File Server Hang Network

Aug 21, 2008

The problem is this: the file server will randomly seem to crash (hang) the network when the other machines are accessing it. This is more noticable with the XP machines, where the hang will cause explorer to crash, whereas the Vista machines accessing it will simply not connect. Occasionally the file server appears to reconnect after an hour or so, but mostly it will require a restart to get it back on the network and functioning correctly. I have had a look around at various forums, including this one, but have not seen this exact problem. I have tried solutions for other related problems, such as disabling IPv6, but this does still not seem to have solved the problem. Any ideas would be most welcome - obviously having to restart all the machines in the office a couple of times a day can be a bit of a pain!

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Sharing: Unless Go Into The Network And Actively Log Into The File Server?

Mar 23, 2008

I recently upgraded a few of my systems to various versions of windows vista and I have run into an issue that is a bit hindering with regards to my media center. I upgraded my file server to Vista Ultimate and I upgraded my HTPC to Vista Home Premium. I'd like to add the media file folders from the file server to the video list on my htpc, the problem is, after i have added the folders to be watched on the file server they do not show up in the list after a reboot; unless i go into the network and actively log into the file server.

There is no password required, so all i need to do is to type anything in the username field and hit enter, then go back and refresh the videos list and the folders appear. The problem with this is each time i power on the htpc i need the mouse and keyboard which clutter up the living room. Id much rather have them both unplugged 99% of the time and as it stands now, this network login is the only thing i have used them for since i completed the configuration. It alsomakes it a bit confusing for my girlfriend (to the point where she just wont bother using it unless im home)

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Analyze CBS Log, Wireless Network Manager Hang

Sep 5, 2009

I am just recovering from several viruses that were found by ad-aware, avg and spy doctor. I took evasive action and tried to clean things up but it kept coming back. Luckily I have Fedora on my machine as well and I swicthed over and used clamav and fpscan (i think) to sort things out. I think everything is complelty fine now since no more messages from any of my windows software telling me my machine is infected.

However, I think I have deleted core files that Vista needs. I have noticed it takes a long time to turn my machine off. I have to hit the power button to turn it off! Also when I open up my wireless network manager it hangs and doesn't even come up. I am able to use the office suite and all my browsers.

Long story short, someone told me to scan my vista machine using vista utility and I have a CBS log which is telling me that some things are corrupt. I need help deciphering it. It is 33MB - wtf? I just had a look. I have no run a Code: findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%logscbscbs.log >sfcdetails.txt Not sure what this does to be honest.

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File Sharing/network Discovery On, Private Network, Password Protection Disabled

May 6, 2008

I have Vista x64 and I have read threads on this for weeks and can't fix it. I have file sharing/network discovery on, private network, password protection disabled, my shares set to everyone and everyone is on the same workgroup. My problem is that the x64 Vista computer will not see any of the XP (x86 or x64) computers and they can't see it from the Network Neighbourhood. However, if I type the IP address of the XP computers I
can access them. On the XP computers if I type the IP address I get an error that it isn't accessable and I might not have permission. However, if I type \ or any of the other share names I access it just fine. pinging works too by IP but not by name. If I boot into the x86 install of have of Vista I can access XP computers from Vista and the Vista from XP by name and everything without typing any user names. The only differince between the two aside from x64 and x86 is that x86 isn't patched past SP1 as I don't use it often. Lastly after installing that XP patch I can see the x86 XP computers by name from the network map feature on Vista, still can't access them by name though...

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Looking For A NewsGroup Server In The AT&T Network

Mar 25, 2008

Anyone knows the name of a NewsGroup Server (NNTP) in the AT&T network?

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Network Connection To The Server Failed

May 21, 2008

I'm connected to a public network at a hospital where my husband is, and I can't send emails. I get these messages: The connection to the server has failed.

Subject 'Re: Tennis', Account: 'gccn', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E AND Account: 'gccn', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR authorization not enabled', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18

I know it has something to do with authentification or authorization and have tried lots of different settings, but I can't seem to fix it.

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Server Network Printer Not Working

Apr 26, 2008

I have a All in one printer connected to a pc with USB plug.. I want to connect another computer for use with this All In One. And still be able to use it WITH ALL it features. regardless of witch computer I was on , while trying to print. would a print servers do the trick or get a ubs hub (pluged into the wall for power) be sufficient..

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Imap Could Not Sent To Server Non-network Error

Apr 6, 2008

When attempting to download my folders from I get the following message: Your imap command could not be sent to server due to non-network errors. This could for example indicate a lack of memory on your system. What, if anything, can I do? I really would like to get this Windows Mail working

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Network Connectivity Name Server Access

Mar 23, 2008

We have a Dell with Vista running on it. we connected it to the university network and are not able to get any browser to find any web site. I open a command line and do a ping both with ip address numbers and via name and ping works fine so there is network connectivity and name server access. I can't find any answer to why the browser will not work. I have tried the microsoft browser and mozilla neither will work. Does any one have any ideas? I am a nubie to Vista. but pretty well versed in 2000 and XP.

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IMAP Command Not Sent To The Server Due To Non-network Errors

Jun 24, 2008

I get this error...Your IMAP command could not be sent to the server due to non-network errors. This could for example indicate a lack of memory on your system. How do I find out if it is a lack of memory issue? How do I resolve this?

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XP Network - Couldnt Map The Shared Documents Folder On Server

Jun 6, 2008

I have a problem trying to Map an XP drive on my Vista Home Basic Laptop that is proving a nightmare: We have several computers on our netwrok, including the XP server itself where we have our shared documents. (place where all shared files go that we want other users to see) I have mapped the same shared docs folder accross all of out XP machines. Plugged my Vista Home Basic Laptop into our network, couldnt map the shared docs folder on my server. After reading many how to's, i followed this guide: Microsoft Corporation I have downloaded and installed the LLTD responder on the server with XP All computers were restarted, now when looking on the laptops "Veiw full map" I can see FILE_STORAGE (our server) but the guide above says right click on the computer running XP, however when I do this nothing happens, it is a solid icon and clicking it does nothing.

All computers including the laptop are on the same workgroup The laptop has appeared when looking on the XP machine under viewing the network I have opened ports UDP: 137, 138, 1900 and TCP 21, 139, 445 2869 We have AVG Antivirus and Firewall on all machines including the laptop. AVG does not allow you to open ports, so the above ports were opened on my router. When I plugged the laptop into the network AVG asked me to select a profile, I selected ALLOW ALL for the time being as "Computer In Domain" was not there to select. The vista laptop has Network Disc. ON, File Sharing ON, Public Folder Sharing ON and Printer Sharing ON One thing I couldnt get my head round was the differance between Workgroup and Network. The workgroup is the same on all computers, but I wasnt aware that I had ever given a "Network" name on any of the XP machine. Vista did ask for a "Network" name. For safety i put the same name as is in the workgroup. Anyone any ideas, im desperate?

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TFTP Server Manager Can Not Local Network Interfaces

Apr 13, 2009

I'm trying to start a local tftp server session using SolarWinds or WinAgents TFTP Server Manger. However I keep getting the following messages: "WinAgents TFTP Server can not bind to UDP port 69 on one of local network interfaces. Probably, the port is used by other application. Please stop other software running on UDP port 69 and restart WinAgenst TFTP Server" or "SolarWinds UPD port 69 is currently used by another process: TftpService" When I tried to identify the program using UDP port 69 using the netstat -anb command I can't find anything that indicates that this port is in use. Has anybody encountered this problem I neee to use TFTP to copy an IOS from my laptop to a Cisco 2600 router.

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How To Connect Windows Mail To Exchange Server In Network

Apr 18, 2008

How do I connect my Vista Windows mail client to a mailbox on my SBS 2003 server? Exchange used to be an account type in Outlook Express, but appears not to be in Win Mail. But the Exchange server provides a POP3 mailbox to clients, I have an extra available, it would be nice if I could use it. The only reason that I would like to is because the Brother scanner application brings up Win Mail when it scans to email, even though I have set Outlook to be the default program for the .msg file type. If you know how to disable Win Mail, and let Outlook take the call, that
would work as well as connecting it to Exchange.

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Couldnt Take File From Server

Mar 27, 2008

i have new laptop with vista as OS,i have trouble with setting for office network.In my office we use cable LAN through to the server and via server we connected to internet.Basicly when i connect LAN Cable to my new laptop,i can directly use internet, but when i want to explore my network place,there is no other computer that i can see in my network,just my computer. Before when i used windows xp,i can take file from server but now with vista i couldnt take file from server because in the network explore there is no other computer that i can explore.

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Copy A File From The Windows 2003 Server To The Vista Machines

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Windows 2003 R2 x64 (all current SPs and updates installed) and 3 Windows Vista machines (also al X64 versions). When trying to copy a (large - maybe 50MB +) file from the Windows 2003 Server to the Vista Machines (the Server Shared folder is mapped to a drive in Vista) - I will get an error like "There is a problem access I:igfile.txt - make sure you are connected to the Network and try again" Once in a while I will see "Error 0x8007003A" I can copy those files just fine from Windows 2003 to another Windows 2003 machine or Windows XP machines...

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Slow Network File Copy

Nov 24, 2007

Just wanted to know if anyone else is having this trouble. I have a NDAS network media player, my speed sending files to the drive are 4.1 mb/sec. Copying files from the drive to the computer is 10.1 mb/sec. I have tried every patch or fix I can find. Nothing works.

Vista ultimate 32
Belkin N1 router
Asus P5N-E SLT

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Cannot Backup Pst File Over Home Network

Jun 13, 2008

New Dell PC Running Vista, Office 2007 & Nornton Internet Security ......Am trying to backup Outlook 2007 pst file from one computer to another on our network. I can copy and paste any other file from the originating computer to the destination folder without a problem. (Sharing is enabled.)But I cannot use the Outlook backup procedure, nor can I simply copy the pst file and paste it to the destination folder over the network.

When I attempt a backup or a copy/paste (with Outlook closed) I get the same reaction. The "wheels turn" for about 60seconds then an error message pops up saying "There is a problem accessing [path and pst file name]". I checked Task Manager and verified Outlook.exe is not open. Some how it is glued in place. But I can copy/paste it to a folder on the same machine. I just can't move it over the network. I posted a description of this issue on the Outlook forum but no one has come up with a solution.

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E-mail Set Up: "Your IMAP Command Could Not Be Sent To The Server Due To Non-network Errors."

Feb 12, 2009

I am tying to set up Microsoft 2007 e-mail for my e-mail account but am receiving the error message "Your IMAP command could not be sent to the server due to non-network errors." It states as a suggestion that this could be due to lack of memory space however this is a new PC with nothing but office and norton anti-virus installed so this is a doubful reason.

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Network File Copy Progress Indication

Mar 10, 2009

I have an odd situation on network copying from my Vista X64 Ultimate PC to a Windows XP Pro PC. I suspect it is something I have altered in the settings / registry whilst I was trying to overcome network copy problems. I am using Directory Opus 9.1 as my file explorer but I don't think this is the problem.

When I copy a large file (say 1.0GB) then the copy progress bar quickly goes to 100% and then remains at 100% for a period of time before completing. If I look in the Performance tab of the Task Manager I can see memory use quickly increase by 1.0GB and then slowly start to reduce. The peak is achieved at about the same same as the 100% is shown and the progress bar remains stuck at 100% whilst the memory reduces (presumably as the file is copied over the network).

I suspect I must have set a cache figure at 1.0GB because if I copy a larger file then the memory increases and then flat lines for a period and then start reducing. In this case the progress bar will speed up to say 60% and then track slowly to 100% and then get stuck whilst the memory reduces. I am up-to-date will all MS Updates

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Mid-file Transfer Network Connection Freezing

Apr 3, 2009

I have a problem when transferring files across my LAN. I have a Windows Vista Premium 32-bit PC connected to a D-Link DIR-655 router. The router then connects to my ISP. I also have a network storage device (Drobo with Droboshare).I am attempting to transfer files too and from my PC to the Drobo. At times the PC network connection is freezing, usually mid-file transfer. I can reproduce this also when transferring files to another PC. It can be triggered either when sending a large file (2gb) or when sending many small to medium size files (i.e. a photo collection).

The network interface on the PC shows as 'Local only'. In the IP settings it still shows that it is assigned an IP from the router. If I try to repair the connection it fails. I cannot disable the connection. I cannot ping any other PC or network device, nor ping or connect to the router. I have to reboot the PC at which point it works as normal. If I test using my laptop (Windows XP) when this issue occurs it can connect to other PC's, the network devices and the internet perfectly. The router shows no errors in it's log, from the router point of view the connection is available. Any advice on how to fix this or even how to progress on diagnosing it? This is so frustrating as I bought a network storage device and right now it is useless and I cannot transfer files to/from it successfully.

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File Copy, Move Between HDD, And Network Machine

Mar 23, 2009

I do alot of file copy and move between HDD and external and network machine. Everytime I want to paste a file, I have to drag the name column in explorer left to give room on right then move the last column left also to touch screen and paste. On XP I can touch anywhere. I can save layout and selected views of folder but not the thickness of the columns.

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64x Wired Network Dropping Off On Large No Of File Transfer.

Feb 18, 2009

I have a Vista 64x workstation since Nov 08 which has been fine until recently. It has started having network problems when accessing large numbers of files from remote locations. I have a readyNAS network storage device with a number of shares which are mounted as network drives on the PC, wired ethernet. Vista is set up as a private network and set to trust the LAN. The readynas is flawless when accessed from other XP and Vista machines on the LAN.

Recent example, tried loading on photos from a camera, approx 700 files. Went fast at first, but over 300 files, copying would slow to a crawl - 16Kb. While this is happening, other LAN access and internet access becomes intermittent. If I use picasa, which accesses all photos on the remote drive, it'll work for a while but then crawl, only in this case the whole machine slows down. I've tried disabling auto-tuning but that made no difference.

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Setup File Share Between WinXP Home Network

Mar 28, 2010

It has been years, we have been transferring files between our home PCs and Laptops in our home network. But as we updated our Laptop with Vista SP1 & SP2, the network has become a one way only. We can transfer files to the rest of the network PCs, but the Vista Laptop does not let us in. We do see it listed in our network.

We had to re-format the laptop drive and as we loaded the Vista back again, we were able to transfer files two way, but as the SP1 and SP2 update was loaded, file transfer has become one way only. Did go through the setup on the Laptop drive as we did before. What are we missing in SP1 & SP2 updates?

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Vista Setup Network Share File Folder

Jun 2, 2008

I am trying to help someone running Vista Home Premium setup his network to share files and folders with his XP Home laptop. Oddly enough, there are no share options AT ALL. No share buttons or no share options in the context menus -- NOTHING. We've named the network and simply went out to share a printer (which we have the option to share) but it turns itself off. Same in Network and Sharing Center. We turn the options ON and then turn themselves OFF. We've done all the rebooting, etc. and still no go. I have gone through all the disabling of the UAC and ownership and permissions, et. al. but, can't get anywhere without the SHARE OPTION being available. Is his install of Windows Vista Home Premium broken or needing to be reinstalled? Could that be the problem? Could it have been setup improperly? I have successfully done this before on my Vista Business computer and my XP Pro laptop and although i did have a few 'permission' problems, they were at least workable.

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Network Printer Hosted Server Default Printer

Jun 17, 2008

I cannot set the default printer in Vista Business with SP1. I am connected to a domain trying to set a network printer hosted from a server as the default printer. I have seen a dozen or more questions similiar to this in this group as well as on other forums and found no answer. I see a MS-MVP come on and tell people to remove local printers such as the XPS and adobe printers. This is a ridiculous solution. Sure it may allow you to connect to a network printer but you have removed printers that you are going to need to use again. Unacceptable.

So far the only other solution that does not include deleting all the local printers off of the machine is to make sure you have write permissions to the default printer registry key. I have checked this and I do have write permissions(Full Control). SO WHAT NEXT? IS MICROSOFT EVER GOING TO COME OUT WITH ANOTHER FIX FOR THIS?

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Hang- And Hang And Hang

Jun 22, 2009

A mate presented me with his Vista laptop, running home premium. It was stuck in the installing stage 3 of 3 loop.Under no circumstances was I to kill vista and start again. He had lost the copies of some of the programs. I used the recovery console to rename the pending.xml file.The machine rebooted correctly.I decided to run the windows update and it hung.I forced a reboot and ran sfc, it reported that there are 3 errors that it can not resolve- this seems to be common!I installed malware bytes and told it to run, after 10 mins it hung again.I told avast to scan at start up, went to bed and woke up in the morning to find the laptop hanging on the frozen login page- I am assuming that avast found nothing as it is set to prompt for action by default.I decided to try disk clean up and discovered that Vista falsely claims that the event logs are 99.1 gb!I told it to delete virtually everything but again it hangs.

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NVstor32 Causes Hang

May 31, 2009

The following is a consistent warning that when this event happens it causes a hang in the os. Was wondering if anyone knows where I can find a driver that can take the place of the nvidia nforce sata control driver as the issue is caused by this driver....

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Freeze/Hang Up On Welcome -

Jan 15, 2009

I'm new here and could use some help, if everyone is willing to help me. Also sorry if someone had already did post on this issue, i've tried searching the forums and couldn't find anythign so i thought i would try making a post.

I had recently bought a new computer that had came with Windows Vista Home Premium installed on it. I have the computer for maybe about 1-3 weeks, it was doing just fine for what i was wanting it to do. But the past 2 days i would go turn on the computer enter my Password and it would just Hang/Freeze on the welcome screen. I have no problem at all booting up into SafeMode, and can usualy get into my account after having 30 or so attempts if lucky. Its just really frustrating and could some help if possible.

Heres the computer from what i can remember off the top of my head, if it would help any.

Aspire x3200 a3200-u3600a
4 GB
320 GB Harddrive
Triple Core Proscessor

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Hang On Start Up

Jun 6, 2009

I have a Windows Vista PC from a friend to look at, that goes through the DOS start up and get to the bar going across with Microsoft corporation underneath it and if the PC has been off for some time, is just hangs there. I can load in safe mode and also last good configuration etc, no problems. Someone had tried to update the AVG Free Antivirus and it was shortly after this that the problem occurred, I managed to sort out the AVG, but the above problem remains.

I did some searches for problems, and it came up with a Nero...exe problem, which when I checked this, it told me it was nothing to do with Nero Burning software, so I stopped it from loading. But the start up problem remains. is there a problem with Vista, trying to install updates on boot up?

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Hang Ups While Initializing

Apr 14, 2008

when starting up my HP Media Center PC (2.4 Ghz with 4MEG Ram, Vista Home Premium with SP1), started my account. Once I started...the screen would come up and the task bar would come up, but then the system hangs. Tried to use a different restore point and no dice. Cleaned up disk drive in safe mode, but won't let me defrag. No error messages, nothing, just hangs up and stays there.

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Service Hang

Jul 29, 2009

In my Problem and Solutions report I keep getting this ServiceHang repot. I deleted 67 of them and it seems I get one or two a day. It does not effect the performance of my computer however it is like a bug you want to get rid of.

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