Connects A External Screen

Mar 1, 2009

I need the following to work a user uses vista on the laptop and the lcd on the laptop is his primary display. 1) Now he connects a external screen and reboots or uses mobility centre to connect it as display 2). However he wants it to show up and display as the left hand screen in the format 2) 1) with 1) remaining the primary display and the task bar not changing screens also with the mouse moving to the left hand screen by moving left.

This never works. if he connect external screen VISTA decides the screens should be connected 1)2) and you have to move right to get to the left hand screen. you have to move the screen in display setup to get this right but then vista will screw up and make the left hand external display the primary etc. Is there no way to get vista to remember that the external display should be 2) and not primary and also to make it the left hand screen in the desktop while not becoming the primary screen and taking the taskbar and start menu.

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Sound Can Not Working On External Screen

Feb 5, 2009

when i want to watch movies which are avi files on my lcd tv using an hdmi cable, i am unable to get sound from the tv, so i am watching the film on my tv but the sound comes from my laptop. i know that i can get the sound from my tv as i have done in the past but i have no idea why i cant now.

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Using External Monitor, Screen Pops

Dec 14, 2008

Ever since I switched to Windows Vista Enterprise Edition 32 Bit I have been having some problems with my dual-monitor set up. My computer is a Fujitsu Tablet PC and is about 2 years old, and my external monitor is a Samsung SyncMaster941BW. For some reason once I go and use the intel display options and set up the extended desktop everything appears to be fine. However when the Windows Vista security screen pops up asking for you permission for a specified action it gets rid of my extended desktop and just kicks everything back to only my laptops display. This also happens when restarting the computer and doing "Ctrl + alt + delete" to open the task manager. It is extremely frustrating and I was wondering if anyone else had this problem? I am not sure if it is just a problem with vista or if I need a new driver since updating from xp, even though my computer says it is the latest driver for the monitor.

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Can Configure Screen As External Monitor?

May 25, 2008

I have a Vista laptop and a new Vista desktop (replacement for a dinosaur). I am going to continue to reuse my current desktop monitor. Question: Can I configure my Vista laptop screen to act as a monitor for the new desktop (just to set it up)?

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Disconnect External Drive Blue Screen

Sep 3, 2009

When I disconnect my external drive via the safely remove hardware icon I end up with a blue screen. I am currently using vista 64 bit operating system.

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Star Computer Without An External Monitor, The Screen Just Blurrs Completely

Apr 6, 2010

I have a Dell XPS M1710 notebook and just yesterday it started throwing bad fits at me. First of all, if I start my computer without an external monitor, the screen just blurrs completely and I have to shut it down. With the monitor, nothing happens, but I dont think its a laptop any more if it does this thing. That partially fixed, I too have the SVCHOST problem. I used the svchost analyzer and Security Task Manager, but all they show me is that I have around 7 Svchost processes and they only use 10-15% of CPU. Its very peculiar because I NEVER had this before and I have my laptop for around 3 years. Checked all instances, every svchost is in the Windows System folder, so I ruled out a svchost virus. However, even when I shut down almost everything else, still 90-100% CPU. I just cant understand it.

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Wireless Not Connects Only At 54 Mbps

Nov 19, 2009

I recently bought a new laptop (Gateway MD2614U), which has an Athros AR5B91 wireless adapter. From all indications, it is supposed to have a/b/g/n(draft) capabilities. I initially had a g router and upgraded to an n (Trendnet 652brp) to get greater range (>30') over what my g router would deliver. To my surprise, the distance and speed were exactly the same with the new router. After troubleshooting with TrendNet and trying different settings, they concluded that my wireless adapter would handle only g speed (it would not even connect when router mode was set to "n only"). TrendNet further stated that the vast majority of laptops come with g wireless to save money and suggested that I buy a n USB adapter to solve my speed/distance issues. I have no problem with this but have to wonder how gateway and others can get away with advertising n capability and failing to deliver on it.

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Connects To Network But No Internet

Aug 24, 2009

My computer connects to my home network through wireless and it says it has excellent connection but when i use programs like firefox or internet explorer it does not work. When i use program like aol instant messenger or a p2p program it works.

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : miiGz-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : domain_not_set.invalid..........

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Internet Connects, Not To Websites

Jun 20, 2009

I have Vista Home Edition Premium 64x. I has worked fine for two months. Just recently, I cannot use the internet or play online games. I primarily use wireless but use DSL. I am able to see wi-fi networks and connect (DSL shows a connection too), but unable to load any web pages. I uninstalled Norton. Dropped all the firewalls for Windows. But still, I cannot load any web pages. WOW cannot connect. Bittorrent cannot connect. Firefox or IE cannot either. I searched all over Vista (I'm new to it) and found no settings that would makes sense to adjust for the problem. I looked at these forums and found no solutions to similar problems (Are these people trashing their Vista?).

I finally had to partition the drive and install Suse Linux 11.1 to just get to this site try to find an answer. Being that Linux has no problem with wi-fi or DSL and loading web pages, I know it's not a bios or hardware problem. I know it's Vista. What is wrong with Vista, because I never changed any network settings while using it? Is there a way to restore the network part of the Vista package without having to purchase Vista again? Vista came installed so I dont' have a instal disk. All my restore points seemed to be corrupted with this problem. What can I do?

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Wireless Connects Even If Wired Connection Is Available

May 26, 2008

I am running Vista SP1. When I turn on the computer with an ethernet cable attached and a wireless connection available, Vista will connect both the wired and wireless connections. This leads to a conflict and networking will not work until I turn off one of the connections. I then need to manually turn off the wireless, at which point the wired connections works. This did not happen on this computer when I ran XP.

I thought this might just be an idiosyncricy of this computer since I have not seen any discussion about the problem but I got ths same thing happening when trying to troubleshoot another laptop.

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Temperarily Connects To Network Location

Mar 23, 2008

my network location on vista home laptop stays where it is but my computer with xp's home network location doesnt appear in the vista network and i get this error when trying to access my xp computer on the network with my vista laptop. however, when ever i connect my xp computer to my vista laptop with an ethernet cable and i do network set up wizard on the xp computer it temperarily connects to my network location but than when i unplug it after a while the network location on the xp computer disappears. both computers are in the same workgroup and can be seen. all i need to do is keep the xp computer in the same network location as my vista laptop so i can print through the workgroup.

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Turn Pc On Automaticly Connects To The Internet?

Apr 30, 2008

when ever i turn the pc on it automaticly connects to the internet and i can't figure out how to stop that.

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No Longer Connects To E-mail Server

Apr 15, 2008

My e-mail was working on my vista laptop until recently. It is working fine on two other machines running XP. The machine running Vista no longer connects to my e-mail server.

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Connects To Internet, Can't Access Files Remotely

Aug 25, 2009

I have a computer and laptop both running Vista. I want to be able to share files and printer between the computer and laptop. I have a wireless router connected to my computer which I class as the "main" computer and then I want to be able to use my laptop elsewhere in the house and be able to access all files on the main computer.

Both my laptop and computer are able to get to the internet but I can't get the computers to "speak" to each other so that I can file share. When I go to the Network Sharing Centre it only shows one computer and when I go to My Computer and then Networks it only shows one computer (on each) and therefore I can't access files remotely.

I have set up file sharing using the properties function on the files I want to share but when I'm on my laptop I can't "see" the computer on my Network and therefore cannot access the files and vice versa.

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Intermittent Connectivity: Connects On Reboot Then Disconnect

Feb 24, 2009

I have a new ASUS Laptop with Vista Home SP1 (with a sweet 512M dedicated video card) connecting wirelessly via a Linksys WRT54G router. The firmware on the router is current and Linksys assures me that there are no known issues with Vista and internet connectivity. I have a MacBookPro that connects w/o issue (wireless) and three XP machines that connect just fine (wireless and direct connect) so I know my network is solid. The laptop always connects on reboot, but conks out without warning after 45 minutes or up to three hours. Even when it seems like the laptop is offline, I can often ping a website through the command prompt. The "diagnose and repair" option just tells me eveything is fine. Windows Firewall has default settings. Already disabled IPv6.

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Laptop No Longer Connects To Printer On Home Network

Feb 6, 2009

My HP dv2500 laptop running Vista used to work fine connecting to my printer over the local network via an XP-based main PC, which has a Kodak Printer hooked to it. At some point in the last few months, the laptop stopped being able to connect. I think this was around the time of upgrading to SP1, but cannot be sure. In any case, I even went so far as to rebuild my main PC and do a clean install of Vista on that machine, I can print from the laptop if I connect the printer directly into the USB port on my laptop, but cannot access the printer via the network anymore

- Printer sharing is enabled on both the PC and the laptop
- When I go into control panel - add printer - select network printer, the network printer appears in the pop-up box.
- Once I select the printer and click next, I get the following error: "Windows cannot connect to the printer. Make sure that you have typed the name correctly, and that the printer is connected to the network"........

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D-Link WUA-2340 Range Booster G Connects But No Internet

Apr 10, 2010

Just bought a USB wifi stick. D-Link WUA-2340 Rangebooster G, Installed fine and connect's.... but no internet.

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Which External HDD Is Compatible With X64?

Mar 27, 2008

I am trying to find an external hard disk drive that is fully compatible
with Vista x64.

I purchased a Western Digital My Book Premium II drive and it doesn't work
properly even though their web site states that is Vista compatible. I
contacted them and they fairly ridiculed me for assuming that that meant it
would be compatible with 64-bit Vista. I can still use the drive to
actually copy files to but there is no 64-bit driver so the bundled software
doesn't work and Vista keeps telling me that it needs to install a driver
for this device.

I contacted Seagate about their FreeAgent Pro product and they claim it
should work even though there is also no 64-bit driver for it. I don't
trust that statement after my experience with the WD drive.

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External Hardrive

Apr 27, 2009

im running vista home premium and Ive been trying to transfer all my old files and pics from a external hardrive which is hitachi ide that was out of my old laptop running xp
when i plug it in through the usb and look at my computer its not recognizing it but when i look in storage in computer management at the botton it says unknown disc not initialized so i am unable to browse the hardrive.

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Post SP1 Can't See My External

Apr 5, 2008

Since I installed SP1 for Vista HP 64x I can no longer access my external hard drive/media player.

When I connect it via USB I get a message saying I need USB to IDE drivers. Windows then offers to search the internet etc but cannot find any. As a result Vista cannot see the drive and I am prevented from accessing nearly 300GB of my photos, music and movies.

This is a personal disaster. My best photographic work is on that drive.

I have had the drive for about a year and it worked perfectly before SP1. It's sold by a firm called Envizage but I believe they are just importers.

I contacted them and they replied that no drivers are required for Vista.

I was not even aware there was an IDE drive in there but I believe it is a 400GB Samsung. Can't check now obviously.

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External Harddrive

Oct 4, 2008

I am getting a 1TB external harddrive and was wondering weather I could basically copy the whole of my C: drive including the OS to it. I also want to boot straight from the external drive. I also do not really care if it is'nt recommended lol. If this is possible would it also be possible to dual-boot with XP? I have both install disks for Vista and XP and I am willing to buy software.

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External HDD Is Read-only.

Mar 2, 2009

I recently solved the problem where my External HDD came up as a CD Drive but now it says the permission is read only,

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Backing Up To An External HD

Nov 8, 2009

I have bought a WD external hard drive, and backed up the contents of my family's computers onto it. I was intending to update the back up on a regular basis- will the files get automatically overwritten? I'm assuming so as I can't see how you would remember which files were new.

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External Harddrive Can't See

Aug 6, 2009

I have used the same external harddrive for over a year but suddenly my computer cant se what on it. It has the letter "N" but shows as raw. Its strange becours it works fine on XP pro and it did work fine on this comp before. Anyone have a clue?

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External USB Hub Not Working

Jun 10, 2008

I have some troubles with my new USB 2 "high speed" hub that is, once installed I was getting some errors about removing connected devices 'cause I could get better performance on a USB 2 port....huh? How could it be? It is a USB 2 hub! So I've noticed that I was getting some errors (in the system tray) like: "Device driver was not succesfully installed" and in the list: "USB 2.0 Hub" "Searching preconfigure d driver folders" So I've read on the package (unknown chines brand) that the hub is compatible with all but Vista!

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Maxtor Dvd/cd External Rom

Dec 29, 2007

I have an external Maxtor dvd/cd rom and each time I try to copy a file to a dvd/or cd it tells me that the disc is corrupt, and/or empty/or that it doesn't like any brand I try to insert.I have installed the Vista Home Basic version.Do I need a special driver for that or can one of the correction programs fix it?

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External Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2008

I recently bought a western digital 1TB hard drive which I had to reformat before I could use. Everything works good now, except for onething. Sometimes the computer doesn't want to restart while the new drive is plugged in. If I remove it from the USB port prior to restarting, it will restart just fine.

It shuts down and turns on without an issue. This only happens when I
restart the system with it plugged in.

So while it's not a big issue,it is an annoyance.

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Battery Life: CD Vs. HD Vs. External HD

Apr 1, 2009

I'm going to be sitting on an airplane for too many hours. I'd like to watch some videos on the laptop and am wondering the best way to maximize battery life. Which uses the least power?

- Playing the DVD in the DVD drive
- Ripping the DVD to the hard drive and playing it from there (if I have enough free disk space)
- Ripping the DVD to an external hard drive and playing it from there
- Ripping the DVD to a big memory key and playing it from there

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External Hard Drive: Put An O/S On It

Dec 8, 2008

I just Bought a 120Gig External HardDrive and i want to put An O/S on it how do i do that? i bought an external HDD because all my PC games take up all my HDD space in my computer :P)

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1 TB External Hard Drive

May 9, 2009

I got a large external hard drive today and it's instructions say to go to
disk management and do format and partition. I messed up and deleted the
drives volume. Now it is not listed in disk management. I looked everywhere
to get it back and can't figure it out. How do I make Vista recognize this
drive again so I can partition and format it?

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External Display Get Distorted

Dec 13, 2009

I answered no less than 60 quests here. In exchange I got only 1 response ot my own quest., and none to the other SIMPLE quest. Simple for people who use the stuff I was askign about. menus pop up ion left & right now instead of organized right or left side (menus which expand to the either side of mouse cursor).

Also how to keep laptop's internal LCD resolutiuon while activating dual external/internal or external display, because when it goes back to internal only, ALL windows I opened on external display get distorted now - have to restore their size/location due to resoltuion jump up & down.

This can be simply solved by keeping internal LCD never changed, just allow external display to drop down to whatever resoltuion it wants to if Videocard is unable to keep up with TWO displays at such high resoltuion equal to internal. That would be fine. Problem is internal refuses to stay at its native resoltuio whenever external display is connected.

It goes back to native 1440x900 only after external is disabled, and now all over again I have to restore every window size/location that was ever opened on external display, because it "experienced" a different resoltuion as an open window, now it opens in the same crippled size oin internal LCD. One solution is obviously using an external display with same resolution and Videocard capable of dual output of the same high resoltuion as my laptop internal LCD whiuch happens to be a CAD/Engineering workstation type of high-end laptop that goes to 1440x900. I know that. But I have to deal with current external LCD TV actually, not a computer display.

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