Missing Regestry Keys For Cd Drives

Feb 9, 2009

I'm having a problem with HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ControlClass{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} ALL regestry keys are MISSING.
I use a R70 Samsung Laptop (which too many people handle with too much freedom...), WinVista Home Premium
Curiously enough my cd drives work (more or less) but appear as "unkown" in the task manager, and I'm unable to install the correct drivers..., iTunes, WinMedia, all sorts of programes are complaining that something is wrong with my cd drives.

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Slow Boot Up Time: Virus Scans, Defrag Hhd, Scan Regestry With REGESTRY BOOSTER 2009, Defrag Regestry

Sep 1, 2009

i am having really slow boot ups lately on my laptop. i have done things such as virus scans, defrag hhd, scan regestry with REGESTRY BOOSTER 2009, defrag regestry. i also have no start up programs in my strat up folder. Problem is that i could start from dead start to a fully loaded desktop in 98 secs....now it takes 124 secs to do the same thing. where it takes the longest is at the boot screen i just watch it load then the windows logo comes up and it smooth sailing from there. i would say it takes about 8-12 secs after the windows logo to get to desktop.

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Missing Registry Keys

Aug 11, 2009

MS tech repaired disk failure by reinstall of Ultimate. Attempted to reload HP printer but install aborted due to missing registry keys. Reload was attempted using CD and HP driver software download....same results. Missing keys depicted were: slbcsp.dll, sccbase.dll, gpkcsp.dll, Enum.

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DVD Drives Go Missing 64 Sp2

Jul 20, 2009

I have been plagued with this problem on my Desktop, wherein the DVD drives go missing at random time intervals.

1> Checked the BIOS, both drives are shown (Tried the NATIVE and LEGACY settings)
2> Checked the cables and power supply ( Have put in a new PATA IDE cable for good measure)
3> Updated to SP2 thinking it would have a fix!
Searched Google and tried these Solutions
4> Uninstalled 3rd party Dvd writing software, which i had installed after discovering this problem. (Never had installed iTunes, roxio or zune software)
5> Checked registry values at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
There were no Upper or lower Filters entries.
6> Tried the Auto Fix at "http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314060" this doesn't work as it says Computer settings already match.
7> Then tried the auto Fix it.................

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CD Drives Missing

Dec 3, 2008

I was going to remove some items to cd (burn) to get it off the disk Recovery Drive and found that my 2 CD drives are missing. I have not changed anything recently and cant seem to find a driver either. I went to hp and tried a dl there with the results being another error message. Windows Vista Home Premium 32

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Missing Folder (not Hidden) When Trying To Back Up Hard Drives

Mar 8, 2010

I'm using Vista Home Premium x64. I was attempting to back up some external drives to each other. I had previously used Robocopy on Windows XP with much success, so I thought I would do the same. I initially just manually copied and pasted an external drive designated "G:" into a folder within another external drive designated "I:" (so for example I:Backup1). The files were present and looked all good after this.

Today, I ran Robocopy to try to mirror those two, however as soon as I finished, the "Backup1" folder disappeared from "I:". The files however are present, as I can tell from the space used on "I:" and on top of that, when I try to make a new folder with the same name ("Backup1"), it won't let me, saying that a folder by that name is already present. Other folders (that do not have any data yet) are still present within "I:" The Robocopy script is basically Robocopy "G:" "I:Backup1" /MIR /XA:SH /XD AppData /XJD /R:2 /W:2 /V /ETA /Z /LOG:Backuplog.txt

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Cd Drives Missing In The "computer" Location

Jun 29, 2008

At our house we have 4 HP Compaq nx6325 laptops, they came with Win xp on them but have the windows vista capable logo on them. We have upgraded two of them with windows vista home basic which has been working fine in most cases. But their seems to be something wrong with the cd drives. Sometimes when the computers are turned on the CD drives are missing in the "computer" location and when this is the case if you put a CD in it will no work. But a quick restart and it will work fine. This is the case with the two vista laptops. The XP ones, one works perfectly and the other will only read some discs (like music CD's).

Secondly my personal vista laptops CD drive used to be fine but i was having a hard drive problem and got a new one installed vista onto it and then i had this problem.
Just to clarify my vista laptop used to work fine the other did not, i got a new hard drive installed vista again and then had the same problem as the other one.

Our computers are fully updated with all the HP vista updates and service pack 1. i have tried manually updating the CD drive drivers but could not find any either in the internet or through device manager.

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Two Hard Drives Separate, Raid Hard Drives

Feb 24, 2009

I have a Dell computer, had it about three weeks. I have two hard drives in a serial ATA Raid 0 stripe 500GB each. They are controlled by Intel matrix storage manager software. I want to have the two hard drives separate, like drive C and Drive D In the Bios I have two choices ATA or Raid, I have tried both ways to have them separate, however still can't. I have to say that I found this forum by chance, by goodness I am glad I did with drivers for my scanner and printer.

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Changes To Keyboard @ And Keys

Mar 23, 2008

I recently had to reinstall vista (too many problems to mention!) but now it has switched my @ " | keys when the shift key is pressed. I only want to return them to what they were before and have tried installing the english keyboard but that hasn't helped.

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Upgrade Vista To W7 32 Bit Have Keys

Apr 10, 2010

I purchased the keys on Ebay. Where do I go to download W7 32 bit with my keys?

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Keyboard Keys Not Doing What Their Meant To

Sep 13, 2009

I have the vista premium 64bit (only 2 days old) and the keyboard keys
have gone mental.

They replace shortcuts and after a reboot the non-working/"bad" keys change so its a different set of letters.

Sometimes F will open find computer while other times it wont,and sometimes L will lock the pc while other times it wont.

Ive unistalled,reinstalled,updated the drivers.Restored the system to two days ago.
Check all language settings.

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Stuck Arrow Keys

Aug 15, 2009

As I am working on the computer (Sony VAIO Laptop)(Windows Vista Home Edition), I hit the arrow key several times. Doesn't really matter which one, the result is the same. Just for argument sake, lets say I hit the left arrow key several times. The computer will act as if the key is stuck, and will scroll to the left. Using the up and down arrow keys, I can go up or down with out a problem. When I hit the right arrow button, I don't go to the right. The only way I can "unstick" the left arrow button is to hit again.

This issue happens with all the arrow keys, so I figure that perhaps it is a preference somewhere in Vista. I thought it might be the stickys, but I checked and they are off.

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Recover Lost Keys

Mar 26, 2008

I have moved and have lost my cd key for both Vista 32 and 64 bit. I still have the media just not the CD-Key. I was apart of the beta and was send both copies with the cdkeys. Is there a lookup tool or an email address that I can use to try and recover my two cd-keys?

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Changes To Keyboard @ And " Keys

Mar 26, 2008

I recently had to reinstall vista (too many problems to mention!) but now it has switched my @ " | keys when the shift key is pressed. I only want to return them to what they were before and have tried installing the english keyboard but that hasn't helped.

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Windows Can Not Find Keys

Apr 13, 2008

I am running windows Vista 32 bit, and everything was working great until I uninstalled Norton 360. Following uninstall, my DVD drive no longer worked (I corrected that issue) and my network no longer works. I am wired into a router, and also wireless on the same computer. Bother worked well, until the uninstall. Now, I can't even see the router, even though I'm wired to it. The wireless connection successfully connects to the router (or so it seems), but also cannot see the router.I suspect there is a registry error (or key corruption), but cannot find which keys are corrupt.Has anyone ever had this problem? Again, I corrected the DVD issue, but cannot identify the network issue.

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Script On G15 Keys For Different Options?

Oct 3, 2008

is there a way to make a script on your G15 keys for the different options on your Nano Suit? Hopefully there is or you guys can point me to the right direction. Right now, I am using the "ALT" key to open up the Suit Menu and from there, I pick my mouse to the different choices you have (Strenght, Armor, Cloak, Speed or Weapon) but, in a heated battle, I would love to use some of the other key my G15 has for a quick use of any of these choices w/o wasting valuable time. I could do with the Sci-Fi Alien part of the game or the need to hit the KPA a few times before they die, but for the most part, the game is fun and it makes for a good laugh when you try to kill a KPA from a distance with the suppressor.

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Impossible To Navigate With Keys

Jun 16, 2008

Vista has a very serious problem with object focus - makes it very difficult/ nay totally impossible to operate with a keyboard so i suspect it's lost a lot of customers for this reason alone. Live Mail also seems to have a focus issues & i'm not sure which is to blame. when you attempt to move (up/down) folders in the folder pane using keyboard - if there is news/mail download, the folder loses focus to the mail/message window - if not it takes two presses to activate the folder. again this peculiar behavior makes it impossible to navigate with keys

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Wireless Desktop F Keys Not Working

Jan 26, 2009

I have a new Wireless Desktop 600 Keyboard and when I am using my autotext in Word F3 should finish the autotext but it is not working. When I click F3 after typing the beginning text it repeats what I have typed half the time, the other half it deletes.

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STILL Unable To Delete Registry Keys.

Aug 5, 2009

i had followed this guide Unable to delete registry keys

but i still cannot delete a registry key/subfolders that i need.

i am trying to install an ESET Nod32 AV upgrade but i cannot overwrite its registry keys in the local machine i believe, therefore it doesnt install correctly.

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Cannot Read Registry Keys Activiation

Feb 6, 2009

I have a program that worked successfully for quite some time and just recently it stopped working. I tracked it down to a reading of a registry key located in HKLMSoftware where I get an error from the Win32 API `RegOpenKeyEx' which returns with a value of 2 (that is to say there is no such entries). But there is such an entry so this is very puzzling.What is happening? Why was it working before and not now? The same program works fine under another vista machine which is more or less configured the same way.Of course disabling UAC works but that's out of the question.

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Keyboard Performance: Does Not Enter All The Keys

Jul 7, 2008

I type about 40 words per minute, but when typing on my home computer it does not enter all the keys that I hit. It is no particular key but more like there is a micro-second stall in the computer somehow that prevent the keyboard stroke from being recognized. I notice it most while using internet explorer probably because that is what I use most, but have had it happen while using other programs. After typing a page or so, I look to the screen to find a dozen or so misspelled words due to this problem. I have Windows Vista as the operating system.

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Remap Windows Shortcut Keys?

Jan 7, 2009

I am wondering if there is a way to remap the Windows shortcut keys. A specific example is the [Win][E] opens Windows Explorer but I would like that key to open a different file manager. I have tried different key tweaking programs and the ones I have tried do not allow changing a combination of keys such as the Win key together with another key. I would like something that would also work in Windows XP.

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Short Cut Keys No Longer Work

Aug 16, 2008

I have a HP Pavilion TX1340 laptop running Vista Home Premium and in general it is working OK. However just recently I have found that short cuts such as ctrl/C and ctrl/V no longer work and just result in the letters "c" and "v" appearing in the text. Is this a Vista problem or a laptop problem and what is the solution?

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FN Keys Change Keyobard Back

May 25, 2008

When i am typing i have to press the fn key to get the letters to appear. how do i change the keyboard back to normal?

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Two Different Product Keys For Vista Not Activate

Mar 21, 2009

I have a computer I bought factory refurbished from a popular on-line retailer. I have a sticker on the side of the case with the product key on it. It is the official sticker with 5 groups of 5 letters and numbers. However, I ran SIW to check the numbers and they are different! What if I ever need this key? I guess the one SIW gives me is right but I don't know how to proceed. Have you heard of this? Is the one inside Windows from SIW correct? Here's what Brink posted on his tutorial. I followed these directions to check product key. It's not the product ID in control panel>system....that would be my first thought. Product Key Number I also ran this one and got the same thing as SIW gave me.

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Quick Launch Shortcut Keys

Feb 11, 2007

If you are a big Quick Launch user this is a cool tip for you. Instead of clicking on the shortcut icons, hold down the Windows key and then press the shortcut number.  This works for the first 10 shortcuts.

For example, to start the first quick launch shortcut press and hold Windows Key + 1.

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Memory, Can't Right CLick, Missing Menubar, Missing Menu Commands

Mar 23, 2008

A lot of times, I just can NOT right-click, or do many other things, etc. Like...

Can't Right CLick
Missing Menubar
Missing Menu Commands
Thing won't open
History Dropdown list in IE Messed up!

I think it's Memory/resource BUG, am I right? What's the cause? How do I fix it?

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Dell No Longer Provides Vista Product Keys?

Aug 7, 2009

So who brokered that deal? I have a Studio Laptop I was going to reinstall the OS but can't because I have to wait for the owner to get me the Dell DVDs. So how does that work? Are the days of clean installations of Windows over?

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Keyboard: Vista Shortcut Keys & Mouse

Aug 18, 2008

I'm using a Logitech MX 5500 Revolution keyboard and mouse combo. As you may or may not know, the keyboard has special vista shortcut keys, such media center, 3d flip, gadgets, photo gallery etc. Anyways, I've noticed that these shortcut keys don't work, until I open up the logitech software that configures and calibrates all the buttons on the hardware. So pretty much once I've opened up the program these keys work, but on startup and before I open up the software they dont. I've installed the drivers and I've checked my msconfig to see wether or not the service is switched off on startup, and it is on.

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How Do I Unlock Keys In Microsoft Word 2007

Apr 11, 2008

how do i unlock my keys in microsoft word 2007. i can't even use it for documents i already have in there.

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Screen Has Turned Horizonal, Sticky Keys

Dec 15, 2009

My screen has turned horizonal, how do I reverse the problem?

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