Blue Screen Stop Messages, Halt Computer

Jun 11, 2008

I've been getting a lot of blue screen stop messages that halt mycomputer. About 2 weeks ago this was happening once a day. It became more frequent until yesterday it was happening every time I tried to boot up during the boot process. Last night, I finally copied off all of my files, formatted the hard drive, and installed a new copy of Vista Premium. Believe it or not, I still have the same problem - although now I can boot up and get some work done before a crash happens.

This is a Sony Vaio laptop with 1.25 gigs of ram and a 70 gig hard drive. The error messages are always different. I didn't write any of them down, but they are like "Subset not less than zero" and "Page fault in non-paging area" and "IQL server not found" (I'm sure these aren't right, but you get the idea). So, how could this be happening on a clean and formatted hard drive with a brand new operating system? Is the problem in the BIOS or the motherboard or somewhere else?

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Receive Blue Screen Error Messages

Apr 10, 2008

I recently bought a computer which I built by myself with some friends, and I have had some problems. Upon installation of Windows Home Premium 64 bit, I receive blue screen error messages. Usually they happen when I am trying to open a file, or if I am installing updates for anything. It either goes to a blue screen, or it will completely freeze, and I'll have to reboot. Sometimes upon rebooting, my computer will get stuck in between the loading screens for Vista, it will get past the Microsoft Corporation loading bar, but get stuck on a black screen before the vista symbol shows up. I have some friends that think its my RAM, because I have had 2 sticks of ram in, totaling 4gb, and others think its the Video card. below is a list of all my components.

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Blue Screen Codes Are STOP

Mar 23, 2008

over the last 4 weeks i have been getting the blue screen. codes are STOP: 0X000000D1 (0X806A45ED, 0X00000002, 0X00000008, 0X806A4ED) windows vista home premium. if my pc is left idol its fine and no blue screens. it when i start to play games and music. the computer is only 9 weeks old it was made up for me from a small shop. i took the pc back to them last week and i was told it may be some vista update that i downloaded. i have now got my pc back home and i have the same blue screen problems.

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Computer Slows To Halt With Only 25% CPU Usage And 30% RAM

Jul 11, 2008

I've been having this weird problem with my Vista Home Premium SP1 64-bit system since I installed it. Pretty much, when I run cpu intensive programs like iTunes, the computer slows down significantly to the point where the mouse no longer moves smoothly (it jumps every so often). Furthermore, if iTunes is minimized while playing music and I maximize it, the music starts skipping and repeating itself for about a minute and then starts playing normally again. However, this only happens with a few programs, and I've run Prime95 (four instances to test an overclock) for 12 hours with no problems. During the torture test, my mouse moved fine and the cpu was at 100%. Furthermore, during the slowdown, my CPU is only at 25% usage and physical memory is at 30%. Any idea what could be causing this?

It also happens during the printing of a lightscribe label. While doing this, my cursor and the computer won't function properly until the label is finished printing, at which point it speeds up instantly. To give you an idea, when I pressed CTRL-ALT-DEL during the hangup, it took 23 seconds for the screen to change to the option menu compared to the usual time of less than a second.

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Blue Screen Crash, STOP 0x0000003

Sep 19, 2008

My custom built pc for no apparent reason has started to crash after about 20 seconds looking at the desktop and I am then presented with a Blue screen after which the pc restarts and the same happens again, The error messages that i have gotten so far was: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION and PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA STOP0x0000003)

this is the error message that the vista error tool that appears on the desktop for the brief seconds that the pc works:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 2057.........

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Blue Screen: Stop Working And Any Key Or Mouse Doesnt Work

Oct 8, 2009

after 4 or 5 hour my laptop stop working and any key or mouse doesnt work ,then a blue window that consist error message exhibit.

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Blue Screen STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x83A00000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x8ABE4108)

Jul 31, 2009

My pc crashes seemingly at random points in the day, this morning it crashed 3 times and has not since. The info at blue screen is as follows:

STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x83A00000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x8ABE4108)

e100b325.sys Address 8ABE4108 Base at 8ABD8000, Date Stamp 45ddde2f

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Graphic Card: Computer Freeze For 2-5 Second, Next Is Black Screen For 2seconds(as Monitor Is Shuted Down) And Next Is Black Screen While I Don't Stop The Game

Mar 15, 2008

I have a problem with this graphic card, when I run a game with better graphic details. My computer freeze for 2-5 second, next is black screen for 2seconds(as monitor is shuted down) and next is black screen while i don't stop the game. Next I see this-> I hope that you solve my problem(and see that image) BTW: if this problem was solved on this forum sorry, but on system instantForum i was never been and i don't know how it control. Or if this post is in bad category please send message for me when you move it.

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After Computer Wakes, Mouse Stop Working And Screen Frozen

Aug 7, 2009

Everytime I return to work after putting computer to sleep, the computer wakes up without no problem. But once I move the mouse, a shadowed box appeared. With the moment of the mouse, the size of that box enlarges or shrinks. If I click on the mouse, that box disappeared but then a window [View/Sort by/Refresh/NVIDIA Control Panel/New/Personalize] opens. I close this window, only to find the pointer of mouse stop working and the screen is frozen. For now I solve the problem by two ways described below, but it is very annoying to have to do it everytime I return to work from Sleep.

1.I open Task Manager, do nothing, and close it.

2.I right click the mouse on desktop, change the size of Icons. Repeat this action one more time.

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USB, Strange: Computer Got A Blue Screen

May 7, 2010

im having a problem with one of my usb ports. when using none of the ports at all, vista will randomly "find" a usb device and tell me that it can perform faster. even though there is nothing plugged in (spooky) so after much confusion, i tried to plug my external hard drive in to all my ports (1tb buffallo if your woundering) and when i plugged it into the last one, my computer got a blue screen, with writing on it ( not the blue screen of death tg) saying that it has a problem with one of the usb drivers, and that it needs to shut down to save the computer it only does this when i use this port though. otherwise i just get the "this device can perform faster" thing popping up ever 10 mins or so

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Blue Screen Crashes - Computer Freezes.

Jan 28, 2010

I am having problems with my computer randomly crashing. Didnt have a clue what was causing it. So I decided to: update all my drivers that I could think to update (used device manager to do so). I cleaned my computers inside. Updates my virus scanner - am protected. (Avast) cleaned my registery (I used a downloaded registry cleaner from a computer magazine website, they reviewed it, and i tried it) Disk Defrag used. Finally found some info when my computer crashed. Went online to find information and got some software that helped me get more info about my problems. (see attachments)....

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Audio Interface Causing My Computer Blue Screen

Jul 5, 2008

I currently own a audio input interface called MobilePre USB. I have recently purchased a computer with Windows Vista which (I think) is using service pack one (not sure how to check this!). The audio interface has been causing my computer to crash (blue screen) and having contacted the company they have told me that the hardware is not supported by Vista service pack one. They did say though that I can "roll-back" my system which would cure the problem. I am unsure about how to do this or whether this is safe to do.

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Blue Screen Twice - Opening A Copy Of The Files Could Harm Your Computer

Apr 2, 2009

I got a blue screen on the 1st day I was up and running with Windows Vista 64 (pre-loaded on my new HP Pavilion computer). Everything was working beautifully, I was very happy that it all went well and I had no major problems getting set up. Then out of the blue, nothing was going on, I went to the START menu and as soon as I touched the Start button it crashed into blue screen.

WHen it restarted I got this message:
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033

Files that help describe the problem

View a temporary copy of these files Warning: If a virus or other security threat caused the problem, opening a copy of the files could harm your computer............

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Getting The Blue Screen Of Death And Whenever I Shut The Laptop Lid The Computer Decides To Restart Itself

Aug 27, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit. It is a Dell Laptop. I've been getting the Blue Screen of death and whenever I shut the laptop lid the computer decides to restart itself. I went into power settings and changed the "lid" settings to "do nothing". That did not work. The error report is this:........

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How Stop Asking To Compact Messages In Mail?

Aug 6, 2009

How do I get my computer to stop asking me if I want Windows to compact my messages in mail? I do not use windows mail and do not have enough mail to constitute compression.

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Analyze Blue Screen: No Consistency Of Circumstances, A Blue Screen Will Appear!

Jun 30, 2008

Business with SP1
Sony laptop, fast core2duo, 4GB
Working beautifully for many months, and then a few
weeks ago this began happening:

Perhaps 2-3 times a week, and with no consistency of circumstances, a blue screen will appear. It might happen while working or when returning from hibernate. There's a countdown as memory is stored, and then a freeze. The only way to recover is to do a hard OFF (5 seconds on the power switch) and restart. When it first happened, I had not installed or changed anything, so I was comfortable doing a restore. It happened again.

It's confusing because the stated cause is inconsistent. I've checked to ensure that all drivers are updated and nothing that's contraVistarian is installed. What analytical steps can I undertake to discover what's causing this, and then to help me make the necessary changes?

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Different Blue Screens:Look Like Blue Screen Appears When To Much Action Is Going On Like Opening Of IE And Outlook

Feb 13, 2009

Problem Blue Screen. No new hardware or software installed recently, last Windows vista update was on 01/15. When I start first, PC passes user registration (boots fine) and
does the normal stuff like loading software and starting the wireless internet connection via Netgear, opening some windows/programms I will close. All normal, but than comes a Blue Screen and very fast shut down of system with restart. Hardly can read the message...Look like Blue Screen appears when to much action is going on like opening of IE and Outlook... or open to many windows... or some bad programm/hardware is booting. But when I restart, restart gives a different blue screens and trouble is much earlier or directly after registering to the system.

But all starting or booting turn slower, real slow now. Start in --safe mode with net working-- the PC works, but the PC can't handle heavy workloads, is really slow in action. I cannot open --My pictures-- to see all picture files displyed on screen (2.7 GB) (the process trying to access the files in safe mode is real slow) and when I attempt to transfer the file to a USB stick, the computer is stopping in middle of action (after 50% transfer)..........

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Blue Screen Of Death, Random Blue Screens

Jun 5, 2008

I've been doing a clean install of Vista x64 for about a week and have been getting many random blue screens of deaths yesterday I did another clean install and only had about 4 drivers or so installed and I got a BSOD but no dump file was created for some reason so I kept installing more drivers and it work for about 4 hours till it crahsed again this time it gave me a dump file so here are the results.......

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Screen Freeze Or Blue Screen Needing Reboot

Feb 1, 2009

I've had voltage issues causing my computer to freeze or reboot during games and dvds. Fixed that and the computer was fine after memtest showing no problems. That was late Dec.

A few days ago, the computer would go to a blue screen saying it's dumping physical memory and then automatically reboots. Thinking my harddisk might be collapsing on me (I have a seagate barracuda 7200.11 500Gb HD with the SD15 firmware, the infamous crash friendly HD), I flash the HD with the SD1A firmware from seagate, then it was fine. 2days later, Catalyst started to cause problems by not responding, so I formated the drive and reinstalled vista ultimate, along with Catalyst, drivers from Mobo manufacturer ASUS, plus a couple of other softwares. That was yesterday, and now I'm getting the same blue screen back, or the computer just freezes.

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Neverwinter Nights 2: Game Grinds Halt

May 13, 2007

I've been trying for a while now to get Neverwinter Nights 2 to run under Windows Vista Ultimate x64, but so far no dice. What happens is that the game starts up just as normal, until I load a saved game or start a new one. Then the game grinds to a halt, proceeding in slideshow mode for a couple of minutes before both the game and the display driver crashes.

I've run the game on the same PC before, in Windows XP (except I had an older graphics adapter before I upgraded to Vista). I have been trying every NVIDIA driver version from 100.65 to 158.18, but the result is much the same. The game is also patched to the latest version.

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Blue Screen: Whole Screen Shows Lines

Feb 16, 2008

I commonly get a blue screen. So how do I solve this problem 2ndly, whenever I play music on my WMP, the computer may just hang on me, giving all but zzzz buzzes and the whole screen shows lines.

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Blue Screen Of Death, Screen Going Black

Nov 19, 2009

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 3081
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1000007e
BCP1: C0000005
BCP2: 98DD3A3D
BCP3: 8837B8FC
BCP4: 8837B5F8.......

My one guess is its something to do with the display driver maybe because that has been stuffing up a bit of late, in the way of the screen going black for a couple of seconds then recovering.

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How Do Stop The Computer From Going Back To The Log On Page After It Has Been Idle

May 5, 2010

I want to know how I can prevent my computer from going back to the log on page after it has been idle for a time. I would simply rather touch the laptop pad and just be able to pick up from where I left off instead of having to sign in all over again. I use Vista Ultimate. I have tried going to Personalization and the Screensaver page and checked to see if the On resume, display logon screen has been unchecked and it has been all along apparently.

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Computer Crashing: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, STOP 0x00000050

Mar 23, 2008

For sometime now, i have been having crashing issues that mainly arrise during games and the game will either: *freeze and just stay on the frozen image till i reset PC *Go to a "blue screen of death (BSOD)" saying:

PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA STOP 0x00000050 with the file/driver: "ntfs.sys" identified

aswell as this BSOD: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION STOP 0x0000003B with the file/driver: "dxgkrnl.sys" identified

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Speed Up Computer Or To Stop The System Idle Process

Mar 23, 2008

I use my laptop to play an MMoRPG Game and I noticed it runs extremely slower than a few months back. I also noticed the System Idle Process is running and using 90% of the cpu. Is there anything I can do to speed up my computer or to stop the System Idle Process from using up all the CPU?

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X64 Random Blue Screen At Log In Screen, But Before Log In

Feb 5, 2010

I've had pretty good luck with vista so far but every so often it will blue screen on me and I cant figure out why. The scenario is

1. System startup from power off condition
2. System boots to login screen
3. Blue screen referencing processor timing or something

I have not overclocked or anything everything is vanilla. I would also note that I run hardware diagnostics utilities and it seems fine. Also, I never get the message about abnormal system termination like ususal. How can I get a clue as to what is going on here. So far it seems like the error is bogus, I can log in and the machine will run for days with no problem.

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Screen Saver Won't Stop

Jun 12, 2009

I use my pictures as a screen saver, but it won't ever turn off, I don't want it to sleep because it takes to long to boot up again, any other suggestions? I have Vista. I didn't have this problem with windows xp. I want into preferences and just told it when to stop the screen saver.

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Stop Refreshing Screen For UAC Permission?

Mar 26, 2008

This was a setup and forgot how to fix thing. Is this a checkbox or a registry tweak? Every time the Allow/Deny screen comes up the screen blanks and = refreshes......

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How To Make Stop Refreshing Screen For UAC Permission?

Mar 23, 2008

This was a setup and forgot how to fix thing. Is this a checkbox or a registry tweak? Every time the Allow/Deny screen comes up the screen blanks and = refreshes.

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Windows Explorer Screen Stop Working

Mar 1, 2007

another problem with this OS, it seems once an hour my Windows Explorer will completely kick the bucket. What happens is all the windows and tabs at the bottom of the screen stop working and kind of migrate to the bottom left all mashing together making everything practically useless. So I end up have to end explorer.exe and resterting it.

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Having Blue Screen

Jan 25, 2010

percent user of Vista Ultimate x64 and I have a problem! It gives me this blue screen with this information..................

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