File Copy, Move Between HDD, And Network Machine

Mar 23, 2009

I do alot of file copy and move between HDD and external and network machine. Everytime I want to paste a file, I have to drag the name column in explorer left to give room on right then move the last column left also to touch screen and paste. On XP I can touch anywhere. I can save layout and selected views of folder but not the thickness of the columns.

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Slow Network File Copy

Nov 24, 2007

Just wanted to know if anyone else is having this trouble. I have a NDAS network media player, my speed sending files to the drive are 4.1 mb/sec. Copying files from the drive to the computer is 10.1 mb/sec. I have tried every patch or fix I can find. Nothing works.

Vista ultimate 32
Belkin N1 router
Asus P5N-E SLT

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Network File Copy Progress Indication

Mar 10, 2009

I have an odd situation on network copying from my Vista X64 Ultimate PC to a Windows XP Pro PC. I suspect it is something I have altered in the settings / registry whilst I was trying to overcome network copy problems. I am using Directory Opus 9.1 as my file explorer but I don't think this is the problem.

When I copy a large file (say 1.0GB) then the copy progress bar quickly goes to 100% and then remains at 100% for a period of time before completing. If I look in the Performance tab of the Task Manager I can see memory use quickly increase by 1.0GB and then slowly start to reduce. The peak is achieved at about the same same as the 100% is shown and the progress bar remains stuck at 100% whilst the memory reduces (presumably as the file is copied over the network).

I suspect I must have set a cache figure at 1.0GB because if I copy a larger file then the memory increases and then flat lines for a period and then start reducing. In this case the progress bar will speed up to say 60% and then track slowly to 100% and then get stuck whilst the memory reduces. I am up-to-date will all MS Updates

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How Move From Old Machine To New?

Mar 26, 2008

how move of an old machine to a new one

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XP Machine Drops Network Connection To Machine

Feb 6, 2009

Computer 1 is my home desktop running Vista Premium SP1. It is on the 'workgroup' workgroup. Computer 2 is my work laptop (on docking station) running XP Pro SP2. It is on a domain called 'amer'. There is an HP LaserJet 2100 connected to the Vista machine. It is shared. This is a wired network with D-Link router. At first I thought it was a sharing issue when I could not print from the XP machine to the printer on the Vista machine. But then I realized it is a network issue because if I try to browse the Vista machine from the XP machine I get the 'no access, you may not have permission', etc. message. To make it work, I :

1. start the XP machine (assuming the Vista machine is already running)
2. wait about 15 minutes for the Vista machine to see that the XP machine is there.
3. Browse to and open the XP machine from the Vista machine
4. Go to the XP machine, open its workgroup (amer) and then open the XP machine
5. Wait a minute or so, then while still on the XP machine, navigate to
Vista machine's workgroup ('workgroup') and open the workgroup. If the Vista machine appears I am good to go. I don't need to browse it, it just needs to appear.........................

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Network My Vista Machine With My XP Machine

Jun 24, 2008

Its been about three months since I've given up trying to network my Vista machine with my XP machine, but I thought I would try it again. here are my symptoms again:

*Vista (Ultimate) machine cannot see XP (Home SP2) machine.
*XP machine can see and access the Vista machine.
*Xp machine shows up in the Vista Network Map, but not the Network Folder.
*Both machines can ping each other.
*I can access the XP machine via IP address, I can access the shared folder but not a shared printer.
*IPConfig for Vista shows that NetBIOS over TCP/IP is disabled even though it is enabled in the Network Adaptor Properties dialog. (NetBIOS over TCP/IP always enabled, the middle radio button)

Other information:
*Everything worked as it should once apon a time, then it all went to Hell. It could have been an update, tweaking software, or antivirus setting, but I notcie too late to do anything about it.
*I know it can't be that I don't have the same User/Password on both machines (I tried it anyway but it still didn't work), because it worked awhile back without having the same accounts on both machines.
*I had Bitdefender 2008 on the Vista machine, the Firewall log had entries that the ports 138 and 139 were being refused, despite having the XP machine being on the trusted list (by its IP address). So I uninstalled the Antivirus, but the problem persists.
*The XP machine has Zone Alarm Internet Security.................

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Copy And Move Paralysis

Mar 23, 2008

So what's the deal with the interminable copies and moves with Vista? Can't MS get anything right? There's something going on in the background someplace that hoses file and directory transfers *-on the same computer-*. I turned off the ridiculous indexing for searches, no luck there. I even tried an external command (mv in Cygwin) and it still took too long. I suspect that the files I think are available for plain old copy and move operations are really some demented abstraction - the "files" and "Folders" are merely representations of some bizarre MS database scheme. Rather than just talk to the disk sector in the usual way, a disk request has to first navigate some convoluted maze of really useless internal dependencies. Bet it's related to Microsoft's version of security.

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Cannot Copy/Move Files.

Aug 17, 2009

I have a folder with many, many files (.jpg, ..bmp, .png, etc.). I wish to copy or move the many .jpg files to another empty folder. So far I cannot do this as a batch but only individually. Is there a method for copying or moving hundreds of files to another folder in Vista?

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Does SP1 Fix Slow Copy/move?

Apr 5, 2008

if installing SP1 fixes the problem with the very slow moving or copying files in Vista?

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Copy VHS From JVC VHS Machine Onto The Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new Dell Inspiron 531 running Vista, it has a tuner card and I want to copy VHS from a reasonably recent JVC VHS machine onto the hard drive. Whatever I do I can't see any detection of the VHS player or signal.

I've tried outputting the signal via a coaxial lead into the aerial socket of the tuner card - nothing. I've tried using a scart lead to s-video+2x phono with the phono into an adapter going into the audio socket - nothing. I've tried a scart to 3 phono adapter, with the yellow phono going into the comp socket of the tuner card adn 2other 2 phonos via adapter into audio as above - nothing. I've tried looking for the signal in Windows Media Center and Windows Movie Maker, I can't even see it let alone start to save it to the hard drive.

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Cannot Move Or Copy/cut And Paste Files

Aug 27, 2008

I can not move, copy and paste OR cut and past files from folder to folder anywhere (desktop -> folder on desktop, my docs -> random folder, etc).

I am the sole user of this machine and my account is in the administrators group. I have tried taking ownership of the files and folders and it still does not work.

I have searched and searched and can not find a working solution to this problem.

I an running Vista Ultimate 32 Bit SP1 and have not installed any new applications that would cause this type of issue.

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Do You Want To Move Or Copy Files From This Zone?

Apr 20, 2008

I'm experiencing a problem that I cannot solve even though some people have proposed solutions to it.
When I try to copy files from my NAS (Synology DS207+) to my hard drive over the network, this is what I have to answer to first:

I've tried all the suggested solutions by changing the intranet settings in internet options, done some registry hacks, but I can't get rid of this dialogue.

I'm running Vista Ultimate SP1 X64 and I'm beginning to believe that the issue has come after SP1.

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Backing Up Manually Move Was Slower Copy

Feb 10, 2009

when i was backing up...manually. i saw that move was slower than copy. it sound funny but yes,, that true. is it normal. can u tell me ur ideas? on why

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Complete Lack In Ability To Move, Copy And Delete Files

May 21, 2007

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing Vista's complete lack in ability to move, copy and delete files in a timely fashion? It's a well reported bug, but just wondering how many *real* Vista users see it. Basically Vista takes forever to delete large quanties of files, or even movecopy them. Aparently there is a fix on the way.

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Copy/backup My Files Says ; "You'll Need To Provide Administrator Permission To Copy To This File."

May 1, 2008

My old Windows XP PC died months ago (motherboard problems) and so I took out the hard drive (which still functions fine) and put it in my new PC, but I can't seem to copy any of my files in the My Documents folder from the old drive to my newer larger drive. I've had this drive in here for the last several months and have had no problems writing other files to this 'older' drive (250 gig Maxtor 16mb cache, 7,200RPM drive (btw it's only a year old), but when I try to copy files to another drive I get the following error message: "You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this file." This only happens with files that are in the My Documents folder. My current login has administrator rights, so I'm thinking some how this has something to do with this drive being from a different computer's installation of XP.

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-Xp Network, Unable To See Xp Machine

Feb 6, 2009

Strange behaviour, Vista 64-XP 32 network using Netgear Router. At Vista start up when XP is already running I am unable to see the XP computer from the Vista computer, even though the XP is seen on the Vista Network Map.
When XP is started after Vista computer is up then all is normal and correct. At all times the XP computer can see and access the Vista computer, the problem appears only when Vista is booted after the XP bootup.

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Home Network: Cannot See Machine

Feb 3, 2009

We have our network setup so that we can see and access all the machines in the home network even including two game counsels but we cannot see the one machine in the house that runs on Windows XP. It is the only one that is hardwired to the router. All the machines are visible in the workgroup on the XP machine but is not seen on any of the Vista machines. When I doubleclick the other machines in the workgroup from the one running Windows XP the user name and password key appears but one of the other Vista machines says "The network path was not found." That probably has to do with the firewall correct? What I'm trying to get accomplished here is to be able to see the XP machine on all the other computers and be able to access it from the Vista machines. What is the next step to try and get this resolved?

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Network: Can Not Get Vista Machine To See The XP Machines

Mar 23, 2008

I have 3 ip's from my cable provider. I use a switch to connect to internet. I have 3 PC's 2 XP Pro One vista Ult. My two xp machines see each other and share fine but I can not get my Vista machine to see the XP machines. I have done all the proper updates etc...I can ping the xp boxes etc.

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Network Fine, New Machine Not Connect

Apr 15, 2008

We have XP computers and an external hard drive on a network, all working fine. Just got a new Vista computer right out of the box and I can not get it to do anything with the network and none of the other computers can see it either. There are no fancy setups, just a small business network. There isnt even an internet connection we need to deal with. With Vista, all i can see is an "unidentified network" as being seen but it doesnt seem to do anything with it.

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Printing From My Vista System To A XP Machine On Network

Mar 23, 2008

i have a problem with printing from my Vista system to a XP Machine.

My printer [hp deskjet 940c usb conneted] is installed on the XP Machine witch hangs on the local network. When i instal the printer trough the network on my Vista system it doen't
work. I can complete the instal but when i try to print nothing is happening?

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Unable To Network 2 Machines Using Machine Names

May 27, 2009

how to network two Vista machines using their respective machine names? I'm only able to access shared folders using IP addresses. - The two machines are a laptop running Vista Business x64 and a desktop running Vista Home Premium x64. - Both machines have File Sharing, Network Discovery, and Password Protected Sharing turned on. - They are on the same workgroup (no domain). - I am able to see the machines in Network Explorer, but if I double-click on them, all I see is the printer (not the shared folders) or I get an error message telling me the machine is inaccessible. Both machines have been assigned a static IP address by the router.

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Newbie Network:new Cable Modem Only Allow One Machine On At A Time

Aug 5, 2009

I have 2 computers,1printer, xbox360,and ps2. Comp1 running vista and comp2 running winxp sp3. I also have a 5 port ethernet hub. Last week I switched from DSL to Cable 20mb. With the dsl router all I had to do to allow both machines on line at same time was to just hook them up to the hub. No modifications needed. My problem is that the new cable modem (motorola) will only allow One machine on at a time. To switch machines I must reset the modem and re asign ip each time I switch machines. My ultimate goal in the end is to have all 4 machines be able to access the internet and each other. Can I accomplish this with the 5 port HUB, or do I need to buy a router. (wireless is out of the question).

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Can Rename Or Move Can't Delete File

Sep 26, 2008

I have two files (exe, probably installed from the internet) which windows Vista will not allow me to delete despite having an administrator's account. I can rename or move them but can't delete them. Also, and possibly related, my bin doesn't seem to be working correctly when I empty it it doesn't make that satisfying sound anymore and the icon still shows it as full?

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Windows Explorer: Move File From One Folder To Another

Mar 8, 2010

Im running Vista and IE8. Every time I try to move a file from one folder to another, "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and will shut down" appears. Does anyone know how to recify this problem?

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Possible To Remove The Hibernate File On A Windows7 Desktop Machine

Nov 20, 2009

Is it possible to remove the hibernate file on a Windows7 desktop machine. I've made sure that in power options the machine will never hibernate, but the system still prevents me deleting the 2.5Gb file.

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Copy Speed Over The Network Is Slower That XP SP2 And OS

Jun 20, 2008

We have a client with a new Vista Business x64 Workstation joined to a 2003 (native) AD domain. The hardware specs are first class (64GB RAM, Dual Qaud core 3+GHz Intel Procs, Fastest SATA disks available, 2 Uber Graphics card in SLI, Giabit NIC, etc.). This machine must move large amounts of data to a File Server's SAN frequently (hundreds of gigs per upload or download). The problem is uploads and downloads to this file server via mapped drive in Vista take considerably longer than either an XP Pro SP2 or MacBook Pro from THE SAME network jack.

What we have done so far with minimal improvements if any:

1. Disabled active AV scanning on the file server and removed it completely on the Vista workstation (were using Trend Micro).
2. Disabled "Remote Differential Compression".
3. Disabled SMB 2.0 via registry

***at this point the file transfer calculation seemed to start working correctly, previously it would estimate it would take 4+ hours to copy 85Gb of test data when in reality it was finished much much sooner (several minutes but forget the exact number now)*** Client reported some speed improvements at this point but not that great. From the file server during the transfer (when this is the only transfer happening on the network) the Gigabit NIC on the server reports a network utilization of 30-40%......

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File Sharing/network Discovery On, Private Network, Password Protection Disabled

May 6, 2008

I have Vista x64 and I have read threads on this for weeks and can't fix it. I have file sharing/network discovery on, private network, password protection disabled, my shares set to everyone and everyone is on the same workgroup. My problem is that the x64 Vista computer will not see any of the XP (x86 or x64) computers and they can't see it from the Network Neighbourhood. However, if I type the IP address of the XP computers I
can access them. On the XP computers if I type the IP address I get an error that it isn't accessable and I might not have permission. However, if I type \ or any of the other share names I access it just fine. pinging works too by IP but not by name. If I boot into the x86 install of have of Vista I can access XP computers from Vista and the Vista from XP by name and everything without typing any user names. The only differince between the two aside from x64 and x86 is that x86 isn't patched past SP1 as I don't use it often. Lastly after installing that XP patch I can see the x86 XP computers by name from the network map feature on Vista, still can't access them by name though...

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File Copy / LAN

Mar 23, 2008

Having a new PC with Vista Business edition, 2gb ram, dual core 2mhz, I connected to my wireless LAN & found that file copy / transfers were appallingly slow. So much so that I had to use an external usb drive.

The same process is of no problem on my WinXp & Win2k PC's.

Am I missing something? other than that I dont seem to have any other
performance issues
(I have checked updates)

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Are You Sure You Want To Copy This File Without It

May 28, 2008

as you can see by the headline, i am having trouble with copying files to my mp3 player. I have done a search on this forum and found that someone last year had the same problem, but the problem wasn't solved for that person, so i thought to start a new thread. My problem started a couple of days ago, up until then everything was fine, i could copy files to my mp3 player with no problems, sometimes i would've got the messge 'Are you sure you want to copy this file without it's properties?', i'd press yes and it would copy the files ok. But now the same message comes up, and it doesnt copy the properties. I actually tried playing my mp3 player and it crashes (restarts), until i remove the file that doesnt have the properties. I know my drive is supposed to support NTFS, my mp3 player is fat32 format and it did copy files for me up until a few days ago.

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Network Speed Slows Over Time: The Only Fix I Have Found Is Rebooting The Machine --- Then Performance Is As Expected For A Day Or So Before It Starts To Drop Again

Oct 6, 2009

Problem is network bandwidth as measured by the speed test(s) will decrease over time without any changes being made -- it does not matter what time of day either. It is a Vista PC running SP2 and hard wired to a Linksys router (Wireless-G model) and I am a Comcast customer with 30mbps service. Maybe I should mention this PC sits idle for most of the day before the family comes home from school. All of the XP systems in the house do NOT have this problem.

As you can see over the course of 5 days the download speed drops into the 2-3 mbps range (and the upload speeds are greater than the download speeds !! ) The 12mbps measurement was taken after the reboot. The only fix I have found is rebooting the machine --- then performance is as expected for a day or so before it starts to drop again.

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Cannot Copy 40GB File

Jun 24, 2008

I have a 40 GB vmware file that I am unable to copy from an XP SP3 laptop to a Vista x64 Ultimate desktop. Its a fairly new desktop, I'm copying to 2 raptor 500GB raid drives over a GB network through dlink xtreme router. I tried using resumable FTP, teracopy, and robocopy. With robocopy it stops at 79% and says "cannot copy file due to an I/O error" (same thing on attempt to resume). And teracopy was unable to resume either. Don't know where to start.

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