Add All The Forums To Newsgroups With Standard Prefix?

Feb 1, 2008

It would be easier for users of Vista to refer to discussions on specific topics if all the Forums are listed as Microdsoft Newsgroups. Taking into account the fact that there are already some Newsgroups for Vista, it becomes a duplicate effort to collate all the comments on a given Vista topic from the Forums and the newsgroups. The Forums also make life miserable by giving the time of posting a message as "so many hours or days or weeks in history". The Newsgroup method of giving the exact date and time when the message was posted makes it easy to search for a message. I also find that the Search function works far more efficiently in Newsgroups as compared with the Forums. The forum search draws a blank most of the times, whereas Newsgroup Search is successful most of the times. So why not add all the forums to the Newsgroups with the standard prefix of Besides, Outlook Express is far better organized for viewing discussions as conversations than the Forum organization.

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Fax Loses 9 As A Prefix

Apr 29, 2008

I am having a problem with windows ultimate and the windows fax utility. The windows fax software is is not using my location IE dial 9 for outside line, I can get it to work manually but it will not default to the dial 9 option.

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Applying A Standard Font AND A Standard Stationary

Oct 21, 2009

Both apart is quite straightforwad. Go to Options and select which you desire. But I am NOT able to achieve both. Tried two approaches: First I made a BMP-file with my signature and logo and used the stationary wizard to put that on left bottom of my messages. In the wizard I can also change the font and size. Easily done. But ... when I compose a mail the bitmap doesn't go down with the text which makes this approach quite useless.

Secondly I made a HTM-document with Word and again placed my signature and logo on the bottom. In Mail itself I tell to use font Calibri 12. The HTML-text scrolls nicely down when I compose a mail but it KEEPS typing in dull times New Roman 12. The 2nd approach is closest to what I desire apart from the font. Maybe there is a 3rd approach which I haven't found. Maybe there is a simple solution.

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Resized Forums Cant Fix

Jan 17, 2009

in my blundering efforts, to resize EVERYTHING in these forums. Everything else is fine, but all the images are big and blurring (see pic) and I cant fix it. I'm used to really high res and seeing small crisp images, but I feel like im in 800x600 in here!

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Xp Forums: Where Can Find?

Apr 24, 2009

i'm having a hard time finding the counterpart of this forum (xp forums). can anyone kindly pass the link of xp forums?

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Mapping Of This Group To MS Forums

Sep 14, 2009

I assume this Newsgroup mirrors one of the MS support forums? If so,
can anyone point me to the relevant one? There doesn't seem to be a
1-1 correspondence between the newsgroup hirarchy and hte forums I can
see at

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Upgrade On The Forums Find Errors

May 23, 2008

I will be doing a few upgrade on the forums today....expect things to get funky. If you find any errors, please report them here so I can get them fixed.

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The Forums: Dropping By To Check Out The Site

Aug 5, 2008

Just dropping by to check out the site. Looks awesome so far with some intense skills. I'm Beau and I live in Louisville, KY. Pretty new to having a computer that is decently fast. Looking forward to learning a lot more.

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ACTIVE Forums For Speech, Or Has It Died?

Aug 3, 2009

My interest in Vista Speech is limited to finding out why I am having trouble getting _consistent_ speed/accuracy out of it. By accuracy I mean at least 98%, preferably 99%. By speed I mean at least 80 wpm. (plain everyday words, not technical words)

I normally speak at 160 wpm, so if I speak for two minutes, 320 words get changed to text. Of the 320 words, I expect 3 words to need correction, which takes another two minutes for me to do. 320 / 4 = 80 wpm on average...........

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Need Location Of The Defender Forums/groups

Apr 26, 2008

Could one of the MVPs send the server and groupnames for the defender application.
I would really like to install my own anti-spyware application to replace defender, but security center does not have the option available to switch monitoring to the
other application, Ad-aware pro, at this time.

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Firefox Not Remembering Logged Into Forums

Nov 10, 2008

Firefox crashed yesterday and now everytime I start it Im not logged into various forums so I have to keep logging in again. Ive tried clearing the cache files and OS temp folders.

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Prediction On Usenet: Groups Will Be Migrated To MS Forums

Oct 24, 2009

All Microsoft Usenet groups will be migrated to MS forums. I suspect it's due to no moderation on Usenet and because Google is the search engine of choice for Windows problems, even searching through Google's groups. Hence, Bing hopes to replace Google as the search engine of choice for Microsoft's web forums.

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Can Not Log On To Newsgroups

Jun 30, 2008

I can not log on to my newsgroups. The user name ,password box pops up. I put the correct names in put it keeps popping up blank.

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Are There No Windows 7 Newsgroups?

Jan 6, 2010

I've been looking around in the microsoft newsgroups...

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Win7 Newsgroups

Feb 13, 2010

Where are the Win7 newsgroups hiding?

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Get Other Non-microsoft Newsgroups

Apr 6, 2009

If I use microsoft windows mail, how do I get other non-microsoft newsgroups? I go to some binary groups and I always used Outlook Express to combine and decode multipart messages.

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Checking Newsgroups

Oct 1, 2009

(Running Vista Ultimate 64-bit, SP-2, IE-7, WM-6, classic mode, dial-up.)

BACKGROUND: Lately I've noticed that when I check my email Windows Mail seems to be stopped/stuck while checking a newsgroup for new messages. I've discovered that it may be in that mode (checking a particular newsgroup) for over an hour. I solve the problem at the time by clicking stop, and then it checks for messages and I find a number ofmessages sent over the previous hour or more.

I know of the setting to determine how often to check my server for email. Is there another setting somewhere that determines how often the newsgroups are checked? I'd be
happy to have the newsgroups checked only when I open a newsgroup, but I don't know how to do that.

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Verizon Newsgroups

Jun 11, 2008

I had been getting a variety of different newsgroups via for years. Recently on about 5/11/08, I suddenly could not connect to this source any more. In the meantime, various newsgroups from continued to work as always. I have been in chat sessions more than three times with Verizon on this matter and each time, all my settings seem to be fine and they cannot solve the problem. I have noted if I try to bring any other new newsgroup, they all fail in the process of trying to bring in their list of groups.

The error message is the same as when I try to connect to I have attached a file showing the error message. lastly, I don;t believe it is the particular computer, a Vista Home HP Laptop that I am using as other machines on my wired network no longer can connect to the Verizon newsgroups. It is not my router as I directly connected one machine to the DSL modem and it still could not connect.

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Set Up Mail To Use With Newsgroups

Mar 23, 2008

I want to continue using Eudora as my default mail (the one I use for personal mail), and I would like to use Yahoo to forward messages from newsgroups. When I start to do that, Windows Mail starts the process to set up a mail account. The Internet e-mail address that is shown automatically is correct (my Yahoo mail). It asks for the mail server and SMTP server for outgoing mail, which I assume would be the information provided by suddenlink that I also use for Eudora. Then it asks for my e-mail username. The name that appears automatically is actually the name that appears before the @ sign in my Yahoo address. The next box requests the password my Internet service provider has given me. That sounds like the password for Sudden link, but I want to use Yahoo for this purpose.

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How To Receive Newsgroups?

Jun 7, 2008

I have recently started using Windows Mail with a address as my everyday one. No problems, everything is fine except that I don't know how to receive Newsgroups - like this one. what I should put into the Tools/accounts/ Newsgroup accounts where it asks for a server?

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Can't Access Newsgroups

Apr 13, 2008

I can't access any newsgroups. All I can find are Microsoft Community newsgroups, but no others. How can I find a list of other newsgroups from Windows Mail?

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How Do Access Newsgroups With OE6

Jul 2, 2008

This vista stuff seems to really suck.

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Upgraded Standard VGA Adaptor

Aug 16, 2009

I recently upgraded my graphics card from a Radeon 9600 to 3650 and that is where I struck problems. The standard VGA adaptor isn't working or became corrupt and when I installed the Radeon driver, the system froze after a short while. I have tried deleting adaptor, but that also removes "Display Adaptors" from the Device Manager, so even if I install the 3650 driver, it won't appear as installed. I have tried doing a clean install of Vista but the same thing occurs. On the other hand I have no problem with Windows 7 RC1 where everything works perfectly. What purpose does the VGA serve anyway since I still have a display without it working?

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Standard VGA Graphic Adapter

Jan 30, 2009

I have a Dell Studio 1537 and i have completley reinstalled windows vista and after the screen was a bit stretched. I turned the resolution to the highest and made sure the colours option was at 32bit. This helped and shrunk the screen a bit but now it is still a little bit stretched and the image is not as sharp as it used to be. How can i get it back to its origional format?

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Standard Theme Missing

Feb 7, 2009

I installed Vista SP1 Ultimate. By default the aero theme is activated. I would like to switch to the Vista standard theme, but it seems this theme is not present. In control panel / Appearance and Personalization / Personalization / Theme, there are only two themes listed: Windows vista (aero) and Windows Classic. Is there a way to install the Vista standard theme? It should be present in Vista Ultimate.

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How Key Combinations From A Standard Keyboard?

May 12, 2008

That wireless keyboard had a neat extra row of keys to bring up the IE 7 browser, Outlook Mail and do a number of things. How can this be done with key combinations from a standard keyboard? Hey, it has to just be a bunch of key combinations that hopefully a standard keyboard can produce.

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Not Confirm To DNLA Standard

Mar 23, 2008

Windows Media Player does not conform to DNLA standard. Certain devices wll not play files of a certain type. e.g. Zensonic Z500. Reference document "DLNA Home networked device interoperability guidelines......

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Microsoft Office XP Standard Different

Nov 13, 2009

I am running Microsoft Windows Vista on an HP Laptop with Microsoft Office Word 2007. I am finding this program to be significantly different from Word from the Microsoft Office XP Suite and would like to use the word processor from the XP suite.

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Standard VGA Card No Compatible

Jun 28, 2009

I am having problems with my graphics card. I bought a Nvidia 9500GT. As soon as I turned on my computer it installed by itself. I uninstalled it and then when I rebooted the pc it began to reinstall by itself and won't let me stop it. I downloaded the Nvidia download and says "no compatible hardware"...

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Upgrade To Windows 7 Newsgroups

Oct 10, 2009

Where are the Windows 7 newsgroups? I have a Toshiba Satellite x205-sli4 32-bit with Vista Ultimate. I would like to upgrade to Windows 7 as soon as it is prudent to do so. I have read in the media that this upgrade will be free of charge. Is this true?

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End Of UseNet, Windows 7 Newsgroups ?

Dec 28, 2009

Does the MS decision to leave out Windows 7 newsgroups as well as a newsreader in the OS a harbinger of the future? That the UseNet is being phased out - or is dying - after almost a third of a century? Does MS know (and control) something we don't? So is this also a social change dictated by technology's progress? - That people will now forgo these discussions and instead concentrate on 'faster' means of conversation. I don't really know where to stand on this but I feel we are witnessing another - rather uncelebrated - change in online sociology. Should I look forward to future newsgroups carried on Twitter someday? Just some year-end musings (meaningless perhaps). Wishing everybody a Happy New Year.

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