Randomly Created User Account Folder?

Feb 16, 2009

About a year ago, I changed my main user account from "Jaime" to "Roggie" on a whim, and everything worked fine. This past weekend, I restarted my computer and when it came back up it had created a new user profile in c:/users/. All my files are still in

"c:/users/jaime/", but now everything loads from "c:/users/roggie". Is there any way to switch it back or am I going to have to recreate all my system settings? And why would it change over a year after I switched the names?

I've already tried createing a second user account called "Jaime" and renaming the current account back to "Jaime" - both resulted in a new folder called "Jaime_02" instead of going back.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

I'm running Home Basic 32bit if thats any use at all.

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Windows Speech Recognition:how To Make User-created

Aug 6, 2009

how to run the speech app. (WSR is short for Windows Speech Recognition). I gave up, nothing in the Help section about how to make user-created macros, or user-created commands. Knowing how to do that is absolutely necessary if you desire to get WSR to be even halfways accurate and fast. WSR has absolutely the worse Help section I have seen in ANY speech app. After a lot of searching on the web, using search phrases like: How to Make User-Created Macros. I literally stumbled over this excellent site - After you spend a lot of time and effort creating your own macros and commands, WSR might perform much better, at least I hope so. Let you know for certain in a couple of weeks. It will take me that long to build up a bunch of user-macros and user-commands, guided by that excellent website.

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Created Temp Profile User Login Deleted

Mar 2, 2010

I have accidently deleted a user profile in Windows Vista. Now it always created a "Temp" profile whenever the user login. Changes made on the desktop "gone" after restarted the PC.

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Duplicate My Documents Folder Self Created

Apr 4, 2008

When I go to save a document in Office specificially it auto saves in Documents>>Documents. A double folder that is empty but show up under my Main profile. Even if I delete this folder, as it is empty...it still recreates itself when I go to save a document. How do I make it stop?

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Admin Account Added Standard User Account Will Not Open

Mar 23, 2008

I use a admin account on my computer but when I added standard user account it will not open some web pages for example when I go to my yahoo mail it will show the email but when I click on it, it will not show any text, but when I use the administrator account the web page works fine, I can see and read all emails. Another example is when I go to ask.com and search under the standard user it comes up as a blank page but will show search results under the administrator account. I have windows vista home and 7.0 explorer.

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Icons/Files From User Folder Showing Up In Computer Folder

Nov 26, 2009

I have several icons/files from my "User" folder showing up in the "Computer" folder (several in duplicate), PLUS numerous blank icons. This seems to have occurred after the Common Files folder became corrupted, after I somewhat riskily decided to power off while Vista was attempting to come out of Sleep mode - it had already taken about 3 mins and I was in a hurry - bad move, I know. That delay appears to have been due to an old version of Online Armor, and has now been fixed (by an update). Chkdsk scanned and (apparently) corrected some errors, and I also ran SFC which said it had corrected some errors but had also found some that it couldn't correct.

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Moved Documents Folder To User Profile Folder

May 18, 2010

I've accidentally moved my Documents Folder into my user profile folder by mistake and now i have a mess. basically I now have a folder that goes something like this: c:usersdocuments and it contains a duplicate of everything that was already in the desktopusernamedocuments folder except now I can't rename or delete my user profile folders...ad I don't have a restore point to go back to what can I do?

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UAC User Account

Mar 4, 2009

I have two programs that need to run on boot up. In both cases I get prompted to allow. Can I turn this prompt off for particular users by turning UAC off? Or does it turn off for everyone? Can UAC be configured to be off for JUST these two programs?

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User Account Name

Aug 12, 2008

I was just wondering if anyone could tell me about user accounts. I wanted to know if when you rename an account is it possible to rename the user file. An example is an account called "a" to an account called "b". I rename it to "b" the user file is still c:windowsusersa How would I go about changing the file name?

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User Name For Account

Feb 22, 2010

i have a problem do you guys usually put your nickname or your full own name for your vista account because i found out that vista does not have the capable of putting password on files.

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All Files Gone From My User Account!!!

Mar 5, 2009

All of the folders on my
user account are gone and Vista reverted everything like my account was
just created. I lost all of my files and everything else I have had. Its
all been deleted!

It started this morning when I logged in and everything off of my
desktop was gone. All of the files and everything. I don't know what
happened, I didn't delete the account or make a new one or anything.

All I know is that my brother, he was stupidly going through my
files from his user account (through Computer/Users), since he was made an admin, and he was deleting some files off of my user account. I'm not sure what it was but it must have been something he deleted that messed up everything! I still see some of the items in my garbage can of stuff that might have been deleted by the moron. The
other user accounts are fine, its just mine that is missing everything
and acting like its a brand new account.

I don't know what he deleted but I know he didn't do a complete wipeout of my account.I
still have a feeling that my files are somewhere because the hard drive
is still the same size.

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Deleted User Account

Nov 7, 2009

I have accidently deleted my user account off my laptop (vista home premium 32bit) but my files are still there in the user section of my hard drive. Can i recover it? If so how? I have only recently deleted it and I have another account with administrator privledges on it.

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Automatically Log Onto Your User Account.

May 31, 2008

I want to be able to automatically log onto my user account after sleep or shutdown. I unchecked 'require password etc.' under 'control userpasswords2'. But it keeps logging on to an administrator account.Is there a way to make the computer open at the desktop of my standard account? I would like the administrator account to be password protected.

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Can't Log Into User Account Fully

Jun 15, 2009

My pc recently died whilst running a backup, so now i have no backup. Anyway, upon restarting after this issue, I can't log into my user account fully. I can get to a plain black desktop and I get this message in a bubble "Your user profile was not loaded correctly. You have been logged on with the default profile for the system. Please see the event log for details or contact your system administrator" I can't access my files of programs

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Create A New User Account, Nothing Happens?

Nov 6, 2008

My Office suite has had a bit of a fit, and the fix I've found involves creating a new user account, then exporting that account's registry. The kicker is that when I create a new user account, nothing happens. The profile shows up, as does the picture, but no directory is created in the Users folder, nor in the registry.

So, it shows up, but doesn't actually exist, and when I try and sign on to this new account, it says "The user profile service failed the log in. The user account can not be loaded." why this is happening and how to fix it?

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User Account & Signin Name Different?

Jan 27, 2010

I am giving my computer to a friend and am trying to clean it up for her. I added she and her husband as administrators and then deleted my account. But when I restart the computer I get a notice that the name is not the correct one. I change the user, but I end up having to click on my name which is still there, and entering my password. Then I see two of each of our icons. I can then click on another person. I went into the system and checked and it shows only the other two people as administrators and does not show my name.

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Unknown User Account

Mar 23, 2008

I noticed a Standard user named "dlbj_IAM" in my Parental Controls and I didn't create this account. I have a stand alone Vista Premium computer with wireless connectivity. The account doesn't show up in "User Accounts" or when I check the users folder creation in explorer to determine when it was created - there are no folders created for this user. I would like to determine when this account was created and if there has been any wireless activity before deleting this account.

I set parental controls to high and put every restriction I could find on this account. I have gone to Admin Tools, Computer Management in hopes to look in Local Users and Groups but it doesn't exist. Is this something different about Vista Premium?

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Can Not Delete A User Account

Mar 16, 2010

I made a user account a while back for the family members that always get on my computer so that they didnt mess with anything on my account. Why i didnt just use guest side im still not sure. I want to delete this account and turn on guest but it will not let me do anything with it. I have tried changing it to standard and deleting and nothing. I went into safe mode and tried to delete it and still nothing. Turned on the built in administrator account and still nothing. Im tired of them being able to change setting and things on the other side and i can not do anything about it,

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Cannot Delete User Account

Jan 13, 2008

I am listed as the Administrator on my laptop. After my Dad gave me this PC after having it and registering in his name, I renamed the Administrator from his name to mine. When I go under User Accounts, I am the only user listed. However, when I boot my computer, my Dad's log in information is listed first and it starts up automatically saying "Username or password is invalid" and then I have the click "Switch User" to log in under myself. I have tried to delete User Account in Safe Mode, but that did not work either. How can I delete this account so I may start up my computer with just my login information??

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User Account Can't Logon

May 1, 2009

I've created a new user account but can't log into it - I always get the message "The User Profile Service failed the logon. User Profile cannot be loaded". I can log into all other user accounts. I am wondering if this has anything to do with the fact that I removed a user and then deleted the users's folder and all the files in that folder including NTUSER.dat file. Is there something I need to do to be able to log into the new user account(s)?

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User Account Can't Print

Jul 4, 2008

I cannot solve an issue with trying to access a Windows XP shared printer from a Vista Ultimate PC. I have read several articles on this on the web and tried a lot of the suggestions, but I am still not getting anywhere with this. My User accounts cannot print from Vista to the shared XP printer. The printer status shows Error - Printing. I have opened up the security permissions on the printer share to include Everyone, Guests, Users, Anonymous Users with full access, and I still get this error. My Administrator account does not have any problems printing from Vista.

Both computers are on the same workgroup. Both computers have identical user accounts with identical passwords and permission sets. The printer is an HP C4100. I checked with HP and I have the latest print driver. I have tried adding the shared printer using both local and shared printer settings, but still no luck. Both computers have all of the latest service packs and updates. I am at my wits end trying to fix this.

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Corrupted User Account

Aug 2, 2009

I tried to install postgresql-8.4.0. I didn't turn off User Account Control before doing that, which seems to be recommended. I think Postgres tried to create a user account called 'postgres', but it failed (I suspect because of UAC). Postgres installation could not finish normally. When I look in the Control PanelUser Accounts, no 'postgres' user is visible. When I try to create a new user called 'postgres' however, I get the following error message:

Quote: The specified account name is not valid, because account names cannot contain the following characters: /[]":'|< >+=,?* Please type a different name. It looks like I'm stuck with a corrupted 'postgres' user. Is there a way to clean this up?

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Disable The UAC Account On A User :: Whole Computer?

May 15, 2010

I would just like to ask a question about the UAC; if you disable the UAC account on a User does that disable it for the whole computer?

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Create User Account Problem

Oct 8, 2008

And now I don't find the message I thought I sent 8 hours ago.

Which said roughly that I'm not finding my tries at making a user account without there being the conflict between 2 instances of Webroot's firewall, etc.

Should be asking in another place, but I can't find that place.

How do I determine what each acct. is made of, what pgms what files?

I see something about "Profiles", but the help files here tell me all about what profiles do, but not how to determine the profile's character.

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Adding And Deleting A User Account

Sep 26, 2009

Made the mistake of creating a User Account, "the Smiths," and then later changing User Name to "Ed" with password on older computer running XP. Would now like that account to be "Ed" to be consistent with another computer running Vista on my LAN. Is the correct way to make this change (1) change the User Name of "the Smiths" from "Ed" to say "Smith" as a temporary expedient, (2) create a new User Account name "Ed," which will generate the necessary file structure under Documents and Settings along with its User Name of "Ed", (3) copy files from Documents and Setting he Smiths to Documents and SettingEd and (4) delete the User Account "the Smiths"? My biggest concern is the copying of files - most of which I do not understand their value/purpose?

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Turn Off User Account Control

Feb 15, 2009

How to turn off User Account Control ?

The endless prompts are driving me batty ...

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Microsoft: The Why Of UAC (User Account Control)

Oct 14, 2008

User Account Control. We promised that this blog would provide a view of Engineering Windows 7 and that means that we would cover the full range of topics—from performance to user interface, technical and non-technical topics, and of course easy topics and controversial topics. This post is about User Account Control. Our author is Ben Fathi, vice president for core OS development. UAC is a feature that crosses many aspects of the Windows architecture—security, accounts, user interface, design, and so on—we had several other members of the team contribute to the post.

We continue to value the discussion that the posts seem to inspire—we are betting (not literally of course) that this post will bring out comments from even the most reserved of our readers. Let’s keep the comments constructive and on-topic for this one. FWIW, the blogs.msdn.com server employs some throttles on comments that aim to reduce spam. We don’t control this and have all the “unmoderated” options checked. I can’t publish the spam protection rules since that sort of defeats the purpose (and I don’t know them). However, I apologize if your comment doesn’t make it through. --Steven........

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User Account, Possibly In Registry.

May 15, 2010

I am running Windows Home Premium 32-bit, which came preloaded with factory settings. Several weeks ago, after restarting my computer, I logged on to what appeared to be another account within the computer. This account had a similar desktop to my normal one, with a few folders missing, and its version of Firefox had none of my bookmarks or saved passwords. There were other differences too, such as it didn't remember windows live settings, differect text sizes, basic display settings etc. The background was the same.

Windows hadn't done this before, and after restarting my computer again it reverted to the normal account. Since then, each time I've turned my computer back on, it has logged onto this seperate user account first, before logging back onto my original account on following startups. I have looked for this answers to this problem, but because I could easily overcome it by restarting my computer, it didn't bother me much............

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Recover Deleted User Account

Mar 21, 2009

Last night I noticed an icon (GetIE* now!) which would allow me to upgrade to Internet Explorer8 (so that I could supposedly experience better/ faster service when emailing etc.) However, after attempting to download, I rec'd an error mess'g contained inside of a box, indicating that the download attempt had failed & that I should access troubleshooting instructions from my computer. Basically one of the suggestions which was provided, indicated that I reset the computer to its "default" settings (and a link was even provided for me to click on, so that this process could be done AUTOMATICALLY).

However, even after trying the suggestion and reattempting to download Internet Explorer 8, I was still unsuccessful (I rec'd the same original error mess'g). So I gave up (because I din't have the patience anymore to try to figure it out) and figured that because the download never went through, everything with my computer was still the same. However, I rec'd a major shock this morning, when my 12 yr old son (who is the only other user on my computer), tried to log on...

basically, he immediately discovered after turning on the computer, that his user account, had suddenly become non-existant (only MY picture & username was visible. normally, HIS would appear adjacent to mine). My son ofcourse was in hysterics because now all of his photos, videos, etc. are all gone (and I feel so terrible about it). Is there ANY way that I can recover his deleted account? (P.S. I'm the administrator by the way)

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Deleted User Account: Can Recover?

Mar 23, 2008

a user account has been deleted by mstake in vista home. Is there any way i can recover the data files associated with that user account? Im afraid no back up has been made!

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Standard User Account Logs Off.

Apr 13, 2009

When I my son signs on it comes back with logging off and logs him off. I am setup as an administrator and can log on without any problems, my son's account is setup as standard user account with parental controls turn on. I have deleted his account and created a new one as a standard user, I tried turning off parental controls and I still get the same problem. The only way around this I have found so far is to make his account an administrator. Which is not something that I want to keep this way.

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