Frozen Arrow On Touchpad

Jan 24, 2009

I can't use my touchpad. My arrow/cursor is frozen in the middle of the screen.

1) I can still use external mouse

2) I saw in similar post somebody suggested using memory tool scan from microsoft. I did find that but when I clicked on it the owner was not microsoft but some other name. I am tired of downloding stuff on my computer and find out later that they are spyware etc..

3) I purchased Norton 360 which does not help

4) I ran system restore, did not help. First when I ran system restore it gave me error message "unspecified error during system restore" I ran it in safemode and now I could restore. Then I had to do the updates again. Rebooted toshiba laptop agai and the cursor still frozen

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Frozen On Log Off

Mar 25, 2008

how restart my laptop ? i tried to log off but it has froze on the logging off screen. have tried turning it off and on but still shows logging off.

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The Arrow In Notification Is Missing.

Apr 8, 2009

The arrow < in notification area is missing.

I go Taskbar and Start Menu Properties --> Notification Area and then i tick Hide Inactive Icons but the arrow is still missing.

Any idea please how can i fix this problem.

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Stuck Arrow Keys

Aug 15, 2009

As I am working on the computer (Sony VAIO Laptop)(Windows Vista Home Edition), I hit the arrow key several times. Doesn't really matter which one, the result is the same. Just for argument sake, lets say I hit the left arrow key several times. The computer will act as if the key is stuck, and will scroll to the left. Using the up and down arrow keys, I can go up or down with out a problem. When I hit the right arrow button, I don't go to the right. The only way I can "unstick" the left arrow button is to hit again.

This issue happens with all the arrow keys, so I figure that perhaps it is a preference somewhere in Vista. I thought it might be the stickys, but I checked and they are off.

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Missing Arrow Next To Lock

Jun 5, 2008

Somehow I don't know what I did but now I'm missing this: Click the arrow next to the Lock button to access the Shut Down option When I want to choose how to shut down the computer, this arrow is gone. how to get the arrow back

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Arrow Next To The Lock Button

Nov 17, 2008

I have a problem with the arrow next to the lock button. Half of it is missing. The only thing i have found was a reg hack to remove the lock button to allow more room for the arrow. The reg change did not work and messed up my mouse and keyboard along with no sound from media player. A system restore fixed everything. Has anyone had this problem with the arrow? See attachment.

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Arrow Key Function In Folders

Jul 23, 2009

I am so annoyed at the current way left/right arrow keys work in folders. When I have one open and want to browse through it moving from file to file using the left arrow, I have to press the down arrow at each row end instead of the left arrow just moving to the next line. Is there anything I can do to change that?

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How To Turn The Touchpad Off

Mar 31, 2009

I have a dell inspiron 1525 and I have no idea how to turn the touchpad on it off

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Frozen Desktop

Sep 24, 2009

Looked on this site yesterday as I had frozen icons on my desktop, very helpful advice to go to taskmanager and end process. Since then I have not been able to send and recieve emails, does anyone know if this is something to do with the frozen icon situation?

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Different Warcraft 3 Frozen

Feb 14, 2009

after installing my Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne on my Windows 7 beta, 7000build. I can run War3.exe after the installation. When I restarted my computer, the problem starts here. very time I open my War3, It minimizes on my task bar. When I click it again, it maximizes for around 1 second then minimizes again. I know its running fine because I can hear the sounds of the program and I can see the menu for 1 second. I search the internet for similar problem but it looks like I'm the only one having this kind of problem. I tried Updating my Video Card driver, I think I have the latest. Reinstalling my War3, it works. But, whenever I restart my computer, the problem appear again. I need to shutdown my computer.

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Install To Be Frozen

Oct 3, 2009

I am trying to install Microsoft's Screen Recorder on Vista Home Premium with SP1 & 2 and this is my second try. I created a new folder on my desktop and labeled it Screen Recorder download. I downloaded the UtilityOnlineMarch092009 03.exe file to my desktop. I clicked on it and selected to save it to this new folder I created.

There are 3 files: Screen Recorder, setup and WMEncoder. It is my understanding the encoder has to be installed first so I clicked on that. The install box opens and seems to run right along. The fills with green as it installs and according to that the install should be done and I should click Next. But above it says "Installing Windows Media runtime files ..." and there it sit frozen. It's been that way now for 20 minutes.

If I go to C/Program Files there is a folder called Windows Media Components and within that a file called Encoder and it is full of files. I have attached screen shots of the encoder downloade box that is frozen and of the files appearing in my C drive in that encoder folder.

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Arrow And Black Screen During Boot

Jun 8, 2008

When I try to boot my Vista laptop, it boots fine until after the green scrolling bar completes. Then, it goes to a black screen, then a darker shade, then a lighter shade of black. Then, an arrow appears. Nothing happens afterward. The screensaver will come on after a while. System restore doesn't fix it. What could I do or what could be the cause?

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Change The Arrow Work X86 And X64 Builds

Jan 2, 2008

As many of you have noticed, microsoft has bigger icons in Vista, but they also made the shortcut arrows bigger. This is a little tool that I found that is easy to use and works with both x86 and x64 builds.

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Synaptics Touchpad Drive

Jan 24, 2009

Does anybody have a tip where I can find free Synaptics Touchpad Drive downloads. I have 7.0 and overnight it froze on me. I have only recently bought my laptop and it came with Vista which I have been hating and now this latest problem occured.

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Turn Off Touchpad Mouse?

Sep 22, 2009

Can anyone help me turn it off? Or, at least the function that simply reads me tapping it accidentally as a request to move the mouse? When I type - it's annoying.

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Pressing Fn + F9 Did Not Re-enable The Touchpad

May 4, 2008

I have a Toshiba Satellite A100-033 running Vista Home Basic. I mostly use the laptop as a desk top replacement and, as I dislike using the touchpad, I disabled it, and instead I use an external mouse via one of the USB ports. On my laptop the standard way to disable the touchpad is by simultaneously pressing the Fn key and the F9 key. However, to be honest, I am not sure whether I did in fact disable the touchpad by this means, or whether I used some other means (if it was by some other means then I have forgotten what this was). Recently I wished to re-enable the touchpad so that I could use the laptop outside the house without having to take my external mouse with me as well. However, I found that pressing Fn + F9 did not re-enable the touchpad and I now can't use the touchpad at all.

If I go into mouse properties (in control panel), this tells me that my synaptics pointing device is enabled. If I go into device manager and look at "mice", I am told that my touchpad is working properly. All this makes me suspect that the problem is not a hardware fault but that I have altered some setting, with the result that my touchpad is permanently disabled until I change the setting back to its original state.

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Frozen Start Bar Button

Mar 26, 2008

Every now and again, a strange thing happenes to my start bar. It completely freezes, and I can't click anything on there apart from the start button. I can't select any tabs, or use the system tray. If that doesn't happen, sometimes the Start button decides to freeze instead. Basically it goes dark (like it does when it has been pressed) and then it stays like that and it won't let me open it.

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Keyboard And Touchpad Do Not Work

Feb 4, 2010

I deleted both the upper and lower filters, the restarted my computer. The drive worked like new, except my keyboard and touchpad and volume keys wouldn't. My external mouse works, and i can "type" using an on-screen keyboard, which is unacceptable. And, for whatever reason, my internet doesn't work. I double click on the icons and nothing happens, though at the status bar below it says i have a signal.

I called up Geek Squad which I should have done first, and the guy there said that I'd deleted the keyboard's 'keys' which I'm assuming is some sort of programming from the register. He said that I could either re-install windows or look online for the correct keys and reinstall them, which sounds WAY easier than reinstalling windows. I have no idea how to do that, and don't want to screw up my computer any more than it already is.

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Touchpad Can't Do A Mouse Click

Jul 8, 2009

i have an HP Notebook with a Vista Home Premium 32bit OS. I can't do a mouse click, directly on the touchpad. The Synaptics Touchpad V6.5 is installed. II tried to download a newer version of the synaptics, but the system told me that the installed version is newer.

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Touchpad Not Working, Usb Mouse Does

Dec 29, 2008

Not really sure what genre this problem should be on. However i have recently purchased a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Li2727 notebook. Working fine when i got it but i decided to use a usb mouse instead of touchpad now the touchpad has stopped working entirely even when usb mouse id plugged out. i really want to resolve the problem. i have already gone onto control panal, mouse but the touchpad does not come up as a device.

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Blank Screen With White Arrow Curser

Sep 14, 2009

when I try to start up my computer (hp - with vista), it goes straight to a black screen with a white arrow curser (which I can move around). The screen saver will come on after a few minutes, but when I touch a key, I get back to the same blank screen. Alt-Ctrl-Del does nothing. I have tried rebooting in safe mode, and I still end up with the blank screen. I do not have have the Windows CD (pre-installed when I bought it), and my CD drive is not working anyways (been broken for a few weeks).

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Start Menu Function Buttons: Have The Arrow?

Mar 26, 2008

I don't have an arrow to the right of the padlock - the one that calls up the pop up menu for shutting down, restarting, etc. It was never there from the time I got the computer (installed at the HP factory). I can still access the menu if I carefully click on the border after the padlock, but shouldn't I have the arrow?

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Disable Alps Touchpad In Vista X64

Mar 25, 2009

i don't find this on the i'net after a month on google so i'll post here. it seems the alps drivers do not fully support v.x64. doesn't have the disable button anywhere. today vaio help (tier 3, supposedly) finally told me the above which i told there tier 2 a week ago, i guess he didn't read the notes. said i would have to live with it. they wouldn't help w/ registry hack. probably means they didn't know it. bad, bad, bad sony. anyway, to the chase. i saw where linux people could use synaptics drivers. tried the same trick w/ v.x64. there was the button under start>control panel>mousec>device settings>disable. those penguins aren't so bad. i have a severe neurological disease and that touchpad rendered a $1200.00 computer unuseable. sony's response was "live with it." to quote my favorite tech authorities, the three stooges, "chowderheads." let me reiterate "bad sony, bad sony." Drivers | Synaptics v.10.1.8 worked for me on win vista home premium x4, sp1/vaio vgn-fw170j.

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Frozen, LOCKED UP Randomly The Computer

Sep 3, 2008

I recently built a computer with Vista Ultimate 64bit. I absolutley love it and have only had two problems. LOCKED UP Randomly the computer will just lock up. No graphical glitching, no errors, no nothing. In fact if you just came in the room and looked at the screen everything would appear normal. This happens when doing any manner of things. It has happened when playing games, surfing the net, working on a document or even when the computer is left on overnight.

Its very sporatic too. I have gone a whole week without it happening with turning the computer on and off. I have also had it happen a few times within a few hours. Sometimes I can leave the computer on for a few days and it wont happen, sometimes it will happen right after I have signed in..............

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Different Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne In Windows 7

Feb 14, 2009

the problem is, after installing my Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne on my Windows 7 beta, 7000build. I can run War3.exe after the installation. When I restarted my computer, the problem starts here. Every time I open my War3, It minimizes on my task bar. When I click it again, it maximizes for around 1 second then minimizes again. I know its running fine because I can hear the sounds of the program and I can see the menu for 1 second.

I'm wondering if this is fixable. I search the internet for similar problem but it looks like I'm the only one having this kind of problem. I tried Updating my Video Card driver, I think I have the latest.

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How To Use Touchpad To Enter Chinese Characters?

May 11, 2008

I am using vista home premium on a laptop with a touchpad. I am trying to find a way to use the touchpad to enter chinese characters. how to set this up. I have essentially zero knowledge in all this - how to use the keyboard to enter chinese

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How To Disable ALPS Touchpad On New PC, Old Methods Done

Jun 1, 2008

I have an new Acer Laptop with Vista Home premium. It has an ALPS touchpad. I want to disable the touchpad (and enable it w/ USB mouse on rare occasions where I might use the touchpad). I went to the control panel and mouse properties and there is no way to disable it there. I also went to the device driver area and the disable device was greyed out. How do I disable this touchpad?

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Battlefield 2142: Desktop Frozen

Sep 15, 2009

I just recently bought the game and installed it, when I went to go run it my entire computer locks up and has to be hard booted. Looking on forums I ran it as administrator and also in Windows XP SP2 compatibly mode. Unfortunately, this did not solve the problem and my computer still locks up and requires a hard boot. I do not even get into the game before this happens. The screen stays at the desktop frozen. Another program I have also mimics this, Autodesk Inventor. Not sure if they are related but my teacher said that Vista 64bit seems to always be the problem. I would like to get both of these programs running, especially Battlefield 2142, but my computer seems to be fighting me. Many other games work, it is the deluxe edition, patched till 1.50.

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Synaptics Touchpad V 6.2 Quit Working

Apr 23, 2008

I have an Acer Aspire 5100. Mostly it works good with Vista Home Premium w/updates except the new SP1. Sometime ago the touchpad quit working and I just lived with it until today when I had a little time to investigate. In Device Manager it says the device is working properly. It also say its a touchpad on PS/2 port using IRQ12. I downloaded the latest driver suite from (5.2MB for the Vista 32 bit version) and ran it after disabling the device, enabling the device, uninstalling the current driver, restarting and having Vista reinstall the old drivers with no luck.

However, after running the new driver suite (an .exe file) and restarting Vista, the device showed disabled. When I enabled it - the touchpad worked momentarily (about 5 or 6 seconds). Every time I disable or enable it, it responds and works for about 5 or six seconds and then quits. No option to change the port or IRQ setting as they are 'grayed out'.

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Can Not Browse : Jump Two Or Three Pages Every Click On The Back Arrow

Jun 30, 2008

i really don't know if it is from my Vista or IE7!! when i browse and try to go back one page my browser always jump two or three pages every click on the back arrow?? i tried many things and searched in MS and IE pages and did't find an answer!

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Downloaded A NVIDIA Update And Frozen Mouse

Nov 16, 2007

My system is now "frozen". On the screen is my two ientities. The mouse pointer is located midway between them and WILL NOT move. I downloaded a NVIDIA update last nigth that may be the culprit, but I cannot do anything because the computer is frozen. There is a round blue icon lower left of the screen the looks like a blue clock. I am not sure it was there before. The mouse is not wireless, teh light is on in the mouse, it is just as if the buttons do not work.

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