Windows Update File Can't Working

Jun 4, 2008

i have had problems with vista ultimate 64-bit and sp1 you can read any of my posts on that and some others as well here is my question : i am going to get a new hdd from wd they feel mine is defective but when i do this and install vista ultimate 64-bit on the new drive i want to make sure i d/l Microsoft updates/files/programs for vista in correct order so i can install SP1 before install any other program IS THERE A CORRECT ORDER for updates/files before i install sp1 need to know before i do anything p.s. if there is anything i need to know please let me know

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Windows Update With Deletes Desktop And More File

Jun 12, 2008

I ran the critical update (Vista) and it wiped out the desktop, leaving a blank slate. Each time I restart there is a lenghty message in Chinese with "ok" as the only option. I ran system restore to get back to the time just before this update, which restored my desktop. I am convinced that this update is buggy and should not be installed without a deep backup in place. It works fine with XP but not with Vista in my set of machines. How can this be reported to Microsoft? Or am I doing something wrong? The system is completely legal and registered.

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File Transfers To Windows 7: Update Does Not Apply To System

Sep 29, 2009

When I downloaded the Windows Easy Transfer utility for a 32 bit version of Windows Vista (Windows6.0-KB928635-x86) for file transfers to Windows 7 it will not install. I receive an error message that says, "The update does not apply to your system." But my system is a 32 bit version of Vista. I am trying to get prepared for my Windows 7 version that will arrive in October. Does anyone have any idea why I would be getting this error message?

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Windows Update Not Working ?

Aug 30, 2008

just today without doing anything ( it worked before i went to sleep ) iexplorer 32bit stopped working and with it windows update too, when i enter windows update it just keeps "checking for updates" after about 20 min i get "Windows Update error 80072ee2" major problem for me is the iexplorer dying, iexplorer x64 works and firefox as well.

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Windows Update Frozen And Windows Licensing Stops Working

Jul 5, 2008

apon using windows update, it froze around update 25, and windows modules installer stopped working. Now i have a issue with the windows licensing service, one second my windows is legit, the next it isnt, the next windows licensing stops working. I've tried to reinstall 5+ times now, on 2 different harddrives, and it does the same thing on both

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Windows Update Failure: The File Or Directory Is Corrupted And Unreadable

Jun 18, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium 32 bit without service pack 1 and have been trying to download windows updates for about a month now. I get a Windows Update error message 8007000b. I ran the command prompt as administrator, typed in fsutil resource setautoreset true C:. And I get a message saying “The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable”

I have tried to download updates 1 at a time, turned off my anti virus And tried manual updates as well. My Error checking is not working “windows can’t check the disk while it’s in use” And schedule disk check does not work. The System File Checker tool gives the message “windows resource protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them”. The windows memory diagnostic tool runs, reboots and does not display any results

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Reinstalled Windows Update File Can Not Show Desktop Icon

Dec 27, 2008

So today I'm enjoying my 2 day old Vista. I've had a crappy 2003 Compaq XP for EVER now, and I was happy to get a new computer, completely crappy OS or not. (Yes, I've heard the rumors about Vista, so I was prepared for lots and lots of hours of troubleshooting!) I want to look around and explore, so I click on my start menu. Nothing. The My Computer, Control Panel, etc etc etc is on there. But nothing. I click 'all programs', and it's all there. I tried to modify the settings on my start menu, I pressed OK and out of curiosity went back into my Start Menu settings to check-- And they were back to what they were before!!

My easy way out has always been, since my XP was crap, to completely restore my computer, suck it up, reinstall everything and start fresh. So I decided to add a new WinRAR .rar folder thing, put all my pictures in there, put it on and download the file after I restore Vista. I right clicked. Went under 'New > (Empty)'.

I almost cried! My baby, my brand new vista, already encountering problems! I installed daemon tools, PHotoshop CS2, poweriso, AIM, itunes, basically my necessities, within the two day period. I turned my computer on, no problems. My norton preformed its scheduled scan this morning at 6am, and I had a trojan horse and it can't be repaired. I've had thousands of those on my old computer and it ran at full speed with no problems, but could this be the reason? I restarted it two, three hours ago so my daemon tools can finish installing, and that's when I realized my start menu and things were messed up. Also, when I went into my computer after I restarted, the theme was set on 'windows classic', my background was left untouched. I cannot drag and drop anything into the start menu. It says I can, but I can't. Desktop icons are fine. I also installed 16 or so updates because I guess my Vista isn't up to date-- It did it automatically. Also, links, pictures, etc, like 'My Computer', My 'C:' drive, 'My Pictures', pictures, music, etc in Folders, have a check mark beside them.

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Windows Update IE7 Stopped Working

Jan 18, 2009

After Update from Windows Update 090115, my IE7 has stopped working and responding. The IEUser.exe process is active but no window. Tried to run the IE in secure mode and reset IE7 but nothing happens. I've installed Security update for Vista KB958687 Windows tool remove of ... january 2009 kb960714 I don't know if it is these updates that crashes IE7.But I think it was after these it happened. Installed Firefox to be able to surf, but I want IE7 to be fixed. How can I fix IE7? /Vista Ultimate swedish 32 bit

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Windows Update Not Working Correctly

Mar 13, 2008

I've constantly had about 40 updates listed in Windows Update to install. Wether I try to install it while I'm in Vista or doing it while shutting down the process seems to go correctly although it takes a while. Then the machine boots back up and tells me the updates didn't install correctly and it reverts back to the pre-update status (after "repairing" for an hour.)

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Windows Movie Maker Not Working After Update

Mar 23, 2008

I used windows movie maker w/o problem. Then after a system update it stopped working with respect to being able to play videos in preview mode. I have the following CODECs installed:

AVI Decompressor
ffdshow Vidwo Decoder

I have tried to play:

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When Try To Install That Update For Windows Update Get Error Code 80070643.

Apr 11, 2008

That is the message I get from the icon in my Vista tray. When I try to manually check for Windows Updates I get the message that I need to "first install an update for Windows Update". When I try to install that update for Windows Update, I get error code 80070643. There is a lot written about Windows Update error 80070643 having specifically to do with restarting the Office Source Engine for Microsoft Office 2003. HOWEVER, I do not have Microsoft Office 2003 installed on my system and this is not my issue! I am quite fearful at this point that I am vulnerable to all sorts of attacks considering that I haven't updated Vista for about 6 months now. This is not good.

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Windows Update :: The Page Failed To Load, Update

Oct 13, 2008

when going to the windows update window,i get a white blank page and it says "the page failed to load"i did restart, same issue.

what is it all about?

and another thing, i don't have a Floppy drive in my computer however a Floppy A: drive is present in "Computer" how can i remove it from the list?

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Configure Windows Update To Update All Microsoft Apps On Your PC

May 6, 2007

Microsoft Update was first released a few years ago for Windows XP and Server 2003 as a great way to update all of your Microsoft software installed on your PC. Not only would it update Windows, but it would also update Microsoft Office.  Are you a Microsoft Outlook user? If so, Microsoft Update would even download updated junk mail signatures when they are released.

In Windows Vista the new Windows Update application is no longer web-based. Microsoft has built-in the old Microsoft Update functionality into the new interface but you need to turn it on before you can use it.  Follow these steps to turn on updates for other Microsoft applications: ...

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Can't Find The Update File

Dec 22, 2009

i perform the window update for my PC, i notice that a huge number of space is taken up. How can i view the updated file and delete the unnecessary ones? I can't find the update file. I try to perform this:C:WINDOWSSoftwareDistributionDataStore" Delete "DataStore.edb".

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Setup Can't Update File

Apr 6, 2009

I am trying to install Microsoft Office 2003 and I keep getting the following error message: Error 1913. Setup cannot update file C:Windowswin.ini. Verify that the file exists exists in your system and that you have sufficient permissions to update it. I have tried to open the cd and run it as an administrator and that did not work either. Since this is a new laptop, the trial version for 2007 was installed but i believe i removed it. I know this was a post long ago but I still can not get this to work. SP1 is installed on this laptop.

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Windows Crashes After I Install Update From Windows Update

Feb 25, 2010

I am updating my computer and I thought it was finish but my computer restarts and I encountered the death blue screen. I can't switch into safe mode, safe mode with networking, safe mode with Command Prompt and Last Known good configuration. I don't know how to solve this problem because I can't get into any of the modes and even I inserted the installation disc I can't still see any repair computer or what. It will just turn to blank screen with space at the upper left after if i will insert the installation disc.

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Update Stopped Saying That There Was A Corrupt File On It

May 6, 2009

I'm running Vista on a Sony Vaio purchased new in 9/08. I have never had any problems until this morning. My husband used my pc this morning to go to Tax Brain, and on his log on there was a Adobe Update ready to download. When I went to log him off, I decided to download the update; then the update stopped saying that there was a corrupt file on it. So I logged off his side and signed into mine (btw, he has NO adminitrative rights), I then tried to open my Windows Live then prompted me for a password, which it NEVER does because it's already saved. Then another alert came up that a file in live mail was corrupt; I freaked out and tried to access Norton (which is up to date) and it wouldn't let me. Next thing I know a blue screen comes up and says that windows is to be shut down to prevent damage; it suggested I restart the computer and try to open in safe mode and determine what files may be at fault. {Incidentally, yesterday Norton detected "Backdoor.Trojan" or something of that nature; I looked up the detail report and it said that it was blocked and fully removed from my system, and I was ablel to use the pc until 9pm with no problem - after booting up this morning is when the trouble began.} Ok, so I tried rebooting in each and every mode available on that inital error screen. The rebooting goes down all the drivers until it gets to crcdisk.sys...then it quits and gives me that damn blue screen again that advises me to try rebooting in safe mode. I cannot reboot at all.

Now, I have downloaded an iso file of Vista recovery to my thumb drive using the tutorial on this site; and I have plugged it into the pc upon startup...with same result as before. Nothing. I am not able to burn a DVD because the old laptop I'm on right now only has a CD-R and a DVD-Rom. I don't have any blank CD's here and my husband is at work; we're pressed for cash I'm pretty screwed all the way around. To make matters worse, I have an assignment and my finals (I'm finishing school at 31) due today, tomorrow and this weekend. I don't have a vista recovery cd, none was provided when i bought my pc. And now i have absolutely no idea what to do.

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Attacments File Associations Do Not Update

Apr 29, 2008

I have changed the file assocaitions in the set associations control panel. This does not appear to have solved my problem as I have to save the attachments and open from the saved file. This works OK, but I want to open direct from the mail attachments just for convenience.

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Does 5th Windows Update Automatically Uninstall SP2 RC Update?

Apr 26, 2009

I understand that Vista SP2 RC update has to be uninstalled before installing SP2 RTM update(when bcomes available). Does 5the Windows Update automatically uninstall SP2 RC update or does it has to be done manually?

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Update: Unable To Save HTML File

Sep 21, 2009

For background on this post, see "Unable to save HTML file" posted 9/17/2009 12:31PM. Comments:

(1) A reset of IE did not fix the problem.
(2) A system restore to the day before installing QuickTime did fix the problem. This doesn't prove that QuickTime is at fault, of course, but I still have my suspicions. I will probably reload QuickTime shortly, and if the problem returns, I'll post it.

Note: It appears that the system restore reversed the IE reset, so for anyone (like me) who might be nervous about doing the reset, the restore is a safety backup.

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Bad Sectors In File System After Security Update

Dec 21, 2008

I have installed the security patch for IE and I did a disc check afterwards when I noticed , on completion that Windows had made alterations to the file system and that there was 8KB of bad sectors but the disc was clean ! Is this something that I should be worried about ?

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Update Vista Message Missing File Empvgscxaus.dll

Mar 23, 2008

i recently got a hp windows vista notebook, (i am new to windows vista) after setting it up i connected to the internet to get software updates and once i was done this message came up (error in C:usersownerappdatalocal empvgscxaus.dll - missing entry:run) since this has come up, now when i log into windows the message appears instead of the main background with no desktop icons, so nothing is starting up has anyone out there every heard of this problem or have i done something wrong in the setup stage.

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Quickcam Update Not Working

Jun 4, 2008

i am reliably told that vista sp1 has knocked out some if not all usb devices, hence the reasons why its probably not working.

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Pretty Tool: Update Neat File Sharing Folders

Mar 3, 2006

Ive been using it for a couple months its pretty cool. They just came out w/ an update for it which made the GUI more aero like. It has neat file sharing folders and a lot of games you can play with people.

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Windows Update Fail To Update

Mar 21, 2009

The last time an update was installed was in January..since the next time i was offered an update, Windows Update or any of the programs that use windows update fail to update. Also i can't download the updates manually..standalone msu installers also dont work.. windows defender, IE8 installations also fail to update. And unfortunately i have deleted the recent system restore checkpoints before i knew about this problem. Windows Update gives error 80070002, i have tried the "solution" to delete temp update files, and all other solutions i could find on the internet. Windows defender gives the same error.

The updates can be downloaded from windows update, but cannot be download (not even manually in .msu package) I also lost many shortcut files of MS Office (the icon turned white and they lost their target). Some shortcuts of 3rd party programs are also lost (which were supposed to be in c:windowsinstallerlabla I have Windows Vista Home Basic with SP1 (SP1 came with the ssytem when i bought it). This is very weird. I have no other choice than to reformat drive and use recovery disk.

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Installation Update Can Not Working Mointor

Jun 25, 2008

i'll straight to the point: i've bought Vista home premium 64 bit with SP1 included. My hardware is: intel E8400 on a asus p5k-e, asus 9800gtx, 4gb ram kingston, WD velociraptor hd. I can install Vista up to the first time it shows me the desktop, i can download updates, browse the internet and so on. But when i restart the PC (or stopand start again) the boot will stop soon after the green progress bar will be displayed. Then the PC will go in something like power saving (the monitor goes in idle, the hd stops working).

And it's just the same if i let it do the updates or not, install the latest drivers or not, i've even flashed the bios with the newest changes.only when, after that issue, windows asks me if i want to start in normal mode or the "no driver mode" (no idea about the exact words in english, i'm sorry) if i choose that second mode it can it seems to me a driver issue..It's not a matter of the multi boot, it does the same even with only that hd installed in the PC. My other hd with XP works just fine in the same PC. I've tried everything i could think about..really have no clue about what to try next.. anyone got any idea about what i should do?

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Update Installed Mouse Won't Working

Jan 15, 2009

I have Vista Windows and installed some updates. I hadn't updated in awhile so there were a few old updates with the new. Now I have these issues: My computer will come on but the mouse won't move. A keyboard appears on my screen (right under the box where I enter my password) I don't know if I have a bug or if the updates did this. What does it sound like to you? I'd like to do a system restore, but I'm not sure how to do that from safe mode.

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Asus Live Update Stopped Working

Oct 20, 2009

I have an Asus Z53E series laptop. I never had this problem before, & suddenly I started to get this message around two months ago: "Asus live update stopped working", then internet explorer closes. The fault module name is: "kernel32.dll" I don`t understand what`s changed for the live update to stop working, the only downloads done on the last couple of months have been mostly automatic windows updates, & other general updates like adobe.

I have realized recently that "Asus live update" seems to close when I try to upload pictures from my computer to facebook. It seems to go crazy when I attempt any sort of Internet uploading. What I`ve been doing is exiting the Live update when the messagge window pops up, & that seems to be working, for the time being. But the problem is still there. Somebody said in a forum that "Asus live update" is useless, & that it should be removed from the programs cos it has no use & it malfunctions a lot.

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Aero Theme Not Working After Latest Update

Nov 5, 2009

I installed the latest Vista updates, after the restart I could n't load aero theme, now its on classic theme. when I change the theme, I got a error msg, "The visual styles could not be applied". Then I use restore function, but after restore I got another msg similar like " cant restore",

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"Windows Failed To Load Because A File Is Missing Or Corrupt File: Netio.sys Status: 0xc0000221

Oct 15, 2009

when i turn on my computer, an error message comes saying "Windows failed to load because a file is missing or corrupt File: Netio.sys Status: 0xc0000221" This started when i was clearing my computer of useless programs, and after i deleted Realtime player or Quicktime player, (can't remember which) an error message jumped from the taskbar saying something about Network device driver. After that every time i start the computer, the "Windows failed to load" message pops up. The first half a year, it was solved by pressing enter, to "Choose an operating system to start: Windows Vista" and then to "Windows error recovery (start windows normally, safe mode etc)" and back to "Windows failed to start", repeating it 3-20 times. Then i had a familiar "Unexpected shutdown" during a game, and now, the "Enter spamming technique" doesn't work anymore. All i can access at the moment is Windows memory diagnostic tool, and Bios setup utility. Is there any way to fix this through the setup utility or some other manner?

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Opening Pst File: Windows Mail To Open That File

Feb 21, 2009

I had to reinstall Vista on my computer. Previously I used Outlook. I can't find the activation code so I want to try Windows Mail. I saved my Outlook email pst file. Is there a way to get Windows Mail to open that file.

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