Not Working Netgear WN121T

Mar 26, 2008

So I have my desktop hooked up to the WN121T, which is a USB wireless adapter, and my relationship with the thing is love/hate. Sometimes it's fine. But a lot of the time, it just cannot find my network, despite the fact that other computers can get on the network. And I doubt it's a range thing, since when my desktop is online, the signal is pretty good. I have the latest drivers installed, and my router is a Netgear WNR834B.

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Netgear WG311v3 Stops Working After Half

Jun 5, 2009

I have Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit and a NetGear WG311v3 wireless card installed into a PCI slot.

Whenever I start up Windows and browse the Internet, the connection seems just fine.

However, after an undetermined amount of time (or perhaps triggered by a certain amount of data I've downloaded), the connection cuts off. I then look in Device Manager and see the yellow warning symbol next to my wireless driver. When I look further, it says "This device cannot start (code 10)". Nothing I do seems to work, except restarting my computer. ANd when I do, I have to manually connect to the wireless network again.

There is no password on the router, and all the other desktops and laptops in the house connect to the router just fine without any connection problems after any amount of time or data.

I have tried re-installing the drivers (even by uninstalling, shutting down, removing hardware, booting up, installing drivers, shutting down, re-inserting hardware, booting up) but it still does the same thing.

There may be a conflict somewhere with other hardware, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it may be. I have even tried installing the Marvell chipset driver instead of the NetGear driver, but it still does the same time-out problem.

I can stay connected for hours if I don't do any heavy downloading (just surfing and reading), but once I start downloading large files, the connection drops and I have to reboot again, which is a huge pain because the files I download can be quite large and I have to start from the beginning after I reboot.

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Router,and Netgear WG111 Wireless Adapter Not Working

Aug 31, 2008

Have Netgear WGR614 v7 router,and Netgear WG111 wireless adapter. My PC is Vista 32bit, and my wifes's new one is Vista 64bit. Mine is direct and connection fine. My wife's PC connects but the connection is not steady and at times intermittent. I suspect I have purchase wrong hardware. The router was supplied by Time Warner, and their techs set it up. The have been back six times, and do not know what the answer is.

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Netgear Router Connection

Mar 15, 2009

I have the most basic of basic Netgear wireless routers (WGR614), yet I still can't set this dang thing up! I am trying to set up two computers that are literally side by side. I go through the set up, it acknowledges the internet connection, then it asks for the login/password for my connection. I don't have one via my provider ("Qwest) as I simply ran through their install disk and it's ready to roll, no sign in, etc.

I've read quite a bit about this, so I thought maybe it wasn't directed at my providers sign in, and instaed used the general sign in 'admin' and 'password' that work on virtually all Netgear units. No go. I also tried the login of '1234', which is used for older routers (which this is not), but that didn't work either. I am obviously using wires, as there is no need to go wireless. What am I doing wrong? All my wiring is correct.

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Netgear Router No Port Forwading

Feb 14, 2009

my netgear router dg834g will not portforward, i am new too this so its probably an easy mistake where i am going wrong.

ive tried following the insructions by finding my router on and going through those steps, and it didnt seem too work so i started too look for more detailed guides on the internet.

i came across this Internet video Internet - port forwarding on the dg834g and did everything it said once id completed the steps i went too too test my port and it was closed.

error: i could not see your service on xx.x.xx.xx on port (43594)

reason: connection timed out that is what told me.

id also like too add i think my problem may lie with my laptop not being directly connected too the router, would this change any steps in the Internet video above?

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Netgear WGRv6 Wireless Router

Dec 2, 2008

I have had this router for some time - worked fine with Xp64 - now I've upgraded to Vista 64 Home, it will occasionally lock up. By that I mean that I can sometimes still see my local network, but I lose internect connectivity. I seems to be at random. But the impression I get is that it is something on the wireless network that is causing it as it seems to be worse if I connect my works laptop to the internet via a wireless VPN connection.

I also have a WB NAS drive connected (Soon to be ditched due to problems with it corrupting files and being extremely slow to extract data) and a Wii (Wireless). Or can any recommend a ADSL wireless router that works well with Vista? (I have to run the PC and NAS drive with static IP addresses due to the time it takes for the network to connect if I use DHCP)

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Has Dropped Connectivity With Netgear Router

Mar 23, 2008

I recently bought an hp laptop with windows vista and the wireless netgear router 614 v8. However the connection is always dropping, and usually won't connect after coming out of sleep, it can't be a problem with the router because there are other computers not vista that have no connection problems. Do i need to change any setting on my comp? restarting the router does nothing

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How To Connect To Wireless Via Netgear Router

Aug 3, 2009

how to get my Presario 700 Laptop connected to Wireless via my Netgear router. I recently had help from a NETGEAR agent that got me on. I thought I could remember how to get back on, but obviously I am forgetting something.

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Netgear Wireless Router : Connected With Limited Access

Mar 23, 2008

i have a netgear wireless router, one desktop pc connected to it with a Ethernet cable (still working fine) and a hp laptop running vista connected thought wireless everything was working fine until one day the wireless on the laptop just stopped working and gave the message connected with limited access i have disconnected from the network and tried to reconnect however all i get is connection unsuccessful then i go to diagnose the problem and have been given some suggestions by windows help i have checked my driver and they are all up to date i have also checked that both ipv4 and ipv6 protocols are ticked in the config for wireless networking, my adapter says working fine and i have checked that my WEP keys are still the same.

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32-bit Browsers And Skype Are Not Working Online But My 64-bit Browser Working

Oct 4, 2009

WHAT COMPUTER SYSTEM AM I USING?: Windows Vista Home Premium with 64-bit Operating System. WHEN DID THINGS GO WRONG?:around the 1st October 2009. WHAT IS NOT ORKING?:my latest 32-bit version of Mozilla Firefox when connected to the internet. my latest 32-bit version of Internet Explorer when connected to the internet. my latest 32-bit version of Opera when connected to the internet. my Skype. WHAT IS WORKING?:my latest 32-bit version of Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera when viewing a web page that is on my computer (html pages which I have made for example). my 64-bit version of Internet Explorer. my internet connection. here are pictures of what happens when these applications are not working:

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Internet Not Working, Ping By DNS Is Working

Mar 23, 2008

My college aged daughter's laptop formerly worked fine but now has odd networking issues which prevent the system from browsing the internet. The system correctly obtains a DHCP address and is able to ping by name, can correctly run AIM and Microsoft Sidebar but still can not connect the IE7.0 Browser to the internet.

I have read a ton of links here within the Network and Sharing group but I haven't seen anything quite like this before. Even though the I know better, I still went through the exercise of testing for DNS issues as well as the often suggested MTU test but there weren't any issues. I have completely shut off the Microsoft Firewall to no avail. The system came with a free trial of Norton Internet Security but after it expired, I loaded a Symantec/Norton Antivirus (NAV 10.1) and did a complete virus scan which produced nothing. I also did a full spyware scan which also didn't locate any serious malware......

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Wireless Not Working. Wireless Network Detection Has Stopped Working

Apr 11, 2009

I am using a windows Vista 32 bit home premium notebook computer for which the wireless network detection has stopped working. I updated the driver for the built in wireless card with out any results. I also tried a plug in wireless card which windows detected and said was working properly and this did not work either. This leaves me to believe that something is wrong with the OS. I can get on the internet via dialup modem and also by the ethernet connection with a DSL modem. I have been to several hotspots that I know have wifi and no networks show up. All critical windows updates have been installed.

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Windows Explorer Stopped Working, Internet Explorer Stopped Working, What DOES Work?

Jul 25, 2008

Lately when I've tried looking at different folders and files on my hard drives I keep getting "Windows Explorer has stopped working and will restart." It's driving me nuts, I can barely do anything.
Also, same thing with Internet Explorer...I'm getting real sick of Vista's shoddiness..

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Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working, Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Jul 6, 2008

By now it should be obvious that, under the Vista operating system, I have Home Premium, there is a severe overall, general "has stopped working" problem.

Thus far I've experienced:
"Internet Explorer has stopped working"
"Windows Explorer has stopped working"
"Word has stopped working"
"Sherlock Holmes Nemesis (Adventure Company) has stopped working"
"Outlook has stopped working"
"Acid 4.0 (Sony) has stopped working"
"Acid 6.0 (Sony) has stopped working"
"Sound Forge (Sony) has stopped working"

Is it not obvious by now that Vista has a problem, maybe a compatability problem, with everything from Internet Explorer and Microsoft Word to third party programs which cause programs, as I mentioned, even programs made by Microsoft, to "stop working"? Is there no an overall "stopped working" patch or something that Microsoft has released by now?...............

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Programs Stopped Working :: CCC.exe Has Stopped Working

Feb 10, 2009

All of a sudden some of my programs stopped working, for example catalyst control center is supposed to start as soon as vista starts, but now it gives me an error like:

"CCC.exe has stopped working"

Same with some others...

Yes i ran AVG, i ran malware, and superantispyware, none of them finds anything.

I cant even load daemon tools now, it gives me some error: "Engine loading was failed", cant uninstall it, it gives me another error, and some of the programs like netlimiter if i start them from my objectdock dock they automaticly stop working, only when i start them from the normal .exe they dont crash.

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IE8 Not Working

Apr 29, 2009

I installed IE8 a couple of weeks ago, and it totally messed up my email. I went back to IE7. I tried it again today after getting a Windows Update labelled "Important". As it said that it was "Windows IE8 for Vista", I thought it was worth trying. Wrong! The bugs are not worked out It changed my home page to "Road Runner", despite the fact that my carrier is Verizon! I once again went back to IE7. I will not try IE8 again until I read somewhere on here that the bugs have been worked out!

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CMD Not Working

Jan 31, 2010

In CMD I would like to use the following command:


But CMD does nothing!

When I try route PRINT it does the same:

C:Windowssystem32>route PRINT


I can use ipconfig and PATH:

%SystemRoot%system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%System32Wbem;C:Program FilesATI TechnologiesATI.ACECore-Static;C:Program FilesQuickTimeQTSystem

I am the Admin and I start CMD with admin rights in Vista Home Premium.

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Cd Rom Can't Working

Jan 13, 2009

Both my cd-dvd roms(1x BD GBC-H20N SCSI and 1x DH-16W 1S SCSI) have stopped working since I installed a canon scanner with arcsoft photostudio.

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Sfc.exe Not Working

Nov 20, 2007

dont give me any cds or hardcopies or anything, and me being stupid failed to make backup disks prior to this problem. well anyways the last few weeks my computer has been running less and less stable, it was at a point where i could barely run my computer i kept getting the windows explorer has stopped working problem. after a ton of research and tweaking i was able to fix that problem but now since then my computer has been failing to load shortcuts, constantly gets random <operation name> has stopped working messages, and my firefox experience has greatly diminished.

I am almost 100% this is a system files problem, so i tried to run the sfc and it gets to 3% validation then stops and says it cannot continue, it doesnt say why it just stops. Ive run ChkDisk several times, defragged, ran registry cleaners adware and virus scanners so many times my head is going to fall off. other things that have happened include, unable to uninstall programs, World of Warcraft became corrupted, cannot use the find function in firefox (Ctrl+F: it makes firefox stop responding) other than these things vista runs efficient and well its just these errors keep popping up.

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Nothing Is Working Except IE 64

Aug 19, 2008

I've had this problem quite a few times with Vista 64 now and some of my friends did as well. IE 32bit or any other browser will not work. windows live messenger, video games etc, nothing works except for IE 64bit. restoring to the last windows update always fixed it but now Im facing a new situation. I installed a new version of Vista Ultimate x64, this time with SP1 from the start and I had this problem from the very begining so I can't really use system restore.

tried reinstalling, googled for hours, searched this forums for a few more hours and I couldn't find anything for this specific problem. tried to Reset IE, reinstall IE, /renew and /release ipconfig as admin, nothing works.

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IE Not Working

May 2, 2009

Just recently when using IE as a search engine, it takes ages for it to respond and when it eventually does load, I get this message: "Bad Gateway, The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server". Is there something wrong with IE or is it my end and how can I put this right?

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AMD Pii 940 OC Can Not Working

Jan 3, 2010

i have a computer that i put together about a year ago and it has come to the time when i need a bit more power out of this old box. the CPU is originally clocked at 3.00GHz and i have already OC'd it to 3.4 +/- 0.01GHz. so far, ive only been changing the multiplier and voltage, but its still not enough. is there anything i can do to push this machine further? all my specs should be in my signature.

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SLI Not Working

Nov 7, 2008

i upgraded to Vista a couple months ago, my SLI has not worked for 3D applications. I would try to open a game like WoW, HL2, Crysis etc.. and the game would crash telling me the display device had failed. After lots of research I decided to just wait it out for new drivers and in the meantime use only one of the cards in Non-SLI mode. I recently downloaded the 178.24 driver update for my video cards and decided to give SLI another shot hoping that they fixed the problem by now.

I can now open and play my 3D applications in SLI except for one big problem. In certain random areas of the screen there are flashing lines randomly throughout gameplay, taking up to 75% of the screen at times. The games seem to run smooth like they should with SLI on but as I said the game looks glitchy or flashy and I don't know what to do please any info possible would be a big help, I've had this 2nd 8600GT XXX in my system for over 6 months now with no way of playing my games unhindered in SLI mode!

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COD 4 PC MP Not Working

Aug 19, 2009

my COD 4 will not play multiplayer on my system it says "iw3mp.exe has stopped working" "a proglem has caused the program to stop working correctly and it will be closed" Single player works just fine, COD wow works just fine Single and MP. i have a geforce 9800gt 1gb graphics card, pentium duo core 3 ghz, and 4 gigs of ram. the game used to work before when i had a stock system. but it was CHOPPY so i upgraded. now it will not work at all in MP. I have tried enableing the DEP and it still will not work.

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Gpu Not Working

Mar 5, 2009

My card is the ati hd2600 pro and ati claim it takes the load off your cpu using hardware acceleration to force the gpu to do the work instead when watching hd content. I have some hd files & when i play them in wmp my cpu does all the work and my gpu isn't even braking a sweat. The same goes for dvd playback my gpu does very little. I've updated & installed the avivo codecs & i have the latest ccc 9.2.

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IE And FF Not Working

Apr 7, 2008

IE and FF are now no longer able to access the internet. Seamonkey, however, still works. I am running Vista Home Premium on an HP Pavillion Entertainment PC with 2GB RAM AMD Athlon 64 X2 Duo-Core Processor TK-53 1.70GHz.

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Can't Working Dvd

Feb 6, 2009

drv e: DVD/CD-RW, ... SEND TO; will copy to DOCU ... Device; Properties, "this device working properly"?

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SP1 Won't Working

May 16, 2008

After I installed Vista SP1, my internet connections disappeared, my Sidebar doesn't work right, and other problems. When I tried to uninstall SP1, It would log off, and complete(?) the first two stages of the service pack uninstall. Then the computer would reboot, complete the third and final stage...then I would get the message "Service pack did not uninstall, reverting changes" I have tried five or six times to uninstall, with the same results. I read somewhere to disable firewall and antivirius, make sure windows installer is enabled, then try it again. I don't have an internet connection anymore, so I will go one step further and uninstall my Norton Internet Security, then try these steps. Does anyone else have any suggestions, besides a drive reformat?

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IE Not Working

Jun 12, 2009

My favorites folder went missing two days ago. I see it under users but not in IE. I get an error message - Usersfavorites refers to a file that is unavailable. It could be on a hard drive on this network or on this computer. Since I see it, any pages I want to book mark now can't be done. I've tried numberous suggestions found on here but nothing has worked.

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Wmp 11 Won't Working

Jan 25, 2010

New problem , was working five weeks ago , have tried system restore (6 times!) When ripping a new CD in WMP 11 , the CD is identified as unknown album, unknown artist (have tried several new CD's ) use find album info , info is found but will not 'attach '' to the tracks (edit info will not work either), also album does not go into WMP library, but will play from the folder it is in. Even after playing is still not in library even though this option is selected in library options , and the folder the files are in shows as a monitored file.

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Ddr 2 Ram Don't Working

May 30, 2009

Does unplugging a stick of Ram from PC # 1 (I'll take it out from Slot 3, last slot from CPU), installing it on PC # 2 for testing purposes and later plugging it back to PC # 1 have any ill effects on PC 1? all things being equal of course. The AGP video card on my kids PC died, instead of wasting money on another AGP card, I'd decided to update their PC so I purchased a new board with PCIe capabilities + a new PCIe video card but I forgot to buy the Ram. Both boards (PC # 1 & 2) use DDR2 Ram. If this is possible, then, I will buy them new Ram as well but I don't want to botch my rig.

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