File Management Sotp Working

Jan 24, 2010

1) I have two hard drives in my laptop - I have my default "Documents" folder on my C: drive and then I have created another on my D: drive -- I am trying to keep my C: drive less loaded since it handles the OS and wanted to use the D: for storage. Is there anyway that I can change my default documents folder to be the one on the D: drive without having to switch to it everytime?
2) Again - trying to save more of my stuff on D: drive. When I browse my hard drive it shows on the left hand side "Favorite Links" which lists: Documents, Pictures, Music, REcently Changed, there anyway I can edit this to add in my frequently used folders so I am not always having to go to Computer: D drive: Documents or whatever??

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HDD - Disk Management And File System

May 15, 2010

I just installed a new Hitachi HDD and restored my disc image to it. My original disk had three partitions, the pqservice partition, the active OS partition (C drive) and a data partition (D drive). But I only chose to restore the OS and the data partitions. Now when I view the new disk via disk management, the labeling of the active partition is unusual; there is no volume name listed nor file system, and the free space is shown as 100%. Also, the status shows an EISA configuration. However, under explorer properties for the drive, things look a bit different, with the label and system type correct. What is causing the discrepancy and how to remedy it?I just now also noticed that I no longer have 4gb of ram... I haven't removed anything, but only 2gb are showing in system properties and in the BIOS???

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Permissions: File Management Newsgroup

Jun 6, 2009

two separate, but inter-related stories.

1. A few months ago we had a visitor stay from Europe (I am in Perth, Australia) so I decided to 'hide' my files (kept on a separate D drive) so that IF he wanted to use my PC he wouldn't see them.

2. Almost at the same time I decided to partition my C drive into 2 separate drives (creating a drive I named "W", and installed Windows 7 onto W. That left me with a C drive (Vista), a D Drive (files and I-tunes) and W drive (Win 7)...............

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Disk Management Not Working?

Jul 29, 2009

when I go into Disk Management, my interal hard drive, external USB harddrive (Western Digital) and Disk Drive are all unreadable. I am certain it was fine when I first installed Vista as I formatted and partitioned both the internal and external HD. I have tried rescanning and resetting my computer, both to no avail. It is interesting to note that Memory Diagnostic Tool doesn't seem to want to work either...Microsoft only suggested rescanning and resetting, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do.

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Computer Management - Disk Management...

Jul 29, 2009

Vista Home Premium 64bit SP1. When I try to get into Storage -> Disk Management, it just sits there. At the bottom it says "Connecting to Virtual Disk Service".. I see NO disks listed, not even C:...

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Video File Manualy Working

Jan 1, 2010

i have a very strange problem. I don't know what reason is. When I want to open video file (.avi) automatically is opening in WinAmp which I just used before for audio files. I tried to use option "Open with.." but when I chose the program I want to use to open this file, icon of this application didn't show up in the window of recommended programs (windows where there are icons of programs which you can use to open particular kind of file) When open the program (Zoom Player), and I try to open video file, everything was working., but still I don't understand why I cannot set up this option for ever. Not every time to go to Zoom Player and from this program look for .avi's files to open.

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Windows Update File Can't Working

Jun 4, 2008

i have had problems with vista ultimate 64-bit and sp1 you can read any of my posts on that and some others as well here is my question : i am going to get a new hdd from wd they feel mine is defective but when i do this and install vista ultimate 64-bit on the new drive i want to make sure i d/l Microsoft updates/files/programs for vista in correct order so i can install SP1 before install any other program IS THERE A CORRECT ORDER for updates/files before i install sp1 need to know before i do anything p.s. if there is anything i need to know please let me know

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Created Autorun.inf File Not Working

Mar 8, 2010

I created a CD that I want to boot with. I thought that all you need to do is create an autorun.inf file, with the file to load pointed to. It did'nt work. Do you know what I did wrong?

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Almost All File/program Has Stopped Working

Apr 16, 2010

I had an extreme hacker attack which every virus program epicly install into my pc while I was away for 30m...after a week of failure trying to fix, I restart the computer into ordinary factory setting, everything work well till now, after the virus attack, all my program appear to said"has stopped working" now it's begining to happpen again, but this time, mostly download file, more than likely, my download file will stop suddently and said"has stopped working", I try to download java, divx, and other install file but it's all said the same thing. Running processes:

C:Program Files (x86)Lexmark 2600 Seriesezprint.exe
C:Program Files (x86)GoogleGoogleToolbarNotifierGoogleToolbarNotifier.exe
C:Program Files (x86)Windows Media Playerwmplayer.exe
C:Program Files (x86)Mozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe
C:Program Files (x86)Trend MicroHijackThisHijackThis.exe.......

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Transfer File Xp To Vista Stops Working

Mar 23, 2008

Will Windows Easy Transfer work with only XP? I'm getting a new laptop before my old one stops working and I don't want to move to Vista. I just want to move XP pro to XP pro.

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File Menu Open/close Not Working

Aug 25, 2009

Appologies in advance if I'm being too long winded or not providing enough detail (1st post). I'm running Vista Home Premium 32bit (sp2) on an HP Pavillion dv6700 laptop. The issue I'm having is that the "XP style" File menu bar keeps randomly opening up and then closing whenever I have any Office product, IE, or the explorer open. I've never "turned on" this option so no clue why this started to do this a little over a week ago. Initailly I found that it got worse (more frequently opening/closing the menu bar) when I had my external hard drives (EHDs) connected but at this point it's near constant without them connected and it's locking up the programs so that I can't type or click on anything.

I've not installed any new software in months; and the only downloads I've taken/installed were files from trusted sites and several system updates. My 1st impression was either a virus or a system update conflict from either or both HP or Windows; the latter has not been an uncommon issue. My anitvirus is up-to-date & a complete scan turned up nothing, even on my EHDs. I've gone back twice using the restore points; the 2nd time going back over 2 weeks prior to the start of this issue. I'm out of ideas short of doing a complete reinstall from my back-up partition.

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Disk Management

Jan 6, 2009

I am havein Vista Home Premium instaled on mu laptop. there are three partition on my Hard disk
C: 31 GB
D: 5 Gb (Recovery disk)
E : 75 GB
I wan to format my system and want to merge C: drive and E: drive as single drive. I have recovery disk with me.I dont bother if data is lost on either drive. I just want to reinsitall every thing and create single drive.

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Disk Management Problem

Jun 8, 2009

My new computer has a SATA HDD and im trying to put in an old IDE HDD
but when I hook it up I get get a blank screen after the BIOS loads for
about 5minutes and then windows finally loads. When I do get into
Windows (Vista x64) it doesn't see the drive until i go into Disk
Management and rescan disk 2-3 times, then it doesn't see its partitions
until i scan again, and then it freezes my whole computer and i have to
hit the reset button on my case.

The IDE cable is also hooked up to a DVD drive, I don't know if thats a
problem or not.
Also are their IDE to SATA adapters?

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Media Management Services

Jan 1, 2009

Does anybody know how I can set a scheduled restart to occur regularly overnight.

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Disk Management 3 Partirions

Mar 26, 2008

Due to an Office Enterprise issue that can only be resolved with a clean re-install of Vista on an ACER computer rather than re-installing the ACER factory load I have bought a Full version of VISTA Home Preimum so that I can do a CLEAN install. I have 3 partitions on my HD C, D & hidden, the hidden contains the factory load. My plan is to run a full back up to D as well as copies of my files. I will also make copies of my files off computer. I do have the ACER recovery disks but I hope to never have to use them.

When I am all backed up I would like to format C, get rid of the hidden partition, keep D, put the VISTA DVD into the drive and do a clean install of VISTA on C . I could be wrong but I think that it would be best to format before putting the VISTA disk into the drive so there is no confusion between product keys etc. this is not an upgrade it is the same version that ACER supplied.

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Fix VMWare ESX Management Interface In IE7

Dec 20, 2006

Do you use the web-based VMWare Management Interface to control your ESX server and have problems opening virtual machines in IE7?
Many user have reported that instead of getting the open prompt in IE7 they get a find option instead. To fix this, you need to define the application/x-vmware-console MIME type so IE7 allows you to open the file.

Open up notepad.

Copy the text below into notepad:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTMIMEDatabaseContent Typeapplication/x-vmware-console] "Extension"=".xvm" ....

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2nd HD (IDE) Not Detected By Disk Management

Aug 7, 2008

I recently installed Vista with on this machine with this new HD deatched though it had previously been used in this computer running xp. It is a IDE hard drive and although device manager recognizes it as a disk drive I cannot get windows explorer or disk management to notice it. It has a ntfs format.

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Disk Management Not Start

Aug 17, 2008

I have a newly installed Vista64 Ultimate system. After clicking Disk Management in the Computer Management window the service never starts. Instead, the following launching information is displayed: Loading disk configuration information…..Any idea what might cause this strange behavior.

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Color Management Without Success

Jun 2, 2008

I just recently upgraded my XP system to a Vista 64 bit system. I print digital photos using Adobe Lightroom 1.4. With my XP system, I had a good match between my calibrated monitor (NEC 2690) and my printer (HP B9180) working in the ProPhoto RGB color space. I use ICC profiles and let the Lightroom application manage the color. With Vista, I've lost my match. Skin tones look great on my monitor and now print with a red tint. A blue sky prints with a purple cast. I tried Lightroom Beta 2 (64 bit software) but no difference. I played with some advanced settings in Vista's Color Management without success. I'm using NEC's SpectraView II calibration software which is 64 bit compatible. The graphics card that came with the computer is a NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT.

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Disk Management Partition

May 14, 2007

By a process too tedious to recount I've wound up with the following primary partitions on disk 0 of my laptop, a Compaq Presario R3275US with a 75-gig hard drive:

C: System (43 gig)
D: Local Drive (15 gig)
G: New Volume (15 gig)

Is it possible to combine the empty G with the non-empty D without erasing the latter in the process? If so, how can that be done?

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Computer Management Wont Start!

Jul 20, 2008

As the title says Computer management in Administrative tools refuses to start.

I double click on the icon and it comes up with the UAC popup i click yes and then nothing happens. i tried it like a half hour ago and still nothing.

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Extra Partitions On Disk Management

Jun 17, 2009

i want to put linux on my computer as a stepping stone leading towards my career and want to dual boot vista with linux unfortuneately i got 3 partitions in total. 1 that has EISA Configuration and an unknown 4.73GB (Healthy) partition, that i am unsure of what purpose it has because it has no info on it. I want to get rid of it so i have more space forlinux

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Increase C Drive In Disk Management

Mar 13, 2010

I want to know that how can i increase my C drive. In the disk management it is showing 23.75 G.B. but in my computers it is showing 12.74 G.B. and apart from this i have F drive which is fully empty can i utilise it?

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Digital Rights Management With Windows

Apr 18, 2009

I am having trouble getting clips to play using Windows Vista with Windows Media Player 11 via the site. I have tried following the FAQ on and also contacted support to no avail. They mention reinstalling Windows Media Player 11, however, this is not possible in Vista as far as I know. I have also tried deleting the DRM folder. Unfortunately, this has not fixed the issue. Finally, the same clips play on my Windows XP Pro machine without any problems. What else could be wrong?

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Disk Management - Shrink Volume

Feb 6, 2009

I have a laptop with a 90GB hard disk. There is 60GB free and I'm trying to use the Shrink volume option in Disk Management to make the main partition smaller. After I want to create an additional partition so I can dual boot. The problem lies with Shrink Volume. Even though I have 60GB free it's only offering me the chance to shrink by 14GB.I've turned off system restore and hibernate. I've also used a number of defrag tools including Auslogic and SysInternals.

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MS - Setup, Errors In Device Management

Mar 23, 2008

I have installed Vista Ultimate. I've networked it and loaded Office 2007, adobe, cuteFTP and AutoCAD 2008. Everything worked great. I moved it to the work station area, and the only thing different I connect was a new 24" HP monitor. I found and installed the drivers for the monitor. I get no ? or errors in device management. But upon bootup every time I get this error message. "This computer must be restarted before updating can continue. Would you like to restart now." All of the MS updates have been done. I can still access the network, all programs seem to run correctly. I can surf the internet with no problems.

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Doesn't Appear Explorer Disk Management

May 17, 2009

Friend has a flash drive that was working OK, but when he plugged it in yesterday, it didn't show in Explorer. When he plugs it in it makes the appropriate sounds, but it doesn't appear in Explorer or Disk management. We uninstalled all of the pertinent entries in Device Manager and tried it again, and it all reinstalled perfectly, gave notice that it was in stalled, etc., but in addition to not showing up, there is no "Safely Remove Hardware" icon, no mention of the device when I force the "safely remove" dialogue.

Tried it on another machine with the same results, tried another stick on my friend's machine and it works fine. Is this thing toast? Is there no utility that can reach into the "drive's" guts and make it come back out of hiding, or is it irrecoverable corruption?

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Disk Management - Shrink Partition In Vista

Aug 12, 2009

I refer specifically to this Tutorial;

Disk Management - Shrink Partition

A bit of background first. I have recently had installed a new 320GB Hard-drive to my Laptop [see my Specs]. The allocation of partition [volume] space has been divided evenly between the C:[Acer] - 139GB, and the D:[Data] - 138GB, Drives on the HD.

This is what I have;


Question 1; Is this setup division just the 'norm' for allocating volume space for each drive? In this case it is more or less a 50:50 share of the available space [PQ Service on a hidden partition takes up the rest]....why not 65%[C]:35%[D]? Question 2; Is it necessary for the partition volume of the Data drive to more or less mirror that of the Acer drive? Question 3; If answer to Q2 is 'not necessarily so', am I then able to partition the Data drive to create a new drive partition of about 60GB, or are there any pitfalls in playing around with this particular drive? If possible, I'd like to create a new drive on the HD for personal data storage.

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Resize Partitions With Vista Disk Management

Jun 28, 2006

In Windows Vista it is now possible to resize partitions without any data loss in the new Disk Management console.

Resizing Partitions with Windows Vista:

Click on the Start Button and right click on Computer and select Manage.

Expand the Storage section and select Disk Management.

Then just right click on any partition and select either Expand or Shrink to change the size of the partition....

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Changing Drive Letters, Disk Management Does Not Appear To Help

Apr 2, 2009

I have the following setup now: C: Vista, D: CD, E: CD RW,F: DVD RW, G: = Backup Vista, H: Backup 2, I: Old Stuff. This is what shows up when I look in Computer. The surprising is that I = don't have a CD, although I do have everything else. I want to remove = the erroneous D: and rename I: to D: -- and Disk Management does not = appear to help.

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Disk Management: Create RAID Mirror

Apr 28, 2008

I have my old XP load on my C drive and Vista on the D drive. I'm ready to wipe out XP (I know lots of folks would go the other way) so I can create a mirror copy of Vista for fault tolerance. Before I enable RAID in the firmware, I'm thinking I need to format the C drive. However the Disk Management utility has the format command grayed out for the C drive. It shows up as:

Disk 0: C: NTFS, Healthy (System, Active, Primary Partition)

My D drive is: Disk 2: D: NTFS, Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary

What is the proper way to wipe out C so I can create my RAID mirror?

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