FLV Cache/Directory Bigger Size Delete Turn Off

May 15, 2010

Using Vista at home (dunno wot flavor at the mo as I'm at work now - sorry). I use Firefox browser. I know that FLV streams I download are cached in a directory, in my case called " C:UsersGrazTreezAppDataLocalFLVService " Problem I have noticed is that after I have streamed several clips onto my PC, and then I go to view them, some are not there, ie the earliest ones I downloaded arent there. The latest ones will be though. I can dbl-clik on those and see them ok. Theory was that I would download a load of clips at once, then simply view them at a later time, but since some are not viewable now it appears I cant do this. They simply aren't listed in the directory. Question is, if this cache of streamed clips is one bucket of a certain size, can I alter its size to be bigger ? OR,if it is not one size, can I alter this directory/cache spec to be a bigger size in any way so that it will take eg: 1Gb of data before starting to delete stuff ? OR, can I turn off the deleting process so it will all be saved, rubbish an'all? HDD space isn't an issue. I have TB's spare. I dont know if I'm talking browser (Firefox) or Windows or Flash size limitations here, so any pointers would be welcomed.

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Increase Thumbnail Cache Size?

Jun 23, 2008

In XP, I could go to any of my picture folders and the thumbnail was instantly viewable, but Vista seems to have a bit of lag displaying them. When scrolling down a folder with alot of pics, it seems to be generating thumbnails as it goes along. Is there a way to increase the cache size so it behaves like XP?

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How To Delete Deep Directory Hierarchy

Mar 9, 2010

I have a deep directory hierarchy (which was created programmatically) having a too long path name such that I cannot delete it from explorer or via DOS. I tried, rmdir /S /Q dir
but it does not work. how to delete a directory structure with too much deep descendent entries?

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Can Not Delete Directory Of External Hard Drive

May 3, 2008

I tried a program for backup. Don't know what it did. It never made a backup that was correct. The problem is now there is a directory on my F drive which is an external hard drive that I can not delete. There are 3 directories under it that I can't either. The message I get is "Error 0x80070570 The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable. I have ran chkdsk on the drive, I ran defrag. Nothing will let me get rid of this directory.

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How To Delete IPhone Disc From Computer Directory

Apr 9, 2010

I have an iPhone icon in my "Computer" directory which I can't get rid of. I have removed iTunes, etc. from my system but can't get rid of this icon. I can't delete, eject, safely remove, anything. I can't see it anywhere in the device manager, even after invoking the command line SET DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES=1, and "showing" hidden devices, it is nowhere to be found. I can't find a registry entry, or directory entry which even resembles this.

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"secret" RECYCLER Directory: Cannot Delete Item

Mar 28, 2008

one time I accidently deleted some family photos from my computer and before I realized I had deleted them I had emptied my desktop recycle bin. I looked arond online and found a way to navigate DOSs' "secret" RECYCLER directory and had to manually fish out my files. Apperantly windows keeps a copy of EVERYTHING I have EVER deleted....Shouldn't this not happen?!?

Furthermore I dont know how to delete them from this "ghost" directory. What if I want to sell my computer or it gets stolen; I dont want some punk kid to jack all the files I thought I deleted! This scenario occured on a Dell running WinXP, this directory also shows up on my Dell XPS running WinVISTA

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Defrag Files Bigger Than 64 MB?

Dec 1, 2008

Is there anyways for the defrag to defrag files bigger then 64mb.

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How To Force A Bigger Screen Resolution?

Jun 20, 2009

How can i force a bigger screen resolution? My current resolution is 1360x768 and i would like to make it larger heres my system specs, Hp slimline s3700y, Widows Vista Home premium SP1, Video card: NVIDIA geforce 6150 se, Monitor: Sony 32" LCD Bravia, usiing RGB input on my tv. I updated all my drivers and still no luck... I know its possible because on my other outdated computer i can get 1920x1080 with no problems and the resolution looks good and not blurry

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Complete Backup To Install Bigger Drive?

Apr 29, 2009

If I do a complete backup on my Vista Ultimate laptop and do the restore to a larger hard disk, will it work? I have read differing reports of whether it will or not.

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Product Key: This Only Started When I Had Bigger Hard Drive Installed

Jun 9, 2008

i have windows vista i bought in pc world. i keep getting ask for product key this only started when i had bigger hard drive installed. the product key i type in is not reconised.

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16 MB Cache And 32 MB Cache?

Jun 29, 2009

When it comes to hard drives, other than the obvious cache size what is the difference between a HD with 16MB cache and one with 32MB cache, and will I be able to notice the difference during gaming or high load situations?

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Cannot Rebuild Icon Cache After OSX

Sep 19, 2008

I've just tried to uninstall Vista OSX 4 via its uninstaller, but nothing seems to have worked. All the icons are that of MacOS, same goes for the login and bootscreens. But nevermind the last two, I will deal with them myself. What bothers me is that I cannot find IconCache.db nowhere on C: in order to delete it and reset the icon cache as described here, on vistax64.com. The other method (switching back to 16-bit colors also did not do the trick). Mainly my concern is for the explorer icons - system drives, start menu icons (Computer, Control panel...)

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How Can Manually Clear The Cache?

May 17, 2008

Windows Vista Ultimate. In Windows XP, I used to manually clear Cookies, Temp files and Internet Temp files from the Local Settings (after enabling the file extension views from Tools > Properties > View tab). How can I do this in Windows Vista Ultimate ? I found only Temp folder under Local in the Explorer but not the Cookies folder and Internet Temp folder.

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Clean Cache Files?

Oct 17, 2008

How to clean out the cache files for this thing, i think i did, but not 1oo% sure!

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How Can I Turn On My Computer: Possibly Software Controlled To Turn It Back On?

Feb 6, 2009

I have my Vista laptop (HP) hooked up to an external monitor, I have been using the sleep mode at night. The laptop is closed and on a shelf that is very hard to get to. I would like to shut it off at night. I can shut it off with the keyboard. Is there any way possibly software controlled to turn it back on? To reach the power button on the laptop you must first raise the lid which there is not room to do

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Error Creating Cache-space

Jun 12, 2009

Can any one tell me what the following means Error: error creating cache-space: nothing removed.

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IE7 Will Not Cache Pages Or Store Cookies

May 15, 2008

The other day gmail started complaining that my cache was full so I cleared it and increased the size to 1024MB. This did not stop the error so I looked a little deeper and the issue appears to be that IE7 is not caching anything at all - at least, the "Temporary Internet Files" folder is empty.

This leads me to consider a permissions problem, more so as I have moved the Temp Internet folder to another partition. I have set the permissions on the drive and parent folder to give "everyone" full control. This has not resolved the problem. Some files have appeared which I think have come from Windows Media Player but websites are not showing up, not even cookies. rss.xml files have also shown up after a reboot from sidebar news gadget (even though it's not running?!).....

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Cannot Resetting The Local Cache Files

Mar 26, 2009

I've tried resetting the local cache files - no change. Can't see any options on WinMail to "ignore your own posts". Windows Mail is version 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)

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Browser Cache Without Deleting Passwords In Vista?

Jun 21, 2008

How can clear the browser cache without deleting my passwords in Vista? A game company tech told me my cache might be corrupted.

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The Resource Loader Cache Doesn't Load MUI

Jun 24, 2009

So I've had my HP laptop for almost a year now, and up until a month ago it was awesome. I love Vista. But now, whenever I try to uninstall or install anything I've downloaded or try to update something or even change my firewall settings or system restore, I get a message that says: "The resource loader cache doesn't have loaded MUI entry." I don't know what to do. D: I'm freaking out here. I've been to so many different sites with this problem and I haven't seen anyone else who had it. v.v Someone please help meee! T_T Also, I don't have Norton antivirus, I have AVG free. >< Everyone else with this problem that I've seen has had Norton.

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Mail Print Size, Get Size 12

Feb 22, 2009

New to Windows mail. I type and view screen using Ariel size 10 but when I print out mail I get size 12. I can't find a way to change it and it's annoying.

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Folder Size In Size Column

Mar 23, 2008

While browsing files and folders I've noticed something extreemly annoying. You can see the size of individual files in the Size column but you cant see the folder's contents size. This extreemly frustrating and I cant seem to find where I can enable that function. I know you can scroll your mouse over folders one at a time and a window will apear and you can see the size then, but thats just inconveniant for what Im doing. I need to be able to glance at multiple folder sizes constantly.

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Ultimate X64: Turn Off Display, Will Not Turn Back On

Nov 2, 2007

Running Windows Vista Ultimate. Display turns off after about fifteen minutes regardless of whether I am actively using the computer or not. The only way to turn the display back on is to close and then open the lid. This disconnets me from AOL, so I have to sign back on again, and if I was emailing, I might lose my current email. Under Power Options, I have 'Turn off the display' set to Never for both On Battery and Plugged in. Under 'Put the computer to sleep' I have both On battery and Plugged in set to never. Nonetheless, the display still shuts off while I am working. What do I need to do to prevent the display from turning off at odd intervals?

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Resource Loader Cache Doesn't Have Loaded MUI Entry

Dec 9, 2009

"The resource loader cache doesn't have loaded MUI entry". I get this error every time I try to install or update just about anything. I had this same problem a while back and couldn't find any answers so I called DELL and paid for them to fix it because this is my business computer and I needed to install something right away. I just chalked it up to the price I have to pay for my LACK of computer skills. It worked fine for several months but now it's happening again and I don't want to pay for it again. I would like to try the quoted fix but I have no idea what "that user control THINGY" is or how to turn it off. BTW, my OS is Vista 32bit and I have McAfee Security Center installed.

Quote: Originally Posted by John Doty Steve, I turned off that user program control thingy, rebooted with it off, then turned it on again and the error went away. Apparently, windows rebuilt some file and fixed itself. Of course, this was AFTER I had removed norton and bought zonealarm. Anyway, no more error.

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Turn Off Went To Start Turn Off Computer

Aug 27, 2009

I am embarrassed to ask it. Previously I had WindowsXP on my laptop - to turn it off you went to Start, Turn Off Computer. This laptop is using Vista, and I cannot find anything comparable. Last night I turned it off using the off-on button, so got the Windows did not shut off properly message when I turned it on; and I have a "thing" about leaving my computer on overnight. Also, is there a way of hiding all the command bars to "hide" like you can with the taskbar on the bottom?

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Directory Always Available Offline

May 9, 2009

From a self-taught user.

The instruction reads:- Navigate to a Folder, right-click the directory and chose "Always available offline"

When I navigate to a Folder in My Documents and right-click on it I do not get "Always available offline" as an option.

How do I get the Directory, so that I can proceed with the right-click on the Folder and get the desired result.

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Keeps Quitting In Certain Directory

Mar 20, 2009

I recently installed a 1Tb Hitachi Hard Drive. As far as I can tell, it is working fine. I have filled half of it with with the contents of 3 smaller drives and all the content copied over flawlessly. However, now, when I go to one paricular directory on the drive, I get a RUN32DLL error which causes windows explorere to shut down and restart, srambling my quick launch, task bar, systray and desktop to unrecognizable condition which I have to spend forever straightening out!

I don't know that the drive has anything to do with it or if it's a coincidence that it just started happening after I installed the drive. what could be causing this? I already did a virus scan with Avast and Spybot. Nothing there. I tried a scandisk on reboot, no problems found. What gives?

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Name Shared Directory?

Mar 24, 2008

I can't seem to find a way to name a shared directory -- the only option seems to be to use the exact name of the dir. Is it possible to give a share a differnt name?

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Turn On Computer When Turn Off

Dec 29, 2008

Would over clocking it when your turn on the computer and then before you turn off your computer you put it back to factory settings screw it up???? or what The reason i ask is because when i turn off my computer it gives me the BSOD then the card goes back to factory settings but i can play the OC version of the card

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Download Directory Changed

Apr 26, 2009

When I used to download digital kits it would download & a download box would open. I could double click and then the windows explorer directory would open. I could then double click the file to unzip and I could copy to folder but somehow I changed it.

Now when I try to download from a digital store it downloads and opens in windows photo gallery which opens all my photos but not that file. I tried right clicking to save but it won't let me, so my paid digital purchases can't be downloaded so I am going to lose those purchases (limited amount of downloads and days allowed).

I checked the default settings for zipped files which shows windows photo gallery is picked (was picassa but I thought trying something else might trigger windows to give me the original default but didn't happen so I just clicked windows photo gallery/notepad/internet explorer which really made my system go wonky and hubby did a system restore to yesterday to get rid of the glitch it caused) but won't let me pick windows internet explorer (its not there in the choices). I tried searching for windows internet explorer and nothing comes up.

Am I going to have to bring my system in and have everything redone? Its frustrating for me b/c I thought when I got the choice to have Picassa as default I thought it meant only photos. I had no idea that it would screw up my whole downloading system. Plus the fact that I made a purchase that my computer wont download so I bought something I can't have. Ugh...I hate that such trouble was caused by a single click.

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Does Command Change Directory Cd .

Sep 27, 2009

what is this command cd. it is not give a error message and it doesn't anything. what is this cd and one point cd .

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