Alias Can't Wait Until The Next Version Of Ubuntu

Oct 1, 2009

Alias is smoking double the amount of Has in celebration of another major patch for that INFERIOR Ubuntu that they throw out to the public without any testing. Alias is starting his countdown. Alias can't wait until the next version of Ubuntu comes out in anticipation of bug fixes. In reality, the next version of Ubuntu is just a patch thrown together by unemployed programmers who have nothing better to do.

When the next version of Ubuntu comes out, it will probably have a different brown screen and a few cubes will spin. This will make Alias jump up and down. When you try to do real work, you will realize that Ubuntu still can't run any of the popular software programs and Ubuntu is still worth exactly what you pay for it: N O T H I N G.

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Oct 3, 2009

Alias is quite a two face. Shame on the corporations making money, while he yachts it away on monies made installing Ubuntu. ITN News: MADRID - Air pollution has long been a fact of life in Spanish cities, but scientists now say it is not just smog that chokes people as they walk to work or stroll through the park. A new study has found the air in Madrid and Barcelona is also laced with atleast five drugs - most prominently cocaine.

The Superior Council of Scientific Investigations, a government institute, said on its Web site Thursday that in addition to cocaine, they found trace amounts of amphetamines, opiates, cannabinoids and lysergic acid - a relative of LSD - in two air-quality control stations, one in each cities. With the amount of WEED Alias smokes and the drugs in the air, Alias' brain has been fried. No wonder why Ubuntu does well in Spain, they are too stoned to know any better. My mom has recently returned from France & Spain, and is not too impressed. Homeless, poor and one woman tried to snatch my mom's purse in daylight. Congratulations Alias. Yours is a truly developed country.

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Alias & Linux Ubuntu Do Not Work

Aug 14, 2009

What is the difference between Alias and Linux Ubuntu? Nothing! They both do not work!

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Ubuntu - Final Word: Ubuntu Has A Clear Right Of Existence In It's Area

Apr 29, 2008

the main audience is "Vista" users. People who already spent a lot of money for an operating system, which they do want to use now. Ubuntu has a clear right of existence in it's area, but not in this group. If you like it better, fine. But don't try to spread your "religion" here when someone asks for help about a Vista problem.

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Frank And Alias & All Their Juvenile BS?

Mar 18, 2009

Is anyone monitoring this group? If so, Y haven't U barred Frank and Alias & all their juvenile BS??

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Alias Says He Makes More Than $14,000 A Week

Apr 1, 2009

He really must be stoned because earlier today he said that he makes more than $14,000 a week. In his dreams. If I made more than $14,000 a week, this would be the last place I would park my ass every day. I would be on a tropical island with five 23 year old BABES serving me drinks all day long while I lay in the sun on the beach.

Alias has to scam little old ladies out of their hard earned money to purchase Ubuntu and everyone knows that Ubuntu is free but NOBODY wants it. Imagine, Ubuntu is free and is still on less than one percent of the desktops out there. That should tell you all you need to know about that piece of crap OS.

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Can Spot Alias In This Group?

Feb 2, 2010

Men dressed in sheepskin costumes have a rest during a carnival celebration as they march to the village of Ituren in northern Spain, Monday. The tradition is to march through the village every year in a ritual to purify the harvest land from evil spirits and to welcome the coming Spring.

Why they walk in relative safety on the serene streets of downtown Ituren is a question that has puzzled sociologists and anthropologists for decades. When asked, the men of Iturene state, "cuz that's where the booze is". For the curious, here's what the bravaduras looked like photographically.

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DX11 If You Cant Wait For MS

Oct 26, 2009

OK we all know DX11 is coming out for Vista , probably not until SP3 though (so the rumour mill goes) BUT if you cant wait

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Very Long Wait

Apr 10, 2009

I have just purchase a Toshiba laptop with AMD dual core , 2 gig of ram and 250 gig hard drive. I had to complete the vista-setup myself. I started the computer and it's standing right next to me but is only displaying one strange icon for already 15 minutes now. Is it normal that it takes that long?

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Alias The Delusional Lying Linux Troll...

Mar 25, 2009

alias is a drug addicted ex-patriot American fugitive living in a broken down 2nd floor apartment building with wifie 4 and her relatives in a 3rd world country. You're broke and trying to rip off little old ladies by selling them free software. You spend what little cash you get (steal) on hashish and pretend you have 3 companies. You are living in a made up fantasy world of self-delusion. You're are a real loser in every sense of the word. You are an open sore on society!

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Resigned To Wait For SP1 On VAIO

Mar 24, 2008

I have the (presumably) dreaded "problematic driver" issue on my VAIO VGN-430N/B Laptop. It uses the "stwrt.sys" driver noted as problematic on MS's website for SP1: (SP1 not offered by Windows Update). An updated driver is not available on Sony's website or on the MS Update website.

I suppose the best thing to do is to wait for Sony to figure this out and put the update on their website or send it to MS for inclusion in the MS Update process. Apparently, after that is updated, SP1 will be offered. Funny, Sony support knew nothing about this issue. Told me to try defraging my drive and to try again... sheesh! that's my plan. It occurs to me that this may be a better plan than downloading the full SP1 and trying to "force fit" it into your system. I've read so many heartaches about trashed systems.

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Ping Alias: HP Releases Its First Linux-powered Laptop

Apr 11, 2008

What people are REALLY saying about Vista:

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To OEM Version Or Not To OEM Version: Restriction In The License Means It Cannot Be Transferred To Another Computer

Jun 4, 2008

If I get the OEM version, I know that a restriction in the license means it cannot be transferred to another computer. I need to get clarification on the following:

1) What happens if my computer crashes and I am told I have to reformat the hard drive and re-install Windows? Am I forced to buy a new license?

2) What if I want to have a backup hard drive, or upgrade my existing hard drive to a bigger one? If it's the same computer and only the hard drive is upgraded or a second one added, does that mandate a new license?

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Wait 5 Days For Anytime Upgrade?

Mar 23, 2008

Isnt Microsoft up with technology these days? I ordered the Anytime Upgrade from Home Prof to Ultimate, its a download, and I have to wait 5 days? Is this usual?

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Cannot Install , Stuck On Please Wait Screen

Oct 9, 2009

Booting from DVD "Windows is loading files... (white progress bar) (takes ~1 minute) Blue/green vista background (HDD and DVD drives are active) (takes 20 minutes for the next screen) I get to select languages, then click on "install now" Next I get a "please wait..." screen (HDD and DVD drives are active) (takes 40 minutes for the next screen) If I'm "lucky" I get this next - "A required cd/dvd drive device driver is missing" pop-up and that's as far as I was able to go The same happens with Windows 7, the screens differ a little, and I think the waiting times between these screens a even longer, but it's the same deal
Windows XP installs fast and without an errors

Updated BIOS Tried different settings in BIOS Tried different RAM Switched DVD drive to slave/master Bunch of other desperate stuff Updated the DVD drive firmware to the most recent Checked with Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor (no issues found) My specs are in my profile

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Wait To Be Offered SP1 Via Windows Update ?

Apr 20, 2008

I have a Dell Vostro 1500 laptop. According to Windows Update the computer is up to date yet I have not installed SP1. Do I wait to be offered SP1 via windows update or install the stand alone package. I had a similar problem on my desktop and installed SP1 and got a BSOD and had to reinstall my backup image. I feel a little reluctant to go through all
that again.

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Screensaver Wait Time Resets To 1 Minute

Dec 1, 2008

I have a Gateway DX4720-03 Vista-64bit PC. Recently, I noticed something strange. The Screensaver always reverts back to 1 minute after booting up. While booting up, I can quickly check the screensaver settings, and the wait time is what I set before rebooting. After the services start on the PC, the time resets to 1 minute. When I check this in Safe Mode, the wait time stays whatever I set it previously, and does not change. How would you go about determining the bad startup program or service that is resetting the wait time?

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Want To Trade My 32bit Version For Your 64bit Version

Mar 23, 2008

If there is anyone out there willing to trade their 64bit version of Vista Home Premium for my OEM 32bit version of Vista Home Premium, e-mail me at 'I need the 64bit version because my system has 8GB RAM.

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Install Business Version With Ultimate Version Dvd?

Jul 5, 2007

I upgraded my pc and bought Windows Vista ultimate 64bit, and i would like to install Windows vista Business 64bit. How can i do it? I took ultimate because it was the only version i could find (in my area anyway) that had a 64bit version in the box. But i don't want the media center, the high definition, and all the multimedia stuff. All of these ultimate "extras" are of no use whatsover to me. So my question is basically can i install the Business version with my ultimate key ? (is it "downwards" compatible in a way ?). I don't understand why ultimate is the only one with 64bit in the box. It doesn't make sense to me. It would have been much more logical for the Business version to be the one with 64bit in the box.

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Upgrade Current XP With Old CD: Date Version Of XP To A 2+ Year Old Version Of Vista Which Would Require Many Updates To Bring Up To The Current Level

Aug 26, 2009

I purchased a new PC in early 2007 that came with XP. A month or so later I received the Vista upgrade CD which I have never installed. I intend to buy Windows 7 when it becomes available and wish to minimize my system upgrade problems as much as possible. Based on my understanding I would have to do a complete harddrive erase to install Win 7 and then reinstall all my applications. If possible and practical I'd like to upgrade XP to Vista and then Vista to Windows 7. My question am I likely to have problems going from a current up to date version of XP to a 2+ year old version of Vista which would require many updates to bring up to the current level?.

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Open Outlook "Please Wait While Windows Configures Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007

Jul 30, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium and a brand new Dell Laptop. I've just bought Office Ultimate 2007. Everytime I open outlook or try to take any action, I get "please wait while windows configures microsoft office ultimate 2007". it takes a good while before it goes away. I have cleared the registry. I have uninstalled the previous trial office. I have uninstalled ultimate and reinstalled. Turned off the User security. looked at loads of threads

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Insert "Wait" In Middle Of Phone Number?

May 2, 2008

How do I insert a Wait code in a phone number? A pause (,) will not work since the wait time can vary greatly.

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Ubuntu 8.04 LTS RTM

Apr 23, 2008

Open Source Linux Ubuntu 8.04 LTS RTM'ed On The Same Day As Windows XP SP3 RTM (April 21st, 2008), Just FYI. P.S. Open Source Linux Ubuntu 8.04 LTS RTW's On April 24th, 2008, And Windows XP SP3 RTW's On April 29th, 2008, Also Just FYI.

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Vista And Ubuntu?

Feb 23, 2009

Without trying to create controversy, but simply with the desire to use both
OS's on the same machine:

Installed: Dell motivated Vista Home Premium, SP1, 32 bit.

Capacity: Dual core Inspiron & 300GB HD, w. MS Virual PC (39MB, I believe),
290 GB C: w. Vista installed and 10 GB D: for recovery.

My question is: can I safely install ubuntu, v.7.10, in the virtual pc, with
the intention to dual boot?

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Change The Name Of Ubuntu

Mar 22, 2009

They changed the name of Ubuntu because of legal issues. Here is the real link if you want to know about the INFERIOR OS that was called Ubuntu.

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Install Ubuntu, Just FYI

Mar 23, 2008

I Went To Alot Of Posts And Said To Quite A Few People The Following: Re-Format Your Computer And Install Either Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.10 RTW, And/Or Open Source Linux Ubuntu 8.04 Long Term Support Alpha 6, Just FYI. I Want You To Know That I Was Out Of Line. Just FYI. My Doctor Called And Made An Emergency Delivery Of More Medication So I Won't Be Such A Pain. Just FYI.

Just FYI. If You Are A Geek, You Can Install Ubuntu. If You Are A Shut-In Like Alias, You Can Install Ubuntu. My Psychiatrist Said That Most People Who Use Ubuntu Are Not "Right" If You Know What I Mean. Just FYI. You Really Need To Use Vista Or Go Back To Windows XP If Vista Isn't Working. Just FYI. To Use Ubuntu Means You Are Sick.

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Ubuntu Under The Spotlight

Oct 7, 2009

Ubuntu, it is generally well known, as being behind Windows Vista or 7 in the sales department, possibly on a scale of about 50-1. Normally, sales indicate popularity on a product. We can also assume from these figures that volume of sales could also indicate a certain quality of that product.

Therefore, on that assumption, the 50-1 deficit that Ubuntu lags behind in the sales department, is possibly not even the 2nd best nor even the 3rd or 4th best OS come to think of it. I therefore pondered on this question. Why on earth should I settle for second best, let alone third or fourth best? If they can afford it, most people in life want the best. That is why I will be buying Windows 7 this month...........

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Why So Many Ubuntu Retards?

Mar 30, 2008

It seems that people who troll here have nothing better to do. They think Ubuntu is the greatest product since sliced bread. Yet they come here day after day, trying to get people to switch to that inferior product. Ubuntu is for nerds. The reason they come here is they can't use Ubuntu so they do the next best thing. Come to the vista group and try to get people to convert. Most people are smart enough to see through all that crap. People want to use their Windows Vista or Windows XP. They don't need or want some stupid piece of crap like Ubuntu.

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Use Ubuntu Live CD Using LAN

Apr 5, 2010

Question: How to use Ubuntu Live CD using LAN. I want to access my dead vista laptop using my windows xp desktop with the use of ubuntu live cd, is this even possible? Vista Startup Repair cannot repair this computer automatically. Can no longer boot up after vista update. Microsoft Windows Vista Community Vistaheads.

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Ubuntu Doesn't Run

Apr 15, 2009

Alias is getting a big hard on ( well for Alias it's big, but in the scheme of things 1 inch isn't much) about the new release of that INFERIOR Opetating System Ubuntu, Spicy Sphincter or whatever it's called. One thing for sure, Ubuntu is WORTHLESS for 99.999% of the population out there because Ubuntu doesn't run any of their software. Alias is the Ubuntu Marketing Department and Alias is a lost mental soul. He believes that he can convert users to that piece of crap when in reality

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Ubuntu And Refused To Run

Mar 30, 2009

Ubuntu knows that almost everyone hates Ubuntu and refused to run that piece of crap, so they pulled out all stops and they gave Alias the green light to step up marketing their INFERIOR product. Alias is the Marketing Department for Ubuntu. We will continue to get daily count-down posts because will all the money they are paying Alias (NOTHING), he came up with brilliant strategy. Blanket the Vista Forum with a daily count down of their release of their next INFERIOR product.

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