Display Blue Screen Can't Working Windows Properly

Jan 16, 2009

I'd like to put a little disclaimer out here: I know very little about computers. I can navigate my way around them as needed for personal/school usage. Outside of that, my knowledge is spotty. Most of the technical stuff I need done on my computer is done by my father over breaks/weekends, because I can't leave my laptop with the Tech guys at my school since I take notes for every class on it.

So now for the computer... Oi. The computer I have is a Dell Inspiron 1420. I got it back in May. It's running Vista Home Premium 32BIT, and I'm using Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 (I don't know if that is relevant or not, but I'll include it just the same). Since I've gotten it, I've had more problems than I can count. The last problem I had before the current one (random BSODs), was a corrupt file on my computer (Dell Support Center). It wouldn't let me download or install anything, and I had to install SystemMechanic on my computer to get rid of the corrupt files/registries (I think. My father actually did this for me.) The SystemMechanic allowed me to uninstall/delete the corrupt file, and voila, it worked! For about two weeks.

Then I started getting blue screens of death. At first it was only one, and there were a few days/week and a half until I got another. And now, in the past two days, I've gotten at least two (I have left my computer sitting on my desk to do something and I have come back to find it "magically" rebooted and waiting for my login, or stuck on the black screen with the blinking underscore).

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Display Can Not Working Properly

Oct 18, 2007

I have the problem is I get this graphic corruption, partically when trying to play any full screen game. It also happens when I try a high resolution, like the native resolution on my Viewsonic 2235wm LCD, of 1680x1050. Its just a display corruption as the sound will work in a game, and you can even control the game as well, with the corrupt display happening. Here is a picture. Does anyone have a clue? I have all the latest drivers installed, Nvidia, Creative, the lot.

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Startup Weirdness Display Blue Screen

Nov 17, 2009

New behavior. Never done before. I start up as usual....I get a blue screen. Nothing else. Nothing loads. Not a BSOD. A blue screen. Nice and pleasing. But, still....a blue screen. So I shut it down and restart. Takes longer than normal, screen stays black longer than normal but eventually gives me the Windows logo and WELCOME which means I'm in.

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Windows Vist 64-bit Is Not Display Properly

Oct 4, 2008

I'm in the process of building a PC, so I thought I'd try the ole Windows Vista 64-bit version for the machine. I've got for the machine, a Philips 22" 220CW8FB/05 LCD wide screen monitor, which has a nice display, really.As one does, I've calibrated said monitor and saved the settings, everything looked great. Experience tells me to be weary of what might happen, so I restarted the PC to see that my monitor's resolution and setting aren't displayed properly. The image is stretched vertically,the Start bar isn't even visible - until - I go Personalize > and adjust the resolution to something else, select No when asked if I'd like to keep it and hey presto, my monitor displays properly now. Problem is, I have to do that every single time I restart the machine. Currently, I've got just the drivers that come with my components CDs, I haven't been able to check on-line for other versions (but there isn't one for the monitor) for say the motherboard or graphics card, because in one of typically brilliant Windows moments™ (like when my mouse stopped working and it prompted me to "click here to fix the problem"), when I tried to install the -Vista compatible- modem, Vista said it wouldn't install it without a digital signature, and that I should go to the manufacturer's website for more information. I would. If I had a modem. So, in your humble opinion, which is the bigger waste of money currently? Vista or my monitor (twice as expensive as Vista)? Alternatively, any suggestions as to how I would be able to resolve the aforementioned conflict? I'd really like to keep both of them.PS. I guess it could also be a graphics card problem. It's French (not really, it's from Taiwan, an MSI NX8800GT).

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Screen Resolution, Can't Properly Working

Jul 17, 2008

Im not too sure if this is the right place to write this. but my laptop went flat, and then i charged it, and it was on the lowest screen resolution possible. i tried 2 change it, but its still horrible, theres no way to put it back to the original resolution. i tried updating drivers and stuff, and some of the stuff u guys write isnt good for ppl hu dont understand computers haha.

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Blue Screen Of Death And Network Is Not Working

Apr 11, 2008

I started out with Vista Ultimate on my new PC i get every now and than the famous BSOD. My PC is running 24x7 so most of the times it happens when I'm not sitting behind the pc. in the beginning (2 months ago) it happend about once a day, after a few later updates is only happend about once every 4 or 5 days.The only thing noticable I see is that after the PC rebooted from the BSOD the wireless network is not working (Siemens Gigaset USB Adapter 108) that is easily resolved by unplugging the USB connecter and plug it in again.

Yesterday I installed the Windows Updates that where published on April 8th, with the result that the BSOD now occured every 2 hours (not exactly but more or less) and after the third time I decided the uninstall all the security updates from that batch that i could uninstall. There were a few other updates but Office related that I left installed and on security update that I was unable to uninstall (the prereq update for SP1: KB938371). After rebooting the pc it has so far worked perfectly again for approx 20 hours.I have no clue of what migth be causing the problem,

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Blue Screen :: Working In Terminal Server Session

May 8, 2008

I recently got a blue screen in Windows vista (while I was working in a terminal Server session) and would like to know anyone can help me determine the cause of it?

I was able to retrieve the following info when my PC started back:


Shut down unexpectedly

5/5/2008 8:41 AM

Not Reported

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.0.6001.
Locale ID:1033

Files that help describe the problem (some files may no longer be available)

Extra information about the problem

OS Version:6_0_6001
Service Pack:1_0

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Blue Green Screen Wouldn't Working System

Sep 15, 2009

my problem being stuck at the blue/green screen while making a new fresh install.) Well I first signed up because I have was having install problems. When it got to the blue/green screen it wouldnt do anything. But what do u know.. right when I was typing this it starts to load and Im now on my way installing windows vista 64 bit! (cause I just recently bought 8gb of memory) Well... I guess I would explain my story since Im a newbie... and something for you guys to read.. Well my computer really needed a new HDD because for some reason my old one would always get curupted after like so many months... about 2-3 months? I was wow **** this. I wasnt sure why it was doing this. But my computer was only on a surge so I think maybe a couple power outages ****ed it up. (I already fixed that problem though, just bought a battery from newegg.com, when I bought more things, like my new hdd, memory, mouse and mouse pad.)

so finally my memory and windows vista x64 bit dvd came into the mail. As soon as I got em... I installed the memory then I wanted to upgrade my version of windows xp 32bit (I must say a really good OS at the moment, till when windows 7 comes out) So I tried just throwing in the cd and found out I couldnt upgrade that way. Because I got an error that said "somethin, cant remember the full message but bascially because I couldnt run 64bit dvd when I have 32bit" so no biggie right? Then I was like ok well I can just install it by booting up. I got passed the part that said "Now loading windows vista files" alright not bad... so far so good. But damn I was wrong when I got to the blue/green background. I noticed the dvd wasn't spinning my computer was just sitting there. It was frozen though since I could still move the mouse. So I was like oh man... cmon vista... Well I waited a little bit not to much though cause I think it should just pop up and start working. It wasnt doing that so I knew something was wrong......

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Blue Screen: Stop Working And Any Key Or Mouse Doesnt Work

Oct 8, 2009

after 4 or 5 hour my laptop stop working and any key or mouse doesnt work ,then a blue window that consist error message exhibit.

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Analyze Blue Screen: No Consistency Of Circumstances, A Blue Screen Will Appear!

Jun 30, 2008

Business with SP1
Sony laptop, fast core2duo, 4GB
Working beautifully for many months, and then a few
weeks ago this began happening:

Perhaps 2-3 times a week, and with no consistency of circumstances, a blue screen will appear. It might happen while working or when returning from hibernate. There's a countdown as memory is stored, and then a freeze. The only way to recover is to do a hard OFF (5 seconds on the power switch) and restart. When it first happened, I had not installed or changed anything, so I was comfortable doing a restore. It happened again.

It's confusing because the stated cause is inconsistent. I've checked to ensure that all drivers are updated and nothing that's contraVistarian is installed. What analytical steps can I undertake to discover what's causing this, and then to help me make the necessary changes?

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ATI 2600XT PCIe Card Installed Properly But Not Working Properly

Dec 13, 2009

I just acquired what seems to be a really old PCIe ATI card that I can't seem to install correctly. I went to the ATI support site and the drivers for the card just don't seem to work. Is there a specific order to follow when installing a GPU -- sorry, its been a while. It doesn't go into a PCI slot but its the bigger one, looks like a big ole' AGP card but it has a sticker right on the card that says PCIe. I can only find the drivers for a Radeon HD2600XT and I'm not sure if those are the correct drivers or not. When I first installed it everything went well and it installed correctly but the XP hardware wizard wasn't satisfied. So it doesn't fully install -- note, I do not have the original discs -- but just need the most up to date drivers.

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Windows Defender Can't Working Properly

May 6, 2008

my windows vista came with windows defender (i think all come) but i also installed ad-aware 2007 which is an antispyware program too.Is there any problem to have 2 antispywares on my pc?

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Windows Updating Can't Working Properly

Jun 4, 2008

Ive been trying to update vista to SP1 but for some reason I can not. If I use the windows update tool it wont update anything, it gives me error code 80240016 , 80092004 or 80073712 which doesnt even appear on the microsoft site even though its apparently very common. The only reason I wanted SP1 is because of the problem with virtual address space when playing games. My work machine will never have vista on it.

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Windows Mail Can Not Working Properly

Mar 23, 2008

I can not send email's. it just happened. it goes to my outbox and I get this message ..The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account: 'Windows Mail', Server: 'smtp.comcast.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E..

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Windows Hibernate Sleep Wake Up Can't Working Properly

Feb 17, 2009

I pressed the circle button with the vertical lline in Vista (from pressing Start) This sent the computer to sleep or hibanate I dont know which. I cannot get the computer to come back on. The monitor remains black (no picture) and says no signal. I have deprived the computer of power. This was achieved by unplugging it from the wall, and removing the power cable also from the computer.

I have tried restarting the computer but to no avail. I have also removed the keyboard and mouse when I try starting up. I have also tried, holding in the power button and then restarting. No matter what I try still no joy. No signal on the monitor. The lights in all cases come on, on the base unit and I can hear fans spinning etc. I have read about this issue in round about ways but all of the fixes seem to rely on actually being in windows.

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Video File Can't Display Properly

Apr 5, 2008

When playing any format of video file or DVD in WMP11 (or any other player for that matter) I get a vertical split in the middle of the screen with slightly different colour/contrast on either side. Any idea what could be causing this?

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Windows Mail Blue Screen Solution

Aug 21, 2009

I suffer from Microsoft's sick joke where a blue screen is thrown over all my emails in Windows Mail. I noticed at least one solution where anti-virus could be disabled but I did not think that was practical. I found that if I run it as an administrator I never get the blue screen. However, I can only run as administrator by right clicking and selecting that option from the menu that comes up. Is there a string that can be added to the target for the shortcut which will automatically launch windows mail in the administrator mode?

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Windows In Loop With Blue Screen Flash

Apr 9, 2010

Ok, just installed Vista service pack 2 and now I'm in a loop when booting, there is a flash of a blue screen but cant read it

note that I can not boot into any mode! I do have a repair disk and tried the startup repair to no avail!

I'm wondering is there a way to stop automatic rebooting when an error in command prompt in the recovery disk.

i really need this fixed i do have another computer that i can use to help fix. There has to be a way.

I have tried to uninstall service pack 2 via command prompt but since i used cc cleaner its not in the temp file!

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Windows Loading Bar Blue Screen Of Death

Nov 17, 2009

The next time it started, the graphics were all screwed up and when it gets to thebit after the Windows Loading Bar it goes to a Blue Screen of Death. The computer then restarts and the same thing keeps happening. I tried running the computer in Safe Mode but it doesnt work either :/ neither do any of the other Advanced Options.

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Blue Screen Of Death, Windows Updates

Jan 8, 2010

every thing was fine up untill 2 weeks ago when i got my 1st blue screen, i ran start up repair an returned laptop back to it original factory state. yesterday i was installing new windows updates an i got a new blue screen crash i get the option of launching start up repair or starting windows normally. start in windows normally results in a blue crash screen

this time around launching start up repair is different, i still get the white bar saying windows it loading files,but when the bar is filled it trys too boot up windows normally again resulting in a blue screen again the error message i get is

stop: 0x0000007E (0XC0000005,0X8471E0AE,OX8514FBA0,0X8514F89C) volsnap.sys - address 847270AE BASE AT 84722000, DATE STAMP 47918F92

I still have the option of pressing f2 or f8 when u turn it on Everything on the safe mode option screen results in the same error. is there another way i can launch start up repair or any other ideas of fixing this?

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Blue Screen: Windows Media Player

May 13, 2008

Got a new computer in January, is Vista, just started recently getting BSOD's..Also not sure if its a coincidance but i seem to get them while running windows media player here the info I get Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

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Different Blue Screens:Look Like Blue Screen Appears When To Much Action Is Going On Like Opening Of IE And Outlook

Feb 13, 2009

Problem Blue Screen. No new hardware or software installed recently, last Windows vista update was on 01/15. When I start first, PC passes user registration (boots fine) and
does the normal stuff like loading software and starting the wireless internet connection via Netgear, opening some windows/programms I will close. All normal, but than comes a Blue Screen and very fast shut down of system with restart. Hardly can read the message...Look like Blue Screen appears when to much action is going on like opening of IE and Outlook... or open to many windows... or some bad programm/hardware is booting. But when I restart, restart gives a different blue screens and trouble is much earlier or directly after registering to the system.

But all starting or booting turn slower, real slow now. Start in --safe mode with net working-- the PC works, but the PC can't handle heavy workloads, is really slow in action. I cannot open --My pictures-- to see all picture files displyed on screen (2.7 GB) (the process trying to access the files in safe mode is real slow) and when I attempt to transfer the file to a USB stick, the computer is stopping in middle of action (after 50% transfer)..........

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PDF Files Dont Display Properly On Vista Desktop

Jul 6, 2008

I installed Vista Home basic 32-bit on my Notebook but PDF files don't display properly on Vista desktop, See the attachments file

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Installing Windows: Get The Blue Screen And It Restarted Everytime

Apr 25, 2009

i got a computer, wich i baught new in the store's and it had windows vista already preinstalled. it was windows vista home edition 32bit. but after alot of stupid things of me becuz the pc was very slow, i decided to format the whole pc, and install windows xp on it, i got the xp cd , and i putted it in, and it just wont install windows xp on it, everytime, i get the blue screen and it restarted everytime the xp installation, so first you can format the partitions, then it requires a reboot, and then the xp installation starts again from scratch, so its unable to install xp, but thats not my question.

so i decided to download a windows vista ultimate edition, 32 bit, and i burned it on a dvd and i putted it in my computer, and the boot from the dvd was good. then it asks where do you want to install windows, well, the page was blank it could not find any drives, or well, i dont know. then it says you want to load a driver, ( driver?? drive?? ) i dont understand this so good. i was hoping you guys can help me out, and i just want my normal pc back with a good vista, i cannot go to a pc store, becuz that takes too much time i wanna try it like this first

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Blue Screen Of Death Except Now It's White, Windows Could Not Restart

Apr 27, 2009

I bought an Asus G50-VT with Vista pre-installed. There was some sort of glitch while I was overnighting the download of a long file. Anyway I wound up at what I can only say was the blue screen of death except now it's white. It told me that Windows could not restart and I should insert my installation disk to repair a busted file which it also named. Looked and I had no installation disk, indeed I did not have any Windows disks at all included with the machine. I called Asus Tech Support. They told me that Microsoft no longer lets OEMs ship the windows disks. Although there were two disks called "recovery disks" the TS person said my only option was to hold down f9 to rebootr and WIPE THE DISK AND REINSTALL WINDOWS! So I lost all my data and have spent all morning recovering.

Was Asus right? You do not get install disks anymore even though a system message tells you to insert it? I only have a few days in which I could return this computer. Do other manufacturers like Sony or Hewlett Packard supply Windows Vista installtion disks with their machines? Or is Asus right? If it is just Asus that does not do this I feel I need to return this right away.

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Windows Updates Blue Screen And Reboot System

Jun 10, 2009

After today's windows update I've been experiencing many blue screen, especially after the reboot. I don;t get any in safe mode so I guess it's a driver problem. This is the minidump created on my system. I have 7 of them and they all seem to be the same.

Use '!findthebuild' command to search for the target build information.
If the build information is available, run '!findthebuild -s ; .reload' to set symbol path and load symbols.
FAULTING_MODULE: fffff80001c1b000 nt......

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Windows XPSP3 Upgrade Fails, Blue Screen

May 19, 2008

I have Windows XP SP3 installed and operational. I have tried recently to complete an upgrade to Vista Pro with no success. I get to 59% completion on the last step at which point the computer reboots, goes to a blue screen and then resets back to Windows XP. Prior to that, everything appears to progress normally. I am wanting to do an upgrade because of the software that I want to carry over into the Vista environment (note: none of the software is identified in the Upgrade process as problematic software).

I am booting in normal mode with only Microsoft applications in the startup. I do have a Creative soundcard but have not loaded the software during startup (I did not uninstall the driver yet). I previously upgraded to Vista from SP2 but had to revert back for other reasons. Since then, the only change was to upgrade XP to SP3 and other Windows SW udpates.

Would like to hear about others' experiences and what other suggestions you might have so that I can complete the upgrade. Microsoft Technical support is unhelpful as they keep trying to get me to do a fresh install (the easy out!!!) instead of helping me complete the upgrade. Are they special commands I can issue in a RUN command that will facilitate a successful upgrade?

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Blue Screen Of Death, Random Blue Screens

Jun 5, 2008

I've been doing a clean install of Vista x64 for about a week and have been getting many random blue screens of deaths yesterday I did another clean install and only had about 4 drivers or so installed and I got a BSOD but no dump file was created for some reason so I kept installing more drivers and it work for about 4 hours till it crahsed again this time it gave me a dump file so here are the results.......

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Display, Transitions Blue To Green

Sep 26, 2008

I'll admit it. First of all the specs: Gateway GM5664 desktop computer running Vista Home Premium 32bit. AMD Phenom 9600 quad core processor BluRay/HDDVD player ATI Radeon HD 3650 1gb graphics card (which I just upgraded to.) 46" Samsung 1080p LCD HDTV (yeah, I know, using a TV as a monitor, maybe that's the issue.) Resolution is set at 1920x1080 I have updated the drivers to ATI's newest available. My display issues are as follows. Basically, my display seems to be pixellated on the login screen. At the vista login screen I can see blocks where it transitions from blue to green. The display doesn't look very "crisp" or "clear" like it does on my IBM laptop (set at 1400x1050) with a 64mb graphics card. Say in Firefox along my bookmarks toolbar, there is some haloing around the text. Also, some text seems blocky instead of smooth, even though cleartype is enabled.

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Screen Freeze Or Blue Screen Needing Reboot

Feb 1, 2009

I've had voltage issues causing my computer to freeze or reboot during games and dvds. Fixed that and the computer was fine after memtest showing no problems. That was late Dec.

A few days ago, the computer would go to a blue screen saying it's dumping physical memory and then automatically reboots. Thinking my harddisk might be collapsing on me (I have a seagate barracuda 7200.11 500Gb HD with the SD15 firmware, the infamous crash friendly HD), I flash the HD with the SD1A firmware from seagate, then it was fine. 2days later, Catalyst started to cause problems by not responding, so I formated the drive and reinstalled vista ultimate, along with Catalyst, drivers from Mobo manufacturer ASUS, plus a couple of other softwares. That was yesterday, and now I'm getting the same blue screen back, or the computer just freezes.

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Blue Screen: Whole Screen Shows Lines

Feb 16, 2008

I commonly get a blue screen. So how do I solve this problem 2ndly, whenever I play music on my WMP, the computer may just hang on me, giving all but zzzz buzzes and the whole screen shows lines.

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