Fdisk Utility And Command

Mar 23, 2008

I'm trying to add a second HD and and I open command prompt to open the fdisk utility and that command is unrecognizeable. I punch in 'help' and fdisk is not even listed in the help list. When did this change for windows to not include fdisk?

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FDisk Command Doesn't Work From A Command Line Start

Mar 12, 2009

I am writing to this Forum in desperation because I cannot find any way to get in touch by email with Windows Live OneCare even though I am a paid subscriber. I have NOT had a good experience of MS tech support. After 18 months of endless problems with Windows VISTA Ultimate Edition V 6001 I now wish to reformat my computer and get RID of it altogether, replacing it with System 7 for which I have a serial number and a beta download from the recent Microsoft online download offer.

As VISTA seems to have eleminated DOS altogether and the old FDisk command doesn't work from a command line start, I have tried to reformat from my OEM Vista Ultimate Edition re-installation DVD which I am certain used to offer me reformat and partitioin delete as the first options but that no longer seems to offer me any reformat option at all and not only instists only on re-installing VISTA (which I no longer want) but leaves the old installation in a directory renamed "WindowsOld" which VISTA will then not allow me to delete....

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Windows Defender Command Line Utility / Mp Telemetry

Sep 16, 2009

View Details:
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: MpTelemetry
Problem Signature 01: 8024402c
Problem Signature 02: EndSearch
Problem Signature 03: Search
Problem Signature 04: 1.1.1505.0
Problem Signature 05: MpSigDwn.dll
Problem Signature 06: 1.1.1505.0
Problem Signature 07: Windows Defender
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 7177

I tried the following fix:

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
3. Click the Connections tab, click LAN Settings, and then click Advance.
4. Delete any entry in the Exceptions section.
5. Quit Internet Explorer.
6. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
7. Type the following commands. Press ENTER after each command.
o proxycfg -d
o net stop wuauserv
o net start wuauserv

[No's 5 through 7 - Where is 'Run'?]

but came unstuck as follows: On clicking LAN settings - advanced is greyed out. I tried ticking the Use a proxy server ... and clicked advanced but was then asked for settings.........

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Checkdisk Utility And Disk Cleanup Utility

Mar 23, 2008

just a bit of advice needed really. Im in the process of doing a course. It is talking baout how to run chkdsk and cisk cleanup but is only giving instructions on how to do these processes in Windows XP. What is the procedure in Vista?

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Make A Command Prompt Run A Command As Soon As It Opens?

Nov 16, 2008

I've been trying to figure out how to make a command prompt run a command line as soon as the box comes up.

I need this to happen all from one command line. A command prompt needs to open with "echo hi" being ran as a command line.

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Command Line Ren (Rename) Command Broken?

May 17, 2008

I'm having trouble with the REN command with wild cards as used from the command prompt. For example, in the REN command help, it says: "For example, if you had files that are named smitha.doc, smithb.doc, and smithc.doc, you could use the ren smith*.doc smythe*.doc command. All file names automatically show the new spelling, and are renamed smythea.doc, smytheb.doc, and smythec.doc.".........

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Windows Mail Command "The Command Failed To Execute"

Jun 11, 2009

All of a sudden when I try to open attachments I get "The Command Failed To Execute" I hate Vista it gets worse and worse. They must have expected big problems as they uped their charges for help and when it crashes it now says do you want to return to your orginial site?

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Free Rar Utility?

Sep 7, 2009

Is there a free utility I can use with Vista 64 to rar and unrar files?

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SFC Utility And Scannow

Dec 2, 2009

I recently got a new external hard drive with 1TB capacity and have tried to do a back up of my files. There was an error when I tried to do this ox81000008 which informs me that I must use the Sytem File Checker. I have opened up a command prompt to and typed in sfc /scannow

However it won't run and I'm being informed "You must be an administrator running a console session in order to use the sfc utility". I am the only person that uses my PC and my profile has full administration. how I might be able to successfully backup my files?

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Chk Disk Utility Won't Work

Mar 23, 2008

I'm not able to make the check disk utility work. I have Vista Ultimate and
have tried rescheduling by right clicking the C drive and tools method and via the chkdsk/f method and disk check utility never executes. I also tried disabling my virus checker, AVG Free, but achieve the same results.

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How To Get Bios Setup UTILITY

Apr 5, 2010

Since I upgrading my BIOS (Phoenix technologies) V1.7 to V1.8, I can no = longer access the BIOS SETUP UTILITY MENU. NOTE: the notebook is working fine, I can access the F2 boot and F8 = advance boot menu. When I press F10 I get the following;

Edit windows boot options for: Microsoft Windows Vista
Path:windowssystem32win load.exe
Hard Disk: 5c9d3909
MODEL: ACER ASPIRE 5735-4774. Vista. HP. 32. SP2

I don=E2=80=99t have a backup, how to I get the SETUP UTILITY,=20. I want to upgrade to ultimate this is holding my back.

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Keyboard Utility (Creator?)

Dec 7, 2009

I would like to find the Microsoft Keyboard Utility (Creator?) which I had downloaded from the company's Web site. how I can reach the appropriate page? Is it compatible with 64 bit systems. I have used it with XP and Vista 32 bit. but I have since moved to Win 7 64 bit.

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Disk Cleanup Utility

Nov 26, 2009

How do I permanently remove the default check mark in the box next to "Thumbnails" or eliminate the category?

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Cannot Find Vista's Zip Utility?

Jun 30, 2008

Just wondering if Vista has a zip utility? I know about Winzip, etc but XP had a zip utility with it, as did the other previous versions of Windows. I cannot find Vista's zip utility.

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HDD Health Utility Not Working

Oct 8, 2009

One of my computers running "HDD Health" program shows no detail drive data. I've got HDD health installed on two very similar machines running Vista on Core 2 Duo ASUS P5DG MBs. Both have 3 hard drives but only one of these machine shows drive detail in HDD Health. One installation works fine but the other has no details at all. I'm wondering which of my setting is wrong

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Chkdsk Utility Stored?

Jan 17, 2010

anyone know where the log file for the chkdsk utility is stored? please don't tell me to look in EVENT VIEWER as i can't open it. (event viewer - mmc could not create snap in)

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Can't Install Cleanup Utility 1.0

Jun 15, 2009

I'm having the same problem as everyone else it seems, with one exception, I can't install the proposed solution, Windows Installer CleanUp Utility 1.0. When I do and try to run it my computer tells my permission has been denied and it says there is a VBScript runtime error. I just really want to uninstall msn 9.0... it's really beginning to bother me that I can't. It's not under the program files, it's not under the removable hardware, it seems deleted from my computer, but whenever i try to reinstall it or an earlier version of msn it tells me I already have it, or a more modern version installed. How do I get rid of this blasted messenger? or, alternatively, how do I reinstall it. On a sidenote, the reason I wanted to uninstall it was that I couldn't log on. It just told me that the service was temporarily unavailable. How can I avoid that?

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Is There A Decent ISO Image Mount Utility Out There?

Dec 25, 2007

I used to use Virtual CD from slysoft. It doesn't work with Vista

a) Is there anything in Vista that can mount an ISO image?


b) A cool app that will let you mount any number of images and re-mount them upon start up.

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Not Switch Off The System Recovery Utility

May 19, 2008

First and foremost create a Recovery Disc and keep it safe and do not switch off the System Recovery utility. Do not remove the bloatware came with your PC unless you are desperate for space in your Hard disc,if and when you remove them do it one by one monitoring the response of the PC. If you couldn't get SP1,don't loose your sleep over it because it is not for the benefit of the user and it is designed to stop the user using other free third party softwares and tools(in my opinion anyway and remember I am not an expert).

Do not rely solely on the advices and do your own research as well because these so called advisers haven't provided me with tangible proof of their competence. Most of them hail vista as the best but wouldn't say why. If you ask any questions,they will blame you first for not asking the question properly and point you to a website to learn how to ask questions. Then they will request the third party software details and blame them. Now the turn of your hardware incompatibility which creates the problem. When everything fails they will accuse you of being an Ubuntu user. I suspect these so called experts use Ubuntu or some thing and pretend to be Vista experts and trying to damage the image of Vista. However,there are many helpful sites available and one of them is: www.vistax64.com If you do the basic housekeeping maintenance you will do fine.

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CLI Utility That Can Disable And Enable Devices?

Apr 4, 2008

I need to script the disabling of some devices in Vista but neither the 32bit nor 64bit version of devcon.exe downloadable from the site will work with vista. Anyone know of one that does work in vista, or any other CLI utility that can disable and enable devices?

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Recommend File Search Utility?

May 13, 2009

Windows Vista's file search is maybe for just casual searches, not for serious searches. I often need to find files with various criteria such as file size, date or string in the text and so on. Is there any file search utility that you would recommend?

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Run Utility Lost In Start Menu

Sep 2, 2009

My run utility is gone, i mean really gone, not just lost within start menu

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Diskpart Utility Can't Find List

Mar 26, 2008

When I use diskpart,In diskpart I listed my disks after I plug my ufd drive,Icann't find it in the list. Only hard disk are listed. But I can find it in file manager and device manager. It work fine for any file process.What's wrong?

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How Backup Utility To Recognise Files?

Nov 8, 2008

I've been running Backups regularly using the Control Panel, Backup and Restore Center. I've recently noticed however that my movie files weren't being backed up. The file type is '. MOD' saved by Panasonic camcorders. The 'video' and 'additional files' boxes are checked in the settings dialog. I spotted the problem after adding loads of movies to the computer and noticing the backup didn't need a new DVD (previous one nearly full) then I checked the backup files and '.MOI' files were copied from the folders but not the '.MOD' files. Is there any way of getting the backup utility to recognise these files?

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Cann't Find Diskpart Utility

Mar 23, 2008

In diskpart I listed my disks after I plug my ufd drive, I cann't find it in the list. Only hard disk are listed. But I can find it in file manager and device manager. It work fine for any file process.

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Is There Any Utility Or Program That Can Tell Whether Your System Is = Using 64bit Programs

Nov 20, 2009

Is there any utility or program that can tell whether your system is = using 64bit programs? I ask because I just installed Nitro PDR Pro 6 x64 and it installed it = in the x85 Programs Directory. There's no way I can even tell if a true = 64 bit program is actually being utilized in my 64 bit OS. I know I'm = being anal but with all the talk of 64 bit vs 32 bit, I started getting = curious. Seems that all the big box stores sell computers mostly with = 64 bit Windows installed but a great majority of the programs are 32 bit = (I know they don't make many).......

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Whats A Good Registry/& Utility Program For 64?

Jun 9, 2008

you cant search for reviews, they all have Faux reviews flooding the Web

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Folder Size Utility- What Is Taking Up So Much Space?

Feb 19, 2009

I'm looking for a free utility that will show me at a quick glance which folders are taking up most of the room on my hard drive. I have a 146gb hard drive almost full and I can't tell for the life of me what is taking up so much space. Can anyone recommend something that works for both Vista and XP?

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VISTA Logonui.exe On Boot Up: Unreadable Run The Chkdsk Utility

Aug 13, 2009

I have a HP pavilion desktop pc bought about a year ago it has worked just fine until about 4 days ago when i first off got the blue screen to check for problems i restared the machine and it started up fine however the next time i power on and off again it boots to the windows please wait then screen stays on black screen with the curser and just sits there. I have tried to start in safe mode to see if i could run adaware and or other spyware removal tools but when trying to use safe mode i get the same black screen. I have gone to the F8 options and run a repair whcih came back with the following errors:

System Volume Corrupt. The file or directory/Program Files/common Files is corrupt & unreadable run the chkdsk utility. Also before this i went in and changed the boot sequence to boot form the HDD? not sure if that may have cause it to throw up the errors above. Now i ran a hardware test and all came back with green ticks stating no problems.

When i bought the pc i was not supplied with the windows Vista recoverycd and updon calling HP was told i would have to BUY it. which i wont do if i can fix it myself. Can anyone please give advise on anything i can try.

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Registry Altering Utility Called Xp_balloon Tips.vbs

Aug 26, 2009

Back in the days when I used XP there was a registry altering utility called xp_balloontips.vbs. Running this useful utility managed to get rid of most of XP's annoying balloon tips that come up on mouse rollover. Does anyone know if there is anything similar for Vista?

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The Vista Scores Cannot Be Taken As A True Benchmark Unless You Use A Benchmarking Utility Written Specifically For Vista

Mar 29, 2008

The biggest factor that explains why your scores between XP and Vista are so radically different is because the benchmark program you are using (you never said which) is likely written specifically for XP. The Vista scores cannot be taken as a true benchmark unless you use a benchmarking utility written specifically for Vista, such as PCMark Vantage. You can then compare scores between yours and other Vista installations. But unless you find a utility that can correctly test and recognize the differences between both XP and Vista, you cannot accurately compare scores.

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