Will Second Installation Fail Validation?

Jul 11, 2008

I have an OEM version of Vista Home Premium x64. I would like to install another copy on a different hard drive on the same system. Will the second installation fail validation? Will the first installation become disabled? What kind of side effects can I expect?

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Vista64 Ultimate SP1: Validation Required

Apr 2, 2008

I'm running Vista64 ultimate SP1 and had to reactive a month or two ago because of hardware changes. Tonight I flashed my bios (only thing I did) and I was notified I had to activate Vista again! It took about 20min last time... what a pain in the arse.

I decided to attempt an online reactivation and low and behold Vista reactivated? How could this be? I installed once with the key. The second time I had to call Microsoft (in India I think) and the third validation was OK online? I don't know if this has happed to others but I thought I'd share my weird experience with the latest and greatest Micro$oft product.

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How Do Check Vista Validation Numbers

Dec 16, 2009

I have recently installed Vista on my comps(2). I installed the first comp sans the Validation number and ran it for two days to confirm all was OK. I then validated it and decided to install to the second comp. I validated this setup (different number )and later found that I was getting probs. (eventually tracked it down to the battery in the wireless mouse being low on power). I reinstalled Vista perfectly then validated, ollowed by all the updates. ( I now have Windows.old using up disk space and am somewhat doubtful about removing it ).

I have Googled the following: How do I check my Vista validation? All I get is how to cheat the WGA with some crack! So, can some kind person tell me how to check on the comp where I look for the Validation number.

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Not Pass Validation Test, How Install SP1?

Mar 25, 2008

I downloaded Vista SP1 and then tried to download Defender but my computer wouldn't pass the validation test. It had until then! I uninstalled SP1 and then tried but it still wouldn't allow me to download. My copy of Vista premium is legal and was on my computer when purchased it in August 2007.

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Genuine Office Validation And Hotmail Outlook Plugin.

Jun 26, 2008

Users running Windows Vista: Click the ?Start? button. Type: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application DataOffice Genuine Advantage data Delete the file: data.dat Go to and click the Validate Office button. But not only do I get an access denied even when running explorer as admiistrator, but the full path resolves to nothing. I installed the TECHNET version of Vista Ultimate, and then I had to copy all my old dir's over from windows.old. Then I installed Office again, but now I get the errors.

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Fail 2 Appear

May 17, 2010

Meanwhile, trans ocean, halaburtion, and the u.s.a. m.m.s. fail 2 appear at the hearing! just fyi!

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Fail To Launch IE6

Jun 30, 2009

After uninstall CA and install McAfee My laptop cannot launch internet explorer 8, just not response. Also I try change home page from control panel-> internet option, but fail, it automatic reset homr page to microsoft sites. I can only launch the IE8 in safe mode.

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Updates Fail

Mar 4, 2010

Removed a number of viruses, Trojans and other malware from the machine. It now fails on any attempt to do updates. It does the download, makes a restore point, says it's starting the installation, then fails.

Failure codes include (but are not limited to) 80070490, 80246007, 80070016
and C000013A.

The first one is the one that occurs most often. In addition, updates which the update history shows as having been installed successfully are now being shown as needing to be installed again. I've tried several of the KB article fixes, but haven't had any success. It looks like I've reached the repair install option, but the owner of the machine hasn't located their installation DVD yet.

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USB Connections Fail

Jan 15, 2009

Quote: Vista has major problems with USB. Google and you will see thousands of people suffering similar problems. Microsoft just do not seem able to fix the USB problems in Vista My problem is that just occasionally my USB connections fail (disconnect) for no apparent reason.............

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Jun 27, 2008

I checked all the solutions for XP, and I tried (I suppose ) all of them, but I still cannot get chkdsk /f to work when I boot Vista Ultimate.

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Print Documents Fail

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Desktop with Windows Vista Ultimate and a Laptop With Windows Vista Home Premium. The Desktop has the printer connect via USB and the laptop is connect to network wireless. The laptop can access network shared files and also sees and installs printer. I then print a test page and it works great. However when I try to print any documents they fail to print. I tried intalling the printer on the laptop as a local printer then adding a local port and mapping it to the desktop \desktopprinter but get an access denied error.

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Fail To Access Microsoft

Mar 23, 2008

Four days ago, I purchased a brand new Acer laptop with Vista Home Premium pre-installed. I registerd the MAC address on my wireless LAN (using a Draytek Vigor 2600We router. I can reach quite a lot of websites either through IE or Opera, but cannot reach Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Symantec and others. My laptop has 3Gb of RAM and an Intel core duo processor so it is more than adequate.

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SP1: Dead After Power Fail?

Mar 26, 2008

I had a power failure today, and was completely pleased with Vista SP1, about to write a favorable review over the previous Ubuntu install that was on this machine until the power went out. Now it's a brick. Restore doesn't work, and I'll have to reinstall everything...why build restore points and backups if they don't work? All I got was chkdsk autorunning and a blank screen... total BS.

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Fail To Dwonloading New Drivers

Jun 14, 2009

I want to run the Sims 3 but unfortunately my computer is not up to scratch. I believe i need a new video card ITS NOT THE DRIVERS i have tried dwonloading new drivers but they say they are up to date.I was wondering, are all graphics cards inbuilt these days or does it vary?Do i need to have a new one installed at a repairs shop?

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Offline Files Fail To Synchronize

Mar 23, 2008

I have my documents redirected to the server and therefore Vista has an offline copy of these files.

I notice that some files are failing to synchronize automatically, but will synchronize if I manually perform it.

For example:

An 767KB xls file changed in Vista requires a manual synchronization.A 1KB txt file will synchronize immediately.

Both files are in the same folder.

I also notice that Sync Center rarely updates the Offline Files status. The Last sync date could be days ago. It will update if I manually synchronize, but it won't update automatically.

If the user logs off or on, the xls file still won't synchronize. I notice this on both Vista RTM and SP1 beta machines.

XP machines will update the server share immediately.

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Crysis Fail To Menu, Crashes

Oct 22, 2009

This problem began to be noticed on vista, but the vista laptop was too slow to really get into crysis. Crashes such as this one occur on both. In additon, Crysis may also fail to menu, and be resumed with the resume game selection. This is a new win 7 system with a quad core AMD Phenom II at 3.2ghz, not overclocked, and a Diamond MM HD4890 video card also not overclocked. 4G OCX 1066 memory (dual channel) on an Asus M4A79 Deluxe MBD. Video driver is ATI's last release. I seem to remember that there might have been a reversion to an older copy of MSVCR80.dll in order to patch some ATI video drivers. The list at the bottom identifies the dash numbers I found on the system. The system was fully patched as of yesterday morning. Crysis has the Crysis update patches as well.

Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: Crysis.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 47d6d167
Fault Module Name: MSVCR80.dll...............

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FAIL TO SEND FAX With Windows Fax And Scan

Jun 5, 2008

PURPOSE: to send fax from my laptop
OS:vista sp1
SOFTWARE:win fax and scan
HARDWARE:think pad moden

and i am sure i have connected with a CAPABLE phone wire. the outcome: the document is pending by administrator.

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Repair, System To Fail To Reboot

Feb 6, 2009

Vista Home Prem x64 Raid 1 config, I had a failure of some sort that caused the system to fail to reboot. I booted the system from the Vista CD and performed a repair. Now, I am prompted to choose the Operating System in the in the Boot Manager. I now have 2 files, Windows Vista Home and Windows Vista (tm) Home Premium (recovered). If I choose the NON-recovered file the machine will not boot. If I choose the (recovered) file the machine boots and operates fine. I went to System maintenance and changed the default boot system to the (recovered) file. Now, when I reboot it still goes to the Boot Manager screen and waits a while before it finally boots to the (recovered) file. I would like to repair this machine to the way it used to work and not have the machine go thru the boot manager screen. I would also like to know how the (recovered) operating system got installed in the first place. How can I remove the defective one safely and return system to normal state?

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Wireless Internet Connection Fail

Mar 30, 2009

I'm really frustrated with this. I have no idea whats going on. I'll be browsing and my internet will start to slowly die and then cease. and then it becomes like a car without gas. You can let that engine just turn and turn and turn but it's never going to fire. Internet Browses fine > Internet starts to run slow > Internet Stops completely > Icon on task bar still has internet globe on it > repair and diagnose resets network adapter > globe goes away and shows that the network has local access only > stays like that for hours
1. Cant access router
2. Cant access internet browser sites
3. Cant connect through 3rd party applications....

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Fail To Setup Email Accounts

Feb 3, 2010

I tried to set my email up on Windows mail using, gmail accounts, gmx and everything you could think. I worked on it for days but nothing ever worked. I'm pretty sure I put in the right POP and all. What else can I do? Does Gmail and gmx and all not work on a mail server on the actual desktop

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Fail To Open Windows Explorer

Jan 19, 2010

I tried to change Windows Explorer opening folder from default (when you right click Start Menu it opens :UsersxxxxAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart Menu). I did something wrong and now when I try to open Windows Explorer with right click over Start menu nothing happens.

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Wireless Network Card(s) - Epic Fail

May 20, 2009

since building a new rig last christmas ive had endless problems with wireless networking.


asus p5q-se
intel e8400
4gb corsair dominator ram
palit hd4870 1gb
seagate sata II 500gb
corsair tx series 650w
vista ultimate 64 bit

wireless cards: d-link g510 rev C and Asus wl-138g v2

With the g510 i can get a connection to the internet but im getting only 1mbps despite 22mb internet, browsing and downloads are painfully slow.

With the wl-138g i can only get a local connection or connection with limited access.

Ive tried everything i can think of:

Wipe, reinstall and try new drivers,
tried all pc slots
removed second stick of ram
updated bios, cleared cmos
reinstalled vista

I've even installed xp on a spare hard drive and i get the exact same problems.

After all this, i thought i must have a faulty mobo so i returned it to the reseller, they told me they have "confirmed the fault" and sent me a new one.

Yesterday i put my pc back together without any cards, installed the asus drivers and put the card in, connected fine and got good speeds on the internet. I rejoiced and celebrated, thinking it was all over.

Then, this morning i booted up and i got no connection at all, after loads of tinkering im back to square one and both cards are operating like they did before the motherboard replacement.

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Do A Backup It Says Fail Because Recovery (d) Doesnt Have Enough Space

Sep 27, 2008

my computer says that my recovery(d) is full. i dont know about computers and i dont want to mess up anything. when i try to do a backup it says fail because recovery (d) doesnt have enough space. what should i do? can you also please tell mewhen i do a backup where should i have it go too. ?? I hope i dont confuse anyone as for myself im already there!!!

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Won't Send Mail, Server Connection Fail

Feb 21, 2009

A previously functioning Windows mail account now won't send mail. I've tried fixes suggested in the help screens by opening properties, changing authentication, etc. Nothing has worked. Here's the error message. Means absolutely nothing to me. The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account: 'pop.comcast.net', Server: 'smtp.comcast.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E Could it be related to Comcast's changeover?

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Fail Connecting To Local Virtual Machines

Nov 2, 2009

I have a Windows Vista in an enterprize domain. This PC is running VMware supporting also some 3 virtual XP machines. In another networking card via LAN it is connected also to another XP machine, which is not a domain memeber. Problem is that while maping a local drive in the LAN PC works fine, connectng and/or maping in the virtual machines (also not members in the Vista domain) fails

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Newegg Orders Fail On My Cell Phone!

Sep 30, 2009

Newegg Orders Fail On My Cell Phone!

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WMPNetworkSvc & WinDefend Services Fail To Start

Apr 17, 2008

I get an error when I boot saying that WinDefend won't load. I checked the logs and found that both WinDefend and WMPNetworkSvc both fail to start, errors below:

WinDefend won't start: Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified WMPNetworkSvc: Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified

Not sure if it's related, but my Security log has several Event 5038 errors: File Name: DeviceHarddiskVolume2WindowsSystem32drivercpip.sys.

Code integrity determined that the image hash of a file is not valid. The file could be corrupt due to unauthorized modification or the invalid hash could indicate a potential disk device error. I'm NOT using OneCare.

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Gateway Webcam Graph Render Fail

Mar 23, 2008

Used the Webcam 1 time and it worked. Turned it off and did not even wait one minute and turned it back on and it gives me Graph Render Fail. What does that mean and what should I do?

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Dependency Service Or Group Fail To Start

Jan 12, 2010

I have a HP Pavilion a6400f desktop running Vista Home Premium and IE7 as browser. After a blue screen crash, the system recover itself, but has since then been unable to connect to the internet or to my network. I get the red X in the lower right side corner of the screen. When I point to it says "Connection status: unknown the dependency service or group fail to start." When I click Diagnose and repair, a window comes up saying "network diagnostics cannot run because the diagnostics Policy service is not running." Then, I opened the service control Manager and try to start the DPS manually, but i get Windows could not start the service on Local Computer. Error 5: Access is denied.

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Service Pack 2: Reboot Fail Cycles

Jul 29, 2009

After many many reboot fail reboot fail cycles I`m at the stage that whenevr I reboot I get the "installing service pack 2 stage 3 of 3" It then loads windows but system info tells me I`m still on service pack 1. All I want now is for someone to tell me how to stop it trying install the update when I reboot. What files do I delete/edit, what registry entry do I change. I`m no longer interested in service pack 2. I just want my system working again.

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Italian Language Pack Install Fail

Jul 28, 2009

OS: Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit SP2, US, all installed updates. Before SP2 install, Italian Language Pack used to work fine. To install SP2 I had to uninstall Language Pack. After installed SP2 had to wait for additional language packs. Now they are officially released by Microsoft so I tryed to install them. I installed France, Dutch and Lituanian language packs with NO PROBLEM. Italian language pack refuse to install. Now Event Viewer report this error: The Language Pack for it-IT has been disabled. Reason: 0x2000. Event ID: 1002.

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