Music Files Had Disappeared Computer

Mar 23, 2008

One day, suddenly, my Windows Media Player told me that i had not added any tracks to my library. This caused me to almost die, since i had many tracks and was afraid that perhaps all of my music files had disappeared from my computer. But i looked in "My Music" folder and they were still there. I went to the add music option in the media player and it still would not add my tracks to the library. I can't figure out why it is doing this, but it is very irritating. I downloaded Itunes and i don't like it nearly as much as media player, so i would like to be able to use media player again. I am also a college student using ruckus and itunes doesn't pick up ruckus files like media player does. Do i have to uninstall media player and install it again?

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Cannot Play Music Files On Computer

Apr 13, 2008

I cannot play music files on my computer. I have three different media players (iTunes, Napster, and Windows Media Player) and nothing will play on any of them.

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Music But No Voices Within Music Files, Wierd

Mar 23, 2008

My vista home premium seems to have a problem with its music media replay. When I open a song file, the music id fine but the vocals sound distant, inaudible and a large amount of echo. I did download an mp3 player called morpher or something very similar but deleted after playing two songs, has this damaged my music files or my computer? I am unsure if the mp3 player is the culprit but all was fine beforehand.

I have updated the realtek driver but has made no difference to the vocal reproduction. I have also tried a system restore to a date well before the mp3 player was put onto the computer, it still made no difference.

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Organizing Music Files

Sep 3, 2009

I am having a tough time with music files. They are located all over the computer. Some in i-tunes ,some in various WMP playlists, some in stand alone music files etc. Is there a (preferrably free) program which can dig through my hard drive and gather all music files of any file type together in one place so I can re-organize them, eliminate duplicates and so on?

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Drive Labels Disappeared Computer Icon

Apr 27, 2010

drive labels disappeared in "My computer" icons still there. (you know, there is not "My" but let me call it like that for easier talk.) but shows well in view - detail or list something like that. So, I tested some tips. I also set a ShowDriveLettersFirst key in the regedit. still, I can't see drive labels. but they are shown in a dialog box of "save as..." does anybody know the solution or reason of this? can't see drive labels these 3 pics. but they show in this mode. and in this one(save as...) The drive letters come first because of the tip that I tested. c: drive has no label.(means "local disk" in korean. ) d: drive's label is "DATA". You might already have an inkling. I'm Korean. please forgive my bad english. and characters in those pictures are korean letters "Hangul". I'm really really sorry because I can't prepare english version.

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Folder Not Showing The Music Files

Mar 24, 2010

I've been having trouble with a folder. I placed a music file in a folder that it shouldn't have been in and the image art is now on the folder. I can't seem to get it to return to default. I've done the folder options with no avail. I have some knowledge of computers. If you tell me what needs to be done I can navigate my way through and get it done. My machine is HP G60-237NR Notebook running Vista Home Premium 32bit.

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Vist Music Files Can Not Find

Mar 23, 2008

have just upgraded to vista home premium from xp.found my music files but can not find any other user music files,has update deleted or have they been moved

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Downloaded Music Went To Temporary Files

Mar 23, 2008

I just downloaded some songs and I hit "open" instead of save each time. Now they are all in my temp Internet files. How do I get them to my music files? I tried dragging but its in the worng format and my media player won't play them. I just paid $15 for all these songs and would like to know how to retrieve them!

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Files Have Disappeared!

Jul 29, 2008

I backed up my files onto CD (work files). Made a number of CDs. I'm on dell inspiron 9300, w/ xp and did an upgrade to vista using an in place install. My understanding was that the programs AND files were to be carried over onto the new OS. All of my programs and applications stayed. But my files...gone! can't find any of them. And all but one of my CDs are good--except that for some reason the most important files are in an empty folder on one of the CDs, many months worth of work related documents- I must have messed it up when backing it up. Is there anyway to find the files that vista was supposed to keep? I picked up an external hard drive today when I realized how little space I had left but not soon enough to use it to back up before.

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Files Disappeared

Apr 26, 2008

Several days ago some folders from My Documents folder just disappeared. The folders and files in it are really important for me and I was trying to recover is somehow but I found no clue for that. When I search for files it shows that they are on their original location but I cannot access them, they can just be on the Search index I suppose and it makes no s??ance. But I installed Undelete program to check if somehow it is deleted itself and from there I sow lost folders with only those files in the folders which I have deleted before and it is showing that the folder itself is not deleted.

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Rename Drives And The Music Files Canīt Move

Mar 4, 2009

I had at problem with Vista Ultimate, it change the order of my drive under new installation. For at wile I didīt do anything abort it, now I change them. I had to rename the drive from C, D, E, F,G to C, D, E, F,G, H, I so I cut change them to the right order. The problem is that the H; Drive (DVD) is the link to the music file map now, I cant change the the link back to standard. it says that the under file can not be made, Vista is looking at the H; DVD Drive. The Music files are F drive. How do I get the the Music file map to look at F drive and not H (drive DVD)? How do I make the missing under maps for Music files, and how do I cut the connection to the H Drive (DVD)?

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Files In Documents Have Disappeared

Jan 10, 2009

saves all of her documents in her documents folder, she has her signed rental notes, bills, her tax returns amongst other things, and most every file in the documents folder has disappeared. There are a couple files that didn't get deleted, some in her roboform folder (which is linked to her browser which is why I assume it wasn't deleted or, it might've been deleted but re-made when she opened her browser) and a couple other random files.

She hasn't been doing anything different the past couple days and she is not sure when exactly it happened, but she needs the files - and they're all gone. I am not very knowledgeable with Vista but I have checked a few obvious things and none of them seemed to work. What I did try was checking to see if the files were suddenly hidden, but they're not - and the size of the folders is very small (There's about 71 folders and sub folders and of all the files and folders, these 71 folders are all that's left) The documents folder itself is about 1.36 MB (yes, MB.) and I am pretty sure if the files were somewhere in that folder the folder size would bigger, regardless of if the files were hidden or not.

These files are also not in the recycling bin, and I've searched for a couple obvious names via the start menu search on the bottom but they have all brought back nothing. these files are extremely important and we really need to get them back.

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FAT 32 0r NTSF: Back Up Music Files To A Flash Drive

Mar 23, 2009

I want to back up my music files to a flash drive. Is it better to convert the thumb drive to NTFS?

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Upgraded Vista: Can Not Find User Music Files

Mar 26, 2008

have just upgraded to vista home premium from xp.found my music files but can not find any other user music files,has update deleted or have they been moved

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Sound: Loading Music Is Severely Distorted, Cannot Listen To Any Music On Myspace Or Watch Any Videos

Apr 23, 2008

i am having problems with the sound on vista. music plays fine until i open anything else. if anything is loading music is severely distorted. i have updated eveything there is. i cannot listen to any music on myspace or watch any videos on Internet.

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MSN Music To Delete DRM Keys - Say Goodbye To Your Music

May 1, 2008

MSN Music To Delete DRM Keys - Say Goodbye To Your Music "Customers who have purchased music from Microsoft's now-defunct MSN Music store are now facing a decision they never anticipated making: commit to which computers (and OS) they want to authorize forever, or give up access to the music they paid for. Why? Because Microsoft has decided that it's done supporting the service and will be turning off the MSN Music license servers by the end of this summer." just another "screw you" from Microsoft

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Mysterious Music: (innocuous Dance Music, Which Is Not From My HD Thats For Sure)

Sep 30, 2009

Have I got a trojan? My laptop is taken over by some weird software and keeps playing this music (innocuous dance music, which is not from my HD thats for sure). I dont know where it came from. My CD tray is empty. AVG search founds nothing wrong. What is this? I can turn the volume down.. but nohting else.

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MP3 Cd To A Music CD: Convert These MP3 Songs To A Music CD Format

Mar 17, 2009

I have a CD that has all the songs on it in MP3 format. I would like to convert these MP3 songs to a music CD format that will play on my cars CD player. The CD that has MP3 songs will not play on the cars player. What do I need to do to get these MP3's to copy to a normal CD so I can play them.

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Xbox 360 Access Music Files:drive Address And Network Address

Mar 29, 2009

Been trying for hours to use Xbox 360 to access music and other files on my compuer, using both Drive address and network address. ALL files can be seen successfully on WMC on the Vista computer but nothing on the Xbox 360 -- except some photos on my son's XP machine (that worked easily).Could really use a simple solution to this please!

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Copy Files From One Computer To The Other

Nov 3, 2008

I want to say that all my drivers are updates and windows is updated as well. This is also valid for any other computers on the network. My computer runs vista home premium 64 bit, the other computers on the network run home premium 32 bit. We have a gbit network through a d-link router (dir655) which has never given us any problems. We have the d-link because I couldn't find any other router at the time which supported a glass fibre connection at the speed we have (50 mbit synchronous) and which also offered a 1 gbit home networking solution (wired) while also offering the possibility of using it with the occasional wifi device (such as my archos 605 media player).

my first annoyance has to do with the network. SP1 made it better, but I'm still annoyed. When I copy files from one computer to the other, the file transfer goes at varrying speeds. The transfer speed seems to depend on one thing and one thing only, and that is on whether the other computer is being used at all. If the other computer is idle (so not even the mouse is moved, there is no user input at all), transfer speeds are between 55 and 70 mb per second. Which is good, I like this. When there is any kind of activity on the other computer, whether this is typing, using the mouse or any such thing (user initiated I mean.... a virus scan doesn't seem to affect the transfer speed) the transfer speeds drop down to a max of about 18 mb per second. When any type of media player is on, even when paused, it drops down further to between 13 and 15 mb per second. When that media player is windows media player, the transfer speed is usually a bit lower still.

I simply do not understand why this is. The transfer speeds with no activity at all show that there is a possibility of achieving these speeds... the network is not used when someone moves their mouse, so why can't I use the full extent of the network when someone is using their mouse, or typing something in word? Also, I know that a media player automatically reserves bandwidth for streaming, but going from a max of 70 mb/s to 15 mb/s seems a bit much to me for streaming purposes. I would also have thought that MS could make their media player a bit smarter... I mean, how hard can it be for them to disable the bandwidth reserving when someone is playing a local file?......

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Cant Access Old Computer Files

Oct 18, 2009

I just recently got a new computer installed with the Vista Home Premium x64 OS. After many failed attempts at transferring my old files i eventually ended up putting my old hard drive into my new computer, and attempted to drag and drop into a folder i created specifically for those files. Upon trying to do this, it transferred all of my program files, but when it gets to my actual documents, where i keep my most important files, it says i need administrative permission to do this.

Then, when i tried to access the files directly in my old hard drive, it said that i couldn't do that, and showed this: "You don't currently have permission to access this folder. Click continue to get access to this folder." "You have been denied permision to access this folder. To gain access to this folder you will need to use the security tab." and then when i use the security tab to transfer file permission to me, it still doesn't do anything.

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Where Did C: Go And All Its Files Fails To Show Up When I Go To Computer?

Dec 8, 2008

I'm certain that I screwed up and somehow denied myself access to everything under the C: root. C: and all its files fails to show up when I go to computer. Actually, I'm fairly certain that I did this to myself when, due to my great lack of understanding on how to manipulate permissions, I messed things up while trying to give myself permission to do something with my shortcut to computer. I naively fooled around with properties>security.

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Can't Modify Any Files Or Folders Anywhere On My Computer

Apr 8, 2009

I can't modify any files or folders anywhere on my computer. For example, if I create a new folder on my desktop, when I try to rename it the name still stays at 'New Folder' which I can't get rid of. Also I can't encrypt any files or folders. I am the administrator of the computer and there is no other users. I have tried taking full control of the files/folders on the security tab on properties and also using software like 'Unlocker' but nothing seems to work.

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Possible To Send Files From Computer To Laptop

Apr 14, 2008

is it possible to send files, photos, wmp music etc from my computer to my laptop using my linkeys internet network. and if so then how please.

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Transfer All Files Onto Standby Computer

Apr 27, 2009

I want to transfer all my files ect onto a standby computer, to have a fallback onto the information contained in them. I was under the impression that the necessary software for the transfer and Synchronization was in Vista Windows, but having connected the computers with a transfer cable (which was installed as new hardware on both computers) nothing further happened although I was supposed to get instructions on the Standby computer how to proceed with the transfers.

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Cannot Access The Shared Files On My XP Computer.

May 8, 2008

After months of diddling in an effort to access shared files on my XP computer from my Vista computer I was finally able to access the files using Windows Explorer after the final reboot after installing SP1. My glee was short lived however because after turning my Vista computer off and then on again I still cannot access the shared files on my XP computer. I can see the XP computer in "Network and Sharing Center" > "View Full Map", but I can't view the shared files by double clicking on the XP computer icon.

Network discovery - on
File sharing - on
Public folder sharing - on
Printer sharing - on

Workgroup is WORKGROUP on both computers I am able to access a shared printer on the XP computer I am able to access the shared files on my XP computer by using Internet Explorer and entering \Computername in the address bar. I am able to access a NAS drive on my network using Windows Explorer.

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App Files Run Doesn't Match Computer

Oct 13, 2009

I guess the the app files kinda run by themselves when you double click them so it doesn't matter where they are on your computer. I could be wrong though. However what about the ZIP files? I remember once using the Dell resource CD and it would download some of these ZIP files...but they would put them somewhere in my program files folder. That is why I was willing to use the CD more since it would place these files in the correct place (I mean I'm not going to put them on my desktop for instance). So where do I put the ZIP files? There are only ZIP and application files.

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Computer Deletes Files Whenever It Is Logged Off Or Shut Down

Jun 3, 2008

our computer has Windows Vista on it, and its pretty new. Whenever it is shut down, restarted, or logged off, every single file on the computer is gone when logged back in, everything on our computer is gone.

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For 2009, Resolve To Back Up Your Computer Files, And Do It

Jan 11, 2009

The new year has brought new resolutions, including a question from a reader who asked my recommendation for the best ways to back up a PC. My real recommendation is that you actually do it. I was doing some renovations in my house over the holidays and moved my main computer from one floor to my new home office on another floor and when I turned it back on I got a flurry of blue screens of death. (Apple users, commence snickering.) For 2009, resolve to back up your computer files, and do it : Tech : Ventura County Star. Do you back up your files/computer?

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Computer Freezes While Compressing Files To A .rar Archive

Apr 26, 2008

I recently got a new pc and installed vista ultimate 64 bit. It was going fine until I started playing games (this has happened on every game I tested so far). I'd be able to play for about 10 minutes to half an hour and then the entire computer freezes. It also happened once while i was compressing files to a .rar archive. I re-installed the drivers multiple times, installed the service pack and all updates, nothing I tried would work.

I then in my frustration reformatted the entire computer and only installed nvidias drivers without updating anything (or service pack) and I still had the problem. It's really frustrating me and it makes my computer unusable as I'm primarily a gamer.

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Transferring Information, Files, Programmes , Etc From One Computer To Another

May 18, 2009

I am planning on getting a new laptop computer. With it, I will be getting an 8 GB USB flash drive memory stick. What I will be planning to do is put all the information, programmes, files, etc onto the memory stick and then transferring it to the new laptop computer. Baring in mind that the new laptop computer will come with the "Windows Vista Ultimate Operating System" preinstalled along with the "Windows Vista Speech Recognition Program" on it.

My question is, by transferring all my files etc from my old laptop to my new one, will my speech recognition program work within the new laptop? By doing this, will I not need to train it again and it will be just as accurate as it was on my old laptop? Or will I need to start all over again in the new laptop with its speech recognition program ("Ease of Access Centre") and train it as from new?

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