Rename Drives And The Music Files Canīt Move

Mar 4, 2009

I had at problem with Vista Ultimate, it change the order of my drive under new installation. For at wile I didīt do anything abort it, now I change them. I had to rename the drive from C, D, E, F,G to C, D, E, F,G, H, I so I cut change them to the right order. The problem is that the H; Drive (DVD) is the link to the music file map now, I cant change the the link back to standard. it says that the under file can not be made, Vista is looking at the H; DVD Drive. The Music files are F drive. How do I get the the Music file map to look at F drive and not H (drive DVD)? How do I make the missing under maps for Music files, and how do I cut the connection to the H Drive (DVD)?

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Windows - Cannot Delete, Move, Rename Or Files

Aug 2, 2009

I have had this problem for a while now, and it has really started to wind me up lately. I have read many threads and tutorials, and tried some out aswell, but nothing has worked unfortunately. Whenever I try to move or delete a file, the box comes up:

But then once that pops up nothing else happens, and it just freezes. I have tried leaving it for a while and seeing if it just takes time but also nothing happened. Even if I click cancel, it freezes. To close the window, I have to go into the task manager and close it from there, which restarts Windows Explorer. When renaming a file or folder, I can type the name I want in, but once I press enter Windows Explorer freezes and I have to go into task manager again.............

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How Can Safe To Move Files Both Drives

Feb 18, 2009

if it is safe to move my program files from C Drive to my partioned D Drive??.. I am just curious that is all??.

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Rename Or Move Select Folders

Apr 19, 2009

Running Vista32 Home Prem, SP1. I run as administrator. I do NOT use any registry cleaners. I am not able to rename or move select folders. Even though they have been shared (as described below), the renaming and moving attempts have been only from the computer and account that initially created them. Have a folder (with many sub-folders) that I have been sharing without problem across my home network (don't know if the sharing is related to the renaming issue). A few weeks ago I found that the root shared folder and one of its sub-folders could not be renamed or moved, though I can still rename sub-sub-folders and create and modify files contained in any. I don't know if this is a recent development; it may be that that was the first time I felt the need to rename of more them.

I applied the "Take Ownership" merge from this forum to add take ownership to the context menu. I then applied the 'take ownership' at the root of the share. Even though the command window showed activity (and I could see 'success' or 'successful' repeatedly), afterward I still was not able to rename the root share or that one sub-folder. I then did 'take ownership' again for just the sub-folder; again the command window showed activity, but afterward still could not rename the sub-folder. And just to repeat, I was and am still ABLE to rename the sub-sub-folder. Thinking that maybe the network sharing was impacting this, I then removed the share capability AND the security settings from the shared root. Repeated take ownership; but no change. I then downloaded from this forum the "Fix_Rename_32_Bit_ Vista" registry merge and applied it. Tried again to rename the root share and the its sub-folder; again failed.

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Can Rename Or Move Can't Delete File

Sep 26, 2008

I have two files (exe, probably installed from the internet) which windows Vista will not allow me to delete despite having an administrator's account. I can rename or move them but can't delete them. Also, and possibly related, my bin doesn't seem to be working correctly when I empty it it doesn't make that satisfying sound anymore and the icon still shows it as full?

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Unable To Delete/rename/move Folder

May 19, 2009

I have recently changed a folder name to an alt code which shows up as a blank space.It shows up as this without parenthesis.() Now that I've done that I can't move the file to anywhere, rename it, and I can't delete too. I right click it and hit delete but no confirmation comes up asking if I want to or not. No message saying it's in use or anything. If I try to rename it it reverts back to the invisible characters. I also can't move the file to anywhere else from my desktop. I've been trying for awhile now can't do anything with it

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Music But No Voices Within Music Files, Wierd

Mar 23, 2008

My vista home premium seems to have a problem with its music media replay. When I open a song file, the music id fine but the vocals sound distant, inaudible and a large amount of echo. I did download an mp3 player called morpher or something very similar but deleted after playing two songs, has this damaged my music files or my computer? I am unsure if the mp3 player is the culprit but all was fine beforehand.

I have updated the realtek driver but has made no difference to the vocal reproduction. I have also tried a system restore to a date well before the mp3 player was put onto the computer, it still made no difference.

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Dont Move Documents, Music, Photos, And Videos

May 2, 2008

Don't you just hate it when you have an operating system that WON'T let you move all of your Documents, Music, Photos, and Videos from Partition C to Partition D in one single click? I mean, this Windows Vista is the easiest to use right? WRONG! I should be able to tell the OPERATING SYSTEM that I WANT ALL MY STUFF ON D, and that when I GO TO MY FOLDER AND CREATE A NEW ONE, IT SHOULD BE CREATED ON D, NOT C! We need an update for this... There is now way around it, I mean, I DID MOVE ALL THE FOLDERS INDIViDUALLY, to find out that I STILL WRITE AT C:Usersusertest WHEN I WANT TO WRITE AT D:usertest! We had this at XP, but not on Vista? So, Microsoft is actually downgrading their operating systems now?

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How Move Music,video,picture From IPhone To ITunes?

May 11, 2009

What's the best way to move music, videos, pictures and more from iPhone to iTunes and transfer all iPhone info from iPhone to computer?

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Cant Rename Files In C: Windows

Aug 12, 2009

The problem I now have is that they have asked me to rename twain_32 to twain1_32. Not a problem I thought until I tried it. No matter how I go about it i.e. simply clicking on rename, using safe mode or opening Windows Explorer as Administrator I cannot change the name or even delete it for that matter. I'm using Vista Ultimate.

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Not Allowing You To Delete/rename Certain Files

Jul 29, 2009

Are there certain files crucial to Vista, that you are not allowed to delete/move/rename?

If so, would explorer.exe be one of them?

I had an incident where I tried to create a desktop shortcut forWindows Explorer. I don't know why but the shortcut had ".exe" at theend. When I tried to rename it, it warned me about something, as if Iwas renaming the actual program and not just a shortcut.

I usually make a shortcut for a program by dragging the name from the Start menu to the desktop. Then it will have the name of the program with no .exe.

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Not Authorized To Delete Or Rename Own Files

Apr 18, 2009

We're new at working under Vista Home Premium SP1. My daughter was working as a standard user and found that she was not authorized to delete or rename her own files. She had to log off, then switch to an dministrator in order to do this. (Administrator couldn't do anything either until standard user logged off.). It makes sense that a standard user should not be able to manipulate files of another user, but you'd think that she should be authorized to deal with her own files. Is there a parameter to allow this?

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Organizing Music Files

Sep 3, 2009

I am having a tough time with music files. They are located all over the computer. Some in i-tunes ,some in various WMP playlists, some in stand alone music files etc. Is there a (preferrably free) program which can dig through my hard drive and gather all music files of any file type together in one place so I can re-organize them, eliminate duplicates and so on?

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Folder Not Showing The Music Files

Mar 24, 2010

I've been having trouble with a folder. I placed a music file in a folder that it shouldn't have been in and the image art is now on the folder. I can't seem to get it to return to default. I've done the folder options with no avail. I have some knowledge of computers. If you tell me what needs to be done I can navigate my way through and get it done. My machine is HP G60-237NR Notebook running Vista Home Premium 32bit.

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Vist Music Files Can Not Find

Mar 23, 2008

have just upgraded to vista home premium from xp.found my music files but can not find any other user music files,has update deleted or have they been moved

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Cannot Play Music Files On Computer

Apr 13, 2008

I cannot play music files on my computer. I have three different media players (iTunes, Napster, and Windows Media Player) and nothing will play on any of them.

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Downloaded Music Went To Temporary Files

Mar 23, 2008

I just downloaded some songs and I hit "open" instead of save each time. Now they are all in my temp Internet files. How do I get them to my music files? I tried dragging but its in the worng format and my media player won't play them. I just paid $15 for all these songs and would like to know how to retrieve them!

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Music Files Had Disappeared Computer

Mar 23, 2008

One day, suddenly, my Windows Media Player told me that i had not added any tracks to my library. This caused me to almost die, since i had many tracks and was afraid that perhaps all of my music files had disappeared from my computer. But i looked in "My Music" folder and they were still there. I went to the add music option in the media player and it still would not add my tracks to the library. I can't figure out why it is doing this, but it is very irritating. I downloaded Itunes and i don't like it nearly as much as media player, so i would like to be able to use media player again. I am also a college student using ruckus and itunes doesn't pick up ruckus files like media player does. Do i have to uninstall media player and install it again?

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Move, But Keep Both Files

Apr 24, 2009

I no longer have the option: "Move, but keep both files" when i drag a picture from a web site to my desktop. how do i get this option back in the copy file dialog box? i should say i still have the option when i move a file from a folder on my desk top to another on my desk top.

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FAT 32 0r NTSF: Back Up Music Files To A Flash Drive

Mar 23, 2009

I want to back up my music files to a flash drive. Is it better to convert the thumb drive to NTFS?

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Upgraded Vista: Can Not Find User Music Files

Mar 26, 2008

have just upgraded to vista home premium from xp.found my music files but can not find any other user music files,has update deleted or have they been moved

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Cannot Move Files Or Folders

Jun 18, 2008

I can't move files(or folders) from one folder to another. I can delete, rename, create, and edit files, but I cannot move them. i.e. I select a file, ctrl x or c or right click and copy or cut, then change directory and paste it, and windows beeps at me and no pasting is done. Drag and drop doesn't work either, as it is the same concept. Now, if I move a file via command prompt as administrator, the file can be moved between directories, but frankly, I don't want to be typing out file names all of the time. My User Account is listed as Administrator when I check via control panel.

I can copy/paste text, so the clipboard is working. The read only box is checked on the folders but as I understand it, that's normal? I am listed as the owner of the files and I have "full control" over them. This problem is persistent throughout my entire computer, including all drives, and even USB flash drives. I have tried booting with the windows cd and repairing the installation.

The problem began because of me trying to tweak my computer using a tutorial. I'm guessing the cause was either disabling UAC or executing the "Net user administrator activate:yes" command in command prompt (probably the latter). I undid all changes I made to try to fix theproblem

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Cannot Copy/Move Files.

Aug 17, 2009

I have a folder with many, many files (.jpg, ..bmp, .png, etc.). I wish to copy or move the many .jpg files to another empty folder. So far I cannot do this as a batch but only individually. Is there a method for copying or moving hundreds of files to another folder in Vista?

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Cannot See Monitor, How To Move My Files?

Oct 29, 2009

My HP Windows xp can no longer be seen on any monitor. The hard drive still runs. I upgraded to a new HP Pavilion p6120t with Vista. I want to move files (pictures, documents, Quicken) from the xp to the vista. I purchased a cable and program to do so but it has to be attached to the xp but I can't do this because I can't see the screen since the old xp won't do that anymore. how to move my files? I do have many of them backed up to an external hard drive and thumb drives but the xp died before I updated them all.

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Can't Run Move Big Files Unrelated Exe

May 15, 2010

i recently downloaded a particularly large .exe (1.58 gigs) and when I go to run it, my windows explorer freezes up and I have to restart it. The same thing happens when I try to move it, so its stuck in my download folder. I then downloaded the lite installer for the game, that worked, but it has a bug, so I want to just run the big one. Does anyone know why I can't run/move big files? I downloaded another unrelated exe last night, and I still cant run or move them.

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Move Files Mistake

May 13, 2010

How do I get Vista to not move file without confirmtion??? Have moved files by mistake!

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Cannot Move Or Copy/cut And Paste Files

Aug 27, 2008

I can not move, copy and paste OR cut and past files from folder to folder anywhere (desktop -> folder on desktop, my docs -> random folder, etc).

I am the sole user of this machine and my account is in the administrators group. I have tried taking ownership of the files and folders and it still does not work.

I have searched and searched and can not find a working solution to this problem.

I an running Vista Ultimate 32 Bit SP1 and have not installed any new applications that would cause this type of issue.

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Do You Want To Move Or Copy Files From This Zone?

Apr 20, 2008

I'm experiencing a problem that I cannot solve even though some people have proposed solutions to it.
When I try to copy files from my NAS (Synology DS207+) to my hard drive over the network, this is what I have to answer to first:

I've tried all the suggested solutions by changing the intranet settings in internet options, done some registry hacks, but I can't get rid of this dialogue.

I'm running Vista Ultimate SP1 X64 and I'm beginning to believe that the issue has come after SP1.

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Move Files And Folers Option

Feb 22, 2010

I had to perform recovery on my computer and after doing so, when I right click on a file or folder the option to move or copy to is gone. I cannot move files or folders from another location. Also cannot transfer from cd or flash drive to computer.

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FTP: Access To To Move Files Back

Jan 7, 2010

I've had for the last 2-3 days: There's an FTP that I need access to to move files back and forth between co-workers. I use Windows Explorer to access this, normally with no issues.....just type in the ftp address, and there it is. Now whenever I do this, I get an error: This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel.

I went into the Set Associations control panel, but don't know what extension to change, as it's not really a "file", and there's no mention anywhere of FTP. Everyone else that uses the FTP doesn't have an issue, so it's not a problem with the ftp itself.

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Move The Temporary Internet Files Folder

May 17, 2010

By default Internet Explorer stores a user’s temporary internet files within a user profile typically located under C:Users or C:Documents and Settings. This setting can be easily be changed within Internet Explorer.

Configuring Temporary Internet Files in Internet Explorer: ....

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