HDD Creating Trouble

Feb 24, 2009

I got a DELL XPS M1530, which came with a WDC WD3200BEVT-75ZCT1 298.0GB Hard Drive Disk when I bought it. My computer got some problems,so DELL changed the HDD(which had a block failing) for me, and put in aFUJITSU MHZ2320BH G2 298.09GB instead. My computer is owkring fasterthan before and the problems that I had have all gone(like an
eventviewer problem I had for a time ago), but my HDD now seems to makevery much "fan noise", and somtimes the clik.clickclickclick. thingand very loud, or at least I think that. Am I just a bit to fuzy with the sound or am I right?

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Trouble Creating 16:9 DVDs With Windows DVD Maker

Jan 2, 2009

I am having a great deal of trouble creating 16:9 DVDs with Windows DVD Maker. I have it set to make 16:9, the movie itself IS 16:9 but the program insists on squishing it into 4:3. I've wasted two discs already and cannot find anywhere else within the program where I can deal with aspect ratio.

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Trouble With Browseui.dll.

Dec 7, 2009

I was attempting to modify my vista theme when an error informed me of a missing browseui.dll.

I've tried downloading another browseui.dll and dragging it into the c:windowssystem32 folder, but the lack of a browseui.dll prevents me from using my administrator privileges to replace it. If that makes sense.

I'm running Vista Home Premium x64 I think. Not overly sure on this as the lack of a browseui.dll prevents me from looking.

I no longer have the vista os cd.

To sum it up, I need to bypass the administrator popup to put a new browseui.dll file into my system32 folder.

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Radeon HD 2600XT Trouble

Feb 16, 2008

I have just installed Vista x64 with a Radeon HD 2600 XT graphics card, and I am experiencing graphics corruption in, particularly in 3d apps.

I sometimes get white horizontal lines across the screen and sometimes white blocks. In some 3d apps portions of the environment flicker out. they seem to disappear and I can see what is behind whatever object has disappeared momentarily.

Using Catalyst I can see that the graphics card never breaks 40% GPU utilization and the temperature never exceeds 40 degrees C.

I also had a very low end Nvidia 7500LE using the generic windows driver which also had the white lines, but I never tested the 3d apps with it.

Currently, if using the 8.2 ATI drivers, all seems well until I launch a 3d app. I have a 500 watt power supply.

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Trouble In Getting Window Mail

Oct 20, 2009

I am having trouble getting my Windows Mail onto my new computer. How do I do this?

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Trouble Accessing Websites.

Feb 1, 2010

I haven't been able to access the following sites on my laptop. Descriptions of the problems is included.

-Tumblr (Since October of 2009)

Cant access the site on my laptop. I can on my desktop though.

-Myspace (Since June of 2009)

I cant access the site. With a proxy yes. I crashed my desktop previously by use of a proxy so I really would like to not use one again.

-Facebook (Since Mid-January of 2009)

My inability to access face book has been a reoccurring cyclical problem for me, and it tends to dissapear for three weeks, then reappear for one. This problem was present on my desktop before I got my laptop.


My laptop is a HP Pavilion dv6 with Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit.

My desktop is Windows XP (crashed twice)

I am not an obsessive user of the sites listed above. I use them to keep in contact with family and old friends.

I am the administrator on my laptop, and the only one who uses it.

My virus protection software is the newest version of Norton.

YES I have tried deleting the cache and cookies in my browsers, turning off the firewall, and tried command prompt and received no error messages. There are no blocked sites on my laptop.

I have tried Google Chrome, Safari, IE 7&8, and Firefox. NOTHING WORKS.

The error message that I receive is either unknown error, or "[insert browser] cannot access this webpage]".

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Trouble Sending Mail

Mar 23, 2008

when I sent mail with three photos attached the recepients cannot open them. As a test I send myself an email with the same photos on three occasions.First my computer sends 84 the same emails then 64, then the third time 32. They show in my inbox but then they are all condensed.

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ICS Trouble W/2 XP Clients To X64 Host Net

Apr 9, 2008

I had two XPSP2 clients that successfully used a third XPSP2 host to connect to the 'Net. Host used onboard NIC to the cable modem. Two additional NICs connected the clients to the host. I installed Vista x64 with the SP1 update on the host PC. After enabling the host to modem connection as shared,
only one client can access the net. Both clients appeared in the connected clients tab to use the shared connection but only one can be selected. Both clients can access the host's shared folders, as well as the host can access both client's shared resources. How can I set up the host and the clients so all three can access the 'Net?

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Trouble With Displaying Of Mhtml Content

Feb 7, 2010

I've trouble with displaying of *.mhtml files / content on a Vista SP2 PC.

IE8 shows "The page cannot be displayed", and Windows Mail isn't able to show mail content (IMAP server), but the list of mails is updated as usual.

Currently saved web pages (as *.mht ) can be opened!
(And their content looks very similar.)

This trouble only affects one (restricted) user account. Others and Administrator eren't affected. So reason is located in this special user profile.

The mshtml.dll is ok, of course (only Administrator is allowed to change).

A virus scan didn't produce a result.

Do anybody know how the display of *.mhtml files is working en detail?

Where can I look for the reason of this display problem (with mshtml.dll)?

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Dungeon Keeper 2 And Giving Me Trouble

Sep 29, 2009

here is my situation i am runnin vista home premium 32 bit

I bought dungeon keeper 2
I installed the game and the 1.7v patch
I followed the directions to put it into compatiblity mode for windows 2000
The game will start get through the intros and to the main menu

Here is when i run into the problem when i click new campaign it will load the hand and the x in the box at the bottom right but you cannot see the map on the screen just black you can here the sounds of when you scroll over where the map should be but no picture i can select the mission and then when it goes in to the game the interface will load but the game is still black no video animations no game nothing also when i try to go to options or pet dungeon from the main screen all it does it lock up in the animation between menus.

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Having Trouble Activating After A Simple Reformat

Mar 26, 2008

I have Vista 64 OEM and have been using it for about 3 weeks. I decided to buy XP again and made a dual-boot setup. The problem is that I had to remove Vista to install XP first. Now, after I reinstalled Vista its saying that my old activation activation code is "already in use." I haven't installed any new hardware. Is there a way to tell it that this is the same computer, just with Vista reinstalled?

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Install/Uninstall Program Trouble

Aug 15, 2009

I'm running Vista Ultimate SP2 and for some time now I'm having significant trouble installing and uninstalling programs. Whenever I try to install or uninstall, the process starts and it either takes a very, very long time to complete (2 hours or more), or the process hangs and I get a message stating the installer is not responding. I think I have found at least part of the problem in that system restore is not operational. If I open the "system protection" tab, the system restore button is greyed out and there are no disks displayed to create restore points. My belief is that system restore is not creating a restore point when an install/uninstall is started and
thus the process times out.

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Factory Settings Reinstalled Gives Trouble!

Dec 13, 2009

I have used my HP m7763w with Vista Home Premium for more than 2 years now, and finally got to the point of having to use my rescue CDs to reformat the HD and reset to factory setting. Unfortunately, I get frequent error messages now, and missing file notices, and Windows Update refuses to work. I understand that the old factory settings are way outdated by now, but what am I supposed to do to get it all working right, if Windows Update fails?

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Trouble Installing Other OS On System Running

Sep 29, 2009

I am trying to install Windows Server 2003 OS on my desktop which is running Microsoft Vista Home Premium edition. But, it is failing with a blue screen and STOP message (looks like a core dump). I tried many times and it is failing with the same error message. It was able to load all the required files from the CD and lastly it was saying starting Windows and then core dump with a blue screen. I had reformatted my hard disk and tried. It was also failing. I had purchased a new internal hard drive and installed it and still it was failing.

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Windows Update Sp2 Download Trouble

Jul 30, 2009

I'm considering installing SP2 on my XPS 420 PC using Windows Update. But I have some questions:

1. Windows Update calls it SP2, but is it really SP2 or just a release candidate (RC)? If so, should I wait awhile?
2. Reading the mail on this community suggests there are lots of problems with SP2. If so, should I wait--but how would I know when problems are fixed?
3. Will it mess up Windows Mail? (Mine works OK with, for example, AOL-generated e-mails.)
4. Earlier, I downloaded SP1 with no trouble. P.S. - I'm rather non-technical.

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Info On Trouble Sharing Folders?

May 24, 2008

I used easy transfer to move files from an old Xp pc to windows vista pc. I then tried to do shared folders between the new pc and my laptop which is an xp system. I can see the laptop on my vista pc network and I can access the laptop files. When I click on folders in my vista machine that I identified to share they show as shared. When I go to my laptop with xp the new pc shows up in network places. However, as soon as I click on the icon for the shared folders I get an access denied -don't have permission to access. On my vista machine I have password protection off , discovery on, public folder on and file sharing on. The public folder allows me to click on its folders with no access issues but all the files that were transfered using easy transfer say access denied,

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Vista Trouble Getting Moving Ads, Turn Off

Sep 7, 2009

I am new to Vista and I am having trouble getting rid of those Moving Ads, Like on E-Bay and other web sites. Is there a way I can turn them off ?

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Blackberry Desk Top; Trouble With Drivers

Jul 24, 2009

i just got a new computer a HP e9120y with vista 64 bit my computer has a AMD 2.6 MHz phenom 11 x 4 CPU with 8 gigs ram. i am having trouble with my Blackberry desk top manager i get a error message that said trouble with its drivers and adobe reader seems to act up at times.

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Downgrade Trouble With Satellite A100,

Sep 27, 2009

Since lat week that I decided to downgrade my Satellite A100-AV9 from vista to XP using original XP media of another model of Satellite A100 I used to have, I've been having a nightmare. I tried a clean install via both options the CD offered: Recover to out of box state" and erasing hard drive first and installing XP using "out of box" option. What happens is that as soon as XP boots up, for a sec the Windows XP screen shows up but suddenly crashes and after a brief blue screen a message says that the Window failed to boot up and waits for me to whether restart or go to safe mode, and no matter what I chose it crashes again. So I use a genuine software from Toshiba intended for an A100 to downgrade another A100 and it bitterly fails, so what's going on?

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Trouble Opening And Deleting Emails

May 7, 2008

I'm suddenly having a problem deleting emails from my inbox. I click on the highlighted email and drag it to my inbox and while the number in my deleted items folder increases the message is still actually in my inbox. It will then say "message cannot be displayed". I then click on the deleted items folder and the message is there. Then I go back to my inbox and it is no longer there. So my question is, why all of a sudden can't I move it? Also, when I open an email to read it, it is still showing as new until I click out of the folder.

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Having Trouble Setting Up Email Account In /Outlook

May 16, 2008

In Control Panel - Mail - Mail Setup - email accounts, I type in the required details to set up an existing mail and it doesn't recognise it when it tries to read the server (red cross instead of tick). I have tried a Yahoo account, Windows Live account and another one, and tried using "unencrypted" and since my knowledge of Vista is fairly basic, I am not sure about doing it manually.

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Installation / Program Trouble Error 1935

Nov 11, 2009

I've been searching the net for a few days on how to fix this problem, so far useing programs like RegCure doesn't work at all, neither do most of the others.. So I decided to make an account and ask for help. When I try to install Atlas V14 (A program for translations) it comes up with Error 1935 and does a roleback, so i decided to try installing it on my laptop then copied files to PC and it comes up with a side-by-side error.. Im not too good with all the thinking stuff that goes with fixing comps. So if anyone knows how to fix the 1935 error or bypass the side-by-side thing that would help alot.

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Video Download Software Not Worth Trouble

Feb 12, 2009

If your thinking about installing video download software Here's some friendly advice: DON'T DO IT!!!!! I experimented with it the last 10 days and it's not worth the trouble. First of all I went through 4 programs before I finally found one that worked. 5. The list is DTV4PC, Graboid, eMule, Limewire, and finally the cream of the crop Ares. The biggest reason I'm saying this is this software is an adware - malware magnet. Ares worked well and did not itself cause any problems but the downloaded videos when I ran them would infect my computer with adware & malware. My computer, programs, Internet Explorer and mouse would all lock up and the only way out was to turn off the computer and then turn it back on. Rebooting is time consuming. This caused me to do 2 installs of my OS in the past week. Stay away from these programs.

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Password Bios Stolen Trouble Crack

Apr 6, 2009

I have a gateway laptop p6860-FX. The problem is that I thought when I put a password on the BIOS that if the laptop was stolen the person would have to go thru alot of trouble to crack it. I just found out at Gateways site that all I have to do to clear the BISO password is 1) tun laptop off 2) set a the number one jumper to set three for a whole two seconds, retun the jumper back to set one and then tun the laptop back on BAM the BIOS pw is gone. CAN i do anything to the laptop to make it worthless if it is stolen? This is absurd in a whole two seconds my 1,300 laptop if stolen can be fully used as if it was never password protected.

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Trouble Resetting Active Window Text Font

Jun 25, 2008

Somehow my basic active windows text font changed. I think newly installed software may be to blame. Anyway, following the help suggestions of going to "Appearance Settings" and clicking on "Advanced" looks promising. However, for Windows Vista Basic, Standard, & Classic clicking on the Active Text within the Active Windows only get item Windows which does not allow me to set a font. Only a general color and a font color. I can't figure out how to reset the font. The font drop down list is empty and inactive.

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WD External Hard Drive Trouble With Read-only Access

Jul 29, 2009

I just got a new HP desktop with 64bit Home Premium. My external, which I loaded from my Dell laptop (with Windows XP), now is all read-only. (The read only box is filled, rather than checked.) I cannot modify any files in he drive, but can access them all. I have already tried the following proposed fixes with no success:

- Right-click on drive; properties; tools tab; check now; unchecked both boxes and started and completed the check with no errors
- Changed drive ownership to administrator
- Changed drive ownership to my personal account

After each of these I tried to clear the read-only box, but the files still can't be modified, and the filled box is back when I re-open the properties on folders inside the drive.

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Creating A Hyperlink

Mar 8, 2009

I, use the email for listing my auctions on several sites. We, use to have Outlook Express on the older computer. With this new computer we are using Windows Mail which I can see now is one of the most useless mail systems. When I, go to the page that I want to link to, and copy the address at the top and have it in my que, I then go to the email and click on the hyperlink button and paste the address in with the Type of File set for http:, and do a OK.

Now when I save the message, and then go back to it the link works, but if I go somewhere else in Windows Mail and come back to the message, sometimes the link works and sometimes it doesn't. Then when you open the hyperlink button again the address has either disappeared or it has change Type of File to "(other)" What made it change the Type of File to "(Other)"??

So, I grab the address again, and change the Type of File back to http: and paste the address into the box, Hit OK. Then on the email I can copy what I want so I can transfer the information plus the hyperlink to other messages that need the same information in them. But then when I go back and check those hyperlinks they have been changed from http: to (other) so now the hyperlink will return a non-valid-address. What is making this happen??

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Creating A Meeting

Apr 23, 2009

It seems I can't create a meeting. I've gone through all the steps. The
email window pops up and I click send, however my invitees do not receive me

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Creating Partition (x64)

Jan 7, 2009

I have tried several times to create a new partition using Acronis Disk Director, and it fails with an error code I can't find any reference to.

So then I tried using the built-in tool in Vista to "shrink" my current partition, to allow me to create another. But the max available "shrink space" was something ridiculous, less than 1GB (and the drive has 75GB free).

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When Creating An Account It Does Not Appear

Mar 22, 2010

I have an Vista home premium version sp2. I just restored everything back to factory setting and just now done all the updates. I am tryiny to set up email accounts under Window Mail. My problem is after I have entfhe accountor ter all the data to be active I don't get a email folder for this account , nothing show up but yet all the server / data info is correct it just doesn't appear in Windows Mail program , how can I correct this?

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Creating New E-mail

Apr 3, 2008

When using Windows XP, typing in the first 2-3 letters of an address enabled the whole address to appear in th "TO" line of a new e-mail. With Vista, I am having to type in the full address each time unless working from the contact list. Addresses are not kept in the memory more than a few hours. This means that each time I wish to forward an attachment, the whole e-mail address has to be typed in letter for letter.

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