Network Query: Address Filter On Limiting Access

Jan 3, 2009

i notice an extra lan address appearing in my router. i have the mac address filter on limiting access to both network pcs yet still this address appears.


could it related to my cordless keyboard / mouse?

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Windows Firewall: Filter Query

Jun 21, 2008

I have Windows Vista on my VAIO laptop. I use a wireless connection at my dorm to connect to the internet. Sadly, suddenly my Internet stopped working. It seems to be connected but no page can be loaded. At first when I diagnosed and repaired it said that there is no problem, but it still wouldn't load any pages. Now when I do a diagnose and repair it says something about the filter query policy being changed and to check my firewall setting.

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Xbox 360 Access Music Files:drive Address And Network Address

Mar 29, 2009

Been trying for hours to use Xbox 360 to access music and other files on my compuer, using both Drive address and network address. ALL files can be seen successfully on WMC on the Vista computer but nothing on the Xbox 360 -- except some photos on my son's XP machine (that worked easily).Could really use a simple solution to this please!

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How Can Setuup Filter "disk Network"

Jun 26, 2008

I get a variety of spams that use the same alias, as: Dish Network Now, I'm calling the "Dish Network" an alias. When I use the spam filter on the Sender, it would use, but I get all kinds of spam under the alias of "Dish Network" with different addresses. How can I set up a filter for the alias, the "Dish Network" part of the Sender, so that all that use "Dish Network" will be filtered?

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IP Address Is Not Permitted Access?

Jun 5, 2008

Access to this web server is by invitation only. Your IP address is not permitted access. Please go and find some other place to play. Try this Windows toy, which will keep a Windows user1 amused for hours.

1. a "Windows user" is one who continually gets a 403 error but keeps returning here, hoping for a different result. IE. a total and complete idiot.

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Limiting Memory For Games And Other Apps

May 27, 2008

I'm running into a bit of difficulty with a few of my games/apps reporting that they have insufficient memory despite the fact that I have 4 gigs of RAM and I've tried closing my background apps and restarting the computer.I suspect the programs just aren't running well with my 4gigs installed because they do work after I've removed 2 gigs and then they work fine.Is there a way to limit memory allocation to these programs without limiting it for the rest of my system?

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Cannot Access/ping Ipv4 Address

Mar 23, 2008

I am attempting to do file/samba sharing with it. I can access it fine with my laptop through my private network with my Vista Laptop (Ultimate x86), but I am unable to access the share with another XP machine (XP Home). What's interesting, is when I ping the machine name from my vista laptop to it, the name gets resolved to ipv6, and it receives responses. However, when I use the same machine to ping it using it's ipv4 address, it receives no responses. I figure this might be the problem, but the XP machine also has ipv6 installed, and is still not able to resolve the address.

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Access Denied :: Network Access Is Restricted

Feb 17, 2009

I think I might have a good one for you.. I am working on an Acer 5610z Notebook for a friend of mine. He was setting the parental controls and managed to control his account which had admin access. the user listing has the account listing as an admin but he only has standard user access. His was the "only" admin account.. While he was doing this he managed to deny access to the boot drive. The drive reads as "Access Denied". The machine boots up and a person can play games etc.. but network access is restricted.

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Limiting Size: System Restore Files

Feb 19, 2009

System Restore images are eating my HD space alive! With XP it was easy to limit the percentage of HD space it could gobble up, but with Vista Home Premium I can't seem to find where to change it. Has MS in it's wisdom taken that control away from us or have they just hidden it somewhere new? If the later, somebody please clue me in as to where. I've got less "stuff" on my new Vista Home Premium PC than my older XP PC yet Vista has gobbled up 75 gig for what I'm doing on my XP machine in 24 gig. I know Vista is bigger to start with, but when I installed 3 gig worth of apps, I suddenly ended up with 24 gig less C: drive space!

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Printer On Network Changes IP Address

Dec 12, 2009

I have two ethernet hardwired network printers on my home net. Why do the IP adresses change and what can I do to to prevent this or at least find an easy way to fix it when it does. This is not an user freindly ergonomic situation MS.

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Address: Black Screen, Not Able To Access The BIOS

Apr 19, 2010

I've read all (well most) of the posts in this thread, but nothing seems to address my exact issue of having a black screen, which means that I'm not able to access the BIOS. I can hear my laptop fan running, and every 20 seconds or so the computer powers off then reboots immediately, but nothing on the screen.

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Configure Hard Wired Network Connection Using Static IP Address?

Dec 16, 2009

Since there are no Windows 7 newsgroups I hope my post is appropriate here. If not, please let me know where I should post Win7 questions. I have a new Dell netbook running Windows 7 Starter Edition. I need to configure a hard wired network connection using a static IP address and I can not find where to do so. What I am looking for is the equivalent of Control Panel | Network Connections in XP.

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CPU Fan RPM Query

Jul 22, 2009

how understanding fan speeds with regards to the cpu, 1st of i understand that the hotter the cpu the faster and louder it will become, now if i can explain a little or at least try some year ago or more i built my system, specs can bee seen in my profile,I have not been 1 for using the over clocking software that came with my mobo (U_GURU), well not so long ago but since before the hot weather i noticed that my CPU fan was running rather loud well enough to annoy me anyway, I have always had the U-GURU software installed but like i say never really used it, it just was there.

ok so with the rather loud fan noise i decided to take a look and noted that the fan was running 3,600 RPM under idle and load with temps of around 30-40 oC(is this normal?) i also tried to enable cool and quiet but i got Overclocking failed from the U-guru util, well i wasn't asking it to Overclock just to turn on the damn cool and quiet WTF? well it activated and i left it but only for the system to freeze/crash some hour or 2 later, well anyway i thought maybe i need to unclog all the dust so pulled the side of ect but no dust build up in the heat sink but still blasted it with the airline regardless to still find that the fan was running quite noisy, well i asked around in some repair shops ect and got the usual rubbish about faulty ram ect (ROFLMAO) anyway i though ok ill remove the ram ect and see if out of chance they maybe rite, nope nothing changed.........

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Advanced Query Language

Jul 1, 2008

Having a bit of a tough time learning the Advanced Query Language. I'm trying to find folders that BEGIN with something. I figured out that I should use kind:folders, but can only find information on how to query if the folder name contains something, not begins with. Let's say that I wanted to find all folders with a name that begins with the letter B. What would be the correct query string for this?

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Cannot Access Network From Other Pc

Apr 25, 2008

I have had to reimstall Vista on a pc and now I cannot access it over tne network. All was ok this morning but since reinstallation I cannot access it, can see it on the network and can access other pcs from it but cannot access from other pcs. I think I may have overlooked something but cant think what.

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No Network Access

Dec 27, 2008

what I've done so far: My work has 4 public internet access computers. What I have done was set each of these to be a "Public Network", and have enforced the requirement to enter a password on UAC so that the public users cannot make unauthorized changes to the settings. Now, however, it is still possible to access other computers on the network, if you know the name of the computer youwant to access. What I want is this: Is there away in Vista to TOTALLY disable all network access while still maintaining Internet Connectivity? These are the only Vista machines on the network. All other machines are XP.

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Disk No Query ( 32 Home Premium)

Mar 26, 2008

I've got a silly question here. Its not really a problem, but I like my PC's to be set up the way I like it, and anything that changes it annoys me.

I have 3 physical IDE disks on my PC.

I've just formatted the C drive on of the IDE drives, on one of my PC's and re-installed everything, as it was time for a clean-up. To do this I disconnected two IDE drives leaving me with an IDE HDD & a CD drive as the slave. The Bios found them as Primary Master and Primary slave as expected. Windows Disk Management COnsole showed my C Drive as Disk 0 again as expected.

When all was working fine, I added the other HDD's as Secondary Master & slave. Again the Bios showed them correctly.

..However Windows Disk Management had changed my original Disk 0 to Disk 2

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X64 Home SP1 System Restore Query

Mar 28, 2009

why is it that in Vista the system restore actually deletes all of my files as in my installed programs etc. etc. My downloads folder. And everything eles like that is affected yet windows say that shouldn't be happen. So how cna i fix this?

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A Query On Fair Replacement Of Video Card

May 24, 2009

Would be interested in Forum's comments. I had a 9800 GX2 card that failed about 11 months into the 1 year warranty (after an agonising 4 weeks of trying to find out what was wrong with my machine!) The shop I bought it from replaced it FOC with a new single GTX260. When I queried them, that this didn't seem a fair replacement (I would have thought two GTX260's SLI'd together was fairer, their argument was:

The 9800 GX2 was no longer available as a new card The second hand 9800 GX2's are about NZ$400 (I am in New Zealand) and the new GTX 260 is the same price. The GTX 260 performs as well as the 9800 GX2 I am not unhappy with the GTX 260, but I feel kind of ripped off. NZ has pretty strict Consumer protection laws, so I will explore those as well, but my post here is to find out if this sort of replacement is common where high end cards fail and are no longer available.

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Network; Local Access Only

Jun 4, 2008

i just got a new PC last friday with 64bit vista ultimate and i have been having alot of problems with hooking it up to my home network. At first, i would plug it in and it would only let me get into "local area connection" local access only. I did a repair install which got rid of all updates that the company had put on, so its a fresh SP1 install. Now i can sometimes get it to connect to the internet, but the speed is ridiculously slow, like if i look at the antivirus updaters for speed (i cant access cuz it says i dont have flash or w.e. and it wont let me download it cuz the site wont load) i get max speeds of...4 kb/s.

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Cannot Access Xp Computer On Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have vista on desktop with router and am trying to network (wireless) with another desktop running xp. The network connections are good / router recognizes both computers. Internet connection functional on both computers. The vista computer will only "see" the xp intermitently. When it is available, I tried to map the xp drive from vista to no avail. Error message said the computer name was incorrect although it was correct. Both computers are in same workgroup.

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Network Access Failure

May 15, 2009

I recently upgraded from xp to Vista. Now I am having problems with my network access. It keeps dropping from local & internet, to local, to no connection at all. There is no problem with my internet connection or cables, etc. I know that this is a problem in Vista, but I do not know how to fix it. This is driving me crazy. Please someone help me with this problem!

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Network: Cannot Access Files

Sep 3, 2008

For my first post I think this one will have you thinking. I have a Laptop running Vista & a PC running XP Media Centre Edition on a small network. The problem is : Both Laptop & pc can see each other in the network. From the pc I can access the shared files on the laptop, no problem. I cannot access any files on the pc when I select the pc in my network I get an error which says " Cannot access \computername. Check the spelling of the name, otherwise there may be a problem with your network. I have attempted pinging the pc from my laptop, but it keeps timing out I can ping my laptop from my pc. I opened a browser on my laptop and entered \ipaddress of the pc . I got an error. pc cannot be found. I did the same \ipaddress of the wireless router. I got an error. cannot be found. I did the same \ipaddress of the laptop. I was able to see all the files on my laptop. If you look at the image, this is my network. when I attempt to access the pc named DB that is when the problem arises.

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Cannot Access Certain Network Devices

Mar 30, 2008

Dell Inspiron running Vista Ultimate Vista SP1. connected wirelessly to my DLink DIR 655 Router. I can only sometimes see other Vista PCs on my home network but cannot access the shared folders. I cannot see a Linkstation NAS at all. And only get to it via it's IP address. None of the host names work. Yes, sharing is enabled on all devices. Firewall is Live OneCare v2. The other PCs are fine. I've even logged into another network (physical
location) and had the same problem so I'm pretty sure it's this PC. Problem started after SP1 and OneCare 2.0 were upgraded, although I have uninstalled OneCare with no success (and since reinstalled) Here is an example of me pinging my NAS device C:UsersBarry> ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=6ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64..............

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Start Menu - Moved This Query From General Forum

Mar 23, 2008

Admittedly I may have done something to cause this but I can not get it right: Vista Home premium, 32 bit. New User, new PC. Had all data and music files on external HDD's. Moved data (documents, pictures) over last week, and moved Music files over to C drive today.

On Taskbar, at Start button, click on button, On right side of Start menu there are: under my picture, choices for "Me (user)", Documents, Pictures, Music, Games, then a divide and then, Search, Recent Items, Computer and so on. If I click on Documents I go to the folder with files of documents. Same with Pictures. The files from both Documents and Pictures came from an external HDD.............

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Unidentified Network / Access: Local Only

Mar 23, 2008

I was online yesterday all day. I put my rig to sleep last night. It powered off during the night. I turn it on this afternoon. No internet access. Every other XP machine is online fine, wireless and wired. I have tried just about every fix I have seen:

Disable DHCP Flags
no firewalls
blah, blah, blah.
Restarted router, modem, car, dog, etc.

What can I do or try? A list would be nice. A chatting support option would be nice. A little instant messenger like device with a tech on the other end.

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Newtork Map Vs. Network - Access Works Pc's

Mar 23, 2008

I have PC1 running windows Vista with a wirels pci card connected to PC2 Running Vista Home Premuim connnected via lan cable to a wirelss N router. I have setup a home network with a name of "Blue" (not really the name), both pc's are configured to the same workgroup. Internet access works on both pc's.

The problem I'm having is trying to share files. When I look at my Network Map on Vista, I can see the XP pc. However when I go to map, but not my network in order to access files on the XP machine. XP doesn't have network map, but when I go into >network, I can see the files I'm sharing on the XP pc, but I cannot see the Vista pc at all. I can view my work group when I navigate to Microsoft Networks but cannot access it. So I can't figure out why I cannot see the XP pc on Vista co I can access the shared (public) folders and the same with the XP pc.

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Access The Shared Folder Across The Network

Mar 23, 2008

ONly 24 hrs into using Vista. I have added my Vista PC to my Home Network. I am trying to access the shared folder on my old PC that is showing on the network but I am denied access. I did have a password/user account set up on the old machine but have removed the password now. How can I access the shared folder across the network?

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Windows Could Not Access Network Location

Sep 27, 2009

I can honestly say I have some knowledge when it comes to computers and usually I solve it when something is wrong, but I can't figure this one out. I don't know what to do or what's wrong basically. A few days ago I was supposed to be updating a few of the programs I have, the first being Windows Live Messenger. It wasn't working so I thought they wanted us to go to the new one. I go to do that and it was installing until I got this: "Could not access network location %APPDATA%. Please close all other programs, and then try again. It looks like another program is preventing the installer from working. hr:0x80070643"

So I go to un-install the old one (which I don't it even did) and I tried again, and again the same thing. I've also tried un-installing it from Smarty Un-installer 2009, did it and tried to install it again, and that didn't even work. I haven't tried again since. That same day I tried updating iTunes. That failed. Safari didn't update neither did iTunes, but the iPhone Configuration Utility thing did (I just noticed). I tried going the website and downloading from there, I thought it was going to install, but it didn't give a message saying it could not access %APPDATA%. This one didn't un-install, because iTunes is still accessable on the other accounts. I'm completing a scan now for any viruses (I don't think any will show up), I also tried installing Malwarebytes to do a scan for that (said the same thing: couldn't access %APPDATA%).

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Unidentified Network: Local Access

Oct 8, 2009

I'm aware that this is quite a common issue and i apologize if it's been repeated hundeds of times, but it's driving me crazy. I have an acer 8920g laptop with an atheros AR8121 pci-e ethernet network card. On my older laptop, the internet connects fine via cable modem and an ethernet cable (this has a broadcom network card). On the newer laptop i just seem to get local access only, with a 169.x.x IP address, no default gateway or DNS server addresses. Both laptops run vista home premium, and i'm totally lost and confused as to where it's going wrong.. Ive been searching a few sites and there doesnt seem to be any definitive answer to this problem. Does anyone know how to fix this before i throw my laptop out of the window?

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Access The Network And Sharing Center

Mar 23, 2008

Just recently I turned on my laptop that runs Windows Vista Home premium and it won't identify the network. I haven't changed any of the settings on my laptop and it just started doing this. It will connect to my wireless network, but it says the Access is Local Only. There is a strong signal and everything and my roommate that has the exact same computer has no problem connecting and getting online.

Whenever I access the Network and Sharing Center and click on the red X to find out what the problem is, a window pops up and says "There might be a problem with one or more network adapters on this computer. It gives me 3 options for repair: Restart the DHCP client service. Plug a cable into the network adapter "Local Area Connection". Automatically get new IP settings for the network adapter "Wireless Network Connection" I have tried all three of these and none of them work.

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