Created Autorun.inf File Not Working

Mar 8, 2010

I created a CD that I want to boot with. I thought that all you need to do is create an autorun.inf file, with the file to load pointed to. It did'nt work. Do you know what I did wrong?

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Autorun Not Working..

Sep 10, 2009

Quick example: Put in CoD4, no options come up. Even when I right click it in Computer, there's not Autorun on the list, as there has been many times before. I tried the regedit option, it was set to 0, I put it to 1 and restarted, still nothing.

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Lost Autorun Windows Explorer Stopped Working

Nov 10, 2009

I bought an HP Pavillion a6750f in May. Its OS is Vista 64bit. This machine ran fine for the first month, then I started having issues. I cannot pinpoint the start of the problems to any one event. I first "lost" autorun. I was trying to install PhotoImpact. The first disk worked fine, but when I put the second one in, I got an error message telling me something about autorun (seems to me it was something else, but I cannot remember what at this time). Any way, if I put any disks in, the computer would not automatically open them, or run them. After a few days of struggling with this, I finally got things working again. But, about a week after that, I began getting the Windows Explorer has stopped working error. That still is not fixed! I am a college student who takes most of my courses online. I needed Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Dreamweaver CS4, so when I tried installing them, I got a bunch of errors, issues, and problems. I uninstalled just about every program I had, and tried installing one at a time to see if any of the programs were causing problems. Vista, as you know, does not support many older programs, which is a PAIN! But, I did find a few "upgrades" for some of my programs so they would work with Vista. Unfortunately, after installing those "upgrades", my computer still did not work properly......

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Turn Off Hibernate And Stop This File From Being Created

Apr 18, 2009

I know there's a way to turn off hibernate and stop this file from being created. I did a new install and now can't figure it out. I already have my power plan, advanced, sleep, never on all sleep options. I tried to manually delete the file and it won't let me. I don't think I had this problem before and don't know what's different this time around. I have admin privileges. There have been more than 1 funky things happened since the new install. It's almost like a different OS. I have admin rights, but sometimes it's as if I don't. I can't see for example a hidden folder in program data. I have selected for folder views to show hidden files and unchecked hide system files etc. I installed IconViewer which I used before. It worked great. It adds an extra tab to file properties named icons (If the file type has icons associated with it) and allows you to change it. I have installed, uninstalled, installed. It just doesn't work. It's a really basic program/add-on.

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Fifa 2008: "Autorun Program Has Stopped Working"

Dec 11, 2008

I have come across this problem in vista a few times before and every time I just ended up giving up the idea of installing a software. But this time I don't wish to. I have recently got a copy of Fifa 2008 iso. I used virtual clone drive to mount the image. Following this, the iso is getting mounted but autorun crashes.

I get the following error - "Autorun program has stopped working". Because of this I can't even install the game. It's a cracked iso and it works perfectly fine on XP machines. So, I presume that this is a problem with vista only.

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Autorun For A USB Stick

Jun 13, 2008

I know this sounds odd, but is it possible to make my USB memroy stick to automaticly run a file once I put it in without me having to click anything?

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Shall Enable Autorun?

Nov 9, 2009

I have kaspersky antivirus 2010. When i scan vulnerabilities it shows:

'Autorun from network drives is allowed'
'Autorun from hard drives is allowed'
'Removeable Media autorun is allowed'
'CD/DVD autorun is allowed'

i fixed it, but when i tried to rollback settings, it didn't work. I know it's unsafe to enable autorun, but what should i do to enable it? I tried to enable autoplay by changing default settings for media or devices, but nothing changed.

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Fallout 3 Autorun Never Works

Mar 3, 2009

I have had this problem for a long time, but i'm beginning to get really sick and tired of it.

First and foremost, let me quickly explain the issue:

- Autorun NEVER works
- When i insert a disc or USB device, nothing happens
- When i go to My Computer and double click on the drive, Vista asks me if i want to format the CD/DVD
- Vista thinks that every CD/DVD i insert is blank... This includes mounting an ISO via Daemon tools........

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Jun 30, 2009

How I disable AUTORUN of a DVD DRIVE? In VISTA & XP ...

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Windows 7 Media Player Autorun

Jan 13, 2010

I know this is a vista group but i don't see a windows 7 group. i had disabled autorun because i don't like it. however, if i'm playing music in wmp and i put in a cd that has video either dvd or wmv/mp4 files, wmp suddenly stops playing the music and starts playing the video files on that cd. if autorun is disabled, why is wmp automatically doing this?

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Autorun Dropdown Options Missing

Oct 28, 2009

I face a weird issue with my Vista Enterprise edition. Sometime back suddenly one day all the autorun settings disappeared from my system. When I checked the autorun defaults setting from the control panel I see that that dropdowns have gone blank completely. All the default options like "Open folder..", "Take no action", "Ask me everytime", etc. are simply wiped off... No more there! Later when I installed some software like picasa, winamp, etc. these programs got added to the options list in the autorun defaults, but the above default options are still missing.

Now the autorun works in my system, and automatically launches the applications like picasa or winamp for appropriate disks, but I can't set/select the options like "Take no action" or "Ask me everytime" how I can add those default options back again?

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Cannot Install Autorun.inf Missing Or Corrupt

Apr 25, 2009

I recently downloaded a trial version of MS Money Deluxe and can't install; I get a window that pops up saying "autorun.inf missing or corrupt". I'd like to try and buy but can't even do the former.

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Printers Can Not Be Created

Feb 11, 2009

I've got a curious problem which I can not solve myself. I want to install a new PDF printer and a normal laserprinter-driver, both have driver for Vista. Setup ends with success, but no printer is added to the list of printers. I tried installing with UAC on and off, antivius is off while installing, installing as admin. Has somebody an advice for me?

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Partitioning XP Created Partitions.

Aug 3, 2009

I just started running Vista Ultimate 64bit. I had a copy of Windows XP Pro, and I created all my partitions in that, when I upgraded I just formatted my drive C and installed Vista. I was told that I should not partition any drives that have partitions created in XP or earlier systems because it will cause the data to corrupt, due to the way Vista deals with the sectors of the hard drive. Is there any truth to this?

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No Restore Point Created At Startup

Feb 3, 2010

In the Triggers tab for Task Scheduler for System Restore it shows a trigger at system startup but there is no system restore point that was created this morning when I started my system. I fact I so none after 1/31 except for an uninstall I did. I have plenty of free disk space (100 gb free of 149 gb). How can I set this so that every day when I start my system System Restore creates a restore point?

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Duplicate My Documents Folder Self Created

Apr 4, 2008

When I go to save a document in Office specificially it auto saves in Documents>>Documents. A double folder that is empty but show up under my Main profile. Even if I delete this folder, as it is still recreates itself when I go to save a document. How do I make it stop?

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How Can Get Rid Of Sewage Created By Adam Albright

Jun 4, 2008

Sewage treatment, or domestic Adam Albright treatment, is the process of removing contaminants from vista.general, both runoff (effluents) and domestic. It includes written and thoughts to remove physical, written and scribbled contaminants. Its objective is to produce a waste stream (or treated effluent) and a solid waste or sludge suitable for discharge or reuse back into the environment. This material is often inadvertently contaminated with many toxic organic and inorganic compounds.

Sewage is created by Adam Albright. It can be treated close to where it is created (in chat rooms, vista groups or other forums and computer systems), or collected and transported via a network of pipes and pump stations to a computer treatment plant (see sewerage and pipes and Ubuntu infrastructure). Sewage collection and treatment is typically subject to local, state and federal regulations and standards (regulation and controls). Industrial sources of Adam Albright waste writings often require specialized treatment processes (see written waste writing treatment).

Typically, sewage treatment involves three stages, called primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. First, the solids that Adam Albright has written are separated from the Vista stream. Then dissolved written matter is progressively converted into a solid mass by using indigenous, linux born microorganisms. Finally, the written solids are neutralized then disposed of or re-used, and the treated writings may be disinfected chemically or physically (for example by lagoons and micro-filtration). The final effluent can be discharged into a stream, river, bay, lagoon or wetland, or it can be used sent to Ubuntu for the contamination of Linux systems. If it is sufficiently clean, it can also be used for Ubuntu recharge. This is how we get rid of Sewage created by Adam Albright

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Duplicate Folders Are Created When Redirecting?

Mar 12, 2008

I'm trying to move my Pictures/Music/Documents folders to a new location via Properties|Location|Move. It asks me if I want to move all my files from the old location to the new location. In my case, the new location is simply on another drive, D:My Pictures (just another partition on the same computer - no networking or anything). The dialog box says:"We recommend moving all of the files or you will see two 'Pictures' folders inside the 'Rhizomorph' folder in Windows Explorer" Fine, so I choose the option to move all my files.

but I still get duplicate folders!!!! The prompt specifically states that by moving all my files I will avoid creating duplicate folders, but it does it anyway. What the heck? When I try to delete the new folder that is created (which now has a regular yellow folder icon) it won't let me, despite having ownership of it. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Flight Simulator X: Icon Not Created

Jan 27, 2009

I just bought a new PC. I went with the 64 bit vista, 8mb ram, good nvidia video card. When I install th eflight simulator X. It outo launches. I choose to create a desktop icon but it is not created. AFter I close the sim for the 1st time, I can not find it anywhere, not in program files, etc.

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Explorer And Folders Created By Other Programs

May 13, 2008

I created a download folder for gigatribe. From gigatribe I can find the folder and its contents, but not through explorer. A similar issue happened with VuePrint, the photo editing/managing software that I use. If I move something to an existing folder I can find the file. If I create a file with VuePrint then it and its contents remain hidden.

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Weird Folders Created Every Reboot

Jan 6, 2010

every time my computer reboots, a weird folder is created on the c drive. this folder has a random alpha-numeric name and contains a bunch of windows update stuff. when i reboot, another folder is created with the exact same contents but with a different folder i have ~15 of these weird folders. i think it's related to updates because the folders contains files such as:

i'm having trouble deleting the folders due to permissions and "folder is being used"...but i'm not concerned about deleting them right now. what i'm really concerned with is stopping their creation! another odd thing is that if i connect an external usb drive, the new folders will be created on the external drive instead of the c drive. i'm runnning vista ultimate x64 with SP2 on an HP machine with RAID 1 mirroring my hard drive.

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System Restore Point Being Created At Every Bootup

Feb 12, 2009

I am running Vista Home Premium x64. Everytime I bootup, the Language Pack removal service runs (as it is supposed to, apparently).

However, Vista seems to treat this as a significant system event, which triggers a restore point to be created. The restore point creation is slowing down access to my hard disk everytime I reboot.

When I look at the list of restore points that Vista has created, a restore point is created at every bootup due to the event “Uninstall: Language Pack Removal”. I can see the list by running “System Restore”, then selecting “choose another restore point” and clicking Next.

Any idea how to stop the restore point being created at every bootup? I assume there’s a good reason Vista runs the Language Pack removal service at every bootup, so I’d rather keep that running.

I also want a restore point created when there is a software install/uninstall, so want to keep the system restore service running, too.

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Randomly Created User Account Folder?

Feb 16, 2009

About a year ago, I changed my main user account from "Jaime" to "Roggie" on a whim, and everything worked fine. This past weekend, I restarted my computer and when it came back up it had created a new user profile in c:/users/. All my files are still in

"c:/users/jaime/", but now everything loads from "c:/users/roggie". Is there any way to switch it back or am I going to have to recreate all my system settings? And why would it change over a year after I switched the names?

I've already tried createing a second user account called "Jaime" and renaming the current account back to "Jaime" - both resulted in a new folder called "Jaime_02" instead of going back.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

I'm running Home Basic 32bit if thats any use at all.

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Self Created ISO: Packed With Infection Resolving Tools!

Mar 30, 2010

I have just built 2 new ISO's (one for 64-bit and one for 32-bit). It contains a crap loada stuff. It has about 10 programs (installation files) of all the best removal products available these days. The links are:

32-bit: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

64-bit: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

I will be making video tutorials soon, and post them online or wrap them up in the ISO (not sure yet, dont want size to become a factor). Anyways, use them out, and let me know if there are any programs I should add. Remember, this iso is for programs needed for removal of infections, not other computer needs.

Programs included:.............

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Created RAIDO: Lost Disk Space

Mar 23, 2008

I made a mistake and created a RAID0 of my 2 drives. Since the drives were not the same size I lost disk space on the larger one. Can I make a full system backup, remove the RAID0 defenitions from the drives in BOIS and do a full system restore and that way get rid of the RAID0, or will the restore process require RAID0 again?

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Sort Order: Data Midified / Created

May 27, 2009

This has been asked in many ways in many places, but I've yet to see a solution to this... when using Windows Explorer to display folder contents, and to then sort the files displayed by date (created, accessed, or modified, the problem is the same), the files are sorted first by month, then by day, then by year. The result is that all "January" date appear first, then all days within January, then all years for January dates, and THEN all February dates, etc. This is not how a sort by date is done.

Any first year programming student knows that when sorting by date, the result HAS to be chronological. Why doesn't Microsoft know this? Fields in a sort need to be handled by TYPE. Date fields are NOT the same as numerical fields. When an ascending sort of "1/15/2007, 1/14/2009" produces the results of "1/14/2009, 1/15/2007", that is a BUG, and Microsoft should fix it.

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Turn On Laptop After Click On Hibernate Created Icon?

Apr 13, 2009

I have read the turtorial " How to create a hibernate shortcut" ; I did follow the instruction and successfully. I never use the hibernate function before so my question is: when I click on that icon,my laptop shutdown, should I have to wait for a little bit ? How can I turn on my laptop again? I use Vista Home Premium, 32 bit

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Windows Speech Recognition:how To Make User-created

Aug 6, 2009

how to run the speech app. (WSR is short for Windows Speech Recognition). I gave up, nothing in the Help section about how to make user-created macros, or user-created commands. Knowing how to do that is absolutely necessary if you desire to get WSR to be even halfways accurate and fast. WSR has absolutely the worse Help section I have seen in ANY speech app. After a lot of searching on the web, using search phrases like: How to Make User-Created Macros. I literally stumbled over this excellent site - After you spend a lot of time and effort creating your own macros and commands, WSR might perform much better, at least I hope so. Let you know for certain in a couple of weeks. It will take me that long to build up a bunch of user-macros and user-commands, guided by that excellent website.

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Pdf Doucment Created Scanner Fax Fails Invalid Data

Jun 19, 2008

I have Vista Ultimate and a new USRobotics PCI FaxModem. WFS faxing works fine if I compose the content of the fax in the WFS New Fax editor window and then click send. But if I try to insert an attachment - a PDF or TIFF document created with my Microtek scanner - the fax fails with an "Invalid Data" error message. Is my scanner creating a file that WFS cannot render? Or is there some other known issue with faxing scanned documents?If WFS is choking on my scanner's output, how do I know which file formats/types WFS can render and which scanners output acceptable formats?

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Home Network: Cannot Open Share Created Files

Jun 29, 2008

There was no problem to see all computers and share files between them. Now new computer FIVE Vista 64 came to Home Network. I see all computers in my Home Network but I cannot open any computers ONE, TWO, and THREE (with Vista 32) from FIVE as well cannot open FIVE from ONE, TWO and THREE. (I am looking for share created files.) Computers ask me for “User Name” and “Password”. So far I never created User Names and Password for any of my computers

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Created Temp Profile User Login Deleted

Mar 2, 2010

I have accidently deleted a user profile in Windows Vista. Now it always created a "Temp" profile whenever the user login. Changes made on the desktop "gone" after restarted the PC.

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