Wait 5 Days For Anytime Upgrade?

Mar 23, 2008

Isnt Microsoft up with technology these days? I ordered the Anytime Upgrade from Home Prof to Ultimate, its a download, and I have to wait 5 days? Is this usual?

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Microsoft Anytime Upgrade Rip-Off

Jun 30, 2008

I'm quite happy with Windows Vista and have it on 4 machines. I recently bought a new HP mini note and was going to upgrade from the OEM Vista Business that came on the machine to Vista Ultimate, that is until I checked out the Canadian pricing for an Anytime upgrade. Microsoft wants us to pay $179 to move from business to ultimate which seems like a ridiculous amount. In checking out alternatives I noted that I can buy OEM Ultimate here for $209 or OEM Business for $165, so one would expect to pay some where around $45 more to upgrade not 4 times that amount. Even at retail pricing the price for full Vista Ultimate with SP 1 here is $329 and Vista Business with SP 1 is $299 a difference of $30, so how does Microsoft get off on charging $179 to upgrade from Business to Ultimate. I could see a small up charge say charging $60 but $179? This pricing is a total rip off!

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Anytime Upgrade Not Working

Feb 27, 2009

For a recently purchased PC, am considering purchasing a "Windows Anytime Upgrade" from Home Premium 64 to Utltrimate 64. Search of these forums indicate that there have been problems with this upgrade. But, could not find many such posts after late Summer of 2008. Has anyone done such an upgrade withing the past 2-3 months, and if so, were any problems encountered? SP1 came pre-installed, and some of the early 2008 "problems encountered" posts mentioned that SP1 was not on the Upgrade CD. Can anyone confirm that SP1 is now on the Upgrade CD?

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Anytime Upgrade Work?

Jun 2, 2008

How does it work? I click on "Anytime Upgrade" & I go to a website where I pay for the upgrade license key, correct? Let's say, for instance, that I want to upgrade from Home Premium to Ultimate. It is an upgrade not the full version, correct? If I format the hard drive & reinstall Windows, can I go straight to Ultimate or must I reinstall Home Premium first & then install the upgrade to Ultimate?

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Anytime Upgrade Business -> Ultimate, Not Available...

Apr 1, 2009

Basically, I bought a Dell XPS M1730, this came with Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit. I then thought I'd have a look at Windows 7, so I installed Windows 7.... Yesterday I got fed up with it, fancied a clean wipe of the system and grabbed a Vista disc which I had (not one that came with the original machine, burnt from an iso obtained from my university). After doing a destructive install of Windows Vista, I found that I had installed Business. Now I did not see any options to upgrade to Ultimate (anytime just shows me "learn about the different versions of vista"), and I did not see any options when installing... Obviously I have no key for Business, so when the trial expires Im buggered, how can I get my hands on an Ultimate upgrade?

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Anytime Upgrade Home Premium 64 To Ultimate 64?

Apr 15, 2009

Is there an upgrade from Home Premium 64 to Ultimate 64? If so, would it be
available through an MSDN download?

I'm trying to get my new HP dv7 laptop set up to join my home office domain
so I can transfer files, etc. Home Premium won't allow domain membership! My
son-in-law (network engineer) told me I need Ultimate for that. I don't
really want to do a new install from scratch and have to do clean reinstalls
on all my existing software.

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How Is 64 These Days For Gaming, Upgrade In The Future When The Kinks Were Worked Out?

Apr 13, 2008

I have a copy of Home Premium 64 bit that I have yet to use. I purchased it assuming that I would want to upgrade in the future when the kinks were worked out. With the release of SP1 I am finally considering getting rid of XP altogether and going with Vista straight out. The only problem is, I mostly use my computer for gaming. I know, back when, Vista 64 was a poor option for gamers. Has anything changed with all of the updates? Are there gamers that happily run on Vista 64? How is the performance comparatively to XP 32-Bit? The main reasons I want to upgrade are obvious.. so I can utilize all of my memory, and so I can play games in DX10 mode.

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Can Use "anytime Upgrade" Disk To Install Vista?

Mar 23, 2008

If i have a computer without an OS, can i use an "anytime upgrade" disk to install vista?

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Anytime Upgrade To Ultimate Can I Choose Between The 32 And 64 Bit Vista Ultimate

Mar 25, 2008

I Have Windows Vista OEM 32 bit that came on my computer. I noticed that the full retail version of ultimate includes the 32 and 64 bit install. With the anytime upgrade to ultimate can I choose between the 32 and 64 bit vista ultimate? I do realize that I would have to do a clean install of the 64 bit OS. I would like to try the 64 bit version but would also like to be able revert back to the 32 bit if the 64 bit doesn't work out. If I can't then the 32 bit version it is as I need to join a domain.........

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"anytime Disk" Needed For This Upgrade?

Mar 23, 2008

I just purchased a HP laptop with Vista Home Premium (OEM) and want to = do a "Any Time Upgrade" which is offered on one of my menu. Question:

1.. Is a "anytime disk" needed for this upgrade? Or
2.. Can I use a Vista Ultimate (Upgrade) dvd for this upgrade the same = disk I used for my desktop installation?

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DX11 If You Cant Wait For MS

Oct 26, 2009

OK we all know DX11 is coming out for Vista , probably not until SP3 though (so the rumour mill goes) BUT if you cant wait

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Very Long Wait

Apr 10, 2009

I have just purchase a Toshiba laptop with AMD dual core , 2 gig of ram and 250 gig hard drive. I had to complete the vista-setup myself. I started the computer and it's standing right next to me but is only displaying one strange icon for already 15 minutes now. Is it normal that it takes that long?

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Resigned To Wait For SP1 On VAIO

Mar 24, 2008

I have the (presumably) dreaded "problematic driver" issue on my VAIO VGN-430N/B Laptop. It uses the "stwrt.sys" driver noted as problematic on MS's website for SP1: (SP1 not offered by Windows Update). An updated driver is not available on Sony's website or on the MS Update website.

I suppose the best thing to do is to wait for Sony to figure this out and put the update on their website or send it to MS for inclusion in the MS Update process. Apparently, after that is updated, SP1 will be offered. Funny, Sony support knew nothing about this issue. Told me to try defraging my drive and to try again... sheesh! that's my plan. It occurs to me that this may be a better plan than downloading the full SP1 and trying to "force fit" it into your system. I've read so many heartaches about trashed systems.

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Alias Can't Wait Until The Next Version Of Ubuntu

Oct 1, 2009

Alias is smoking double the amount of Has in celebration of another major patch for that INFERIOR Ubuntu that they throw out to the public without any testing. Alias is starting his countdown. Alias can't wait until the next version of Ubuntu comes out in anticipation of bug fixes. In reality, the next version of Ubuntu is just a patch thrown together by unemployed programmers who have nothing better to do.

When the next version of Ubuntu comes out, it will probably have a different brown screen and a few cubes will spin. This will make Alias jump up and down. When you try to do real work, you will realize that Ubuntu still can't run any of the popular software programs and Ubuntu is still worth exactly what you pay for it: N O T H I N G.

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Cannot Install , Stuck On Please Wait Screen

Oct 9, 2009

Booting from DVD "Windows is loading files... (white progress bar) (takes ~1 minute) Blue/green vista background (HDD and DVD drives are active) (takes 20 minutes for the next screen) I get to select languages, then click on "install now" Next I get a "please wait..." screen (HDD and DVD drives are active) (takes 40 minutes for the next screen) If I'm "lucky" I get this next - "A required cd/dvd drive device driver is missing" pop-up and that's as far as I was able to go The same happens with Windows 7, the screens differ a little, and I think the waiting times between these screens a even longer, but it's the same deal
Windows XP installs fast and without an errors

Updated BIOS Tried different settings in BIOS Tried different RAM Switched DVD drive to slave/master Bunch of other desperate stuff Updated the DVD drive firmware to the most recent Checked with Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor (no issues found) My specs are in my profile

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Wait To Be Offered SP1 Via Windows Update ?

Apr 20, 2008

I have a Dell Vostro 1500 laptop. According to Windows Update the computer is up to date yet I have not installed SP1. Do I wait to be offered SP1 via windows update or install the stand alone package. I had a similar problem on my desktop and installed SP1 and got a BSOD and had to reinstall my backup image. I feel a little reluctant to go through all
that again.

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Screensaver Wait Time Resets To 1 Minute

Dec 1, 2008

I have a Gateway DX4720-03 Vista-64bit PC. Recently, I noticed something strange. The Screensaver always reverts back to 1 minute after booting up. While booting up, I can quickly check the screensaver settings, and the wait time is what I set before rebooting. After the services start on the PC, the time resets to 1 minute. When I check this in Safe Mode, the wait time stays whatever I set it previously, and does not change. How would you go about determining the bad startup program or service that is resetting the wait time?

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Only Eleven More Days To Go!

Oct 18, 2009

and you can download the new Ubuntu, Karmic Koala, Ubuntu 9.10 from
[url] and it's free and comes with access to thousands
of free programs!

What you can do with Ubuntu:

Surf the web
Burn CDs.
Rip CDs.
Listen to music using the computer.
Watch vidoes/DVDs.
Scan and print.
HTML editing.
Games like Chess, Tetris, all kinds of solitaire, etc.
Make videos.
Download photos from a camera and organize them.
Translations from one language to another.
Use a dictionary program that's much faster than using a book
Learn how to touch type with a touch type learning program.
Edit images.
Send and receive a fax.
Take screenshots.
Create .PDF files.
Create and use a data base.
Instant messaging with over 10 different programs in one including
Windows Live Messenger.

What you can't do with Ubuntu:

Worry about:
WPA and WGA raising their ugly heads,
Root kits,

The reasons that Ubuntu is more secure than Windows are twofold:

1. When *anything* in Ubuntu needs updating or patching, it all comes
from the same source and a little orange star appears when any updates
or patches are available. It's a known fact that anti virus apps and
anti malware apps can only deal with nasties that are known, not the new
ones. Hence, it is very important to be updated or patched and not just
the operating system but everything that is installed on the computer.
Windows has no central updating source and the user has to be checking
constantly for updates to their programs or face the possibility of
being compromised.

2. In Ubuntu, when anything wants to install, you have to key in your
password. With Windows, you have to click on "OK" or nothing at all as
is evidenced by drive by malware. Unlike Windows, the Linux kernel is
not intertwined with a browser like Windows is with Internet Explorer
and the kernel is kept away and protected from the user account.

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Windows-license Will End In Two Days?

Apr 4, 2008

My system keeps telling me that my Windows-license will end in x days, though I have a valid Vista-copy. I have installed SP1 in september and from that date it says 'evaluation-copy' in the right-bottom corner. Does anyone know what the problem is?

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Hard Drive Crashed With In 30 Days

Nov 14, 2007

I've been buying Dell computers for probably 10 or 12 years now and have mostly been satisfied with the results. Much more so than my first Microsoft-based machine, which was a Gateway. On it, the hard drive crashed within the first 30 days. But to give credit where credit is due, they had a replacement on my doorstep within 48 hours. Since I've been such a good customer, Dell often sends me sales brochures and on every single page is always the same phrase "Dell recommends Windows Vista Home Premium".

Based on what I've read in this forum, I have to chuckle every time I read that. I must admit that I'm one of those tech groupies who always has to have the latest and greatest. My son's friends used to call me "Mr. First On The Block". That's the main reason I bought a new desktop with the Vista OS, even though I already had two perfectly good XP machines that weren't that old and with which I was perfectly satisfied. (Well, the old desktop was slowing down quite a bit, since it only had 512 megs of RAM and a 60-gig HD). I'm just glad I'm a casual computer user and don't have to depend on 'em to support myself because I'd probably be cussin' Microsoft and Vista too.

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Extend Activation Period To 120 Days

Feb 11, 2007

Would you like to extend the activation period to the maximum 120 days instead of the 30 day period that is set by default?  It is possible and legal to do this using the software licensing manager in Windows Vista and Windows 7.  Simply run slmgr -rearm to get another 30 days at an administrative level command prompt.  You can do this a maximum of three times before Microsoft blocks further extensions...

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Turn Activated Back Into 30-days Trial Should Not Run

Mar 23, 2008

I want to give a clone of my system (Ultimate) to colleagues with very similar hardware. If they get convinced, they would buy license keys of their own. As long as they test it, they should not run it with my license, but as a 30 days trial. Of course, my Vista is already activated. So, how can I turn its image back into an unactivatedtrial? (A clean install is no option for my colleagues, since I installed applications, drivers, tweaks and hacks, which only make the value of this particular installation.).

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Way To Delete Messages Automatically After Certian Days?

Jun 2, 2009

Is there any way to delete messages automatically after a certian number of days? I want to remove anything over a week old in my deleted item folder and have this done automatically.

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Extend Activation Period Past 180 Days

Mar 20, 2007

There has been a lot of news about a new technique to extend the activation period of Windows Vista past 180 days.  It all started when Brian Livingston posted a story on his site, WindowsSecrets.com, about a registry key that can be modified to allow the slmgr -rearm command to be run more than three times.  This allows you to use Windows Vista without having to activate it for longer than 180 days.
Activation has always been more of burden for licensed Windows users than an effective deterrent for piracy.  There are already many cracks for Windows Vista that bypass activation completely.   The end result is a bad experience for those that legally buy the product. 

For me, this is an issue that I am always fighting with. I am constantly building, installing and re-configuring my two computers with multiple vista virtual machines.  I don't want to deal with the burden of having to activate my legal copies of Windows Vista every time since none of my workstations seem to last for more than a few months before I reinstall.  If I actually activated my Vista Ultimate licenses every time I reinstall I would already have to use the slow phone based system where you have to type in that super long code.  Sorry Microsoft, that is a horrible experience that I'm trying to avoid.  

Using Brian's registry key and the old 180 day trick, it is possible to setup Task Scheduler to automate these changes to extend the period before you need to activate beyond 180 days. Follow these steps to automate the registry change and activation reset using Task Scheduler:

Click on the Start Button, type in Task Manager and hit Enter....

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I'm Losing Around 5-10gb Of Hard Drive Space Every 2 Days

Mar 13, 2009

I just installed Vista x64 for the first time (first time I use a 64bit Windows OS, I have used Ultimate 32bit before back in 2007) and realized updates are being installed almost EVERY day, the disc I have is already updated with Service Pack 1 so I don't understand why there are so many updates being installed all the time.

That's not the issue, the issue seems to be I'm losing around 5-10gb of hard drive space every 2 days or so, seems vista updates are HUGE, when I installed the first time (I have a 500gb drive, in reality it's 465gb) I had 451gb free fair enough, then after some updates the next day I had 440gb! where did the 11gb go? I mean 11gb in updates?Then a day later I had around 425gb! without me putting all my music, games, pictures etc etc!!, after I installed 2 games I had around 409gb which is fair considering they are big games, then I put my pictures in which is not that much, around 1gb And now, a day later without having any extra files myself I already have 398gb free!!, does Vista install something all the time that takes that much space? I know the OS after updates and such it's supposed to take approximately 15gb or so I should have (providing I had not installed my things yet) around 450gb or so.

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Open Outlook "Please Wait While Windows Configures Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007

Jul 30, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium and a brand new Dell Laptop. I've just bought Office Ultimate 2007. Everytime I open outlook or try to take any action, I get "please wait while windows configures microsoft office ultimate 2007". it takes a good while before it goes away. I have cleared the registry. I have uninstalled the previous trial office. I have uninstalled ultimate and reinstalled. Turned off the User security. looked at loads of threads

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Turn Activated Back Into 30-days Trial License Keyof

Mar 26, 2008

I want to give a clone of my system (Ultimate) to colleagues with verysimilar hardware. If they get convinced, they would buy license keysof their own. As long as they test it, they should not run it with my license, but as a 30 days trial. Of course, my Vista is alreadyactivated. So, how can I turn its image back into an unactivated trial? (A clean install is no option for my colleagues, since I installed applications, drivers, tweaks and hacks, which only make the value of this particular installation.)

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Unable To Install Norton Antivirus 2009 15 Days Trial On Window

May 14, 2009

I had been trying to install Norton AntiVirus 2009 15 days trial. When i click on the installation file, the installation will start. The status of the installation will only remain at "Intializing". Approximately 5 seconds later, the installation will stop, no prompt message appear.

Same scenario appears no matter how many times i tried to install.

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Insert "Wait" In Middle Of Phone Number?

May 2, 2008

How do I insert a Wait code in a phone number? A pause (,) will not work since the wait time can vary greatly.

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Balloon Message Saying "I Have 8 Days Left To Install Vista. Back Up All Important Data"

Jun 23, 2008

I installed Vista home premium OEM about 9 months ago and today I got a balloon message saying "I have 8 days left to install Vista. Back up all important data" The balloon messages have appeared recently, but I wasn't quick enough to read it all and I didn't believe it anyway. Just to see, I went through the process of reinstalling, but it was going to be a new install wiping all files and data from my C drive, so I cancelled the install. Would anyone know why this is happening after 9 months and is there anyway I can get around a new install? I have been using Acronis to back up, can I use it to put my settings/files/data back, or will I end up with balloon messages again?

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Date Of Windows 7 Upgrade Free Upgrade For Vista

May 11, 2009

does anybody know the date of Windows 7 free upgrade for Vista?

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