Customize The "System Manufacturer/Product Name"

Feb 7, 2009

I'm wondering where/how (where at) I would customize the "System Manufacturer/Product Name" listed in the WEI as seen in the snip below.

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Customize Your System Icons With Microangelo On Display

Jul 13, 2007

Microangelo, the famous icon tool company, has released an updated version of their On Display application that allows users to easily change and replace the default system icons in Windows Vista. With Microangelo On Display you can:

Customize Windows icons quickly and easily. Just right-click on the icon and select "Appearance" from the popup menu.  One elegant dialog allows you to change icons just about anywhere on your computer.

Use On Display to change icons displayed by Windows Vista, XP and Windows 2000. If you can't change an icon with On Display, it probably can't be done. Folder, shortcut, shell and system icons, On Display can change icons in more places than any other tool available.

Turn icon shortcut arrows off, on, or change them. On Display can change the overlays that Windows displays on shortcuts and shared drives or folders....

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How Can System Product Key

Feb 20, 2009

The product key in my system differs from the one on the label at the back of my laptop,

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Product Registration Key For New System Can Not Activated

Mar 26, 2008

My new HP laptop came with Vista installed. Everytime I open Word it is asking for a registration key. There was nothing provided with the computer.

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Crashed, Lost System Disc, Windows Product Key

Apr 6, 2009

my stepdaughter's laptop's hd crashed (unusable), she of course lost the system disc. I have my laptop and system disc, both laptops are gateway but different models 6752 and 6836. I have a new hd on order, and I will install vista with my disc and her windows product key (her laptop) I shouldn't have any problem with that right?

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How Report Manufacturer That Its Hardware Is Compatible?

Mar 23, 2008

How do you report a manufacturer that claims that its hardware is compatible with Vista, but in fact is not?

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Windows VISTA OEM License ONLY For Manufacturer

May 20, 2008

is it also for users, who don't run a comapny? I have bought a Windows VISTA DVD and when I received it, it had "OEM System Builder Pack" written on it. It also says: "EXCLUSIVELY for system builders." And after some research on the Wikipedia I see that COMPANIES that sell PCs normally buy OEM licenced software. I gues users should buy a "retail" version. (NOT OEM versions)

Or is it OK to install it? Because Wikipedia says the requirements are:"The requirements include: automated methods of installation of the product; customization of the installation to identify the OEM; first level technical support of the product..etc."I want to install it because there's NO 64-bit Vista Ultimate in my language...excepting this OEM version. But I don't know what the consequences might be...(I mean, I can't add info about customer support, my company's name, etc....Because I'm just a user, not a manufacturer!)

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Install 4GB Into Laptop Whose Manufacturer Claims 2GB As MAXIMUM

Jun 19, 2009

Now as an Electrical Engineer I proved this point and upped my HP to 4GB w/3.25GB usable: If your chipset is Intel945 - as in my HP dv8408us & MANY NEWER HP laptops (Pavilions/MediaCenters), ignore HP claim of maixmum memory = 4GB. You can install 2GB+2GB sticks, you'll get 3.25GB usable by Windows, I know you waste about 1GB but it still makes sense. Intel945 chipset is hardwired for 32-bit adddresses so Windows whether it be 32 or 64bit is not a limitation, it's the chipset which is a limitation, STILL it can address 4GB, not 2GB as HP claimed on my laptop specs. I've done the same with IBM Thinkpads, where they claimed 512MB to be max 5 years ago, but I was running with 1GB. It appears idiots sometimes write these specs because 2GB laptop SDRAM modules were unavailable at that time at reasonable price/pinout?..............

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Product Key: Hard Drive Installed It Keeps Asking For Product Key

Jun 9, 2008

i just got windows vista since i had a bigger hard drive installed it keeps asking for product key This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane.

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What Is The Term Used To Describe A Replacement Hard Drive From A Manufacturer Which Already Has The OS And Other Software Installed On It

Aug 20, 2009

What is the term used to describe a replacement hard drive from a manufacturer which already has the OS and other software installed on it? Someone told me it was "bricked" but that doesn't sound right.

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Windows Vista AND Office 2000: "The Expected Version Of The Product Was Not Found On Your System."

Mar 27, 2008

I've heard conflicting reports as to whether Office 2000 will run successfully under Vista. In the hope that they are compatible, I installed Office 2000 and then installed (from the Microsoft site) updates SR-1a and SP-2. Then I downloaded SP3, but when I attempted to install it, I got the message "The expected version of the product was not found on your system." Is there some reason for this, or should I just try again? I looked for, but could not find, a newsgroup that deals with Office 2000 -- is there an alternative newsgroup that would be better for these questions?

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Product Is Not Microsoft Genuine Product

Oct 14, 2009

I have a problem, I have Microsoft Word 2003 installed in Vista. The problem is I have problem that this window keeps appearing when I open Word..."The product is not Microsoft Genuine product"... I really want to get rid of this... can you tell me how to get rid that bar in MS Office 2003? I'll be waiting for response.

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Customize Pen Flicks

Feb 19, 2007

If you have a tablet PC and are running Windows Vista you have some new options to customize your pen flicks that will help you become a pen power users.

Click on the Start Button and key in Pen and Input Devices and hit Enter.

Click or tap on the Flicks tab.

Enable flicks by checking Use flicks to perform common actions quickly and easily if it is not already enabled.

Select Navigational and editing flicks....

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Customize Tab Missing

May 16, 2008

I no longer have the "customize" tab in the properties window. How can i get this back? I would like to change my folder icons.

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Customize Basic Theme

Jan 25, 2007

On my notebook, my main machine, I can't run Aero, but would like to change the colour of the Vista Basic theme. Does anybody know if there's a registry entry or something like that that would allow me to change it?

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Variations Of Aero, Customize?

Apr 3, 2008

There are many themes for Windows XP Luna interface. Windows Vista, however, has only one version of Aero ( we can change the color and its intensity though). Is it possible to make other themes for Aero, like different system button styles or different border, different material, etc. Or, is it impossible to customize it by its architecture? I'm not going to make a custom theme, but am just curious about it. PS : Personally, I like Aero better than Mac OSX's look and feel, except for fonts and menus. I like OSX's larger fonts and translucent menu better.

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Start Programs: How Customize?

Feb 6, 2009

From the "Start" menu in XP, I was able to arrange programs into hierarchical groups, and add programs to the "Startup" folder (programs that launch at startup), All these tasks were done using Windows Explorer in "Documents and Settings"

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Easily Customize Screensavers

Dec 30, 2008

About a year about I posted a detailed article about customizing the new screensavers in Windows Vista that are also included in Windows 7. Since then a Windows developer known as Onmicoder has taken the tweaks a step further and built a GUI around the registry values. Now users that don’t want to modify the registry manually can customize screensavers with just a few clicks.

You can download the utility on NeoWin’s forums here. Once downloaded make sure you run the utility as administrator. It modifies portions of the registry that require administrative rights to make changes.

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Customize Command Prompt

Nov 5, 2007

For power users Command Prompt is where you go to get work done quickly and efficiently. If you spend a lot of time using Command Prompt, why not customize the appearance and operation to your preferences? There are actually a few Command Prompt customizations that will make it more useful and good looking.

Just follow these steps to customize your Command Prompt:

Click on the Start Button and key in Command Prompt and hit Enter.

Once Command Prompt has started, right click on the top left icon in the menu bar and select Defaults. Alternatively you can select Properties if you want to have different settings for different Command Prompt shortcuts.

You will now see the four tabs of options to customize. The sections that I always work with are Font, Layout and Colors. To get started, click on the Font tab. Here you will be able to change the font and size used. If you would like a micro prompt as shown below, select Raster Fonts and size 4x6.

On the Layout tab you can specify the size and location of the window as well as the buffer. I usually only change the Screen Buffer Height setting.  This controls how many previous command lines are saved and can be scrolled back up through.  Increasing this value is useful if you are looking at a  large directory with more than 300 files. I always increase the Height value to the max which is 9999.
The Color tab is where you get to have the most fun changing the look of your Command Prompt. Just select what you want to change the color for and then change the color.

Back on the Options tab I recommend turning on Quick Edit Mode.  This allows you to easily highlight text without having to go to Edit -> Mark and copy it by just right clicking.  Then you can paste it by simply right clicking once more....

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How To Customize Search Result Columns

Mar 21, 2008

I am desperatly trying to change Vistas default search result columns. Everytime I use the do a search, I change the coulmns to "Name, Folder Path, Size, Type". Unforunatly Vista only remembers my settings for the already changed folders. If I search a different/new folder it defauls back to "Name, Date modified, Type, Folder, Authors, Tags".

Where can I change the default columns? As I do not want to change the columns for each and every folder ... I have already customizes Vista's default folder templates in "C:Users<username>" , but this has no effect on the search result. Customizing the searches in "C:Users<username>Searches" has also no use, as theese are the saved searches.

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Customize Installation, GUI Image Manager

Mar 26, 2008

i have a legal vista ultimate license unused on any machine and NOT OEM. i would like to install vista ultimate 64 on a new laptop. it came preinstalled with home premium 32 (the T7500 processor so it can take 64bit) i would like to create a custom install disk containing the OS and the HP vista 64 drivers. I would also like if possible to include some of the pre installed bloatware (I know, I know, I dont want MS works or norton, but I would not mind the HP help system and the system monitors and system update etc).

I have created a recovery disk which contains 6 or 7 .wim files each about the size of a CD. I presume the windows (home premium) as well as all the bloatware and drivers are included in these image files. I installed the WAIK and tried to use to GUI image manager (or whatever it is called) to mount the files but could not. I was able to dir using imageX command line, but was unable to mount the image file or files using imagex /mount rw if i could somehow accomplish this maybe i could build a custom image file with the ultimate 64 and drivers and etc/ I guess an alternative is to use vlite, and HP vista 64 drivers that I download

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Display Properties, Customize Desktop?

Apr 19, 2008

What is the Vista equivalent to XP's?

--> Display properties,
--> Desktop (tab)
--> Customize desktop (button)

And, is there a such thing as XP's "My Computer" icon in Vista?

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Customize Backup With Home Premium Edition?

May 18, 2008

I am using Windows Vista Home Premium and am encountering a problem using Microsoft's own Automatic Backup. I have been using running backups weekly now for many months with no problems. Except for the initial full backup, this weekly backup has only taken approx. 20-30% of a DVD. However, since I have fully installed "The Orange Box," my weekly backup now takes 2 full DVD's.

Even though, backup does NOT backup any temp files & does NOT back up programs, I am forced to do such a big backup because this gaming software does constant updates whenever I go online. I don't want or need to backup these game settings and updates, but I can't see any way to tell my backup software to ignore these files. The only solution I have for now is to disable automatic backups.

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Customize Installation Disk Containing The OS And HP Vista 64 Drivers

Mar 23, 2008

i have a legal vista ultimate license unused on any machine and NOT OEM. i would like to install vista ultimate 64 on a new laptop. it came preinstalled with home premium 32 (the T7500 processor so it can take 64bit). i would like to create a custom install disk containing the OS and the HP vista 64 drivers. I would also like if possible to include some of the pre installed bloatware (I know, I know, I dont want MS works or norton, but I would not mind the HP help system and the system monitors and system update etc).

I have created a recovery disk which contains 6 or 7 .wim files each about the size of a CD. I presume the windows (home premium) as well as all the bloatware and drivers are included in these image files. I installed the WAIK and tried to use to GUI image manager (or whatever it is called) to mount the files but could not. I was able to dir using imageX command line, but was unable to mount the image file or files using imagex /mount rw if i could somehow accomplish this maybe i could build a custom image file with the ultimate 64 and drivers and etc/ I guess an alternative is to use vlite, and HP vista 64 drivers that I download, but I dont know if this would give me the system monitoring tools

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Customize Start Menu Power Buttons

Feb 20, 2007

There are two new power buttons on the Windows Vista start menu that behave differently than in previous versions of Windows.  The main button, that looks like a power button actually puts your computer to sleep, not really turning it completely off. The other button locks your computer.  I personally do not like putting my computer to sleep.  I would rather turn it off completely to save some power and save some money on my electric bill when I am sleeping. 

Follow the steps below to customize these button to work how you want them to work:

Click on the Start Menu and type in Power Options and hit Enter .....

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Cannot Customize "Program Files" Folder

Mar 27, 2008

I was browsing my Program files folder, and noticed it was set as a "music" folder. I went into properties, and noticed the customize option was gone. I deleted the desktop ini file, but it is still showing as music. Does anyone know how to restore this option?

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How To Customize The "Show Desktop" Button

May 28, 2008

Is there a way to customize the "Show Desktop" button in the quick launch so it minimizes everything but what I specify? In my case, when I press the button, I would like for the Sidebar and RocketDock to stay visible.

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Customize Cropped Video Cut Out The Unwanted Video Area

Mar 22, 2009

DVD Ripper rocks your life What other advantages of *'DVD Ripper'Select DVD subtitle and audio track Select any available subtitle and audio track provided your DVD movie offers. Advanced Video Encoding Settings Video encoding settings: video resolution, frame rate, encoder, and bit rate. Audio output settings: sample rate, channel, encoder and bit rate. Merge into One file Support join several chapters/titles into a signal file with "Merge into one file" option. Trim any DVD title chapter Convert any clips of DVD chapter/title which you like most. Customize cropped video Cut out the unwanted video area, like black sides. Customize the video frame size according to the scale of cropped video.

Adjust DVD Video Effect Apply video brightness, contrast, saturation, gray/emboss/old film effect, horizontal/vertical turning. Video Snapshot Support takes snapshots of the playing video, and save them as jpeg, bmp, or png. Auto Shutdown Computer Tick "Shutdown your PC when conversion finished", you won?t wait around your computer. Lifetime free upgrade and technical support We provide free software upgrade service periodically; this is privilege only for registered members. No adware and spamware No ad and spam disturbance. All the products listed support free download, it?s free to try until you think they are you wanted of then buy later. Each product has a user guide page of it own with detailed step by step describtion and you will find how simple and fun it is. have a nice day.

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Customize Your Sidebar With Windows Sidebar Styler

Aug 20, 2007

Stanimir Stoyanov has create a very useful application that automates customizing the appearance of the Windows Vista sidebar. If you change you skin your visual style and want your sidebar to match or just do not like the default black gradation look, Windows Sidebar Styler makes it very easy to change the look.

Visit Stanimir Stoyanov’s blog and download the latest version ...

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OS Product Key

Jun 19, 2008

Just want to get things clear about the product key of windows... Is every windows cd customized for its own product key? What I mean is if I lost my install CD but I still have my product key, am i able to use my friend's OS cd to install on my pc and instead of his key I use my own product key? Or I cant do this?

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Product Key Cannot Be Validated

Mar 19, 2009

I had bought an HP 2133 when I was in Bahrain. When I first started up the computer, Vista Business started installing, probably from the Recovery partition. Anyway, I am in Turkey now and I upgraded mh harddisk and wanted to install Vista Business on the new harddisk. Underneath my computer there is an original Microsoft sticker for the product Key. During the Vista installation I typed this key but received an error message that the key cannot be validated. The key starts with J4CQ3- What might be the reason? What is the solution? I want to use my original Vista Product Key.

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