Disable Automatic Activation?

Mar 29, 2008

This is my 4th Vista install on this box in a week and a half. This time I failed to uncheck the "activate automatically" box after I entered the key. Checking System, it says I have 3 days before automatic activation. How do I kill that? - if this one flies, it won't be ready for at least 5 days.

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How Disable Automatic Locking Of Computer?

Sep 26, 2008

My Vista home premium automatically locks after a short time. This is super annoying. I want to turn it off. My screen saver used to come on, but now it locks instead. I am using the Webshots screen saver, and it does not have anything on it for setting a password, so I cannot set that, as was suggested in another forum. Isn't there some way to simply tell windows to NOT automatically lock my computer, EVER?

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Disable Automatic Delivery Of Internet Explorer 8

Mar 14, 2009

I use Vista Home Premium 32bit and I want to install Toolkit to Disable Automatic Delivery of Internet Explorer 8 at also checked out this page at for the step by step guide to install it. But in Vista Home Premium 32 bit, I cannot open the Group Policy Editor. When I type GPEDIT.MSC from startRun and then hit the Enter key, the error message says soemthing like GPEDIT.MSC does not exists. After I downloaded the Toolkit, I run the IE8BlockerToolkit.EXE and it extracted 4 files:


I double clicked on IE80Blocker.cmd and then I cannot proceeed to the next step to setup the IE8 Blocker Template (IE80Blocker.adm) May I ask if anyone can shed some light on this? How can I install this Toolkit to Disable Automatic Delivery of Internet Explorer 8 in Vista Home Premium 32 bit properly?

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Disable Automatic Search For Shared Printers

Nov 11, 2009

On Win XP there was a tick box under folder options view tab to enable/disable automatic searching for network folders and printers. I cannot find the equivalent for this in Vista Business or Vista Ultimate. Does anyone know how to do this in Vista?

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Setpointupdate.exe: Say Logitech Settings And Disable Automatic Updates

Oct 17, 2009

I used to have Vista Home Basic on my computer. I have a Logitech mouse that came with software, and it displayed a Logitech Mouse and Keyboard icon in the system tray. You could adjust mouse settings, and it told you when your wireless mouse's batteries were dying. So I got a new hard drive and a version of Vista Home Premium. Installed Vista and all of my programs, including the Logitech software. Now when I login I get the message that Windows wants to run setpointupdate.exe and I have to click Allow or Cancel. I never got this message with Vista Home Basic.

I've already Googled setpointupdate.exe and read many posts (including one on this site) saying that you have to go into your Logitech settings and disable automatic updates (tried that, didn't work), or that you had to uninstall your Logitech software all-together. But I want the software - I never change my mouse settings, but I like that the system tray icon warns me when the batteries are dying. Yes, I could uninstall the software and figure out on my own that the batteries are dying (by my mouse stopping working), but why should I have to uninstall this Logitech software? Isn't there a way to tell Windows that setpointupdate.exe is ok to run and that I don't have to click Allow EVERY time I login?

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Activation: "The Windows Vista Home Premium Product Key You Typed Is Invalid For Activation"

Mar 26, 2008

My laptop came with Vista Home Premium installed. I downloaded a Flash-BIOS update as per advice of my HP Care Centre. After it was done installing my laptop shut off (as I was told it would do). When I turned it back on, I was prompted to enter a Product Activation Key. I entered the Windows Product Key as shown on the sticker on the base of the laptop. The message I received was "The Windows Vista Home Premium product key you typed is invalid for activation" For the record, YES, I am entering the code in properly.

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SP 1 Asking For New Activation?

Mar 23, 2008

I've been running my legit copy of vista ultimate upgrade for a year,now suddenly after sp1 installed I see a little reference to activation "1 day to activate windows!!!. So I activate and get " The product key you typed is already in use" !!! Well yes - -that's me so what now from the options of use automated phone system- - -contact Microsoft to help resolve problem?? I'm going to get charged for this??

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Activation Key Already Used

Apr 11, 2009

I got a problem with a reinstall of Vista 64 Home Premium. A few days ago I tried to manually force activation of Vista, and I was told the key was already in use. I thought it was due to recently reinstalling it so I just let it go. Today it tried to automatically activate and it failed. The error is the same that the key is already being used.

1. I have no other PC's with Vista on.
2. Nobody visited me recently, and I can't think of anyone I know who would steal the key.
3. I never posted my key anywhere online

What can I do in this situation? When I click a support link in the activation window I am being told support cost 540 Dkr which translates to US$80-90 which is almost as much as I paid for my Vista!

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How Do I Set Up An Automatic Path For CMD Using?

Aug 6, 2008

I need to use C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v2.0.50727jsc.exe very hoften from cmd console.

I don't remember how you set up so that I don't need to write the whole path each time I wanna access this program

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Automatic Shut Down

Oct 10, 2009

How can I prevent Vista from automatically shutting down after a given period of time? I like to listen to online audio all day, but not necessarity while working on the computer.

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Automatic IP Renew

Feb 8, 2008

I use a laptop at the office and at home. My problem is that Vista won't update its network settings automatically when I change from one network to another. Per example, my office network has addresses and my home network has addresses. When I arrive at home and the computer connects to the network, it keeps its address, which of course results in limited connectivity. I have to use the Repair tool each time to get the connection back (and it means waiting for a looooong minute in front of the computer...)

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SyncToy 2.0: Automatic?

Jul 29, 2009

I created my folder pair, but SyncToy doesn't do anything unless I manually go in there and tell it to sync the pair up. I am upset it won't the sync without waiting for me. As long as the computer is relatively idle, sync away.

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IE7 Automatic Can't Open

Nov 29, 2009

I have just recover my window vista business. But i don't know why the IE7 always opens automatically. Many times i cancel it but it still opens again and again. The possibility of having virus if very low because i have just recovered the window.

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Automatic Updates Is Off

Nov 16, 2008

Anyone know if its possible and if so how to prevent Vista from keeping the message balloon of "Automatic Updates is off" from popping up?, each time I reboot after a few minutes this pops up and its irritating me, I don't have automatic updates on as I choose when to go and check for any, but this message will insist on popping up to remind me, but I'm not daft and would like it to know if its possible to stop it

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Activation Problem

Jul 5, 2008

I install vista home premium in my computer,it is activated,but when i reinstall the windows and activate,it says it already in use and i activated using phone .do i have to active by phone every time i re install?

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Windows Activation

Mar 23, 2008

i have just bought a machine from a friend and with it was given windows vista 64 bit. Being paranoid I did a full format and installed everything from scratch using the vista disk and product key supplied.I have the original hologram disk and case and the sticker which i have placed onto my computer case as directed however when i try to activate via
the net i am told that the product is already registered and i need to purchase another licence the software is only installed on one machine what do i need to do.

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Vist Activation Key

Feb 2, 2010

I had to reinstall vista from the disk supplied by evesham last month and it is now asking for the activation code. I was wondering if there is anyway i can get hold of this.

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HP Oem Activation Failure

Aug 10, 2009

I have a 2 month old HP tx2 notebook. It activated fine when first booted. Used it abouy a month and IE crashed with a BSOD, and upon recovery I have a notice on the bottom of the desktop that it says this copy of windows in not genuine. When I reboot it says I must activate. When I try it fails and the only options are new product key or contact HP. I called HP and they said to use the key off the bottom of the computer which does not work. They then want me to do a complete reinstall which is quite unacceptible with all the work it took to get this new machine loaded to work with.

Can i buy a new license and be sure it is going to take. Buying a new copy of home premium unfair but is way better than all the work I would have to do otherwise. The OS is home premium 64 bit. I would not want to install a new copy because of the driver issues (touchsmart), I just want to use the key. When I try to activate I get: Buy new product key online. Try a different product key Contact Hewlett-Packard to help resolve this proble Have tried option 2 and 3 to no avail.

I would try option 1 if I could be assured it would work without loss of data. HP says to reinstall the OS. They told me Microsoft does not support OEM installs. Why not? There is no phone option. when I try to input a new key I get an 0xC004E003 error. Updates work fine and all my software works as well.The desktop background does not work and it has the not genuine at the right bottom corner. There does not seem to be a count down timer either.

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Activation Key Is Still Active From My Other Hdd

Jan 13, 2009

I recieved my new hard drive in the mail today and so excited I switched out my 250gb for my new 750gb without reformating or anything. So, now I am not sure what to do because it says my activation key is still active from my other hdd. Oh and if it helps I went from 32bit on 250 to 64bit on the 750. I bought Vista Ultimate in 2007, so I have the RTM version of it.

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Activation Or Related?

Jan 9, 2008

No this is nothing to do with Piracy and whatnot, my Vista is perfectly legal (and I have the Credit card bill to prove this.). I am on my "1st build" and am currently using the "30 day trial" - the reason for this was that I wanted to be sure that everything ran smoothly before I activated the software, mainly because I was unsure about whether or not x64 would play nice (and I may have had to install x32 instead) It does, and I'm chuffed.

My main Q is, should I activate... and say in 6 months time, I have to do a fresh build , I assume that I will be able to without incident (worst case scenario I have to phone MS, but then I did that with XP and had no problems.) Secondly, should I wish to change Hardware i.e. Graphics card / adding another hard drive (which are about the only two upgrades I'd do to this monster of a machine) after activation, I assume thats allowed ?

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Activation Exploit

Jun 9, 2009

I just bought a used tablet PC with vista ultimate on it. I have spent the past 2 days updating and putting all of my software on it but now it says there's some kind activation exploit on it and that it will probably kill the OS pretty soon because this is a no-no. Nowhere in the notice did it tell me I could just buy a new serial number. It also gave me no option for removing the exploit.

I want to buy a legal copy and fix the issue but I don't want to re-install everything. Is this possible? (I closed the message and I don't know how to bring it back so I do not know the name of the exploit). Also- the guy who sold me the computer had at least a dozen other used machines all running Vista. There was no old software on the tablet, so I'm pretty sure he put the OS on the tablet (and the exploit). Should Microsoft be notified? He's in the Seattle area, close to the mothership...

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Activation On Re-install

Jun 2, 2008

I just finished re-installing my full retail version of Vista Home Premium on a different machine and expected activation to fail with a new motherboard and hard drive. But, when I clicked for it to activate expecting to have to phone in for approval since it was on a different machine, it activated automatically. I think this may be related to installing SP1 from a purchased disk from NewEgg and may have confused Windows into thinking it was already activated before SP1 was installed?

I don't think the O.S. is being recognized as valid when I try to download the Media Center Guide. I get a constant error code 13 and can't download the guide. I have been to Windows Update and downloaded a number of post SP1 updates without problem but no go with the Guide. Is there a window site I can go to to make sure my installation is validated? Perhaps after it is properly validated the Guide downloads will work? I installed SP1 from the disk right after the O.S. install without going to Window Update and I think I may have skipped a step where my O.S.

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Activation Key Can Not Work

Nov 15, 2009

I bought Vista Home Premium in Sept,2009.I just reinstalled it on the same machine with Windows seven,I purchased windows 7 from Microsoft, What is the telephone number I can call.I have been up all night trying to repair and install Vista.

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Can't Activation Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I bought a upgrade version (Vista Home Premium) yesterday and did a clean install (backup'd files I still needed). Everything is working fine accept for the fact that i can't activate Vista. When i enter my product key it says that this version is meant for upgrade and not for a new install. I found that a bitt odd because I had to clean install. Anyway, now i'm trying to get a new license key and I keep getting this error: Error We are unable to process your order at this time. Please try again later. Error Code: 1067

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Question About Automatic Shut Off

Apr 26, 2009

I've noticed that my computer automatic shut the computer off and I was
wondering if somehow that I might have set up in my computer somewhere
without realizing it.
Can anyone help me on this?
I'll be reading something and before I know it, the computer turn it self off.
I turned it back on and it works fine.

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Can I Schedule An Automatic Restart?

Mar 5, 2010

Does anybody know how I can set a scheduled restart to occur regularly overnight.

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Automatic Complete PC Back Up?

Aug 28, 2008

now i know there is an automatic way of backing up files and folders using windows vista but i was wondering if there was a way of automatically backing up my complete system. now i've tried using Acronis True Image for this but i'm afraid that i won't be able to restore if my boot drive gets corrupt or i don't have an OS to installed Acronis to and load the back up image.

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Automatic Retrieval Of Mail

May 23, 2009

I can only retrieve my mail at start up. I can't get mail when I click on Send/Receive or automatically. I only get an error message when I click on Send/Receive...no other time. It says that an error has occured and to check the details below...but there is nothing below.

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No Automatic Recipient Addresses

Apr 4, 2008

Under vista I no longer get an address or selection of possible addressees after typing in several characters of the recipient's address. I was told previously in this forum that this would happen after I entered the addressee's name three times. I've done that many times over and still no auto recognition.

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User Idle - Automatic Log Off?

Jun 23, 2009

I am using Vista x64 on my Laptop. The Problem - Vista Automatically logs me off, if i am inactive for 2 minutes (it brings me on logon page - and asks me to enter password) I have checked -
- Control Panel
- Screensaver settings
- Power Settings
- Searched on google

But could not find anything there. Can someone tell me, how can we set auto log off idle time in Vista :o ? Enable or disable this function?

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Leave An Automatic Message

Aug 5, 2009

I just left a job and want to leave an automatic message to my former clients that they need to contact someone else. How do I do that?

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