D-Link WUA-2340 Range Booster G Connects But No Internet

Apr 10, 2010

Just bought a USB wifi stick. D-Link WUA-2340 Rangebooster G, Installed fine and connect's.... but no internet.

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Connects To Network But No Internet

Aug 24, 2009

My computer connects to my home network through wireless and it says it has excellent connection but when i use programs like firefox or internet explorer it does not work. When i use program like aol instant messenger or a p2p program it works.

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : miiGz-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : domain_not_set.invalid..........

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Internet Connects, Not To Websites

Jun 20, 2009

I have Vista Home Edition Premium 64x. I has worked fine for two months. Just recently, I cannot use the internet or play online games. I primarily use wireless but use DSL. I am able to see wi-fi networks and connect (DSL shows a connection too), but unable to load any web pages. I uninstalled Norton. Dropped all the firewalls for Windows. But still, I cannot load any web pages. WOW cannot connect. Bittorrent cannot connect. Firefox or IE cannot either. I searched all over Vista (I'm new to it) and found no settings that would makes sense to adjust for the problem. I looked at these forums and found no solutions to similar problems (Are these people trashing their Vista?).

I finally had to partition the drive and install Suse Linux 11.1 to just get to this site try to find an answer. Being that Linux has no problem with wi-fi or DSL and loading web pages, I know it's not a bios or hardware problem. I know it's Vista. What is wrong with Vista, because I never changed any network settings while using it? Is there a way to restore the network part of the Vista package without having to purchase Vista again? Vista came installed so I dont' have a instal disk. All my restore points seemed to be corrupted with this problem. What can I do?

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Turn Pc On Automaticly Connects To The Internet?

Apr 30, 2008

when ever i turn the pc on it automaticly connects to the internet and i can't figure out how to stop that.

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Connects To Internet, Can't Access Files Remotely

Aug 25, 2009

I have a computer and laptop both running Vista. I want to be able to share files and printer between the computer and laptop. I have a wireless router connected to my computer which I class as the "main" computer and then I want to be able to use my laptop elsewhere in the house and be able to access all files on the main computer.

Both my laptop and computer are able to get to the internet but I can't get the computers to "speak" to each other so that I can file share. When I go to the Network Sharing Centre it only shows one computer and when I go to My Computer and then Networks it only shows one computer (on each) and therefore I can't access files remotely.

I have set up file sharing using the properties function on the files I want to share but when I'm on my laptop I can't "see" the computer on my Network and therefore cannot access the files and vice versa.

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Won't Open The Internet Link

Aug 11, 2008

When i click on an internet link (like the one in the email from this site when registering) alot of the time my vista premium 64 just makes a quick noise & won't open the link

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64 Loses Internet Through D-Link DGL-4100

May 31, 2008

I have been troubleshooting this problem for about a week with no success. I have a Westell DSL modem with a static IP from ATT running in bridged mode to a D-Link DGL-4100 Router running in PPoE mode into a Netgear JGS-524 24 port switch. Connected to the 24 port switch are 3 XBOX 360's and 5 PC's. Four PC's are running Vista 64 Ultimate and one is running Vista Home 32 bit. All PC's and XBOX 360 units have Static IP's.

Many times a day my network loses the internet connection at all 360 units and all PC's. When I diagnose the Vista Network connection it says cannot find the DNS server and mentions this is a problem Vista cannot repair. All settings are entered manually on all equipment including the DNS settings. If I go into the D-Link router settings and look at the status it shows a working internet connection.

To get the internet working again, I disconnect the internet connection through the router settings, wait a few seconds, then reconnect to the internet. Once it shows connected I go back and Diagnose the network connection in Vista again. This time it will not say cannot find DNS server, It will now say no problem found and give me the option to reset the network connection. Once I reset the network connection, I will get my internet back.......

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Program To Internet Link Broken?

Aug 5, 2008

Many programs have links embedded to allow an internet address to be opened e.g. a clickable button to open Internet Explorer (or other browser) and go to the program writer's site, or a button to look for updates. I've only just realised after a couple of months with Vista, that these don't work any more

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D-Link Internet Adapter Didnt Work

Jun 11, 2006

This is my connection to the internet. I have a driver, but when I installed it, it got an error and my internet didnt work. Is there a Vista Driver for a D-Link Wireless G USB Adapter (DWL-G122).

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Unable To Uncheck Marks On MAIL-To Protocol And Email-Link START MENU LINK

Jan 29, 2010

I don't want windows live mail as my default email account. I wen to Set Default Programs. I'm unable to uncheck marks on MAIL-TO PROTOCOL and EMAIL-LINK START MENU LINK. how can I fix that through REGEDIT.

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'Music' Not Link On Start Menu: Repair Link?

May 10, 2008

Link to 'Music' does not link on Start Menu. Its Property window does not display tabs; nor does it link to the User/Music folder. How can one repair this link?

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Reqady Booster

Apr 19, 2008

When I try to install a new express card from Lexar with 8 gb for use to readyboot
the machine tell me there is an other buffer in use in the system? and the system tels me I must remove it.where can I disable the other buffer and what sort of device is the standard buffer?

The machine is installed with 1 + 2 gb memory =3gb.
The hard drive is 2 partisions C: & D:
The computer is an ASUS M51SR

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Uniblue Registry Booster 2

Apr 15, 2008

I recently fell for it and installed their software. Found a lot of errors but will only fix 15 unless you buy it! I Immediately uninstalled it, but now I get a pop-up window that reads "UNIBLUE REGISTRY BOOSTER 2" "Fail to read from independent file. This application will close now!" But when I click the OK button to close, the message keeps popping up. I did a system retore thinking that it would eliminate that pop-up box but to no avail!

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Clocking CPU To Around The 3.0-3.2 Ghz Range If Possible

Aug 27, 2008

I'm fairly new to the forums, and a total noob to Vista and 64 bit, but learning fast from all the great info here.

I'm looking into MAYBE clocking my CPU to around the 3.0-3.2 Ghz range if possible.
I've been reading in here for a couple days, getting some idea of the hows and why's, ( or why nots! ) But its very obvious I need alot of help and some good info. So, anyone willing to help me out? First alittle about the machine.

I had it custom built by HP, so the motherboard may not be clockable as most of the high end boards. We'll see.
Q9550 Quad @ 2.83
Front Side Bus ( Processor Dependent ) 1333/1066/800 MHz
8 GB OCZ RAM 800 MHz
2 Seagate 500GB 32 MB HDD's ( 7200 )
1 Seagate 1000GB 32MB HD (7200 )
1GB GeForce 9800GT
PC Power and Cooler 1000W PSU
2 Samsung Opticals

I'd think in preporation, either a better heat sink or a cooler for the CPU is needed, but I havent looked at any base ( stock ) temps at the moment.

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Acceptable CPU Temperature Range

Mar 23, 2008

Generally considering the motherboard and CPU below in a well ventilated case
with fans on everything, what would be an acceptable CPU temperature range in
your opinion?


Intel Pentium 4 3.0GHz 800 FSB

(4 GByte) Corsair TWINX2048-3200C2

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Black Screen That Says Out Of Range

May 22, 2010

pc says fregency out of range cant get to desk top

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Windows Calendar Print Range

Apr 21, 2009

Why when I ask to print 4/21 through 5/30 does it print 4/1-5/9??

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Black Screen: Exceeded Normal Range

Mar 23, 2008

my computer crash,and now all i get is a black screen which read the primary ide master hard drive self monitoring system has reported a parameter has exceeded it normal range.

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Connects A External Screen

Mar 1, 2009

I need the following to work a user uses vista on the laptop and the lcd on the laptop is his primary display. 1) Now he connects a external screen and reboots or uses mobility centre to connect it as display 2). However he wants it to show up and display as the left hand screen in the format 2) 1) with 1) remaining the primary display and the task bar not changing screens also with the mouse moving to the left hand screen by moving left.

This never works. if he connect external screen VISTA decides the screens should be connected 1)2) and you have to move right to get to the left hand screen. you have to move the screen in display setup to get this right but then vista will screw up and make the left hand external display the primary etc. Is there no way to get vista to remember that the external display should be 2) and not primary and also to make it the left hand screen in the desktop while not becoming the primary screen and taking the taskbar and start menu.

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Wireless Not Connects Only At 54 Mbps

Nov 19, 2009

I recently bought a new laptop (Gateway MD2614U), which has an Athros AR5B91 wireless adapter. From all indications, it is supposed to have a/b/g/n(draft) capabilities. I initially had a g router and upgraded to an n (Trendnet 652brp) to get greater range (>30') over what my g router would deliver. To my surprise, the distance and speed were exactly the same with the new router. After troubleshooting with TrendNet and trying different settings, they concluded that my wireless adapter would handle only g speed (it would not even connect when router mode was set to "n only"). TrendNet further stated that the vast majority of laptops come with g wireless to save money and suggested that I buy a n USB adapter to solve my speed/distance issues. I have no problem with this but have to wonder how gateway and others can get away with advertising n capability and failing to deliver on it.

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Connect Another Monitor Still No Image/video Just Appear Error Massage 'Out Of Range'

Jan 11, 2010

my laptop suddenly become black but lcd light it on.... i'm also hear sound the windows boot normally but no image/video at all.... i tried to connect another monitor still no image/video just appear error massage 'Out Of Range' then i try another monitor also error massage ' please adjust refresh rate '... so actually what problem here my monitor or gpu??

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Wireless Connects Even If Wired Connection Is Available

May 26, 2008

I am running Vista SP1. When I turn on the computer with an ethernet cable attached and a wireless connection available, Vista will connect both the wired and wireless connections. This leads to a conflict and networking will not work until I turn off one of the connections. I then need to manually turn off the wireless, at which point the wired connections works. This did not happen on this computer when I ran XP.

I thought this might just be an idiosyncricy of this computer since I have not seen any discussion about the problem but I got ths same thing happening when trying to troubleshoot another laptop.

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Temperarily Connects To Network Location

Mar 23, 2008

my network location on vista home laptop stays where it is but my computer with xp's home network location doesnt appear in the vista network and i get this error when trying to access my xp computer on the network with my vista laptop. however, when ever i connect my xp computer to my vista laptop with an ethernet cable and i do network set up wizard on the xp computer it temperarily connects to my network location but than when i unplug it after a while the network location on the xp computer disappears. both computers are in the same workgroup and can be seen. all i need to do is keep the xp computer in the same network location as my vista laptop so i can print through the workgroup.

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No Longer Connects To E-mail Server

Apr 15, 2008

My e-mail was working on my vista laptop until recently. It is working fine on two other machines running XP. The machine running Vista no longer connects to my e-mail server.

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Intermittent Connectivity: Connects On Reboot Then Disconnect

Feb 24, 2009

I have a new ASUS Laptop with Vista Home SP1 (with a sweet 512M dedicated video card) connecting wirelessly via a Linksys WRT54G router. The firmware on the router is current and Linksys assures me that there are no known issues with Vista and internet connectivity. I have a MacBookPro that connects w/o issue (wireless) and three XP machines that connect just fine (wireless and direct connect) so I know my network is solid. The laptop always connects on reboot, but conks out without warning after 45 minutes or up to three hours. Even when it seems like the laptop is offline, I can often ping a website through the command prompt. The "diagnose and repair" option just tells me eveything is fine. Windows Firewall has default settings. Already disabled IPv6.

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Laptop No Longer Connects To Printer On Home Network

Feb 6, 2009

My HP dv2500 laptop running Vista used to work fine connecting to my printer over the local network via an XP-based main PC, which has a Kodak Printer hooked to it. At some point in the last few months, the laptop stopped being able to connect. I think this was around the time of upgrading to SP1, but cannot be sure. In any case, I even went so far as to rebuild my main PC and do a clean install of Vista on that machine, I can print from the laptop if I connect the printer directly into the USB port on my laptop, but cannot access the printer via the network anymore

- Printer sharing is enabled on both the PC and the laptop
- When I go into control panel - add printer - select network printer, the network printer appears in the pop-up box.
- Once I select the printer and click next, I get the following error: "Windows cannot connect to the printer. Make sure that you have typed the name correctly, and that the printer is connected to the network"........

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Uniblue Registry Booster And Registry Scans.

Nov 13, 2009

I am using this program to clean up my registry and it seems to work fine except the errors keep coming back. I can do a scan, clean up all the errors and then shut down and start up and I have a new 20 registry error list and most or all of the errors relate to "bad path for the value" and its windows files that seem to be at fault. I don't understand why Microsoft operating system would create registry errors on a startup, before anything has been installed etc. is RegistryBooster misleading me or what. I am running win7 but it did the same thing on vista home premium so I think the question is valid for this group.

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Lost Data, "out Of Range" Recovery

Aug 4, 2008

My last "out of range" recovery attempt caused me to lose some data. I'm using a Compaq SR5410F with Vista and have been dealing with the standard "out of range" message quite frequently. I'm aware of the "out of range" fix but I have a 22" LCD and do alot of graphics, 800x600 doesn't suit me, XP gave me better than 1024x960 and I don't think that Vista is the OS for me but when I bought this computer it was only offered with Vista.

Last night, I could not get to safe mode nor to a command prompt, the only screen available was the recovery utility and the only option was to reformat the Windows partition and once the recovery started, I shut down immediately once I realized that I'd lose my files but it was too late, the only screen that would show up was the recovery screen. I have heard that the data still resides on the drive and now that I've reinstalled all of my software, I need to know whether the lost files can ever be recovered.

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Slow Boot Up Time: Virus Scans, Defrag Hhd, Scan Regestry With REGESTRY BOOSTER 2009, Defrag Regestry

Sep 1, 2009

i am having really slow boot ups lately on my laptop. i have done things such as virus scans, defrag hhd, scan regestry with REGESTRY BOOSTER 2009, defrag regestry. i also have no start up programs in my strat up folder. Problem is that i could start from dead start to a fully loaded desktop in 98 secs....now it takes 124 secs to do the same thing. where it takes the longest is at the boot screen i just watch it load then the windows logo comes up and it smooth sailing from there. i would say it takes about 8-12 secs after the windows logo to get to desktop.

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Second Display Shows "Out Of Range"

May 3, 2008

My girlfriend has a Dell Inspiron 1525 running Vista Home Basic. I set up a second display (17" Hewlett Packard CRT) for her so that she could hook her laptop up, close it and look at the second display on her desk. All was working fine until she changed the resolution on the CRT, and somehow placed it in a setting that was OUT OF RANGE. I have subsequently tried unistalling the video drivers, graphics card, booting it in safe mode and changing the refresh rate, none of which works. It's also worth noting that the display funstions perfectly fine while the laptop lid is open, but reverts to OUT OF RANGE as soon as it is closed.

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Can't Run Link Sent In Email

Aug 18, 2009

All of a sudden I can't run a link sent in an email. When I click on it, nothing happens. Did the kids mess up something on my computer or what?

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