Has Dropped Connectivity With Netgear Router

Mar 23, 2008

I recently bought an hp laptop with windows vista and the wireless netgear router 614 v8. However the connection is always dropping, and usually won't connect after coming out of sleep, it can't be a problem with the router because there are other computers not vista that have no connection problems. Do i need to change any setting on my comp? restarting the router does nothing

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Netgear Router Connection

Mar 15, 2009

I have the most basic of basic Netgear wireless routers (WGR614), yet I still can't set this dang thing up! I am trying to set up two computers that are literally side by side. I go through the set up, it acknowledges the internet connection, then it asks for the login/password for my connection. I don't have one via my provider ("Qwest) as I simply ran through their install disk and it's ready to roll, no sign in, etc.

I've read quite a bit about this, so I thought maybe it wasn't directed at my providers sign in, and instaed used the general sign in 'admin' and 'password' that work on virtually all Netgear units. No go. I also tried the login of '1234', which is used for older routers (which this is not), but that didn't work either. I am obviously using wires, as there is no need to go wireless. What am I doing wrong? All my wiring is correct.

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Netgear Router No Port Forwading

Feb 14, 2009

my netgear router dg834g will not portforward, i am new too this so its probably an easy mistake where i am going wrong.

ive tried following the insructions by finding my router on portforward.com and going through those steps, and it didnt seem too work so i started too look for more detailed guides on the internet.

i came across this Internet video Internet - port forwarding on the dg834g and did everything it said once id completed the steps i went too canyouseeme.org too test my port and it was closed.

error: i could not see your service on xx.x.xx.xx on port (43594)

reason: connection timed out that is what canyouseeme.org told me.

id also like too add i think my problem may lie with my laptop not being directly connected too the router, would this change any steps in the Internet video above?

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Netgear WGRv6 Wireless Router

Dec 2, 2008

I have had this router for some time - worked fine with Xp64 - now I've upgraded to Vista 64 Home, it will occasionally lock up. By that I mean that I can sometimes still see my local network, but I lose internect connectivity. I seems to be at random. But the impression I get is that it is something on the wireless network that is causing it as it seems to be worse if I connect my works laptop to the internet via a wireless VPN connection.

I also have a WB NAS drive connected (Soon to be ditched due to problems with it corrupting files and being extremely slow to extract data) and a Wii (Wireless). Or can any recommend a ADSL wireless router that works well with Vista? (I have to run the PC and NAS drive with static IP addresses due to the time it takes for the network to connect if I use DHCP)

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How To Connect To Wireless Via Netgear Router

Aug 3, 2009

how to get my Presario 700 Laptop connected to Wireless via my Netgear router. I recently had help from a NETGEAR agent that got me on. I thought I could remember how to get back on, but obviously I am forgetting something.

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Netgear Wireless Router : Connected With Limited Access

Mar 23, 2008

i have a netgear wireless router, one desktop pc connected to it with a Ethernet cable (still working fine) and a hp laptop running vista connected thought wireless everything was working fine until one day the wireless on the laptop just stopped working and gave the message connected with limited access i have disconnected from the network and tried to reconnect however all i get is connection unsuccessful then i go to diagnose the problem and have been given some suggestions by windows help i have checked my driver and they are all up to date i have also checked that both ipv4 and ipv6 protocols are ticked in the config for wireless networking, my adapter says working fine and i have checked that my WEP keys are still the same.

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Router,and Netgear WG111 Wireless Adapter Not Working

Aug 31, 2008

Have Netgear WGR614 v7 router,and Netgear WG111 wireless adapter. My PC is Vista 32bit, and my wifes's new one is Vista 64bit. Mine is direct and connection fine. My wife's PC connects but the connection is not steady and at times intermittent. I suspect I have purchase wrong hardware. The router was supplied by Time Warner, and their techs set it up. The have been back six times, and do not know what the answer is.

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No Connectivity When Connecting To A Wireless Router

Mar 23, 2008

I have an intermittent problem that is driving me nuts! I am using Vista Home Premium on a Dell 1501 with an internal wireless card. My router is on a pc running XP. The router is a linksys WRT55AG running 802.11g. All of my other computers have no problem connecting to the router through wireless. The vista machine goes into this fit 80% of the time where I get the infamous yellow triangle telling me I have limited or no connectivity and I can not access internet (Local only - whatever that means). I went to Microsoft help page and found out that the power saving feature messes things up and since then I am running at high power so that's not the issue. It does not matter where the computer is. Even if I am sitting right next to the router, it still does not connect to internet. 20% of the time it starts right up (like right now) and I get the little earth thing on the taskbar and I can get to the internet. Dell of couse said it is a Vista issue and I am sure Microsoft will tell me it is a Dell issue. There is nothing wrong with the wireless card and I have run all kinds of diagnostics on it and it has the latest driver.

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1394 Firewire Dropped Devices

Jun 2, 2008

Vista Ultimate - 32 bit SP1 I have a Maxtor external firewire disk drive and it worked just fine until I installed my firewire camera to capture video. When I do, I lose the maxtor drive (which holds the captured video) and have to unplug/replug the Maxtor to get the drive recognized. How can I keep both devices operational since I only need the firewire camera when I have video to capture?

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Connecting To Specific Network Dropped Off

Mar 29, 2009

I used to be able to connect to the network in my shared house with no problem via the wireless but at some point it just dropped off and was doing so intermittently, then it refused to connect point blank. The router is in the room next door to mine and the computer can see it is there with 100% 'reception' but it cannot connect to it. It works fine via the ethernet cable that I have but not wirelessly. In addition to this I can connect to an unsecured network wirelessly that occassionally becomes available which has less reception than the one I am trying to access. I don't understand why I can connect to one but not the other. I have not been able to connect wirelessly to this network for months now, and whilst the ethernet is working fine using it defies the point of having a laptop and wanting to move it around.

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Message Dropped Before Open Any Email

Apr 21, 2009

When I check windows mail Vista, the messages arrive, there is an instant of flutter and I have seen some message dropped before I can open any email. What causes this? Also, after I delete some messages it appears back in the inbox or deleted folder as "No Message" on a blank page...I then delete again to get rid of it.

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Not Working Netgear WN121T

Mar 26, 2008

So I have my desktop hooked up to the WN121T, which is a USB wireless adapter, and my relationship with the thing is love/hate. Sometimes it's fine. But a lot of the time, it just cannot find my network, despite the fact that other computers can get on the network. And I doubt it's a range thing, since when my desktop is online, the signal is pretty good. I have the latest drivers installed, and my router is a Netgear WNR834B.

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Wireless Network Connection Periodically Is Dropped

Oct 5, 2009

I have a desktop PC (running XP Pro) connected by wire to my router and it
has no problems. I also have a Dell Studio 1555 laptop (running Vista 64
Home Premium) connected to the router by wifi and it works fine most of the
time. Every once in a while, maybe every 3 or 4 days) the lapto shows that
it is disconnected from the network. When I try to reconnect it never
reconnects. The only solution I have found is to reboot and then connection
to the network always is fine.

I have a second router and tried it and have the exact same problem so it is
not the router. I have seen some items on the web which indicate that Vista
might be the problem but I have not seen any solutions.

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Internet Explorer Dropped Letters When Typing!

Jun 9, 2009

I have problem with dropped letters in IE?? When I type on IE …letters are dropped. nly in IE though..Word & Notepad is fine…..this is sooo annoying!! I can't find any resolutions. I tried disabling all the add-ons and still don't work!

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Symantec Dropped Winfax, Without Finding Anything Appealing

Feb 21, 2009

What software do folks with Vista use? I had half dozen fax programs, but none seems to work with Vista Home Premium. I just bought a Zoom modem w/fax, but the only software that came with it was trialware that costs $45 after 30 days. I know Symantec dropped Winfax, and I looked at Tiger Direct and Newegg without finding anything appealing. I searched download.com and came up with a couple of programs I'd never heard of that hadn't been downloaded much. I'd love a good simple freeware program, but if there's a good retail package that most folks are using,

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Dropped Water: Two Keyboard Keys Playing Up

May 15, 2010

I dropped a glass of water on my laptop last night.. its working ok.. but there is two keyboard keys playing up. the "b" doing another function and when pressing "r" its writing "er"

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Netgear WG311v3 Stops Working After Half

Jun 5, 2009

I have Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit and a NetGear WG311v3 wireless card installed into a PCI slot.

Whenever I start up Windows and browse the Internet, the connection seems just fine.

However, after an undetermined amount of time (or perhaps triggered by a certain amount of data I've downloaded), the connection cuts off. I then look in Device Manager and see the yellow warning symbol next to my wireless driver. When I look further, it says "This device cannot start (code 10)". Nothing I do seems to work, except restarting my computer. ANd when I do, I have to manually connect to the wireless network again.

There is no password on the router, and all the other desktops and laptops in the house connect to the router just fine without any connection problems after any amount of time or data.

I have tried re-installing the drivers (even by uninstalling, shutting down, removing hardware, booting up, installing drivers, shutting down, re-inserting hardware, booting up) but it still does the same thing.

There may be a conflict somewhere with other hardware, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it may be. I have even tried installing the Marvell chipset driver instead of the NetGear driver, but it still does the same time-out problem.

I can stay connected for hours if I don't do any heavy downloading (just surfing and reading), but once I start downloading large files, the connection drops and I have to reboot again, which is a huge pain because the files I download can be quite large and I have to start from the beginning after I reboot.

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WRT54GS Wireless Linksys Router: Reset Button On The Back Of The Wireless Router But Will This Reset My Wireless Network

Dec 11, 2009

I have forgotten the Username and Password for the Login ID... and it is not the default (Username: *blank* Password: admin). I have heard you can hold the reset button on the back of the wireless router but will this reset my wireless network? By that i mean... will i be able to connect with my laptop still through that wireless network or will i have to set it up again?

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Connectivity Frequently To Internet

Mar 23, 2010

I'm using windows vista home premium 32bit on my HP dv6226tx with latest updates installed. I'm having strange problem of connectivity frequently. After i browse for some duration or open more tabs, i dont know which reason, i can't open any website other then google,gmail.. Though i can connect and browse any site at same time on my ipodtouch. Both interner explorer as well as google chrome doesnt open any site when such happens but google,gmail works.. After i restart pc, it works again.. sometimes if i wait and dont restart, it starts working and again stops mostly.

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Limited Or No Connectivity Revisited

Sep 26, 2009

I know there are several threads like this on the vista forums, but the postmaster recommended a new thread so i am kindly obliging. I have the same ****ty problem many before me have had. One peeerty day I turned on my Vista comp, and all of a sudden my wireless connection had stopped working. Limited or no connectivity was the message I got. So I fired up my notebook, running with XP - same thing. Limited or no connectivity. Only when I did diagnose problem on my XP it did precisely that. and the problem was gone............

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Loss Of HTTP Connectivity Going Out

Apr 10, 2009

My wife's computer is running Windows Vista. The system works fine for almost all purposes. It accesses the Internet successfully through a wireless network card to our home WiFi router. The WiFi connection is fine with a high signal strength. It's connecting to an old DLink 802.11b router using WEP encryption, which is all the router supports. Periodically, on average every few days, she will lose HTTP connectivity. This happens in both IE7 and Firefox 3.08. She can still send and receive email and still use a web browser via HTTPS, but she cannot connect to ordinary web pages on port 80. The problem normally persists until she reboots, at which time connectivity is restored. Two other computers on my home network (one Linux, one XP) are unaffected. They work fine through the same wireless network while my wife's Vista computer is not connecting...............

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Limited Connectivity Or No Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 laptops that are running Vista and get this message numerious times. I also have 2 Windows XP pc's on the same network. Why do the Vista pc's keep having this issue. My Linksys wireless router is setup with no restictions so I can get this problem fixed.

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Windows 7 Slow LAN Connectivity

Jun 15, 2010

It's really annoying that when you connect two computers to a WiFi AP and try to copy files between them it takes ages to copy anything and is slow beyond any reason. Even when I connected one of them via wire it's still terribly slow and even freezes from time to time. One of the PCs is XP the other runs 7 Ultimate. I already disabled that thing that checks for connection errors or something but still no joy.

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Internet Connectivity Is Intermittent

Jul 29, 2009

I am facing a strange problem with my HP Dv6705 laptop running on Vista Professional. I have a Wi-fi router configured for internet access. Now, the internet connectivity is intermittent i.e. I am connected to the internet for about 5 seconds before it gets disconnected. I get the connectivity again after a few seconds before it gets disconnected.

Now, I started using the uTorrent application after which I got prolonged connectivity. From the past few days, whenever I need uninterrupted internet I need to turn on the uTorrent application. It is quite strange that I am the only one who needs to do this while the others in my house (who have similar laptops) do not face any problem. Is there any way to detect what exactly is happening and how I can resolve this uTorrent workaround?

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When Downloading - Limited Or No Connectivity

Jul 23, 2008

I'm on Vista Ultimate x32. I connect to my internet wirelessly using a Linksys USB adapter. When I'm downloading something my internet stops working, downloads top and it says limited or no connectivity - so I have to disconnect from the network, unplug the USB Adapter and then re-plug it in and then it connects.

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Limited Wireless Connectivity

Mar 23, 2008

My Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-U-05 (Running Vista Home premium) was working fne on a wireless network through a BT Wireless home hub. It did automatic updates and since then has connection problem reporting "limited Connectivity" what does this mean and how can I cure this problem? It seems to be the same if I connect through the Wireless or direct on the hub Lan connection.

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5.1 Surround Sound Can't Be Connectivity

Sep 14, 2008

i purchased a creative inspire t6100 this summer and i got it to work with my vista home prem x64 for a while, then this past week it just broke on me, what i mean is that i only get stereo quality sound (2 front speakers and center when voice chat is on.) my motherboard is the asus p5q-pro and i am using the onboard sound card which is the realtek hd audio soundcard on driver version.

now i went into the settings already and configured my speaker system to 5.1 surround sound (thats what i did when i bought my system first and it worked fine.) now it wont work. when i press test however, all my speakers work, so it cant be a connectivity problem. it is just when i use itunes to play music or when i play games, or Internet or whatever, i only hear the 2 front speakers, my sub and rear 2 just dont work, only gives out staticy sounds when u listen to them.

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Limited Internet Connectivity Via ICS

Mar 23, 2008

I m trying to resolve limited internet connectivity via ICS. My Vista 64bit Ultimate notebook connects directly to a wireless network, from which it gets internet connectivity. I can visit any webpage and see all network devices, so things seem to be working great on the server side.

My other computer, the ICS client, runs 32bit XP pro and is set up to connect to the internet through my notebook. Between the two PCs is a spare buffalo WHR-HP-G54. I can see all network devices, but it fails to connect to most websites. It will display Google and *some* pages from Time Warner Cable, but I cannot get to Wiki pages, my favorite forums, or download updates for anything on my desktop PC. Based on the status bar of my browser, which usually gets as far as "Transferring data from ", it seems the communication problem is limited to incoming streams........

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No Internet Connectivity On Ultimate 64 Bit

Jun 26, 2008

I have been having a problem for a couple of weeks now. Everything on my other computer was working fine, when all of a sudden, there wasn't any connectivity on my other computer. When I checked the connection status, it had the red X but gave me an Error 1068 (Dependency service or group failed to start). The strange thing is that it happened now, since before I still had that red X displayed, but I got connectivity. But now, on to the real concern.

I have tried many methods on the Internet with no success. I have gone to services and tried to start the Network Awareness Locator Service to no avail. I have run the SFC checker and if flagged on file (npmproxy.dll). When I found an "updated" version that was supposed to be fine, it did absolutely nothing. I have tried replacing that file with no avail. What is the latest version of this file and why is my connectivity not back?

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PPP Connectivity: Can't Open Page

Feb 20, 2008

I have strange problem with my PPP connection. I'm using DSL with no router. Suddenly after few hours i'm losing connectivity of both Firefox and IE, i can't open any page. But at same time my Internet connection hasn't dropped. With MS-DOS prompt i have normal ping and tracert to any public host even my 2nd PC(winXP) has internet. In order to go back to normal i have to reboot and then till next time.

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Loses Local Connectivity After Inactivity

Oct 12, 2008

I have a laptop running Vista Home Premium 32 bit. It's fairly new (~1 month) and has pretty much had this issue since day 1. If you leave the laptop idle for a "fairly long" period of time, it will lose connectivity to other machines on the local network. It will do it frequently overnight, but not always, so it's hard to pinpoint when/how long.

Here are the symptoms:

-Mapped drives still show up in explorer, but if you click on one, it hangs FOREVER. I have let it try to connect for several hours and it never gets through

-Using UNC gives the same result

-I can still ping other machines on my local network

-I can still access the internet

-Disabling/enabling the network connection does not help

-Once the issue starts, Windows explorer can not be shut down. You can task-manager-> end process all day and it will not die.

-Once the issue starts, Windows can not be shut down. It will hang on the "logging off" screen for literally hours. The only way to recover from this is to do a hard power down by holding the power button for 10 seconds or so.

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