Internet Not Working, Ping By DNS Is Working

Mar 23, 2008

My college aged daughter's laptop formerly worked fine but now has odd networking issues which prevent the system from browsing the internet. The system correctly obtains a DHCP address and is able to ping by name, can correctly run AIM and Microsoft Sidebar but still can not connect the IE7.0 Browser to the internet.

I have read a ton of links here within the Network and Sharing group but I haven't seen anything quite like this before. Even though the I know better, I still went through the exercise of testing for DNS issues as well as the often suggested MTU test but there weren't any issues. I have completely shut off the Microsoft Firewall to no avail. The system came with a free trial of Norton Internet Security but after it expired, I loaded a Symantec/Norton Antivirus (NAV 10.1) and did a complete virus scan which produced nothing. I also did a full spyware scan which also didn't locate any serious malware......

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Ping And Traceroute Not Working

Apr 27, 2009

we are doing ping and traceroute on our application using Raw Sockets. This code supports both IPv4 and IPv6. On IPv4 environment, both ping and traceroute works fine in Vista / Non Vista (Win XP, Win 2003). But on IPv6 environment, both ping and tracroute are working fine only on Vista and not working on Windows XP or Windows 2003.

We tried with ethereal and captured all the packets that are being send during ping. It says that "checksum incorrect" in the ping request. When gone through ICMPv6 RFC, they mentioned that checksum has to be calculated along with Pseudo-header. We included pseudo-header based on the information provided on sites, that didn't worked. We tried various options on pseudo header by including and not including source address, destination address. But nothing worked.

Kindly note that ping and traceroute are working fine from command line using ping and tracert on Win XP / Win 2003 in IPv6 environment. While going through some sites and forums I came to know that IPv6 is not completely implemented on Win XP or Win Server 2003. Is it causing this problem?

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Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working: 'Internet' Icon

Apr 1, 2008

After fighting to get rid of a Trojan horse virus, I am missing the internet browser. E-mail works OK. Clicking 'Internet' icon gets me the message 'Internet Explorer has stopped working:". I tried 'restore' but it is not working either. I get the message 'an unspecified error occurred during system restore'. I scanned with AVG and the files it scanned are clean. I have a 'restore' DVD made by the computer vendor but when I stick it in the CD drive nothing happens. The computer is a 1 year old ACER with VISTA home premium preinstalled. How do I proceed from here? I have no idea what to do.

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Windows Explorer Stopped Working, Internet Explorer Stopped Working, What DOES Work?

Jul 25, 2008

Lately when I've tried looking at different folders and files on my hard drives I keep getting "Windows Explorer has stopped working and will restart." It's driving me nuts, I can barely do anything.
Also, same thing with Internet Explorer...I'm getting real sick of Vista's shoddiness..

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Ping But No Internet

Sep 23, 2009

I was using my computer fine at first but decided to restart since I've had it on for 100 hours without a real shutdown (I was using hibernate). When I rebooted I was unable to access the internet using any programs such as IE, ff, msn, etc.. but I was still able to ping Google and get a <100ms response.

What happens when I open IE for example is that it simply says that it cannot connect to the internet. When I close it I get "Internet Explorer is not responding" twice in succession. I then get a warning telling me that it was blocked by DEP. So I disabled DEP and restarted but I still had the same problem just without the DEP warning.

This is very annoying because this is on my uni laptop and I need to use these programs almost daily in and out of class, so reinstalling is a last resort option. I'm currently running a previously installed version of Ubuntu on the same machine with no problems with the internet so I can eliminate any possibilities of it being a hardware problem.

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No Internet But CAN Ping

Jan 16, 2009

I owned a Asus N50Vn-C1S with Vista Home Premium 32-bit since a month now and a week ago I've been having some weird wireless problem. Sometimes my wireless works properly when i turn on the laptop for an hour or so, after 45 minutes it start getting slower and so on till it stop working. The weird part is that i can make ping to any website so it's not a DNS issue. I have the latest Intel 5100 AGN wireless drivers and the Device Manager said that it works properly.

When this happens I've tryied to flush the DNS via Command Prompt, tryied to change ip address (i use static IP, DHCP disable), tryied to turn off and on the wireless card via switch and Fn+F2, tryied to disable and enable the wireless network connection, tryied to let Vista repair it via Diagnose and Repair connection, tryied to turn off and on my wireless router and modem and nothing works! The only thing that works is if i restart Vista (logging off doesn't fix it either, only restarting OS). Firewall Off and AVG antivirus disabled. Already tryied to change the auto tuning tcp/ip level of Vista.

I think is some Vista issues because i tryied to see if it was my wireless router by using my other laptop (with XP) and it worked just fine. When this happens i am unable to use the browser or any other internet activity like MSN, Skype or even a Weather gadget with the exception that i CAN make a ping to any websites flawlessly! I was wondering if anyone had this problem or could give me any ideas, maybe a misconfiguration (Not very good using Vista, I've only tryied what i know that works on XP). it isnt range problem because I've tryied to be as closed to the wireless router as posible. I have a DI-624 D-Link Wireless Router and it works flawlessly with every other pc's and laptops of my house.

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Internet Not Working

Jan 31, 2009

i have vista x64 home premium and a couple of days ago i noticed my internet said limited or no connectivity. So i reset the net adapter and did everything i could to repair it but still no luck. I unplugged the modem and hooked it directly up to my xbox and was able to play xbox live with full connectivity. also i can use it on my other computer with no problems.

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Internet Is Working But IE Or Firefox Is Not.

Oct 16, 2009

This is really weird, my intenet is working and i know this because i play pc games that require internet (Wow) but neither internet explorer or firefox is working. It is driving me crazy. INFO OS: Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit. I am connecting through netgear router. (although it does not matter because internet is working) I have tried system restore and re-downloading IE and firefiox. No new updates have been made that i know of.

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Internet Wireless Not Working

Jul 22, 2008

I recently had other problems with my personal notebook but now i have another issue i can't connect to the internet the diagnostics keeps telling me to reset or check and make sure everything is fine but im positive it is ; the other computer and notebook in my household has internet and is working fine.

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Internet Explorer Not Working

May 23, 2009

I've described my problem in the attachment. I rarely use Internet Explorer so can't be sure that it died with the installation of the new motherboard drivers but it seems likely. Odd, though, that I can still use IE on Win7 (I'm 'dual boot' at the moment).

I've done a Vista System Restore but to no avail. how to revive IE to Vista and cure that strange bug on the Context Menu (when right clicking on Start Menu and Desktop icons)?

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Internet Stopped Working

Aug 3, 2008

Windows computer (Vista)- I am a MAC person, so forgive me for being clueless. I originally thought her internet service was the problem, but after finding my laptop works there & after a lot of time on the phone, I think I know the problem- but no answer. Her internet stopped working a few days ago. They had lost electricity that same day, but everything else works- just not internet, so that may not be connected. When I go in to Net/connections Sharing Center & managing network connections- the only choice I am given is dial-up. LAN is not showing up. When I go to Device Manager, there is a yellow ! triangle- I tried deleting & rebooting, but still have th

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Internet Explorer Can't Working

Jan 22, 2010

when l first started l used internet explorer,then had abit of trouble so using google chrome,but sometimes when l download something it tries to go through internet explorer, says its not responding then keeps flashing on and of.Task manager says it running many times but whatever l do to turn it of more start running.The only way is to turn computer of completely.l have a dell inspiron 1525 windows vista.

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Internet Explorer Not Working (no Add Ons)

Aug 27, 2008

my internet explorer is not working right, when i press start it says internet explorer (no add ons) and i cant get my add ons back on, im new to this i know very little about my computer

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Connected To Internet But Not Working

Jan 21, 2009

I have Vista Ultimate 64, and it is showing that is connected to the internet, however it will not open webpages, do updates, etc.... It also will not let me into the router (, just says it's not connected. For what it is worth, it also will not connect when plugged directly into the modem. DHCP is on. I am on a laptop (XP) using a wireless connection through the same router now, so I know the internet is working. Yes I have read the forums to death for ideas, I am about out.

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SP2 - Internet Explorer Not Working

Jun 5, 2009

I've upgraded my Windows Vista system to SP2. And now I find that Interent Explorer won't work. In fact anything I run that has a link to the interent isn't working. My network connection is fine.

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Pop-up Box Internet Explorer Not Working

Jun 14, 2009

i keep getting a pop-up box saying that internet explorer has stopped working windows is searching for a solution,the problem is internet explorer is working fine. So i have been just canceling the box out,is there any suggestions to correct the box from popping up.

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Internet Explorer 7 Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I have vista home premium and internet explorer 7 and a Nvidia 8800 graphics card. On certain web sites The pictures appear distorted and fuzzy. But if I right click on the picture and click on "Show original image" the picture becomes clear. How can I set my computer so that the pictures will always be clear/

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Internet Explorer Do Not Working

Mar 5, 2009

I would like to know how to add a line of code to this batch file so when I click, it will open all the websites in IE with NO add-ons. (I already have the shortcut on desktop, but it only opens one page) Also, when I do click this batch file it opens 11 pages. I want to open one page and 11 tabs.

Start "" "C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe"
start iexplore
start iexplore Web Talk
start iexplore Ask The Admin
start iexplore Giveaway of the Day - free licensed software daily. Today: Zemana AntiLogger - Keep your PC free from Trojans, Bots, Viruses/Worms, Keyloggers. Zemana AntiLogger has the technology to make financial transactions very secure ...
start iexplore JPM: Summary for JP MORGAN CHASE CO - Yahoo! Finance
start iexplore Google News .......

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Usb Wireless Internet Not Working

Feb 20, 2009

computer:bought 2 weeks ago hp pavilion dv4-1220 us vista home premium x64
internet:baught 2 weeks ago alltel wireless hauwei ec168 rev a

connection drops while i am downloading files or tring to watch a video using flashplayer internet goes "dormant" sometimes if i am extremely lucky it will hold longer then other times. i have no problem surfing the net. just "buffering" videos and downloading files i.e. patching wow or watching videos on myspace,Internet, or anywhere that invovles a flashplayer. its seems to be at random.

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Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working, Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Jul 6, 2008

By now it should be obvious that, under the Vista operating system, I have Home Premium, there is a severe overall, general "has stopped working" problem.

Thus far I've experienced:
"Internet Explorer has stopped working"
"Windows Explorer has stopped working"
"Word has stopped working"
"Sherlock Holmes Nemesis (Adventure Company) has stopped working"
"Outlook has stopped working"
"Acid 4.0 (Sony) has stopped working"
"Acid 6.0 (Sony) has stopped working"
"Sound Forge (Sony) has stopped working"

Is it not obvious by now that Vista has a problem, maybe a compatability problem, with everything from Internet Explorer and Microsoft Word to third party programs which cause programs, as I mentioned, even programs made by Microsoft, to "stop working"? Is there no an overall "stopped working" patch or something that Microsoft has released by now?...............

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Internet Explorer 8 Stop Working

May 2, 2009

Every time I shut down the internet I get a message stating internet has stopped working this is very annoying. Does anyone have any idea how to correct this?

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Internet Connection Stopped Working

Feb 26, 2009

My internet connection stopped working last night. It allows me to connect to my wireless network, but not to the internet. It keeps giving me a 169... IP address. Even if I run the comm. prompt as the admin. it wont release the IP address when I type ipconfig/release. I've tried turning off and unplugging everything from the router. I have also done a sytem restore which did nothing. My ISP doesn't know what to do and Dell wants to charge me a ton of money.

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Internet Explorer Security Not Working

May 4, 2008

My computer must be infected. New Internet pages starts up continuously with advertizing and in particular urging me to download and install ???AntiSpywareSuite???. Warning windows with the text ???Windows Internet Explorer??? at the top of frame, also pop ups asking me: Do you want to install AntiSpywareSuite to scan your PC for malware now? (Recommended) I already have Microsoft malware and spyware protection running along with the latest Symantec antivirus suite. I have also run Lavasoft???s Ad Aware and removed all cookies and removed the latest programs that I have installed, but nothing has helped. I am running Vista Business.

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Internet Explorer 8 Working With Some Sites

Jun 14, 2009

My computer automatically downloaded Internet Explorer 8 last week. So far I am not impressed! I have found that it does not load some sites (eg. Facebook and sometimes Google), or takes an age for it to load them up. Sometimes when IE8 is loading up iteslf, it goes to a page saying 'Internet Connection Problem" or something in the top left corner. I wonder if there is a new download patch (is that what it is called?!) or something that can resolve this problem, or some way that I can revert to Internet Explorer 7?

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Internet Explorer Stop Working

May 19, 2008

Cannot run Internet explorer, win vista ultimate sp1, live messenger, and other programs. Most time I got windows pop up message, "windows stop working""

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Internet Explorer Stopping Working

Apr 28, 2008

I've been reading the Threads here and on other Forums with regards to the IE issue of it stopping working on Vista. I've tried all the suggestions I have found to date (including uninstalling OneNote, repairing registry issues etc etc) and I still can't get the damn thing to work. Every time it loads I get the message saying Internet Explorer has stopped working. I normally use Firefox, but have to be able to test websites in IE so must get it working.

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Internet Explorer And Windows Can't Working

Mar 23, 2008

I recently bought a new laptop with Windows Vista in it and I am a user of Myspace. I am having issues when I go to certain pages on myspace the pages are not fully loading or I can not see all of the content on the page. I have been thru this entire computer and settings and such and still can not figure out why I can not see all the content on the pages.

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Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working

Mar 23, 2008

when I click on the Internet Explorer icon it I get a window "Internet Explorer has stopped working. a problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program. now when i click with the right button of the mouse,i get a window with many options and i click on option "run as administrator",then i get a window to "allow" and then the website is open and i can start happend when i uninstall "google desktop"... what i need to do to fix this?

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Conecting To Internet Stopped Working

Mar 24, 2008

I'm having trouble connecting to the internet, i called support center for my internet connection (roadrunner) they said that the ip address i have is no good,, it was working properly then all of a sudden it just stopped working the ip address that I have is and I was told that i can't connect with that ip address, but since there is no internet connection they can't get into my system i don't really know about computers so what should i do? the netgear shows connection but the internet will not connect to the main computer (windows xp). computer that is not working has vista.

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Norton Internet 2009 Not Working

Jul 25, 2009

i have Norton INTERNET 2009 that comes with my PC but am thinking about getting Norton 360 what do you guys think about this and how do you like Norton products. if i post in the wrong forum then i am sorry it seen like i do the wrong things here some times.

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Error 1935: Internet Not Working After Install

Nov 17, 2009

Side by side error and error 1935. I just did a clean install of vista and am having issue staying connected to the internet. keeps on cutting out every few minuets

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