Re-creating Contacts Folder

Mar 27, 2008

For some reason my contacts folder started behaving like a pictures folder and could no longer import .csv files etc. So, in haste I deleted it and tried to create a new one, but it just behaves like an ordinary folder and not like the 'special' contacts folder...

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Creating A New Backup Set Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I currently use the Vista (Ultimate) Backup and Restore Center to back up my files. I would like to create a new backup set folder (for example, Backup Set 2007-11-01 091921) so that I can delete older backup files to save disk space. When I manually backup using the Back up files button in the Backup and Restore Center, it simply creates another backup folder (Backup Files 12-25 154345) within the existing set folder, not a new to create a new backup set folder?

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Contacts Folder Keeps Cloning

Dec 18, 2008

I don't know why im getting this extremily annoying problem, but i am. I have the contacts folder organised with all my contacts in it.. but every time i turn my laptop on another folder with the same name but the standard folder icon appears rite next 2 my contacts folder...and in the cloned 1 there is nothing in it!!! is there a way 2 prevent a certain folder from being created because guess wat? that ridiculas user account conrtol or watever it is is saying that i need permision 2 delete the cloned contacts folder!!! its my computer and i am the only 1 with an account and i dont have permision 2 delete a on top of that user account conrtol is off!

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Option In Contacts Folder NOT SEEN

Feb 7, 2009

I'm new to the Forum so I hope I'm doing this correctly. Anyway, initially I was trying to create a mailing group, but could not see a choice for that option in my Contacts folder. Turns out it was set on "Pictures and Videos" and I read, in this Forum, how to fix that so it would show my list of contacts, and would therefore show the choice for setting up a group. That worked fine. My problem is - my changes don't seem to want to stay! For instance, today I was working in my picture folders, and then when I went back into Windows Mail and clicked on Contacts, it was back to showing "Pictures and Videos!" Why won't it stay on Contacts after I configure the folder? I do click "Apply" and then "OK," but that doesn't seem to make a difference. It keeps changing back.

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Mail And Contacts Folder

Jun 25, 2008

I want to move my "My Documents" folder, etc to a separate partition on my hard drive. I started moving the folders, My Documents, My Pictures, My Music, etc and when I got to the Contacts folder everything screwed up. Now I can't use Windows Mail. When I try to launch Windows Mail the first message I get is:



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Contacts Displayed In Folder View

Mar 10, 2009

When I click the contacts button in Windows Mail, it gives me a folder view of all my contacts. There is no button to add a new contact and no way to create a new group. Is this something I accidentally turned on?

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Choosing Recipients From Contacts Folder

Nov 17, 2009

I have many contacts and the list is to long to scroll through to select email recipients. Since the advent of Windows Mail, to easily select recipients from contacts folders, I have been selecting them (highlighting them with CTRL & mouse click) and then using the File, Action, Send Email options. This opened a new message with the selected recipients. This is no longer working.

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Sending Previous "contacts" To New "contacts" Folder

Nov 24, 2009

I've attempted to send my old contact list to 'Windows mail' but have not been successful at this point. What am I doing wrong?

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Set Up My Contacts Folder By Importing Addresses From Outlook Express (.wab File)

Mar 29, 2009

Forgive me, but I am new to Vista and Windows Live Mail. I set up my Contacts folder by importing addresses from Outlook Express (.wab file). However, when creating a message from within Windows Live Mail, not all of the Contacts are shown there. I placed the Contacts folder on my desktop for easy access, and when I look there, the addresses that I am missing are shown. It's as if the Windows Live Mail software is using another Contacts folder. I checked the Options tab under Tools to see if the address source requires identification, but could not find such a reference.

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Windows Mail Contacts Folder Mixed Up Media Player Album

Mar 15, 2009

My Windows mail contacts folder seems to have become mixed up with the Media Player in that there are Artist, Album, Genre and rating columns in the this a Vista characteristic? I have only had the OS for a week, and am still learning.

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Creating A Personal User Folder: Name It "Shortcuts" Or "X-Files"

May 2, 2008

Is it possible to create a new personal user folder (i.e. I want to name it "Shortcuts" or "X-Files")? I tried renaming one of the existing personal user folder (i.e. Downloads renamed to Shortcuts) and changing the location it points to another folder. However, if you execute the shell command "Shell: Downloads", it will still go to the folder being pointed to now by the "Shortcuts" folder. Is there a way to change this via registery?

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"New Contact" Does Not Appear In Contacts Folder Toolbar

Feb 19, 2009

In my Windows Mail, when I open the contacts folder, the option in the toolbar for "New Contact" is missing. I can see Organize, Views, and Burn, but not New Contact. New Contact used to be there, but it disappeared recently. How do I get "New Contact" to reappear on the toolbar of the contacts folder?

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Importing Thunderbird Contacts Into Windows Contacts

Jul 29, 2009

I am having problems importing contacts into Vista Contacts. I tried 2 things :

I exported my contacts in Thunderbird under an LDIF format.
I then imported this LDIF file within Contacts
The import stops 1/5 of the way, simply saying that there is an error
in the contacts, and it stays stuck

2/ CVS

I exported my contacts in Thunderbird under a CVS file. I then tried to import the file within Contacts but cannot do the mapping:

- all column headings are lumped together, with plenty of ","
- all accentuated caracters are replaced by squares

Also, with the LDIF method, 50 contacts out of 300 were imported. In these imported contacts, all accentuated caracters were replaced by symbols. I opened the CVS file in Microsoft Excel: everything is fine.

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Windows Contacts Replaced By Outlook Contacts

May 7, 2008

I installed Outlook 2003 on my computer which has Vista Ultimate so I could use a Dell Axim. Now when I go to fax a document using Windows Fax and Scan and try to select a contact, Outlook Contacts is displayed instead of Windows Contacts. It won't let me choose to use Windows Contacts either. I tried using Default Programs to associate Windows Contacts with it's defaults but that didn't work.

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Windows Contacts: Group Contacts Editing

May 13, 2008

I have set up a contact Group in Windows Contacts. Now I would like to go into that group and edit the lists of contacts. How do I do that? I cannot find a way to open that contact group to edit.

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Import Gmail Contacts To Windows Contacts

Feb 10, 2009

I've been trying for hours, now. My problem is that the contacts fields get all mixed up because they were outlook and them gmail, and now back to outlook 2007. But when I try to export them to Windows Vista Contacts I loose all information. My outlook 2007 is a trial version and will expire next time I turn it on, so I have to get it done today.

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Add Contacts Gadget "folder"

May 3, 2009

I decided to try out the sidebar Contacts gadget but can't figure out how to add contacts entries directly into the gadget. Do you have to add contacts in the Vista Contacts "folder" or can you add them in the gadget? Does anyone know if the widely publicized security vulnerability of the Contacts gadget has been fixed?

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Cannot Add Any Contacts To Windows Contacts

Jan 22, 2008

I have a problem with the Vista program Windows Contacts in conjunction with using email programs. I have Windows Vista Home Premium. I like to use Outlook 2000 as my email program. I have the same problem if I use Windows Mail as my email program. I can use Outlook to send and receive email, but I cannot add any contacts to Windows Contacts. Also when creating a new email, if I click on the To… button to get to Windows Contacts, I get the error message “The messaging interface has returned an unknown error. If this problem persists, restart Outlook.”, which of course does not help.

I am not sure, but I think I created the problem by importing Outlooks 2000 contacts from my old PC in an improper format into Outlook 2000 on my new Vista PC (which is where the problem is).

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Creating A Hyperlink

Mar 8, 2009

I, use the email for listing my auctions on several sites. We, use to have Outlook Express on the older computer. With this new computer we are using Windows Mail which I can see now is one of the most useless mail systems. When I, go to the page that I want to link to, and copy the address at the top and have it in my que, I then go to the email and click on the hyperlink button and paste the address in with the Type of File set for http:, and do a OK.

Now when I save the message, and then go back to it the link works, but if I go somewhere else in Windows Mail and come back to the message, sometimes the link works and sometimes it doesn't. Then when you open the hyperlink button again the address has either disappeared or it has change Type of File to "(other)" What made it change the Type of File to "(Other)"??

So, I grab the address again, and change the Type of File back to http: and paste the address into the box, Hit OK. Then on the email I can copy what I want so I can transfer the information plus the hyperlink to other messages that need the same information in them. But then when I go back and check those hyperlinks they have been changed from http: to (other) so now the hyperlink will return a non-valid-address. What is making this happen??

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Creating A Meeting

Apr 23, 2009

It seems I can't create a meeting. I've gone through all the steps. The
email window pops up and I click send, however my invitees do not receive me

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Creating Partition (x64)

Jan 7, 2009

I have tried several times to create a new partition using Acronis Disk Director, and it fails with an error code I can't find any reference to.

So then I tried using the built-in tool in Vista to "shrink" my current partition, to allow me to create another. But the max available "shrink space" was something ridiculous, less than 1GB (and the drive has 75GB free).

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HDD Creating Trouble

Feb 24, 2009

I got a DELL XPS M1530, which came with a WDC WD3200BEVT-75ZCT1 298.0GB Hard Drive Disk when I bought it. My computer got some problems,so DELL changed the HDD(which had a block failing) for me, and put in aFUJITSU MHZ2320BH G2 298.09GB instead. My computer is owkring fasterthan before and the problems that I had have all gone(like an
eventviewer problem I had for a time ago), but my HDD now seems to makevery much "fan noise", and somtimes the clik.clickclickclick. thingand very loud, or at least I think that. Am I just a bit to fuzy with the sound or am I right?

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When Creating An Account It Does Not Appear

Mar 22, 2010

I have an Vista home premium version sp2. I just restored everything back to factory setting and just now done all the updates. I am tryiny to set up email accounts under Window Mail. My problem is after I have entfhe accountor ter all the data to be active I don't get a email folder for this account , nothing show up but yet all the server / data info is correct it just doesn't appear in Windows Mail program , how can I correct this?

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Creating New E-mail

Apr 3, 2008

When using Windows XP, typing in the first 2-3 letters of an address enabled the whole address to appear in th "TO" line of a new e-mail. With Vista, I am having to type in the full address each time unless working from the contact list. Addresses are not kept in the memory more than a few hours. This means that each time I wish to forward an attachment, the whole e-mail address has to be typed in letter for letter.

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Creating Recovery Disks

Aug 22, 2009

I am configuring/personalizing a new HP Pavilion dv7-2173d with Vista home 64bit OS. I'm making recovery disks using blank CDs I had in the house. Using those disks I need 20 of them. I know the recovery disks will include all the software I won't use and don't want. Do I need to do all 20 to get recovery disks jsut for Vista?

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Manually Creating A New User

Aug 21, 2009

I’ve had problems with my Windows Vista Ultimate computer when attempting to turn on the Guest account. It’s gotten to the point where I cannot create any standard user account. Which leads me to the question: How do you manually create a new user in Vista? (Since it has been failing to create a new user through User Accounts).

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Creating Recovery Discks

Jul 8, 2008

I recently purchased a new machine with Vista installed by the manufacterer. the hard drive has been partitioned with a 10gb section holding recovery files. I was originaly told by the salesman,( who apparently had an overwhelming compunction to lie ) that the partition was the complete installation of the OS and that I could burn as many copies as I wanted. After I got the machine home and powered up I found that several of his claimes were false. including the contents of the partition. What I have are recovery files. OH well, My main problem is that when I try the burn to cd obviously the files wont fit on one disk and I ame unable to insert a second disc to continue the burn without the system going back to the begining and starting over. I must be using the wrong process as I would think that I would be prompted to insert the second disc. Secondly I want the original
instalation disk. I feel that its BS that because I didn't install the OS my self that I don't get a disc. I still payed for the OS. I've done this enough that I know that I need to be prepared for a melt down. And the time to prepare is before it happens. I have alot of questions about imaging on DVD, Bios, etc. but first I want to burn the recovery files.

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Solution For Creating A W7 Newsgroup

Oct 23, 2009

I've done several times and in many cases they care, unlike country where I was born, companies here listen to customers. I am one (if not entire?) reason for example Nestle Conglomerate based in Switzerland has changed plastic in their water bottles branded in USA as PolandSpring, Deerpark, Appalachian or whatever it si (i forgot all thei rnumerou sbrands) from dangerous HDPE to PETE plastic. Likewise if you keep secrets who will KNOW??

Share with Microsoft your desire to create a W7 Newsgroups, in addition or to oppose MS's drive to use Web interface from no won. Share your reasons, like less time to participae in NG than in Web, THREADING, filtering, etc - sheer power of a Newsreader is incomparably better than a Web interfcae. Midcrosoft's site-->COntact-..CustomerService, and navigate thru severla menus, it's free, though takes effort to get thru their clutter as no company in the world wants email/phone contact to be too easy to avoid their cust servive being overloaded.

Otherwise you post here and why would MS care beyind a few Usenet server operators, you think they transmit everything said here to Redmond? No. I wrote about my desires for WinExplorer nonsense in Vista to be fixed in Windows7, i see it was done, so it's more like good old WindowsXP in terms of Explorer remembering views finally, unlike ***** Vista. SO write now about your wish for a W7 Newsgroups.

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Creating USB Boot Drive

Jul 1, 2008

I have Vista installed on my computer but, I want to update my bios for my motherboard and would like a create a bootable USB drive to do this instead of using a floppy drive. Does anyone know if this would work and if so how would I create the startup drive?

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Creating Recovery Disc

Jun 12, 2008

I heard that Vista has its own recovery manager to create recover disc. I was looking through all of my files and could not find and I couldn't find it. I found back up option which I don't think is the same. Reason for this is that my Vista CD is behind a furniture that I can not be bothered to move and get it. It has been there for last three months. So I want to create recover disc....

I will use some of image creation software and create images but until i save some money to buy Western Digital TB external USB HD I need recovery disc. I am not sure if I am allowed to mention this here but there are a lot of torrent offering recovery disc for Vista 32 and 64. Are they OK to use or creating recovery disc from within Vista itself is better option.

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Creating Desktop Shortcuts

Apr 14, 2008

How do you create a desktop shortcut to an internet web page in Vista? It doesn't seem to work like XP did, which was quite straightforward.

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