Error Creating Cache-space

Jun 12, 2009

Can any one tell me what the following means Error: error creating cache-space: nothing removed.

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Low Disk Space C Error Message

Dec 1, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium running on a 320 GB hard drive. I keep getting the low disc space on C: error message, and when I click on My Computer, it says I only have 189 MB of free space on the C: drive. However, when I click on the C drive, highlight all the folders, and click Properties, it says I am using 26 GB of space next to "size on disk". I tried to solve this problem about a week ago by moving 30 gigs of music to an external hard drive, but the C drive has filled up again even though I have not added anything to the C drive. I've also tried using disk cleanup and defrag, but that hasn't worked. This seems like a pretty serious problem. What's the deal?

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16 MB Cache And 32 MB Cache?

Jun 29, 2009

When it comes to hard drives, other than the obvious cache size what is the difference between a HD with 16MB cache and one with 32MB cache, and will I be able to notice the difference during gaming or high load situations?

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Cannot Rebuild Icon Cache After OSX

Sep 19, 2008

I've just tried to uninstall Vista OSX 4 via its uninstaller, but nothing seems to have worked. All the icons are that of MacOS, same goes for the login and bootscreens. But nevermind the last two, I will deal with them myself. What bothers me is that I cannot find IconCache.db nowhere on C: in order to delete it and reset the icon cache as described here, on The other method (switching back to 16-bit colors also did not do the trick). Mainly my concern is for the explorer icons - system drives, start menu icons (Computer, Control panel...)

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How Can Manually Clear The Cache?

May 17, 2008

Windows Vista Ultimate. In Windows XP, I used to manually clear Cookies, Temp files and Internet Temp files from the Local Settings (after enabling the file extension views from Tools > Properties > View tab). How can I do this in Windows Vista Ultimate ? I found only Temp folder under Local in the Explorer but not the Cookies folder and Internet Temp folder.

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Clean Cache Files?

Oct 17, 2008

How to clean out the cache files for this thing, i think i did, but not 1oo% sure!

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How To Bring Back The Amount Of Free Space And Used Space On A Hard Drive

Nov 28, 2008

I would like to get vista to use the login style used in Win 2000 ... ctrl+alt+del gives a login box in which to enter the user name and password.

Win XP Pro had this option also, but, it's default was like vista (pictures showing all users).

I have been able to get the ctrl+alt+del part but instead of the login box I still get pictures.

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IE7 Will Not Cache Pages Or Store Cookies

May 15, 2008

The other day gmail started complaining that my cache was full so I cleared it and increased the size to 1024MB. This did not stop the error so I looked a little deeper and the issue appears to be that IE7 is not caching anything at all - at least, the "Temporary Internet Files" folder is empty.

This leads me to consider a permissions problem, more so as I have moved the Temp Internet folder to another partition. I have set the permissions on the drive and parent folder to give "everyone" full control. This has not resolved the problem. Some files have appeared which I think have come from Windows Media Player but websites are not showing up, not even cookies. rss.xml files have also shown up after a reboot from sidebar news gadget (even though it's not running?!).....

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Cannot Resetting The Local Cache Files

Mar 26, 2009

I've tried resetting the local cache files - no change. Can't see any options on WinMail to "ignore your own posts". Windows Mail is version 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)

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Increase Thumbnail Cache Size?

Jun 23, 2008

In XP, I could go to any of my picture folders and the thumbnail was instantly viewable, but Vista seems to have a bit of lag displaying them. When scrolling down a folder with alot of pics, it seems to be generating thumbnails as it goes along. Is there a way to increase the cache size so it behaves like XP?

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Browser Cache Without Deleting Passwords In Vista?

Jun 21, 2008

How can clear the browser cache without deleting my passwords in Vista? A game company tech told me my cache might be corrupted.

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The Resource Loader Cache Doesn't Load MUI

Jun 24, 2009

So I've had my HP laptop for almost a year now, and up until a month ago it was awesome. I love Vista. But now, whenever I try to uninstall or install anything I've downloaded or try to update something or even change my firewall settings or system restore, I get a message that says: "The resource loader cache doesn't have loaded MUI entry." I don't know what to do. D: I'm freaking out here. I've been to so many different sites with this problem and I haven't seen anyone else who had it. v.v Someone please help meee! T_T Also, I don't have Norton antivirus, I have AVG free. >< Everyone else with this problem that I've seen has had Norton.

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Resource Loader Cache Doesn't Have Loaded MUI Entry

Dec 9, 2009

"The resource loader cache doesn't have loaded MUI entry". I get this error every time I try to install or update just about anything. I had this same problem a while back and couldn't find any answers so I called DELL and paid for them to fix it because this is my business computer and I needed to install something right away. I just chalked it up to the price I have to pay for my LACK of computer skills. It worked fine for several months but now it's happening again and I don't want to pay for it again. I would like to try the quoted fix but I have no idea what "that user control THINGY" is or how to turn it off. BTW, my OS is Vista 32bit and I have McAfee Security Center installed.

Quote: Originally Posted by John Doty Steve, I turned off that user program control thingy, rebooted with it off, then turned it on again and the error went away. Apparently, windows rebuilt some file and fixed itself. Of course, this was AFTER I had removed norton and bought zonealarm. Anyway, no more error.

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FLV Cache/Directory Bigger Size Delete Turn Off

May 15, 2010

Using Vista at home (dunno wot flavor at the mo as I'm at work now - sorry). I use Firefox browser. I know that FLV streams I download are cached in a directory, in my case called " C:UsersGrazTreezAppDataLocalFLVService " Problem I have noticed is that after I have streamed several clips onto my PC, and then I go to view them, some are not there, ie the earliest ones I downloaded arent there. The latest ones will be though. I can dbl-clik on those and see them ok. Theory was that I would download a load of clips at once, then simply view them at a later time, but since some are not viewable now it appears I cant do this. They simply aren't listed in the directory. Question is, if this cache of streamed clips is one bucket of a certain size, can I alter its size to be bigger ? OR,if it is not one size, can I alter this directory/cache spec to be a bigger size in any way so that it will take eg: 1Gb of data before starting to delete stuff ? OR, can I turn off the deleting process so it will all be saved, rubbish an'all? HDD space isn't an issue. I have TB's spare. I dont know if I'm talking browser (Firefox) or Windows or Flash size limitations here, so any pointers would be welcomed.

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HD Space/JkDefrag: How I Lost 100 Gigs Of Available Of Space

Nov 29, 2008

I have a 320 GB HD. When I checked it, I only have 25 gigs of free space. However I can only find about 180 gigs of files/data. Any ideas as to how I lost 100 gigs of available of space? Just a couple of weeks ago I checked and I had plently of space. No recent installs, only recent changes are the removal of Mcaffee monitoring software and running JkDfrag.

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Hard Disk Space: Showing Less Space

Jun 14, 2008

i reformatted my whole c drive and then clean installed vista ultimate onto it and at start i had 268Gb out of 274Gb. now its gone to 243Gb and i've only installed a couple of programs and when i highlight everything in the c drive it says its 7.38GB. I've Defragged it a lot of times and the space keeps on going down.

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Creating A Hyperlink

Mar 8, 2009

I, use the email for listing my auctions on several sites. We, use to have Outlook Express on the older computer. With this new computer we are using Windows Mail which I can see now is one of the most useless mail systems. When I, go to the page that I want to link to, and copy the address at the top and have it in my que, I then go to the email and click on the hyperlink button and paste the address in with the Type of File set for http:, and do a OK.

Now when I save the message, and then go back to it the link works, but if I go somewhere else in Windows Mail and come back to the message, sometimes the link works and sometimes it doesn't. Then when you open the hyperlink button again the address has either disappeared or it has change Type of File to "(other)" What made it change the Type of File to "(Other)"??

So, I grab the address again, and change the Type of File back to http: and paste the address into the box, Hit OK. Then on the email I can copy what I want so I can transfer the information plus the hyperlink to other messages that need the same information in them. But then when I go back and check those hyperlinks they have been changed from http: to (other) so now the hyperlink will return a non-valid-address. What is making this happen??

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Creating A Meeting

Apr 23, 2009

It seems I can't create a meeting. I've gone through all the steps. The
email window pops up and I click send, however my invitees do not receive me

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Creating Partition (x64)

Jan 7, 2009

I have tried several times to create a new partition using Acronis Disk Director, and it fails with an error code I can't find any reference to.

So then I tried using the built-in tool in Vista to "shrink" my current partition, to allow me to create another. But the max available "shrink space" was something ridiculous, less than 1GB (and the drive has 75GB free).

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HDD Creating Trouble

Feb 24, 2009

I got a DELL XPS M1530, which came with a WDC WD3200BEVT-75ZCT1 298.0GB Hard Drive Disk when I bought it. My computer got some problems,so DELL changed the HDD(which had a block failing) for me, and put in aFUJITSU MHZ2320BH G2 298.09GB instead. My computer is owkring fasterthan before and the problems that I had have all gone(like an
eventviewer problem I had for a time ago), but my HDD now seems to makevery much "fan noise", and somtimes the clik.clickclickclick. thingand very loud, or at least I think that. Am I just a bit to fuzy with the sound or am I right?

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When Creating An Account It Does Not Appear

Mar 22, 2010

I have an Vista home premium version sp2. I just restored everything back to factory setting and just now done all the updates. I am tryiny to set up email accounts under Window Mail. My problem is after I have entfhe accountor ter all the data to be active I don't get a email folder for this account , nothing show up but yet all the server / data info is correct it just doesn't appear in Windows Mail program , how can I correct this?

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Creating New E-mail

Apr 3, 2008

When using Windows XP, typing in the first 2-3 letters of an address enabled the whole address to appear in th "TO" line of a new e-mail. With Vista, I am having to type in the full address each time unless working from the contact list. Addresses are not kept in the memory more than a few hours. This means that each time I wish to forward an attachment, the whole e-mail address has to be typed in letter for letter.

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Creating Recovery Disks

Aug 22, 2009

I am configuring/personalizing a new HP Pavilion dv7-2173d with Vista home 64bit OS. I'm making recovery disks using blank CDs I had in the house. Using those disks I need 20 of them. I know the recovery disks will include all the software I won't use and don't want. Do I need to do all 20 to get recovery disks jsut for Vista?

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Manually Creating A New User

Aug 21, 2009

I’ve had problems with my Windows Vista Ultimate computer when attempting to turn on the Guest account. It’s gotten to the point where I cannot create any standard user account. Which leads me to the question: How do you manually create a new user in Vista? (Since it has been failing to create a new user through User Accounts).

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Creating Recovery Discks

Jul 8, 2008

I recently purchased a new machine with Vista installed by the manufacterer. the hard drive has been partitioned with a 10gb section holding recovery files. I was originaly told by the salesman,( who apparently had an overwhelming compunction to lie ) that the partition was the complete installation of the OS and that I could burn as many copies as I wanted. After I got the machine home and powered up I found that several of his claimes were false. including the contents of the partition. What I have are recovery files. OH well, My main problem is that when I try the burn to cd obviously the files wont fit on one disk and I ame unable to insert a second disc to continue the burn without the system going back to the begining and starting over. I must be using the wrong process as I would think that I would be prompted to insert the second disc. Secondly I want the original
instalation disk. I feel that its BS that because I didn't install the OS my self that I don't get a disc. I still payed for the OS. I've done this enough that I know that I need to be prepared for a melt down. And the time to prepare is before it happens. I have alot of questions about imaging on DVD, Bios, etc. but first I want to burn the recovery files.

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Solution For Creating A W7 Newsgroup

Oct 23, 2009

I've done several times and in many cases they care, unlike country where I was born, companies here listen to customers. I am one (if not entire?) reason for example Nestle Conglomerate based in Switzerland has changed plastic in their water bottles branded in USA as PolandSpring, Deerpark, Appalachian or whatever it si (i forgot all thei rnumerou sbrands) from dangerous HDPE to PETE plastic. Likewise if you keep secrets who will KNOW??

Share with Microsoft your desire to create a W7 Newsgroups, in addition or to oppose MS's drive to use Web interface from no won. Share your reasons, like less time to participae in NG than in Web, THREADING, filtering, etc - sheer power of a Newsreader is incomparably better than a Web interfcae. Midcrosoft's site-->COntact-..CustomerService, and navigate thru severla menus, it's free, though takes effort to get thru their clutter as no company in the world wants email/phone contact to be too easy to avoid their cust servive being overloaded.

Otherwise you post here and why would MS care beyind a few Usenet server operators, you think they transmit everything said here to Redmond? No. I wrote about my desires for WinExplorer nonsense in Vista to be fixed in Windows7, i see it was done, so it's more like good old WindowsXP in terms of Explorer remembering views finally, unlike ***** Vista. SO write now about your wish for a W7 Newsgroups.

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Creating USB Boot Drive

Jul 1, 2008

I have Vista installed on my computer but, I want to update my bios for my motherboard and would like a create a bootable USB drive to do this instead of using a floppy drive. Does anyone know if this would work and if so how would I create the startup drive?

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Creating Recovery Disc

Jun 12, 2008

I heard that Vista has its own recovery manager to create recover disc. I was looking through all of my files and could not find and I couldn't find it. I found back up option which I don't think is the same. Reason for this is that my Vista CD is behind a furniture that I can not be bothered to move and get it. It has been there for last three months. So I want to create recover disc....

I will use some of image creation software and create images but until i save some money to buy Western Digital TB external USB HD I need recovery disc. I am not sure if I am allowed to mention this here but there are a lot of torrent offering recovery disc for Vista 32 and 64. Are they OK to use or creating recovery disc from within Vista itself is better option.

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Creating Desktop Shortcuts

Apr 14, 2008

How do you create a desktop shortcut to an internet web page in Vista? It doesn't seem to work like XP did, which was quite straightforward.

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Creating New User Accounts

Mar 23, 2008

When creating new user accounts, does each account need to have its own security software?, ie. anti-virus, anti-this and that? or does the security from the Admin account take care of all other accounts as well?.

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Re-creating Contacts Folder

Mar 27, 2008

For some reason my contacts folder started behaving like a pictures folder and could no longer import .csv files etc. So, in haste I deleted it and tried to create a new one, but it just behaves like an ordinary folder and not like the 'special' contacts folder...

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