Choosing Booting In Partitioned HDD

Apr 23, 2009

I'm running Vista 32 bit on my hp notebook but i have some programs that are not compatible with it yet, so i decided to partition my hardrive and have xp on one of the partitions. so now C: is vista D: is xp and i think F: is recovery but it was D::confused: anyway the problem im having is trying to boot back into vista.....iv gone into BIOS and had a look for booting options but it just lists the name of the HDD and not the partitions.....Anyone know how to select what partition you want to boot from?? Because it auto boots from the xp partition and i can see that in disk manager but not sure how i can change it back to C:

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Partitioned D Drive Almost Full

Feb 18, 2008

My friend has vista home basic on his laptop . It is a total of 80gb I assume it is partitioned C and D drives. The D drive only has capacity of i think 6 or 7gb approx and the remainder is on his C drive and plenty of space. The HP (resario_RP (D) Drive is showing nearly full. I am assuming that the D drive is only supposed to be for recovery info ?. Why is is showing nearly full?

If it is because normal new programs and data info is storing there ... how can it be moved to C drive. Is there a default option somewhere for data to be stored? Also if he has made backups or restore points( which i think he may have done) would they store on D Drive. and if so can restore points be removed apart from the latest one if you know it is ok? A little longwinded with the questions but please excuse a silver surfer.

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Re-formatted, Re-partitioned And Under Control Of Windows XP

Oct 4, 2008

I have decided to leave the forums because I will no longer be using Windows Vista. My MEDION laptop is going to be re-formatted, re-partitioned and under control of Windows XP. I already have an idea of how its done but would like to know everyones reccomendations. NOTE: For no reason will I keep Windows Vista, so please do not sway my determination to use Windows XP! I will however, want to keep the Windows Vista recovery drive in case Windows XP doesn't work, because I have a recovery disk for the recovery drive partition.

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Activating, Cannot Partitioned The Disk To Parts?

Apr 17, 2008

I have purchased a new PC with Windows Vista Home Premium installed by manufacturer. However, I want to uninstall Windows, format disk, and install it again by myself. Because the manufacturer did not partitioned the disk to parts. I want to partition it to 3 volumes. The point I want to ask is whether I can use the same license key again after reinstallation. Will not it lose its availibility, will it?

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C:drive Partitioned Recovery Disks Can Remove The D:

Feb 20, 2009

I have a computer from HP, Hp Pavilion 3200n slimline, running vista 32, 4 gb Ram, Athlon 64X2, I have my C: drive partitioned to accomidate for the making of the recovery disks. Can I remove the D: to make my C: drive bigger?

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Choosing New Graphics Card

Jun 15, 2009

I'm looking to invest in a new graphics card i have a max of about £130 i want to spend but there are a few issues first off, my pc comes with a ****ty dell 350w PSU which has one graphics power connector now i did a PSU calculator with the card i want to buy>>Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 4870 1GB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Cardand it says it should come under 350 but i would like your opinions. Also is that the best card i can get for the cash? i would prefer ATI but would be willing to go over to Nvidia. i currently have a HD radeon 2600 XT which is a slim one, depth wise anything would fit, but i think a longer card would have a hard time fitting.

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Choosing Pictures To Upload

Apr 13, 2008

I have pictures I want to upload but my computer won't let me choose the ones I want. The setting that used to work, but appearently doesn't anymore, uploaded the recent pictures on my camera. Now, it uploads all of my pictures instead of the most recent. I already read a recent "discussion" about this problem but my questions still go unanswered. I do not edit my pictures in anyway before I upload them.

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Choosing A Hard Drive.

Feb 20, 2009

When you replace or build a PC, what decides your choice of hard drive, what qualities do you look for in its technical specs.?

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RED X : Choosing Show Pic Not Work

Jan 4, 2010

I'm getting a red x and trying to right click and choosing show pic does not work.

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Choosing A Cable Modem?

Oct 11, 2009

we are getting cable internet (charter) and need to get our own modem. suggestions on brands n models? not doing anything fancy just internet. we are getting 5mbps service, wanted 10 mbps but they whack us with a jack up charge for not getting a package with tv. we dont watch tv, only want internet.... so modem choice?btw they run they wire n we just plug their cable in one side and another into the computer?

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How To Reset Delay Choosing Default

Aug 23, 2009

Have Vista 64 Home Premium on a Toshiba A505 S6960. Need to know how to reset the time delay -currently about 4 seconds- that Vista pauses before choosing default from menu choices. Sometimes can't get there with this built in mouse in that time period. Can't find any setting for it in the Mouse in Control Panel or in the Toshiba settings.

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What Is Important When Choosing Hard Drive?

Jan 6, 2009

I'm getting a new Hard Drive for a friend of mine and am going to build it into his pc. However, I must admit that I do not really know what is important when choosing a hard drive (in the specs I mean...) 7200 rpm is about all I think that is necessary... Hard drive for about 100 bucks.

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Choosing Which Programs To Remove From Startup?

May 16, 2008

I bought a Dell Inspiron 1501 with Vista on it. It has the typical performance problems that have been noted for laptops running Vista. It receives a "Windows Experience Index" of 2.0. The first thing you are told to do to improve performance is eliminate programs from startup. But when I go through the long list of programs, I often can't tell what they do. For instance, I see in this list "Avantquest
Digital Line Detection," "Dell Quick Set," "Synaptics Pointing Device," and "Java (TM) Platform SE 6U5," among many others. Do I just start experimenting and see what happens when I turn them off? That seems very risky. After all, that "pointing device"--that's my touchpad, isn't it? If I turned off my touchpad, I think my computer would be useless to me, because I do not know how to turn the touchpad on again without the touchpad. In short:is there a way to know which programs would be the best ones to turn off? In case it is not already obvious, I do not know a lot about computers. My experience with Vista has been frustrating, because I feel like I do not have the specialized technical training required to make my laptop work well.

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Choosing Recipients From Contacts Folder

Nov 17, 2009

I have many contacts and the list is to long to scroll through to select email recipients. Since the advent of Windows Mail, to easily select recipients from contacts folders, I have been selecting them (highlighting them with CTRL & mouse click) and then using the File, Action, Send Email options. This opened a new message with the selected recipients. This is no longer working.

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Choosing Which Monitor Displays Program At Startup?

Mar 16, 2009

On a dual monitor system, is it possible to choose which monitor displays a program at startup? If I put a shortcut to Internet Explorer in the startup folder, can I tell it to start the program on monitor 1 or monitor 2?

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Choosing Monitor Resolution Size Missing

Dec 17, 2008

flat panel LCD monitor's native resolution is 1280X1024. However, when I set Vista to that resolution, the text and everything else is very, very small. The next best resoultion (i.e., without elongation distortion) is 1152X864. I thought that in order to maximize one's screen picture, one should run at native resolution, but this doesn't seem to be the case. I also do a little photo processing and want the best screen resolution for that. It seems that if I want undistorted screen images and reasonable sized text, I have to compromise with 1152X864; or am I missing something?

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Disappearance Of Option To Open New Word Doc When Right-clicking Dektop, And Choosing "New"

Apr 10, 2010

In desperation, after not getting the answer on the Vista.Genearl group, I'm posting this to as many groups as I think may be able to help as I suspect that the problem could occur in any MS operating system and is not Vista specific. It might just even be associated with MS Word itself.

The problem is as stated in the subject. After I did a factory reformat of a pre-installed Vista Home Premium on an Acer Aspire L3600 and re-installed my apps, including MS Office 2007 Plus I found that when I right-click the desktop and choose "New", most of options to open a new folder, shortcut, Bitmap Image and documents in the Office suite are there except for MS Word. It used to be there, now it's not and as far as I can see it is the only one missing.

In fact Word shows up when I installed MS Office on my wife's Dell laptop as a test. I've un- and re-installed the entire Office suite to no avail. How has this happened, but more importantly, how can I get it back in the list? It's the feature of the right-click procedure, other than opening a new folder, that I find the most useful.

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Group Contacts: No Option Of Choosing To Add Group

Mar 23, 2008

We are having trouble adding new groups in Windows Mail. For some reason, it no longer gives us the option of choosing to add a group instead of a single contact. I've clicked on "File" then "New" but "Contact Group" or "Group" is not an option, nor is there a group button on the toolbar. Is there a problem with our settings? We used to be able to add them and now we can't unless we copy an existing group.

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Won't Booting

Jun 20, 2008

my vista home edition 32 bit hangs on the loading screen and does nothing. iv tried doing the start up repair thing but that didnt work, iv done a virus scan but it has come up with nothing. this problem is really annoying

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Not Booting Using Vista

Jun 3, 2008

I've just started having boot problems with Vista. I've had no problems in the past, but earlier this evening it would restart itself while loading Vista (the green bar loading stage). I used the Startup Repair option from the Vista install disc, and the log shows it successfully repaired a corrupted system volume (exact wording may have been different). Now it boots as far as loading a black screen and the mouse cursor, but doesn't get to the Aurora (blue-Vista-Windows-logo-loading thing). I have tried subsequent Startup Repairs, CHKDSKs, Memory Diagnostic checks, all with no errors to report. Unfortunately, I disabled System Restore a while back... Something I now regret doing! At least I know what I'll be doing as soon as I get it running again! My system is an ASUS M2N-E motherboard, AMD Athlon64 X2 6000+, Corsair 2x1GB XMS2 RAM, Sapphire ATi Radeon 3850... And so on and so forth. I'm running Vista Ultimate 32bit as well.

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Dual Booting With 32 Bit After 64 Bit

Jul 6, 2008

I just purchased a machine with a 64 bit OEM. I have created another partition because I want to install 32 bit on there. However, it is not working so I was wondering if there was something I am not doing right here. I want to use the 32 bit for internet access and itunes and the 64 bit for gaming. I do not have any discs with the 64 bit OS on it either everything I have here is 32 bit.

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Dual Booting XP And

Jul 3, 2008

Can I partition my HD to two partitions, Install my copy of winXP pro on both (its only on one comouter so that shouldnt violate anything) and then upgrade one of them to vista using an upgrade disk? Will both windows work fine?

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Booting And PC To Freeze?

Mar 6, 2009

A friend's Vista computer started booting only as far as the round Vista logo then froze. I took the PC home and using my keyboard, mouse and monitor did some maintenance, upped the memory etc and took it back. It still froze at the logo. I replaced the keyboard and mouse and monitor one by one to no avail. Took everything home and it worked as a system, but at his house - still freezes. Is this an electrical problem - if so how could I find out? Their other computer works fine.

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Freezes After Booting Up

Aug 19, 2009

After booting up the computer the desktop freezes immediately. If it doesn't freeze up immediately I'll have some functionality, but minimal. I'll no longer have access to the internet (no network adapter present), can't run programs (they fail to open) or can't install programs/updates. I have even gotten a couple of Blue screen error messages such as: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.

In safe mode with networking I do have access to the internet. When I try to download updates in safe mode I can't because Install shield will not work, or some other excuse. There are no restore points to restore to. There was a Windows Framework update on August 7th. I tried to uninstall it, but apparently it was never installed properly. No blue screens while in Safe Mode. I've been trying to problem solve this on my own, but with my limited computer repair skills I'm scared to try things.

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Booting From CD Drive

Mar 7, 2010

If I want to boot from the CD drive on ocassions, but otherwise boot
from the hard disk. How can I achieve this.

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Not Booting And Freeze

Mar 25, 2010

i have a Sony Vaoi VGN-NS11J im not sure if its a 32-bit or 62-bit. one day i was browseing facebook when my computer froze after leaving it for like 30 mins it was still frozen so i had to turn it off by the button and i know that is bad. when i tried to turn it on again it just gave me the options safe mode safe mode with networking and the other safe mode and start windows normally so i just started normally it gets past the vaoi screen and then on the microsoft windows screen it just keeps loading for like 10 minutes then it restarts then it gave me new options start windows normally or launch startup repair so i launch startup repair which takes like 40 minutes just to get to the actually repair place then it gives me no operating system to repair its just blank ive tried all the booting options start from last known good boot or something like that safe mode wont work and when i disable restart when startup fails i get the blue screen of death it gives me this message. A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer


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Booting Into Windows

Oct 23, 2008

I have a Gateway laptop that has (or had ) Windows Vista Home Premium x86 installed. It was a dual core Turion with 2GB RAM. Anyway, here is my problem(s):

When the computer first comes on, right after the Gateway screen it tells me:
System Config Data Read Error.
That is right when it turns on. The BIOS detects the hard drive just fine.

The second problem is:

It tells me that

Windows Failed to start. File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot config data.

I tried to do a system repair with the Vista CD. It took about 10 times for it to work. If I turned the computer off, there is a 50/50 chance it would do the same thing and not work. I was chatting with Gateway support yesterday and the tech told me that Windows could be messing with the BIOS. I find that strange because I thought onceWindows took over, the BIOS has nothing to do with how the computer operates.

Well, I tried doing a system repair and it does not detect the Windows install at all. I figured well, I'll do a clean install and get rid of all of the crap that Gateway puts on their computers. I did that. I was able to make a new partition and format the drive. Windows is able to see the drive, but it tells me that it does not meet the criteria for the install. It will not go any further then that.

Gateway is going to replace the hard drive and if that does not work, they are going to service the laptop because I've only had it for a few months now. It worked fine on Tuesday, on Wednesday it did not work at all. Even with the hard drive out, it still tells me System Config Data Read Error on the BIOS screen. Just wanted to see what everyone else thinks.

I'm leaning more towards a drive controller failure or BIOS problem. If that is the case, then the motherboard needs to be replaced,

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Dual Booting

May 16, 2008

I have a pc running win xp media centre mp pc is dual core amd 64 bit 5200+ 2gb ram nvidia pcie 256mb graphics my hard disk is partitioned and xp is installed on the first partition I am trying to install Vista ultimate 64 bit on the second partition.

The vista installation will not complete I get an error when it is completing setup, saying that the pc shut down before installation was completed & the installation can not continue. The pc works fine under XP, are there any known installation issues with a Vista XP dual boot system?

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Windows Not Booting Up

Mar 8, 2009

i insalled vista ultimate and every time i go to restart the PC it will shout down but it won"t restart it stays on a black screen,i have to push the power button and turn it off and then press enter and it starts up.

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Computer Not Booting?

Apr 1, 2008

My laptop (Sony vaio w/Home Premium) came with a trial version of Norton 360. I decided that would uninstall it and replace it with Avast! free home. I uninstalled Norton and any other Symantic software found in Add/remove programs. I also ran the Norton removal tool that someone posted a link to. Everything seemed fine. I noticed that Sony said I had a few software updates that needed to be downloaded & installed. I downloaded them and installed them. Still everything seemed fine.

I had downloaded an earlier version of Avast last month to install on another computer. I had also downloaded the lastest version last night. I accidently installed the earlier version. It installed without any problems but soon notified me that an newer version existed. I then installed the lastest version OVER the installed version. I guess this is where I goofed.

After the install completed the computer needed to reboot. Well the computer would not fully shutdown. My screen went black but the mouse was till lit and I could move the curser. I let the computer sit this way for about 20 minutes. I was finally able to get the computer to shut down by hitting the power button a few times.

This morning when I hit the power button the computer immediately went back to this odd state. Curser worked but no windows. I hit the power button a few times and the computer finally acknowledged it had a problem and allowed me to boot in safe mode. From here I did a system restore to yesterday morning. The computer is fine right now but I would still like to replace Norton with Avast. Then I would like to install SP1.

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Winxp64: Keeps Booting

Jan 15, 2010

I can't find an active WinXp64 forum, and everyone has been very helpful here. I have a WinXp64 machine that is in a boot cycle. It goes through the whole sequence, then right as it should start the desktop, it reboots. All external peripherals are unplugged. Sometimes I can see a very quick flash of a blue screen of death, but can't make anything out as to what the error is. We have tried booting in safe mode and command prompt, but they also just reboot. How can we get it to boot again?

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