Pc Starts But Without Beep

Mar 3, 2008

I bought a new graphic card but I needed a wire to install it to. But my power supply didn't have that so I used another power supply but that had 20 pins and my mobo 24 pins. So I bought a converter but it still didn't work. So I installed my old power supply again but now my pc starts without the beep and there is no contact with the monitor. Also these wires (see pic) got loose so I returned them to there places but maybe not in the correct order, is that the problem??? EDIT: ok so now I know its important to have the plugged correct, these are loose now

powe sw
reset sw
hdd led
power led+
power led-
btw. I didn;t mean to unplugg them.

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Beep Sound Is Gone

Feb 17, 2008

I recently upgraded to Ultimate 64-bit on my HP laptop. I was recently using Dev C++ and when I tried running one of my scripts I noticed that the beeps that I had added wouldn't work. So I checked my device manager and noticed that the system beep wasn't there.

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Beep On Internet

Mar 23, 2008

my new vista laptop keeps making a "toot-toot" sound when i am on the internet.

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Occasionally No POST Beep?

Mar 29, 2008

Running a SONY VAIO Pentium D with Ultimate SP1 and every now and then when I do a restart or a hard reboot the machine will sit there. All the drives run but no joy and no beep. Then I turn it off and it may start or it may not. This machine is getting near three years old and is on 18+ hours a day. Everything else is fine and there are no other issues with it. I am thinking it may be the mobo battery.

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Downloading Makes Beep Noise

Aug 20, 2008

Whenever i try to download anything it just make a little beeping noise when the downloading is done and then when i go to check where my program is it's gone,

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SP1 - Sudden Freezes With BEEP Of Death

Mar 24, 2008

I left it on running for several days on top of a cooling pad fan to avoid any overheating. There was basically no activity or nothing running except BitTorrent downloading some files over wireless LAN. I have Avast antivirus installed. All possible drivers updates/service packs were downloaded and installed. The notebook runs on the latest BIOS version from HP. Suddenly, the computer beeped loudly a few times and the screen showed white colour patches everywhere that covered up a large portion of the screen, then got frozen completely. The only thing I could do was to switch it off by pressing the power button 6 seconds. After booting it up again, I couldn't see much information in the event viewer that tells me what went wrong.

Another horror story: I had a few tabs opened on IE7. I went to a website with java applet for chat room. Once I clicked the Java applet, IE7 suddenly crashed/disappeared. No error reporting or anything - it just took place so suddenly. I could not repeat this problem as it seems intermittent.It does make me feel that after a year's wait, I still have no faith in Windows' reliability. I wonder how many more centuries will they take to create a rock solid high performing computer for home/business?

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Desktop Speaker Produces Single Beep

Mar 23, 2008

For some odd reason now when I single click an item in the start menu or single click an item on the desktop my speaker produces a single beep. I had event sounds for Menu Command and Menu Pop-up (this beep wasn't assigned.) but have removed the sound just for testing. I don't even have this sound anywhere in my sounds folder.

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Starts, Logs In And Then Does Nothing....

May 21, 2009

A friend has a laptop with Vista Home Basic SP1 and fully patched. Recently, she boots up the laptop. Brings her to the login screen. She enters her password and it continues. It shows the "welcome" screen with the circular thing and sits there. The hard disk occasionally works but eventually it's stuck at the welcome screen.

Same thing happens in safe mode but I get to the black screen with "Safe mode" and the Vista version on the screen. Get the cursor only. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del, click on Task Manager but nothing happens. Tried a system restore [using MDOP when I brought it to the office] as well as other tools in MDOP. Detects no bootup errors. Ran the system file repair utility [or whatever it's called] and no files were repaired.

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Starts This Odd Stuttering In 32-bit

Mar 23, 2008

After searching the 'net for months, I have yet to come up with a solution to my dilemma. Here's the deal. I have a Vista Ultimate 32-bit desktop, running an Intel 3.0 GHZ CPU and 1 GB of RAM. Everytime I leave my computer on for hours (typically overnight) it starts this odd, stuttering behavior, where EVERYTHING stops for a split second, every second. Music, mouse, video, EVERYTHING. The entire computer just skips. The only fix I have is turning the power off on the back of the computer, then unplugging and replugging the power cord in. I am positive this is not a great thing for my computer, and I need to find a solution before any real damage is done. This only happens after a long time, and is not after a specific time (i.e. after 3-4 hours EVERY time). I was thinking it could be the RAM, but I don't know.

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Starts To Freeze After Logging

May 15, 2010

I've been having problems with my laptop for quite some time now. If I start it up normally, it always freezes after some time. It won't matter if I try to do something during that time or not. Also if I just open up a game straight up, it will work just fine, but when I exit it, I can't open anything new. It will just show that loading circle and nothing will happen. It works fine in safe mode. I have been searching everywhere for a fix, so now I'm trying my luck here. I'll try to give you some information here. I don't know what you will need though.

Code: Service Pack 2 6 17 2010 04:04:42.500
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32hal.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32kdcom.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32PSHED.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32BOOTVID.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32CLFS.SYS............

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Starts At The Bottom Of The Message?

Feb 6, 2009

is there a way to default windows mail so that instead of starting to type at the top, it starts at the bottom of the message? You only need two tools: WD-40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should, use the WD-40. If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape.

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Computer Always Starts 'Svchost'

Mar 23, 2008

When i start up my laptop (vistaHPx86) ITs all good untill 'Svchost' starts.. then my computer forever loads something (I heard the sound),untill I shut down my computer.. this is so annoying any idea what windows is doing?

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PC Run Runs For 1 Min. And Stops For 1 Min, Starts Again

May 4, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium. My PC has recently started running a lot. Sometimes it runs for 1 min. and stops for 1 min. then starts again, does this over and over for a long period of time. Sometimes it runs constantly. Other times when it is in sleep mode it just runs constantly also.

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Firefox Starts Slow

Jun 7, 2009

I've been using my new Vista box (64-bit Home Premium) for a few months now and in general I'm OK with it. But something strange has just started to happen. If I click on my Firefox icon, the browser opens normally. For any URL I type in, (if the server is available, of course...), Firefox responds as quickly as the 'net allows. But when I try to start Firefox by clicking on a link in a different place, like a URL imbedded in an email or off a widget, there is about a 30 second delay before the browser comes up.

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Boot Failure For About 1 In 5 Starts

Mar 28, 2008

On my brand new Dell Precision laptop with Vista Business x64, I find that about 1 in 5 starts gets as far as the green progress/activity indicator bar then brings up a completely black screen but never progresses to the giant orb so that I can log in. Rebooting then brings up the suggestion to enter startup repair which I do and which has always (so far at least) solved the problem. The machine then boots normally.

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Defrag Starts And Never Quits

Apr 21, 2008

when i ask it to defrag (Vista), it starts and never quits. little circle just keeps on rotating happily. left it going a couple of times for, say, 10 hours maybe. since it doesn't show percentages anymore (or I can't find them) not sure where we are getting hung up. I've done lots of video editing and having some problems lately in those programs so think I really need a good defragment...or I at least need to see if fragmentation might be the cause (if there is somewhere I can look to determine this please let me know...if not fragmented then problem is probably with video programs,

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Doesn't Starts Windows

Mar 23, 2008

I m concerning the hardware problem of my laptop. when i would like to start windows vista, my laptop doesnt reacts or it doesnt starts windows.what should i do?

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Computer Starts Freezing

Jan 13, 2010

My computer has been working fine for about a year and a half, then suddenly, this morning my computer starts freezing in a number of different scenarios. here we go... watching movies,,using the internet explorer?,loading savegames for pretty much any game my animated screen saver,,loading windows media player (sometimes it can manage it),any activity that seems to require even a little bit of graphics grunt. What happens in all situations is that the picture freezes and appears to go from 32 bit colour to like 256 colours, if there is sounds that freezes a few seconds later, and then stutters. Occassionaly the screen turns off or there is a blue screen with the windows error message, however it only stays for a few seconds and has considerable image noise.

this is what i have tested/tried so far
virus/spyware >>>> fine
graphics card fan >>>>> fine
system restore >>>>> did nothing
updated graphics drivers >>>> did nothing

I think that my graphics card has died, but I don't think this explains why internet explorer causes freezes or why the sound freezes.

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Program Starts Then Disappears

Mar 23, 2008

All of a sudden some programs start and go away, some others won't even start. As an example: I start "Gspot v2.70a", it starts and the progress bar starts moving to the end; and then Gspot closes. Some others programs will not even start, I've uninstalled them all and reinstalled them. I click on the shortcut that the install-program put on the desktop, nothing! I click on the *.exe itself, nothing. I start it as an administrator....same thing, nothing. They do NOT appear in Taskmanager. Anybody able to solve this mistery?

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Uninstall Reboot Starts Again

Mar 23, 2008

I have is when i logon windows vista home basic on any account I get a message stateing (need to update driver for unknown devices?) This happens four more times after I cancel each window? I have tried getting said drivers without success? If I do this to all mrssages there will be the same amount of entries in the device manager? I uninstall them and apon re boot it starts all over again? understanding if this is posted in the wrong newsgroup.I am trying to learn how to find similar post for my different problems and sometimes succeed. If there is a way to find newsgroups that handle cirtain problems I would like advice in this also? I have tried the find option with some good results.

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Freezing Before It Really Starts Post Test

Nov 21, 2008

I have a relatives PC around my house with a funny problem that maybe you can give me your thoughts on what might cause this issue. First when its at his house sometimes when he turns it on it will sit practically at pre post test and do nothing. System is Asus M2N SLI Deluxe board, Nvidia 8600GT Video, 2Gb DDR2-800 ram, Card reader, floppy drive, 640Gb HDD,AMD x2 4200+, Antec 900 case and Thermaltake 620 watt PSU i think.

But when i bring it over to my place and fire it up it always works perfect? Any thoughts on why it always works at my house but randomly after using it for maybe months it always seem to do the same thing and look like basically its freezing before it really starts post test. Side note after sitting for a couple of days it looses its bios setting and yet its only 11 to almost 12 months old for the PC.

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A Program Starts Together With Windows, But Is Not In StartUp

Feb 11, 2009

I installed on my brand new Windows Vista PC an unnecessary program (D-Link Monitor, but it is not important). The program is not needed and also it didn't install properly. Now when I start my PC, the program starts up displaying several messages to inform me that it cannot

I had a look in StartUp - it is not there. I tried to uninstall it to no avail.

How/where else can start of this program be triggered? And how to make it not to start?

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Only Receive Emails When Mail Starts Up

Mar 23, 2008

My wife is having a real problem with her email. She was having troublegetting her printer to work, so Dell had her reinstall Vista. When shefirst set up her mail, she couldn't send or receive. Then she could receive but not send. Now, she can send but mail only receives newemails when the program starts up, so she occassionally has to close the application and start it up again to see new messages. When she hits
send/receive, it says there was an error but the box is empty and noerror message appears.

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Internet Explorer 8 - Starts But Is Blank

Nov 1, 2009

I had IE 7, it "broke". So I downloaded IE 8. Still did. I then used my recovery files to replace the ones I had. Thinking my program folder was broken. To anyone who says use firefox. I am, its that certain websites love IE*coughrobloxcough* and will not work in other browsers. This is what I am doing... Clicking Internet Explorer, it doesn't open up. 1 minute later it does but its blank. I can type in websites but it will not go to it. It can't close so I have to use CTRL+ALT+DEL to manually close it.

I am going to try CC to see if it fixes it. What sucks is that all my restore points are somehow "gone" and now I can't go back to the one I went to before that fixed this problem. I also try Registry Booster to see if it was a DLL error, It didn't fix anything. I also found out this isn't ONLY an internet explorer error. You know how Windows comes with a Windows help menu that pops up once in a while? Well, all the images are red X's. Tried using the registry cleaner and the normal cleaner to see if it fixed anything. It did not. I can't find the security options for internet Explorer because its not even there. Is there a way to uninstall IE8 so I can go back to IE6?

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MS Narrator Starts Automatically At Start Up

Sep 20, 2009

Vista Home Premium user - MS Narrator starts automatically at start up. I went through the Start>Control Panel>Ease of Access>Make Computer Easier to See and made sure the Turn Narrator On was NOT checked. I even turned it on, applied changes, then turned it back off and applied changes again. Multiple times, restarting and restarting. Yet I still get to hear Anna's lovely voice at start up.

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Spyware And Adware: Gets Popup When IE Starts

May 1, 2009

Running Windows XP my cousin ended up with an infestation of spyware and adware after AVG ran out and it stopped updating.I installed AVG 8.5 ran a scan, it disinfected winlogon.exe and then blue screened. After a reboot and another scan winlogon.exe was no longer infected but other files were. It seems to have disinfected them. The only thing left is a popup that comes up everytime IE is started. I can't figure out what is causing it. I ran ad aware - it disposed of a few things but he still gets that popup when IE starts.

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Windows Starts Loading Slow

Dec 20, 2007

After powering on the computer, it literally takes 10-15 minutes to start loading windows. Once windows starts loading, everything is fine, and the computer runs beautifully. I'm thinking this has something to do with the bios, but don't know where to start. Once again, the computer stalls before windows even begins to load.

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Power On Fans Bios Nothing Starts

Feb 24, 2009

i installed vista on a hard drive in my computer. i then removed the hard drive and put it into another computer. when i returned to my original computer, the one i installed it from, it now no longer starts. it powers on all fans go but no bios no nothing starts. i no this is common when the motherboard is shot but i mean..please tell me thats not wat it is i was careful in the removal process i dont no where something couldve gone wrong?

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Sleep Automatically Re-starts Computer

May 4, 2008

My vista home premium workstation when sleep is selected the computer basically re-starts and does not go to sleep....I have no idea where to start looking for a solution.

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Job Starts Quickly Disappears With Nothing Printed

Mar 23, 2008

We need to run one of our large 16bit Visual Basic 3.0 applications on Vista Ultimate (32bit) while we rewrite the app in VB .Net. So far I have been able to install the VB3 app, and even the VB3 dev, on Vista and with a few small changes all runs well except for printing from the VB app. We use the VB PrintForm command to print a screen image from the app. All works well under Windows XP but under Vista nothing prints. Watching the Print Queue for the default printer, a job starts then quickly disappears from the queue with nothing printed.

The VB3 app can see the printer and the printer properties OK using Printer Setup (Common Dialog VBX). Printing works fine from Word 2003 and other 32 bit apps on the PC. I have tried several printers, all work OK under Vista except for the 16 bit apps. I have tried running the app as Admin and changing compatibilty properties. Does Vista support any printing from 16 bit apps?

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Windows Sp2 Starts 0x124 Error

Aug 7, 2009

problem when i install sp2 from windows update the computer starts to have 0x124 error they stop when i uninstall sp2 can someone

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