Crossfire An Onboard With External?

May 15, 2010

im looking at this board: - ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO AM3 AMD 785G HDMI ATX AMD Motherboard. i have a ATI 4890 HD. would those be able to work together?

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How Do Change Back Onboard

Feb 24, 2009

why one of my harddrive ICONS decided to change itself right out of the clear-blue? How do I change it back? I recall using an onboard facility in the past to set it as I had it but danged if I can find the bugger now

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Plug In Mic Onboard Mic Didn't Mute

May 17, 2010

I have somehow lost the digital mic input option on my Gateway laptop model W3501. The left scan is of my daughter's computer; the right scan is mine (the two computers are identical I bought them at the same time): Here's what happened: When I recorded on my computer with a plug-in mic, the onboard mic didn't mute, so I was getting recordings from both mics at once. I tried to disable the onboard mic. But after doing that, I get a lot of white noise when I plug in a mic: How can I get it back to how it was? (There are no restore points that go back as far as when I made the changes). I really need step-by-step help here - I'm not all that computer savvy.

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Enable Onboard Intel GMA 3100 With Nvidia 8600gt

Sep 17, 2008

How do i enable onboard intel GMA 3100 with nvidia 8600gt its showing me incompatible display adapter disabled when i installed the intel driver it works fine in xp when i read some forms they say that its a prob with WDDM plz guys tell me how can i make them both work together

intel quad core 9450
intel gma 3100 & nvidia 8600gt

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Sli & Crossfire

Oct 29, 2009

What sort of problems if any happen when either using sli or crossfire.

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GPU Utilization In X64 W/ Crossfire

Apr 12, 2009

i have a 3870x2 and i'm using Vista Ultimate 64-bit with 2gb of ram.

No matter what program i run, even programs i KNOW are supposed to use more than 1 gpu core, nothing puts any kind of load (not even a little blip for a second) on the second core.

I've tried crysis, Fallout 3, 3dmark 2003 & 2006. I'm using rivatuner hardware monitoring, and even tried 2 copies of gpu-z.

I'm using 2 monitors in dualview and have the monitor programs on the right screen so i can watch while a fullscreen 3d application runs on the other.

Does anyone know about a way to resolve this? It might be a crossfire issues, as these cards DO use crossfire, although it's hard-set to always-enable in the hardware.

So far i've found some info through googling and installed patches manually: KB936710, KB929777, KB938194, KB938979, KB940105, KB945149

I had service pack 1 installed, but it wasn't giving utilization on the second gpu core, no load at all, so i de-installed it just to manually force these patches in... thinking maybe microsoft claims they're included in Sp1 but maybe they're not, but now it's still not resolved it so... i don't know I can't find any posts about this on the internet so far...

other specs: Intel Q6600 @ 3814mhz, patriot extreme performance ddr2-1066 @ 1140mhz (1x2gb) Gigabyte GA-X48-DQ6 motherboard, using two WD hard drives (7200 rpm, sata-2, 32mb buffer, 500gb) in raid-0 using the onboard raid chip (not the southbridge, the other one)..

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Crossfire With Two Monitors?

May 29, 2009

A co-worker just told me that if I add a second ATI HD4850 card to my Gateway FX6800-01e computer, and crossfire them, I will loose my current dual monitor mode. In other words, he says that crossfire allows only for one monitor! Is this a correct statement?

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Possible To Switch Off From Crossfire To Normal?

Oct 13, 2009

i have a 4870 right now and im looking to get a second one (yeah i know 5000 series are out but w/e) i heard if u crossfire 2 cards u can only get 1 display is this true? im pretty sure it is but anyway im gettign a second monitor and i was wondering if its possible to switch off from crossfire to normal so i can game on a single one and then just watch while watchign vids on Internet on the second just like that? or would i be better off not crossfiring @ all. and if i dont corssfire what would be my fps boost?

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Enable Crossfire With Non-SLI Cards?

Jan 5, 2009

I got MoBo ASUS P5N32-SLI Premium running Vista Ultimate 32bit on Core 2 Duo Processor. Recently I got another Graphic Card ATI Radeon X1900XTX 512MB PCI-e which I already have one. So, I plan to use the two X1900XTX cards on my system. I already checked the cards but found it has no connection to enable the so-called SLI bridge to connect the two cards.

1. Is there any way for me to use the 2 cards on my PC (crossfire/SLI)?
2. Does the crossfire dongle will make the 2 cards works?
3. Any new tech that enable crossfire with non-SLI cards?

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Crossfire In Dell 530: Is Slot Free In Pc

Dec 12, 2008

i have a ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT which is crossfire compatable, so what im wanting to know because im not really up on the connections graphics cards use, is there a slot free in my pc (dell inspiron 530.

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Graphics Cards Can Not Work As Crossfire

Dec 30, 2009

I have 2 Radeon x1950 graphics cards on my A8N32-SLI DELUXE motherboard and cant get them to work as crossfire. Tried many things but was wondering if it was because I'm running windows x64 version of Vista Ultimate

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Adding 2nd Video Card In A NON Crossfire Configuration

Oct 3, 2009

Can Vista support more than 1 GPU driver? I am running Vista Ult 64. Looking to upgrade to Windows 7. I previously had an Nvidia 8800GT as my primary graphics card and also had an 8500GT installed as well on my dual boot XP/Vista PC. They worked fine and the computer recognized both correclty on both OS's I think I didn't have any trouble b/c as I found it all 8 series cards use the same driver. I bought a new primary GPU, a ATi Sapphire 4870 1GB Toxic. I am NOT trying to run SLI or Crossfire, I need availability for 3+ monitors. Can I have two completely different video drivers? I was under the impression NO, but a computer parts guy said I can install an Nvidia & ATi driver as long as I do not install the supplemental software.

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Hd 4870 Crossfire 5000 Series Not Working

Aug 30, 2009

im thinkin of gettin 2 HD 4870's in crossfire but idk. when will the 5000 series be out so i know not to waste my money now.

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4870 Crossfire Instability:not Getting The Framerates On My 1920x1200 Monitor

Aug 15, 2008

I installed a pair of VisionTek 4870's in Crossfire on my Rampage Formula X48 Motherboard. I have a 750W power supply, so I don't think that's the issue. Everything was working great with my old Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS, but I wasn't getting the framerates on my 1920x1200 monitor. The problem seems to happen when I'm playing games (like Warhammer Online, Mass Effect, or even older ones like Dawn of War 40K) it crashes my system. I've checked my NB temperatures and they're around 58-60 Celcius (seems a bit hot). Does anyone know what I might be able to try to fix this instability? I read somewhere that I could increase the PCI-E voltage, but I'm not sure.

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Which External HDD Is Compatible With X64?

Mar 27, 2008

I am trying to find an external hard disk drive that is fully compatible
with Vista x64.

I purchased a Western Digital My Book Premium II drive and it doesn't work
properly even though their web site states that is Vista compatible. I
contacted them and they fairly ridiculed me for assuming that that meant it
would be compatible with 64-bit Vista. I can still use the drive to
actually copy files to but there is no 64-bit driver so the bundled software
doesn't work and Vista keeps telling me that it needs to install a driver
for this device.

I contacted Seagate about their FreeAgent Pro product and they claim it
should work even though there is also no 64-bit driver for it. I don't
trust that statement after my experience with the WD drive.

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External Hardrive

Apr 27, 2009

im running vista home premium and Ive been trying to transfer all my old files and pics from a external hardrive which is hitachi ide that was out of my old laptop running xp
when i plug it in through the usb and look at my computer its not recognizing it but when i look in storage in computer management at the botton it says unknown disc not initialized so i am unable to browse the hardrive.

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Post SP1 Can't See My External

Apr 5, 2008

Since I installed SP1 for Vista HP 64x I can no longer access my external hard drive/media player.

When I connect it via USB I get a message saying I need USB to IDE drivers. Windows then offers to search the internet etc but cannot find any. As a result Vista cannot see the drive and I am prevented from accessing nearly 300GB of my photos, music and movies.

This is a personal disaster. My best photographic work is on that drive.

I have had the drive for about a year and it worked perfectly before SP1. It's sold by a firm called Envizage but I believe they are just importers.

I contacted them and they replied that no drivers are required for Vista.

I was not even aware there was an IDE drive in there but I believe it is a 400GB Samsung. Can't check now obviously.

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External Harddrive

Oct 4, 2008

I am getting a 1TB external harddrive and was wondering weather I could basically copy the whole of my C: drive including the OS to it. I also want to boot straight from the external drive. I also do not really care if it is'nt recommended lol. If this is possible would it also be possible to dual-boot with XP? I have both install disks for Vista and XP and I am willing to buy software.

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External HDD Is Read-only.

Mar 2, 2009

I recently solved the problem where my External HDD came up as a CD Drive but now it says the permission is read only,

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Backing Up To An External HD

Nov 8, 2009

I have bought a WD external hard drive, and backed up the contents of my family's computers onto it. I was intending to update the back up on a regular basis- will the files get automatically overwritten? I'm assuming so as I can't see how you would remember which files were new.

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External Harddrive Can't See

Aug 6, 2009

I have used the same external harddrive for over a year but suddenly my computer cant se what on it. It has the letter "N" but shows as raw. Its strange becours it works fine on XP pro and it did work fine on this comp before. Anyone have a clue?

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External USB Hub Not Working

Jun 10, 2008

I have some troubles with my new USB 2 "high speed" hub that is, once installed I was getting some errors about removing connected devices 'cause I could get better performance on a USB 2 port....huh? How could it be? It is a USB 2 hub! So I've noticed that I was getting some errors (in the system tray) like: "Device driver was not succesfully installed" and in the list: "USB 2.0 Hub" "Searching preconfigure d driver folders" So I've read on the package (unknown chines brand) that the hub is compatible with all but Vista!

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Maxtor Dvd/cd External Rom

Dec 29, 2007

I have an external Maxtor dvd/cd rom and each time I try to copy a file to a dvd/or cd it tells me that the disc is corrupt, and/or empty/or that it doesn't like any brand I try to insert.I have installed the Vista Home Basic version.Do I need a special driver for that or can one of the correction programs fix it?

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External Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2008

I recently bought a western digital 1TB hard drive which I had to reformat before I could use. Everything works good now, except for onething. Sometimes the computer doesn't want to restart while the new drive is plugged in. If I remove it from the USB port prior to restarting, it will restart just fine.

It shuts down and turns on without an issue. This only happens when I
restart the system with it plugged in.

So while it's not a big issue,it is an annoyance.

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Battery Life: CD Vs. HD Vs. External HD

Apr 1, 2009

I'm going to be sitting on an airplane for too many hours. I'd like to watch some videos on the laptop and am wondering the best way to maximize battery life. Which uses the least power?

- Playing the DVD in the DVD drive
- Ripping the DVD to the hard drive and playing it from there (if I have enough free disk space)
- Ripping the DVD to an external hard drive and playing it from there
- Ripping the DVD to a big memory key and playing it from there

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Connects A External Screen

Mar 1, 2009

I need the following to work a user uses vista on the laptop and the lcd on the laptop is his primary display. 1) Now he connects a external screen and reboots or uses mobility centre to connect it as display 2). However he wants it to show up and display as the left hand screen in the format 2) 1) with 1) remaining the primary display and the task bar not changing screens also with the mouse moving to the left hand screen by moving left.

This never works. if he connect external screen VISTA decides the screens should be connected 1)2) and you have to move right to get to the left hand screen. you have to move the screen in display setup to get this right but then vista will screw up and make the left hand external display the primary etc. Is there no way to get vista to remember that the external display should be 2) and not primary and also to make it the left hand screen in the desktop while not becoming the primary screen and taking the taskbar and start menu.

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External Hard Drive: Put An O/S On It

Dec 8, 2008

I just Bought a 120Gig External HardDrive and i want to put An O/S on it how do i do that? i bought an external HDD because all my PC games take up all my HDD space in my computer :P)

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1 TB External Hard Drive

May 9, 2009

I got a large external hard drive today and it's instructions say to go to
disk management and do format and partition. I messed up and deleted the
drives volume. Now it is not listed in disk management. I looked everywhere
to get it back and can't figure it out. How do I make Vista recognize this
drive again so I can partition and format it?

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External Display Get Distorted

Dec 13, 2009

I answered no less than 60 quests here. In exchange I got only 1 response ot my own quest., and none to the other SIMPLE quest. Simple for people who use the stuff I was askign about. menus pop up ion left & right now instead of organized right or left side (menus which expand to the either side of mouse cursor).

Also how to keep laptop's internal LCD resolutiuon while activating dual external/internal or external display, because when it goes back to internal only, ALL windows I opened on external display get distorted now - have to restore their size/location due to resoltuion jump up & down.

This can be simply solved by keeping internal LCD never changed, just allow external display to drop down to whatever resoltuion it wants to if Videocard is unable to keep up with TWO displays at such high resoltuion equal to internal. That would be fine. Problem is internal refuses to stay at its native resoltuio whenever external display is connected.

It goes back to native 1440x900 only after external is disabled, and now all over again I have to restore every window size/location that was ever opened on external display, because it "experienced" a different resoltuion as an open window, now it opens in the same crippled size oin internal LCD. One solution is obviously using an external display with same resolution and Videocard capable of dual output of the same high resoltuion as my laptop internal LCD whiuch happens to be a CAD/Engineering workstation type of high-end laptop that goes to 1440x900. I know that. But I have to deal with current external LCD TV actually, not a computer display.

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External Harddrive Partition

Nov 6, 2009

Me being me didn't read the instructions properly on the fact on how it does auto backups. So I partitioned the drive in half, now I cannot get the full 1TB back. I have so far tried deleting it, and then tried to extend the first half of it back, but it keeps coming up with just unallocated space

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External HD (partition Not Showing Up)..

May 2, 2009

I have a 1 TB external HD that is broken up into three partitions. For some reason, only two of three partitions will appear in Windows Vista. When I had it connected to my now out-of-commission desktop which ran XP, all partitions showed up and were accessible with no problem.

Can anyone offer any insight as to what's causing this and/or how to fix it? As luck would have it, my entire music library is on the one partition that won't show up, so I've been unable to access my music since my desktop has been down.

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