formatted Did Not Recovery Cd

Mar 23, 2008

i bought an acer notebook then i formatted it but i didnt have recovery cd so i downloaded all drivers. then i used it 1 month the cd i used for format was copy but i had product key on my notebook. now when i open my notebook it wants product key and when i write mine it doesnt accept. what can i do?

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Vista 64 Bit And Formatted And Installed

Dec 21, 2009

I have a Toshiba X505-Q830 and it came with Windows 7-64 bit, I play Counter-Strike competitively and the mouse acceleration could not be removed which completely ruined my ability to play the game. So I popped in my copy of Windows Vista-64 bit and formatted and installed. Now my laptop is without the proper drivers for the internet and I have searched high and low for them but nothing is working.

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USB 2.0 Hard Drives It Is Formatted FAT32

Jun 2, 2008

I just added two new 1TB My Book external USB 2.0 hard drives to my system. They come formatted and partitioned, but it is formatted FAT32, all of my other drivers are NTFS and so I went in to the Windows Vista disk management tool (sorry I don't remember what it is actually called but it allows you to see all of your drives, partitions, etc.) to do a quick format to NTFS. However, it seems to be taking hours to do this.

I am guessing and this is my question. Am I right in assuming that the reason this is not a quick format is because it is having to do a full format in order to convert the drive from FAT32 to NTFS? How long should it take to format a 1TB drive?

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Converting/printing Formatted Documents

Jun 6, 2008

Looking for help with some email docs that I have received in vista format. They include labels & excel spreadsheets. Is it possible to convert them somehow to enable me to print them out from Windows 2003 or 2007? I asked the sender to save them as Windows 1997-2003 format & resend them but even then when I try to print those out the label setup is altered.

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Not Recognising Pre-recorded Or Formatted Discs

Mar 23, 2008

Recently this unit is not recognising pre-recorded or formatted discs which it previously had recognised. I have a HP laptrop and the drive is a matshita DVD-RAM UJ-850S ATA. I have tried deleting and reinstalling the driver with no success. In one of the forums it is suggested that the 'UpperFilters" and "LowerFilters" in the HKEY registry be deleted but I am not sure about doing this without someone in the know gives it their OK.

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HD Blank Paritioned And Formatted Another System

Apr 8, 2009

Brand new PC with an OEM copy of windows vista basic purchased with PC. MBO is an Intel? D945GCL, 1 GB ram, 40 GB SATA hard drive (new, no partitions set, unformatted) No modem at this point . . .I insert the DVD ROM into my drive and get the installing files screen (squares filling along bottom of screen) That seems to go well. then I get a Microsoft logo along the bottom of the screen with dots moving along the bottom. After a few minutes the screen goes completely dark, and I see nothing, after a few seconds the DVD ROM drive (which has slowed after loading the files) stops completely. Then the computer sits there doing nothing. The monitor is still on (not in standby) but nothing else is happening.

On the off chance the HD has a problem I put another 40GB sata drive in that was blank, but partitioned and formatted on another system.Exact same symptoms. keyboard seems normal the Num Lock LED turns on and off so the system isn't locked solid

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ESATA Drive Formatted NTFS From XP Installation

Sep 16, 2009

I have an eSATA drive formatted NTFS from my XP installation. Drive works fine from either XP or Linux (multi-boot machine) I had previously tried Vista on the machine but it saw the eSATA drive as unformatted. Gave the message "Do you want to format this drive?"

Very dangerous as an unknowing person may have actually formatted the drive and lost all their data. Interestingly enough, any time I've tried to access the drive, Vista ran a chkdsk on it at the next boot up. CHKDSK from Vista saw it fine and reported no errors. but could not read the drive once booted to the desktop. I eventually gave up on Vista and just did a Win7 install yesterday.

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Formatted Hard Drive 3 Times Vista Setup

Apr 1, 2009

I've noticed some files on my hard drive and the Windows folder is reported as being created in 2006.Since 2006 I have formatted my hard drive 3 times using the Vista setup.I know for a fact that the last time I formatted and reinstalled was January 2009. Can someone explain why these files and the Windows folder shows an earlier date?? When selecting the Format command during setup does Windows actually remove everything form the hard drive? I have noticed that the format doesn't take very long, at least not half as long as it used to with earlier versions of Windows. If Windows doesn't actually remove everything form one's hard drive

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Control Of Windows 7 Start Menu

Feb 23, 2010

In XP I could use Classic menus and put the programs I wanted into my start
menu and launch them by pressing the Start Key and then the first letter of
the program. If I do that now, it seems to do a search of my HD for items
with that letter in it. Can someone tell me how to get this function in Win

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Control Panel Did Not Work, Windows Services

Jul 29, 2009

Ive been running my Vista hiccup free for about a year when all of the sudden a bunch of errors started appearing. In order to get to my login screen after boot took 45 minutes for some reason and was a pain I dealt with. Now I have a bigger problem

-The control panel did not work and whenever vista loaded a ton of errors arose.
-This came from windows services not being able to start and this therefore did not allow windows to check if it was genuine.
-After a week, windows went into limited mode where I only have a blackscreen and access to the internet, nothing else. Microsoft support gave me no help and the problem cannot be fixed without re-installing Vista. No problem i thought.
-Popped in the original vista dvd and changed the bios to boot from CD. This is where the problem lies.
-When I do this, it does nothing with the dvd, I wait 45 minutes until my login screen appears and I am back into limited mode. I want to re-install vista but cannot boot from cd/ dvd.

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'Control Panel' Windows Won't The Stay Open

Apr 1, 2008

Whenever I try to open up a window through the Start menu or from a desktop icon or Launchy to view a folder like 'My Documents' or 'Computer', or even 'Control Panel', the window opens for about two seconds before closing. And then the whole screen goes blank but for the desktop background and slowly reappears. What's the story, there? How do I remedy this? I want to be able to peruse my folders! I want to be able to adjust my screen's resolution! Why won't the windows stay open for me?

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Virtual Memory Control And Settings In Windows

Mar 23, 2008

I need to know if there is anyway to specifically set Vista to allow a program to see a certain Size for Virtual memory. oracle Products require Virtual Memory to be verified before they go through installation. The problem here is that Windows Vista Paging files are not seen as Virtual memory for some reason. The system I have is set with 4000 plus mb of Paging file but when the oracle check completes it shows 0 mb available. Going to a newer version of Oracle is not an option as this is a required product for a College Course. Going back to XP is not an option since no one ever wrote XP Drivers for this hardware. I've hausted all the resources from HP and Oracle and need to try this end of the problem now.

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Opening Windows Explorer Or Control Panel. It Gets Hang

Jul 23, 2009

wenever i am opening windows explorer or control panel. it gets hang. the following message is displayed.

Problem event name: App Hang B1
Application Name:Explorer.exe
Application Version:6.0.6002.18005
Application Time stamp:49e01da5
Hang Signature: ccb3
Hang Type: 1
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Hang Signature 1: 755c851d77356df8ff34370d90da8d8
Additional Hang Signature 2: e21d
Additional Hang Signature 3: 13298260b729eeec70731748ecd8a172
Additional Hang Signature 4: b23b
Additional Hang Signature 5: 22a683d4fe15a95842c37252313b7d3
Additional Hang Signature 6: f6f6
Additional Hang Signature 7: 46f7e2c80466895a8ad3a8d03160ec96

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Windows Home Premium Ed., Control Panel Will Not Open

Aug 15, 2009

I didn't see this topic listed already. I've researched on the Net and have not been able to find a solution. Since Thurs., apparently for no reason that I can find, I have lost access to the Control Panel and all associated prorgams. I have no Windows Welcome Centre, no access to the Backup/Restore. And when I go to Microsoft to validate my program it's says I'm not running a valid version of Windows.

I've tried several different things to correct the problem ... To begin with I did the obvious -- I have checked for viruses and malware. Not the problem. I ran a scan/repair, I did a defrag. Nothing. One site said it was a problem with Software Licensing so, as it suggested, I turned off the SLUNotify Service and the Software Licensing service and then restarted both services. Nothing happened. Both are set to automatic.

Another site said it was a problem with the Nero In CD ... but I don't have anything by that name on my PC, so I know that isn't my problem. Another site said it was a problem for PCs that didn't do the Service Pack 1 update -- Well, I have that so that's not the problem either. I tried going to a restore point a couple weeks before the problem started -- did nothing to solve the problem. It was suggested I hadn't gone back far enough so I went back to the first date listed under the restore points available on my PC. Again, did nothing.

At this point, my PC keeps trying to install the Windows Updates from after my restore point -- no troubles downloading them, but when it tries to install them it gets stuck on the configuring and says it is reverting ...I'm out of ideas ... Anybody out there have anything I can try short of re-installing Windows Vista? Obviously since this problem was so sudden, I don't have my most recent files backed up and can't access the program to make a backup -- and some of these are work files I need to keep. Meanwhile I will continue researching ..

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Windows Explorer Closing: Specific Fault Information For This Crash According Reports And Solutions Center Control Panel

Mar 29, 2008

What is the specific fault information for this crash according to the Problem Reports and Solutions Center control panel?

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WMC Screen Control

Nov 22, 2008

WMC plays recorded tv OK, but the screen icons and controls won't dissappear during playback. Even though the mouse is not moving, the little circle next to the cursor pop's up every 5 seconds, keeping the controls from fading. It's only during video playback, not music.

Vista Home Premium 32, SP1, with an ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics card and an ATI TV Wonder tuner.

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Fan Cooling Control

Nov 30, 2009

Does anyone know of a program that controls fan speeds? i want to turn up my fans higher but i dont know where to find a program that works well?

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Hot To Control Updates

May 10, 2008

I have Vista Ultimate installed on a laptop. The onboard audio uses Sountek as the driver but Vista keeps installing Realtek AC'97 as the driver for it. The realtek driver puts my audio into a situation where I get the red 'X' bu the speaker in the taskbak, along with something about 'No audio device is installed'. When I einstall the Soundtek drivers, the audio comes back and works fine. Windows update has installed the Realtek drivers about 5-6 times in the last week and it is time consuming to keep reverting it back to a functional state. Is there a fix to keep this from happening in the future?

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Lag In Like Control Panel

Sep 20, 2006

Just installed Vista RC1 yesterday on my Packard Bell R0900 Notebook. Everything went well with the install, until it came to the performance test... I let it run for 1,5 hours and nothing seemed to happen (screen went black in the beginning, but that was all). So I decided to not let him do the test (after a hard reboot). And all looked fine, except for:

- Opening windows give a big lag (like control panel). It takes about 5 sec to load one window!
- Same for the start menu...
- On fading when for example vista asks whether you will allow something to run, makes it lag alot too... (Same when shutting down or logging of (the fade takes like 20 secs).
- When typing something, it takes like 3 secs to show the first letters...

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No Control On Vista Os

Jan 23, 2010

I have been using vista for about a year and three days ago it removes my admin account and swaps My account to just a regular user. Which now I have no control over my vista os. Any time I try to log in as amin, or add software or remove software its says ACCESS DENIED. No matter what I do I get a box that asks for the admins password(never has been one) But there is no where to even put a pw in.Its greyed out and the “ok” button is greyed out also. So to me it’s a catch22. I have even sent this same note to Microsoft and to other tech folks and they all seem stumped.

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Take Control Of Security

Apr 13, 2009

I want to install spam and virus filters in the internet based systems in my office. My work involves a lot of downloading from the net, and therefore always run the risk of viruses affecting the operating systems. I want an economical security service provider with state-of-the-art security techniques.

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Side Bar Out Of Control

Jun 6, 2009

When I bring up a news group, it runs out of control with the sidebar running all the way to the bottom. And I can't bring it back to the top. The only way I can do this is to unplug my USB plug which controls the mouse. Once I do that I can pull the sidebar back up to the top just perfectly, by using the mouse pad on the laptop. If I plug the usb plug back in (for the mouse) the sidebar crashes to the bottom of the screen. I am using a M1710 Dell Laptop. It works great but this problem of the sidebar running out of control while the usb mouse is in use, is a new one. At the same time the screen saver won't work either.

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Setting UAC Control To Allow Certain

Jul 16, 2009

Basically I do not want to completely turn off the UAC because i like what it does. I think it is a great addition to vista and win 7. I have eVGA Precision (GPU overclocking and monitoring software) set not to run at startup. but to start and up the default videocard fan speed. then it closes, its a setting in the program. So i have it set to turn up the fan speed at startup. but the program doesn't continue to run. BUTTTT everytime i start the PC the annoying UAC pops up instantly wanting me to "allow" evga precision to run. So can I setit to ALWAYS allow it.. without disabling the UAC

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UAC Control Disabled

May 6, 2010

My friend recently installed some software, which was conflicting with Vista's UAC. Then a couple of days ago, I had a security alert prompting me to check my settings. Everything seemed fine except UAC was turned off. I turned it back on and restarted, it didn't appear. Then the next day it appeared. I can activate it - so it says it is on, but then once my computer is restarted it turns off.

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Parental Control Block

Sep 4, 2009

What happened to my regular msn email application? As of right now, it tells
me that there has been a parental control block on my email, and I can not
receive or send emails. I have numerous emails in que that I would like to
open, and it looks like maybe this stupid microsoft public windows program.
Which by the way, I know nothing about. Please do whatever you have to, to
remove the block on my msn email program. I would like to know that you did
get this message, but am not sure if you could even send it to me. I have
had nothing but problems after problems with your sloppy vista program.
Please tell me how I can get rid of it - I'd rather have XP.

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