How Can Steps Make System Safe

Sep 12, 2009

What necessary steps could i take to make my system safe? like what settings could i change?

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How To Create New Operating System 3 Easy Steps

Jun 3, 2009

1 Remove some features from an existing OS
2 Add some new features
3 Get some customers

we'll start with Vista as our base (although similar principles could in theory be applied to any OS).

STEP 1. Remove some features. Right, so Vista was fat and overweight and nasty people laughed at her waddling obesely along the street. So could you perhaps slim her down, speed her up and make people generally like her? Yes, it's possible. Take out Movie Maker, Windows Calendar, Windows Photo Gallery,.. and make them separate downloads. You then have an instant performance gain (until of course they are re-added, but no need to mention that). This has another advantage of making it appear that you've spent a few years fine-tuning performance features, when really it's easily done in about half an hour.....................

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What The First Steps After Installing The OS

Aug 26, 2008

What do you do as the first steps after installing the OS? Here's my first few steps: (This is for my computer, if it was someone elses I'd likely not do much more than install all updates.) Update everything, install all drivers and antivirus. Disable windows firewall - I use a dedicated firewall, I want as much performance for my personal use as possible. Set a fixed swap file equal to the amount of RAM (currently 4GB). Disable UAC - It's MY computer, it should not annoy me. And if I get some crap, then I reinstall... Set CD drives to the last drive letters (Y: and Z: currently). It's become a habit. Install NKProds nCleaner, Auslogics disk defrag, Auslogics registry defrag - Cool stuff. Use my computer. I may have forgotten some steps here, I hope not.

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Safe Mode, Used System Restore To Fix

Mar 23, 2008

downloaded and installed vista SP 1 for vista Ultimate (64), upon restarting system, goes to system dump screen (blue screen) while loading windows. Can only start in safe mode, used system restore to fix. Tried reinstalling, same problem.

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System Boots Into Safe Mode Automatically

Sep 29, 2009

I have a laptop that I'm looking at that will automatically boot into safe mode. I've restored the system from the earliest possible restore point but that did not resolve the problem. The only clue that I can find as to the cause is the following event from the system event log. Event 7026, Service control manager eventlog provider. The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: spldr Wanarpv6. is that this is the cause of the safe mode but cannot find any solutions to the issue.

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Startup System Will Boot To Safe Mode

Mar 23, 2008

I'm getting a BSOD right when Vista gets to the login screen on startup. The system will boot to safe mode, but I have no idea how to fix it from there. This happened suddenly on a system that has been running stable for 6+ months. At first I thought that perhaps some of my RAM was bad, so I tried booting with just one stick in (I have 4x1gb), but it wouldn't boot on any of them. My other suspicion was that I had installed drivers for a new keyboard that night before (as that was the only recent change to my system configuration), so I deleted those, but that didn't help either. I'm thinking my next move is to flash my BIOS, but I'm running out of ideas......

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Installed Program System Restart To Safe Mode

Sep 26, 2009

i have installed litestep, didn't like it, so i pressed uninstall. nothin happened.i decided to reboot, did so, and when i log in, it shows My Computer in explorer! i thought it was just meant to be the desktop starting, not explorer. and there wsa also no taskbar anywhere. i pressed the windows button, nothin happening. anyway i tried safe mode, in which i noticed there was an exe file starting with the core drivers. that must be what is left of litestep.

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System Reboots Safe Mode Option Screen

Jun 21, 2008

I have done a clean install of Vista Ultimate (64), and since then, everytime I start my computer, it fails to boot correctly. It passes the BIOS page, starts the animated bar at the bottom of the page, and a few seconds later, the screen goes blank, and my VDU gives the messgae, "NO SIGNAL" After about a minute, the system reboots to the BIOS page again and continues up to the animated screen, and stops again. After it self boots for a second time, I get the SAFE MODE option screen. If I leave it on START WINDOWS NORMALLY, and leave it to complete the 30s count down, It boots again, and then completes the boot into Vista. If at the count down screen, I press enter, it goes into a boot loop that doesn't stop until I press the reset button on my box.? I have done a re-install twice and problem continues.

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Make The System Tray Smaller Than It Is?

Sep 8, 2009

Is there a way to make the system tray smaller than it is?

I unlocked it, but it will not go any smaller?

The size is a little to big??

My friends system tray on his latop is a lot smaller than mine?

we both have the same dell laptop?

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Did Not Make Any Partitions System Drive

May 14, 2009

I just got my new build up and running late last night and during Vista installation, I did not make any partitions to my main system drive. I would like to make a couple, maybe one for Windows and programs and one for dedicated swap space. My main question is do you think it would be best just to reinstall windows and do it from there? Or just as good to use Disk Management to do it?

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Top Things To Make System Faster?

Apr 23, 2009

What are the top things I can do in vista to make my computer faster. I have an AWESOME laptop and it seems pretty sluggish running Vista Business.

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System Restore Disk, Cannot Boot Into Window Or Safe Mode

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to use a system restore disk for my friend's computer that I downloaded. The computer have Vista, now I have a 32 bit and 64 bit disc. How can I find out which version of Vista I have? I cannot boot into window or safe mode ( I could figure it out from there). I also tried to check the Bios and saw nothing. The laptop only has 2 gigs of RAM I think, so I would assume 32 Bit, but I want to be sure. Also, if I used the wrong one, would it mess up the computer? or could I just redo it with the other CD?

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Boot Up In Safe Mode, Operating System Doesn't Work

Aug 12, 2009

System would only boot up in safe mode, now there is a "unmountable boot volume" 0x000000ED. I just want the pictures off that drive. how should I get them if the operating system doesn't work? Can i plug the SATA drive into my Vista machine?

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System Reboots Part 3, Choice Boot Normally Safe Mode

May 6, 2008

I've been trying for 2 days now to upgrade from Vista Business edition to SP1. The same thing keeps happening. I get through parts 1 and 2 ok, but when the system reboots for part 3, it reboots several times giving me the choice to boot normally or in safe mode, then eventually it stops rebooting and just goes blank. I can reboot successfully in safe mode but the installation of part 3 will ultimately fail (the error code points to not being able to install particular components as a result of being in safe mode) and the system has to regress to the original condition. I tried all the suggestions on the MS Vista upgrade trouble shooting site (as well as several other sites)- including checking for specific updates - none of which apply to my machine - at least that what windows update tells me when I try to install them, checked the disk for errors, and checked the memory for problems. I also turned absolutely everything no- original MS off for start up including antivirus and some other stuff that I have and the same thing keeps happening. Each pass, from upgrade install to fail, and regress back to original condition takes about 5 hours.

I'm running Vista on a quad core machine with 4G of onboard memory (even though Vista 32 can only use about 3 gigs) and a smoking video card so I doubt this is a hardware problem. This problem appears to be similar to the original 'endless reboot' problem that prompted the original halting of SP1 distribution back in the early spring - I thought that problem was fixed! I tried to get real time help from the MS site but got a message that there was a problem with the site. - Good Greif! This is probably the most frustrating MS experience of all time. With all due respect to the folks at MS, if it was your intention to have people to switch from Windows PC's to Apples or even Linux based PC's, I doubt you could have come up with a better plan. I've already switched two of my home computers to Ubutu!

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Windows Vista And Make Sure That System Boots

Apr 21, 2008

A long time ago I installed an evaluation version of Windows Vista on the second partition of my pc, next to my installation of Windows XP (dual boot partition C and L). The evaluation period has long since expired and I am no longer using Vista. However, all the files are still present on my second partition, and every time I start my pc, the boot menu will come up. What do I need to do to completely remove all the files that belong to Windows Vista and make sure that my system boots straight into Windows XP,without stopping for the boot menu?

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APIs And Kernel Features That Really Do Improve System Performance And Make It Easier

Apr 16, 2008

"I think the most disappointing thing for me is that part of me wants to like Vista, because there are a lot of interesting APIs and kernel features that really do improve system performance and make it easier to write for Windows" Many of them even work on older computers, and I doubt these features are why Vista is bloated. That is why I suggested trimming down Vista once.

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System Restore Not Working: Unable To Make A Restore Point

Apr 11, 2008

I have a recent problem installing Windows updates on Vista Ultimate as the update process stays on 'creating restore point' forever. I've let it run as long as 7 hours in this state, with no change. It looks like the system is unable to make a restore point sucessfully. I know it has worked in the past, as I'm fairly up-to-date on Windows updates. Reading some other threads, I've tried using Disk Clean-up to remove all by the most recent restore points, and then try to disable/re-enable system restore - this part without success. When I check the system properties for System Restore, the System Restore button is greyed out. I've attached a screenshot of the screen for reference. I've checked the group policies to verify the System Restore is not disabled there.

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IE8 Or IE7 How Safe It?

Mar 28, 2008

is there a way to tell if i have IE-7-or8- I was reading in a windows guide about IE7 and how safe it was ,this is a new computer (2 months old) and user I want to run it the best way--any and all infomation will be well heeded

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Cant Get Out Of Safe Mode!

Mar 23, 2008

I've tried and tried, please I hope you can help me. I have a Toshiba A215-4817 laptop with Vista Home Premium 32bit. My troubles began when my cd/dvd was not operating properly. Toshiba support said my operating system was corrupt. I didn't believe that just because the cd/dvd wasn't working properly that the os is corrupt, maybe they were right.

I have extremely important info on my hd as I do taxes for a living.

In an effort to trouble shoot the cd/dvd I booted into safe mode. No-one tole me that the administrator account is disabled by default! So now I can't get out of safe mode. I have access to only my limited user account and uac is enabled. System restore doesn't change boot options.

I can't edit registry = access denied, cmd.exe when trying to activate administrator account = system error 5.

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Safe To Install SP2

Oct 8, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 32-bit. Is it safe to install SP2 yet? I scanned the first six pages of posts, and there was no mention of SP2. So it looks as if there are no problems

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Can't Get Out Of Safe Mode

May 12, 2009

i'm on windows vista and i can't get out of safe mode does anyone know how to x

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Safe Mode

Jun 26, 2008

My son kept shutting the laptop w/o powering down and now it starts in safe mode. The first time I rebooted and this solved the problem but now that won't work. I can't get it to go back to normal. This has happened in the past but I can't remember what I did to fix it.

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Can't Get Out Of Safe Mode?

Mar 23, 2008

I had an issue with one of my games and it directed me to go into safe mode to uninstall it. Now that it's uninstalled, I can't get out of safe mode. I've been through this forum in and out. I've done nearly all the things that it has stated that come close to my issue. I'm still in here. I've been in and out for 3 hours now. I've gone through the msconfig, and told it to restart in normal mode, I'm still in safe mode. I've used the F8 button while starting it, and told it to go to safe mode, I'm still here. I've even checked to see if it was the resolution, I've set it to my default settings of 1280x720, and restart it, it's still in safe mode. I've done EVERYTHING that I can think of.

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Cannot Boot Up In Safe Mode

Apr 24, 2008

I press f5 or is it f8. but either way I get to the Safe Mood Selection screen and no matter what option I select, Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Prompts, of Safe Mood with Network support, it doesn't matter it boots normal to my user sign in screen and then it freezes.. no mouse or keyboard functions... If I run the recovery disk and tool options then mouse and keyboard work but I still cannot boot up in safe mode nor can I boot up normal.. I just need to get into safe mode and then I believe I can resolve this but since I can't get into safe mode I don't know what else to do?

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Which Svchost Are Safe To Terminate??

Feb 26, 2009

The svchost seems to be spiking my physical memory at startup to around 80%.. and it only drops to around 75% And i also know that my computer cannot run to about 93-98% on memory because i suspect Faulty ram from previous problems of mine.( I will be replacing it with 4gb in 1to 2 weeks) Also after disabling Pc tools threatfire & Pc tools firewall i seem to be getting alot of processes which are also playing with my phiscal memory %. b4 i uninstalled The pc tools programs there was only 2-3 svchosts.exe now there are about 13 of them..

Name Memory(underneath each svchost are the services)
svchost.exe 1628
DcomLaunch, PlugPlay
svchost.exe 1984
svchost.exe 3708
svchost.exe 3516

svchost.exe 40348...................

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Get Screensavers That Are Totally Safe

Jun 15, 2008

Where can I get screensavers that are totally safe and not going to bombard me with a bunch of ads and other things that I don't want. I am particularly interested in one with animals. am willing to pay if it means it is safe.

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I Cant Get Computer Out Of Safe Mode !

Nov 14, 2009

I had trend doing a new scan a more complete one while it was doing it i went in i could stop it hit cancel stop safe box and computer wouldreturn to normal I thought that was 6 hourds ago well after i deletedtrend it still in a safe mode.

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Cant Get Computer Out Of Safe Mode

Nov 14, 2009

I can say is I changed trend to do a real good cleaning of all of folders etc. When I got the safe mode I found trend was doinmg a scan so I stopped it and then it said close and stop safe mode which I did. I also deleted trend to. I m really bad I dont know what I did. I use that I had brain surgery and I m just dah sometimes.

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Installation And Run Only In Safe Mode

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new motherboard (abit nh-m2sv), X2 +3800 processor, 2 gig pc4200 memory ATI graphics, DVD RW, Maxtor SATA drive, all are suppose to be Vista ready, but vista either won't install, or installs with BSOD's then will only run in Safe Mode.

I have tried Home Basic and premium, the same issue, I install my old faitful XP and it goes straight in. I have run memtest, all fine, I have removed the gfx card, no change, I have tried an IDE hdd rather than a SATA no change.

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Not Boot Into Safe Mode Or Normally

Jan 19, 2010

Vista will not boot into Safe mode or Normally. The mouse pointer sits on the screen and can be moved but the logon screen does not appear. When I go into startup repair it says it "Could not detect a problem". I have run a chkdsk /f which ran clean. What else can I try to make the logon screen appear?

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Cannot Get Into Safe Mode Or Boot Normally

Sep 8, 2009

I?m have a troubling issue with my computer as it is stuck on a cycle boot when it passes the windows loading screen and then it simply restarts and does a POST test again. I tried pushing F8 key and selecting all the options

safe mode
safe mode with command prompt
safe mode with networking
Go to last working configuration (advanced)
Start Windows Normally ect....

but as I selected safe mode all the windows emergency drivers are loading then the screen go black and repeats the same problem above. I don?t have a cdrom neither an fdd only a usb flash drive.

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