Control Manager: Desktop Gadgets Are Managed By Your System Administer

Dec 1, 2009

First is there a group for win 7? And second I was checking things out and found out this on the desktopn gadgets, when I click on it inthe control manager it says this Desktop Gadgets are managed by your system administer. Why can't I access it?

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Desktop Gadgets Apart From Microsoft

May 4, 2009

i have been looking at the post for showing your desktop, can you advise me of any safe sites apart from microsoft for downloading vista gadgets please

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Sidebar Gadgets, Desktop Shortcuts Missing

Jun 2, 2008

I turned on my computer this morning, put in my password in the log-in screen as usual. Then when windows started I noticed that my wallpaper was the original vista wallpaper, all my sidebar gadgets were just the starting ones, and that about half my desktop shortcuts were missing. On top of that, all my documents, pictures, music, and even my bookmarks on mozilla firefox were gone!! But oddly enough when I go into C:/users/Matt everything is where it should be. But if i use the links from the start bar, it takes me to Users/Temp folder.

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"windows Sidebar Is Managed By Your System Administrator"

Jan 6, 2008

every time i try start windows sidebar it said "windows sidebar is managed by your system administrator" But the problem is im the administrator

ive done
unlocked the hidden administrator account
disabled the UAC

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Catalyst Control Centre : Running In Task Manager But Not Shown On The Screen

Dec 20, 2008

After installing the new 8.12 ATI drivers i cant start Catalyst Control Centre. I can see it running in task manager but it just wont show on the screen. This has happened with previous drivers and i had to re-install CCC few times for it to work.

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Administer Account Password

Jan 21, 2009

Does having a password assigned to the Administer Account give it more control or power than not having a password. Or just to keep anyone from making changes to a computer. Reason for this question is I was told it did more when installing or uninstalling programs to have one. Made no sense to me.

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Os No Desktop, Task Manager

Feb 8, 2009

one of my os have no destop. i cant open except for task manager control+alt+delete

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Desktop Don't Vista Control Panel

Jun 8, 2008

I have a Dell Insipron desktop with Vista Home Premium. It's a standard-style desktop, mouse, keyboard, etc... I'd like to purchase a touch screen LCD monitor, and do away with the mouse and keyboard. I've read about the Vista option of Touch Pointer, but I don't see it in the Vista Control Panel like the documentation says. Will that option "appear" if I make the touch screen LCD purchase and hook it up? Or, is that something special for tablet/mobile PCs?

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Windows Desktop Manager Crashes At Login

Jan 28, 2010

my windows desktop manager crashes at login. when ever i try to load a picture file. explorer crashes. is there a way to verify the system files with out reformatting? what happened is my old hard drive started getting bad sectors. I'm guessing that some of my system files were corrupt when i did compleate back up. that was before i knew that my hard drive was having issues.

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Desktop Window Manager Has Stopped Work

Apr 11, 2010

Bought a Toshiba Satellite A100 from ebay with a cracked screen. I changed the screen yesterday, and the laptop worked well with no problems. Then today I decided to do a fresh installation of Vista because of all the previous owner had the hard drive in a bit of a mess. I installed using my normal Vista Anytime Upgrade disk and as soon as it finished installing I started getting all these messages like "Windows Modules installer has stopped working", "Desktop Window Manager has stopped working" and "TFncKy has stopped working". Things I've tried include reinstalling Vista from another disk. Using a different hard drive, changed the ram, installed all the proper drivers, installed vista updates (won't let me install SP1), staring at it menacingly & banging my head off the desk.

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Managed To Kill My Raid 0

Mar 21, 2009

Managed to kill my raid 0, 1 terabyte games drive today. Absolutely shattered. Maybe ten hours worth of installs on that drive. To say that I am upset is an understatement. You live and learn. Will be purchasing an extra backup drive exclusively for backing up this drive. Never will I feel this pain again

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User Account Control: Desktop Appearances Changed

May 10, 2009

Windows Platform: 32xVista, Comp: HP 6700 ; To start off, I was an idiot and was installing some program a friend had given to me and it required "New SID" from Microsoft and I did brief (obviously too brief) research on Microsoft's site and I went to install it. It sat there for literally an hour and I thought the process had froze but did not know what to do so I ended up ending the task from the task manager... and when I restarted....boom! Everything changed and disappeared...

So on my desktop everything with the appearance changed and I am shocked to discover that I no longer have Administrator access, my useraccount *User* has only guest privileges (and I went online and spent hours today doing a search with people with similar problems) and went through Safemode....went through other procedures to try to access my account but I'm unable to! The weirdest thing is that I am able to log on to the "Administrator" account when I am in safe mode but, and a big Admin account in safe mode is also under Guest status and I can't do anything to stop it

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Nvidia Control Panel Desktop Icon Blink

Sep 7, 2009

Until yesterday, whenever I right clicked an empty space on the Desktop and got the View Sort by Refresh NVidia Control Panel New Personalize Menu, and clicked on the Refresh, all the Desktop Icons would momentarily 'blink' in the refresh process. Now I find that only one, my Google Mail Account, does this. Is there any way that I can restore the refresh 'blink' to all Desktop Icons?

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Missing Desktop, Taskbar, Task Manager, Start Menu

May 31, 2008

So basically, a few weeks after i got Vista i tried to install Stellarium (freeware astronomy program), which crashed my computer. I restarted, and after typing in my password I get "My Documents" open on a black screen, nothing else, no taskbar or desktop icons or anything. When i try to open the "taskbar and start menu" icon in Control Panel, nothing happens. Also, when I Ctrl-Alt-Del the usual screen comes up, but the task manager is no longer an option, and i can't think of how to access it or my taskbar. I've installed all the servfice packs and they haven't helped.

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Cannot System Restore, Lost Control

Mar 23, 2008

I cannot do system restore, nor regedit, and the task manager is disabled. AntiVir has found nothing in a full scan.

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Personal Op System Add Apps Internet Download Manager

Dec 21, 2008

I'm looking for a app to add exe files to a vista ISO. I want to make a personal OP System and add apps like Internet Download Manager and so on...

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System Restore, Device Manager Msconfig Can't Opened

Apr 8, 2009

I have a friend who asked me to look at his HPA1737C desktop running Vista Home Premium tonight and most, if not all of his System32 processes, are no longer accessible. System Restore, Device Manager, MSCONFIG. etc cannot be opened and seemingly also anything System32 file related. Even the Volume icon in Taskbar has a Red X on it. I placed computer in SafeMode and selected Restore To Last Known Good Configuration and it had no affect on restoring. I could access the internet with IE7 and he can send email with no problems. Cannot uninstall or install any applications. He did install some Windows Updates KB867812, KB959772, KB960225, and KB958690 a few days back, but I see nothing in the Vista Newsgroup that would make these possibly related to his problem. Has Norton AV with latest definitions and full scan indicates no problems. I have set up a few Vista systems, but my expertise is XP related.

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Managed To Corrupt: Windows Defender, Windows Picture Viewer....

Nov 22, 2007

I have been using Vista Ultimate x64 for the last 5 months and have to say it's been a massive learing curve due to its fragility - 4 full rebuilds in the last 4 months - and not much fun when using SATA RAID. Anyway, got up yesterday morning, turned on the computer and it had managed to corrupt itself yet again: Windows Defender, Windows Picture Viewer and a host of desktop icons refused to find their pathways home and so decided against a full rebuild and started the repair option with a boot to the DVD. I set this off running and went to work at 12:30pm...

I came back 5 hours later and still had the dialog box " Finalising Registry" running on my screen! Well, a quick restart and i tried the upgrade option once back in Vista from the DVD. This then took and unbelievable 7 hours to complete and was finally ready - after updates - at 01:20am this morning, but a full clean install would have taken about 1-2 hours to finish, so i'll be doing that in future!.........

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System Crashed, Desktop Dissapears

Mar 5, 2009

I just built me a new rigg and im having problems installing Vista Ultimate 64-bit.After i do a fresh install and update all the drivers it'll work for a few hours and all of a sudden my desktop dissapears and all my problems are gone, i then try to restart it and first thing that pops up is volume panel missing with a yellow exclaimation mark, my wallpaper has dissapeared i try to open any file/game that i install manually by going into the folder it say this program has been move or no longer on this hdd.Im only using one hdd.This is my 4th time installing vista 64 ult it happens everytime, and my vista has not last two full days of use and it runs into the same problem.I thought it may have been my hardware but i have checked them all out ran memtest rams are good tested psu.Only thing i can come up with is that its either my motherboard or it can be vista.I have until about the 17th of this month to fix this problem if not i guess i would be returning board and cpu and just return to windows pro.

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Desktop Crashed Reformatting System

Dec 15, 2009

My desktop crashed on me when i was reformatting it, after countless tries and couple versions of Linux, I found my old vista CD and decided to throw that on there because its the only system that i am fairly familiar with and that doesnt need codes to run stuff :P. Anyways after I put vista on it, my PC's USB ports that used to work fine have been acting weird, I tried to plug my wireless usb adapter which works on my laptop running win7 and my other desktop running win vista home basic, but with this pc it keeps saying that the device has malfunctioned. After i plug the device in it, it downloads the drivers for it but then says that it has malfunctioned. Oh and also i cant even put a usb stick on.

The funny thing is Device Manager says they are all ok and working fine. ALL 6 OF THEM ARE MALFUNCTIONING lol. (2 FRONT 4 BACK) so i was wondering if you guys could lend me helping hand and tell me what my problem is and how i can fix it. Oh here is a funny thing, with linux, my usb device used to work for it for like 30 mins and then it would cut out. Propably should mention that the device is a Zioncom WL0123 Wireless USB adapter that is supposably VISTA READY. I have done alot of research but have gotten nowhere, and i have done the whole unistall usb's and everything.

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Windows System Image Manager For Windows XP Professional?

Apr 16, 2008

Can we use windows system image manager for Windows XP professional?

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Desktop Icon And System Restore Don't Work

Nov 17, 2008

i did was reboot my pc(vista ultimate 32bit) and my desktop icons looked like this.(see image). I posted this problem on 2 other forums and no luck yet. System restore don't work. afe mode don't work. Rebuilding icon cache don't work.

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Gadgets :: Where Is It Istalled?

Oct 17, 2009

I just installed a gadget. Where is it istalled? I mean, it works properly but i want to know where it is installed. I have checked in ...

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Cannot Install New Sidebar Gadgets

Oct 28, 2009

I am unable to install any new sidebar gadgets. The gadgets that came with Vista, (contacts, currency, weather, etc.) I can "Add Gadget" ok. When I go to "Get more gadgets online", then I have issues. When I pick a gadget, then click the download button, I get the Install and Don't Install buttons. Clicking the Install button causes a message to appear on my status bar, then nothing. I don't know what the status bar message says because it is only there less than 1 second. Nothing is downloaded to my computer and no new gadget appears in the Add Gadget list........

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Gadgets Can Use Extra Width

Jul 29, 2009

Is it possible to change the Vista Sidebar's width or have it auto-hide? I haven't found a way to change the width, but would like to (assuming any gadgets can use the extra width. I also am interested in having the Sidebar auto-hide. I found a gadget somewhere that claimed it could add auto-hide. I was suspicious as I didn't think that Sidebar would let a mere gadget change the bar's appearance. Sidebar claimed my download was corrupt. I didn't attempt another download. Because of these issues, I looked into other sidebars, but the only one I liked that worked was Google Desktop which won't install. I have Vista 64-bit SP1 and GD requires a 32-bit OS.

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Need Permission To Install Gadgets

May 28, 2008

I am been trying to install new sidebar gadgets for a while now, but all i keep getting is "installation of windows sidebar gadget is managed by your system administrator" I am the system adminstrator, and i have tried to install a few gadgets but it keeps coming up with the same text

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Repair, Gadgets Corrupted

Mar 23, 2008

I have been having problems with things just changing themselves I have run avira antivirus with latest updates and spybot pc tools with latest update and found nothing. I run restore and it says i could not restore yet it changes things, gadgets have stopped running sidebar appears to be working but gadgets appear corrupted i have uninstalled them and reinstalled them still the same, media center just decided it would not recognise my tv card after working happily for months do i have to format regularly to keep things as they should be or can i repair vista the same as you could xp

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SideBar Containing Gadgets Disappears

Jan 6, 2008

When I have a couple of programs open and need to get back to the Desktop to see something I've noticed that the SideBar containing the Gadgets disappears when I use the SHOW DESKTOP BUTTON in the Taskbar. If I minimize the windows, the SideBar of course is still visible, it's only upon using the Show Desktop Button that the Gadgets disappear. Is this normail or have I got a setting wrong?

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Sidebar & Gadgets Getting Out Of Order

Jan 7, 2010

Initially, I had a problem with my sidebar gadgets getting out of order each time I turned on or restarted my computer. I hacked the registry, which enabled me to keep my sidebar gadgets in order, but now I can't add any new gadgets except for the ones that either I already had downloaded and installed (WoW Explorer and App Launcher), or that came with WinVsta Ultimate.....................

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Sidebar: Cannot Install Gadgets

Apr 14, 2008

This is my 1st post so be gentle with me. I have tried to resolve this problem on Computeractive Forums to no avail and was pointed to your community as a possible saviour. The problem is I cannot install any GADGETS at all.

- I have checked that the file associations is OK
- I've tried to directly from Windows Gallery
- I've tried to on my PC
- I've been through and carried out the suggested Register changes
- I've ensured all Windows Updates are installed
- I've checked that Norton Firewall is not blocking the program(s)
- I've un-installed all standard GADGETS & tried to install new ones

To rub salt into my wounds, when I ran the Norton360 V2 update it loaded a GADGET into the "holding window" !!! (and yes, I did then try al the above afterwards). Can anyone point me in the right direction as this problems driving me NUTS

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Lost Side Bar Gadgets

May 3, 2008

Lost my side bar with the gadgets on it. How would you restore it??

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