Windows Update Notification?

Sep 8, 2008

I have WU to notify me when updates are available for download, so I can decide what and if to download and install them. I noticed that I havent gotten a notification in awhile, usually WU has updates available every week. when I check for updates through WU, it says its up to date.. ( with the exception of an optional update for SilverLight..) last install was 8/15. but there are defender updates after that date installed, ( defender update has its own settings I'm guessing at this point?? ) Attached is a snip of the update window...kinda paranoid that I'm either not getting updates, or they are still being installed without notification?

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Windows Update Notification Icon Does Not Show

Aug 16, 2009

Originally Posted by gilloz I have selected to have Windows Update notify me before downloading any Windows Updates. I never see the Icon in the System Tray at all. The only time I see the Windows Update Icon is when I manually go to Windows Update and there is an update waiting to be downloaded. Any other time, the Icon does not show up. How or what can I do to have this Icon inform me that an Update is ready to be downloaded? I have exactly the same problem, windows update notification icon never appears in the taskbar system tray, to alert me for new update available (important or not). I'm set to search new update and let me choose. The only time the icon appears is when it downloading new update because I do a manual check. And an other problem with windows update, it never say me that SP2 is downloadable (never appears). I must go on microsoft download center and download it manually. Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit SP1

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Getting Notification Of An "essential" Update?

Apr 29, 2009

I'm getting notification of an "essential" update: Internet Explorer 8. Does this mean that from now on using Internet Explorer 7 is insecure?

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When Try To Install That Update For Windows Update Get Error Code 80070643.

Apr 11, 2008

That is the message I get from the icon in my Vista tray. When I try to manually check for Windows Updates I get the message that I need to "first install an update for Windows Update". When I try to install that update for Windows Update, I get error code 80070643. There is a lot written about Windows Update error 80070643 having specifically to do with restarting the Office Source Engine for Microsoft Office 2003. HOWEVER, I do not have Microsoft Office 2003 installed on my system and this is not my issue! I am quite fearful at this point that I am vulnerable to all sorts of attacks considering that I haven't updated Vista for about 6 months now. This is not good.

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Windows Update :: The Page Failed To Load, Update

Oct 13, 2008

when going to the windows update window,i get a white blank page and it says "the page failed to load"i did restart, same issue.

what is it all about?

and another thing, i don't have a Floppy drive in my computer however a Floppy A: drive is present in "Computer" how can i remove it from the list?

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Configure Windows Update To Update All Microsoft Apps On Your PC

May 6, 2007

Microsoft Update was first released a few years ago for Windows XP and Server 2003 as a great way to update all of your Microsoft software installed on your PC. Not only would it update Windows, but it would also update Microsoft Office.  Are you a Microsoft Outlook user? If so, Microsoft Update would even download updated junk mail signatures when they are released.

In Windows Vista the new Windows Update application is no longer web-based. Microsoft has built-in the old Microsoft Update functionality into the new interface but you need to turn it on before you can use it.  Follow these steps to turn on updates for other Microsoft applications: ...

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Windows Crashes After I Install Update From Windows Update

Feb 25, 2010

I am updating my computer and I thought it was finish but my computer restarts and I encountered the death blue screen. I can't switch into safe mode, safe mode with networking, safe mode with Command Prompt and Last Known good configuration. I don't know how to solve this problem because I can't get into any of the modes and even I inserted the installation disc I can't still see any repair computer or what. It will just turn to blank screen with space at the upper left after if i will insert the installation disc.

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Does 5th Windows Update Automatically Uninstall SP2 RC Update?

Apr 26, 2009

I understand that Vista SP2 RC update has to be uninstalled before installing SP2 RTM update(when bcomes available). Does 5the Windows Update automatically uninstall SP2 RC update or does it has to be done manually?

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Get The Toshiba ConfigFree Icon To Show On The Notification Bar On A Toshiba Satellite With Windows Vista Installed

Jun 7, 2009

how to get the Toshiba ConfigFree Icon to show on the Notification Bar on a Toshiba Satellite with Windows Vista installed?

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Windows Update Fail To Update

Mar 21, 2009

The last time an update was installed was in January..since the next time i was offered an update, Windows Update or any of the programs that use windows update fail to update. Also i can't download the updates manually..standalone msu installers also dont work.. windows defender, IE8 installations also fail to update. And unfortunately i have deleted the recent system restore checkpoints before i knew about this problem. Windows Update gives error 80070002, i have tried the "solution" to delete temp update files, and all other solutions i could find on the internet. Windows defender gives the same error.

The updates can be downloaded from windows update, but cannot be download (not even manually in .msu package) I also lost many shortcut files of MS Office (the icon turned white and they lost their target). Some shortcuts of 3rd party programs are also lost (which were supposed to be in c:windowsinstallerlabla I have Windows Vista Home Basic with SP1 (SP1 came with the ssytem when i bought it). This is very weird. I have no other choice than to reformat drive and use recovery disk.

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Sp1: Available Update In Windows Update

Mar 23, 2008

Should this be coming up as an available update in Windows Update now?

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UAC Notification.

May 29, 2008

so I finally said the heck with it.. and I disabled the UAC.. becuase it's very very irritating for it to stop EVERYTHING I do on my system.. But, every single time I restart my Machine I get the little popup, and the notification that it's been changed and the little RED X warning in system tray. I don't like seein a bad mark when nothing is wrong.. so I went into the setting and found a place where I could click do not notify, but show Icon.. so now the popup is gone, but it's still there.. is there ANY way I can completely get rid of it so It doesn't bother me every singe time I restart my system... just a thought.. let me kno please.

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Notification From DEP?

Mar 30, 2008

Is data execution protection supposed to notify me when it stops a program from running? The only "notice" I get is that nothing happens when I click a program's shortcut. Now that I've learned the signs (or lack thereof) of DEP in action I know when to tell it to allow a certain program.

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How Stop IE 8 Notification

Jun 28, 2009

I downloaded and am using IE 8. A few times a week, however, I get that half screen pop up from microsoft telling me that I should update. I received my IE8 through automatic update. Any way to stop this harassment?

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Set-up E-mail Notification?

Dec 19, 2009

How do I set-up E-mail notification so that any new E-mails that are sent to me while I'm viewing previously sent E-mails, appear on my inbox list? I have to exit my E-mails and then re-enter to become aware that there are new E-mails for me.

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Vista Notification

Jun 3, 2009

Is there a built-in program in Vista Ultimate that create pop-up notifications? For example: if i want to remind my self to feed the fish 3 days from now, i will be able to create a notification in that program and it will pop-up in my vista in the exact day and hour that i programed it?

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The Arrow In Notification Is Missing.

Apr 8, 2009

The arrow < in notification area is missing.

I go Taskbar and Start Menu Properties --> Notification Area and then i tick Hide Inactive Icons but the arrow is still missing.

Any idea please how can i fix this problem.

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Notification Bar Icons Disappeared?

Mar 7, 2009

My volume icon and network icon have disappeared from notification bar.

I go to the taskbar properties to check on thing and the sport to click these icons are grayed out.

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Office Genuine Notification

Sep 5, 2009

Recently windows installed office geniune advantage notification software. I am runniing Vista Home Premium SP2 with Office XP. When I load an office program a window pops up that says my copy is not geniune. How can I get rid of this? I can't find it to uninstall it.

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Notification Area Not Collapsing

Apr 10, 2009

The notification area, down by the time, has 13 icons showing. And there isn't any "<" or ">" symbol near them at all. Is there setting that I touched on accident that disabled the notification area's ability to collapse after a certain number of icons are displayed? Or, is it normal for it to show 13 icons without collapsing....

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Can Send A Automatic Notification

May 12, 2008

How can I send a automatic notification when I'm on vacation or away for a couples days? I'm using windows mail.

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How To Edit Notification Icons

Jun 1, 2008

MMBxIHA.4876@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl> Using Vista Business. Would like to manage or at least edit my notification icons. Have many "historical" ones that should never have been there and would like to remove them. I'm about to drill down through the registry but maybe there is a better way.

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Avast In Notification Area

Jul 31, 2009

Not sure which newsgroup I should be using. Hope this is the right one. I have an avast icon in the Notification area. Each time it completed an virus data base update, it would pop up and make a verbal announcement. It is quite annoying, and sometimes disruptive. I tried to hide it by : right click task bar > Properties > Notification Area > Customize > select Hide on avast! ( both ). Won't work. Still shows up for an announcement.

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USB Notification; This Device Can Run Faster

Mar 22, 2010

Have an 80gb iPod plugged in. All of a sudden I see a little notification saying 'this device can run faster if you plug it into another port.' huh? it runs fine. Now Windows wants me to run Check Disc on the iPod. But when I do it, it says it can't, since the disc is in use. So when I click 'schedule scan at startup,' it does nothing.

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Windows Updates Get The Good Old Windows Update Interface Back

Oct 27, 2009

I can get the good old Windows Update interface back, somehow the interface as changed for something that is less usefull and easy to find what update I need to do or not.

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Windows Update, Windows Live Messenger 8.1 AND Sidebar Gadget

Oct 4, 2007

i'm using Vista Ultimate version and i'm having all sorts of problems with windows update, Windows live messenger 8.1 and my sidebar.

a) Windows Update- Windows update is failing to load any new updates available, after selecting "check for updates" i am responded with an immediate error; it states. Windows could not search for new updates. Error(s) found: Code 80040154. Get help I have googled my error code but not many responses. So thats my first concern

b)Live Messenger 8.1- Secondly, i was shocked to find my msn wasn't working (works on web based version, so cant be wrong login details) first the typing was slow then i get the error code: 800401f3 denying me login. I searched up the code and found i had to type up some things in cmd...........

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Windows Update Frozen And Windows Licensing Stops Working

Jul 5, 2008

apon using windows update, it froze around update 25, and windows modules installer stopped working. Now i have a issue with the windows licensing service, one second my windows is legit, the next it isnt, the next windows licensing stops working. I've tried to reinstall 5+ times now, on 2 different harddrives, and it does the same thing on both

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Windows Update Kills Windows Mail On Windows 7

May 12, 2010

If you have installed Windows Mail on a Windows 7 computer,yesterday's update contains a KB978542 patch which changes msoe.dll so it won't run on Windows 7. I had warned about these types of issues when Win7 was first released. Microsoft claims it was done for security=20 reasons, see To get it working again, replace the new non-working copy of msoe.dll in Windows 7 with a copy of the new patched version of msoe.dll from a Vista machine.=20

Note: I ran into permissions issues when trying to delete the = non-working msoe.dll, so rather than fighting that, I renamed the Win7 Windows Mail directory to "Windows Mail-X", then I copied and pasted the Windows Mail directory from the Vista machine. I suspect that Windows Mail will = become less and less compatible with Win7 as time goes along.=20

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Unidentified Icon In Notification Area?

Aug 20, 2009

Just recently a new icon appeared in the notification area and I can't get rid of it or even find out what it is. If you hover over the icon, there is no pop up message saying what it is. Left and right click don't do anything at all. I've looked in the customise icons section but it is just listed as "<no title>".

The icon looks like two figures in front of a small window, with the windows shield at the front. I've tried to attach a screen shot of it. It's the second one from the left.

It appears shortly after starting up the laptop and then won't go.

I've got an ACER Aspire 5735, running Vista Home Basic.

Is there a way to identify the items in the notification area?

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Get Rid Of Unwanted Links In The Notification Area

Jun 15, 2009

How does one get rid of unwanted links in the Notification area?

By right clicking an unwanted item, one can hide it, but this does not remove it.

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Persistant Icon In Notification Area

Mar 11, 2009

I have an Asus Motherboard that has an EPU-6 Engine (EPU = Energy Processing Unit, all it does is maximize energy usage on the mobo). It comes with a small app that puts itself in the Notification Area so that you can change between energy profiles easily. I like the app, but I don't want it shown there all the time. I already tried the "Hide Inactive Icons" option, and also tried to hide it manually by selecting "Hide" from the drop down menu in the "Custom..." options. The problem is that it hides the icon, but when I reboot, all those settings are undone. Is there a way to fix that?

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